Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Urgent! Devs please respond: console DBD suffers from major issues regarding killer vs survivor

Member Posts: 241
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I already created a thread about it here, but I would love a response from the devs on this issue.I myself play on PS4, but have heard the same issue exists on Xbox.

The problem:

  • Survivors on console are just as good as on PC, killers are much worse due to using a controller in first person view. The amount of speed and accuracy a mouse gives makes looping and mindgaming as a killer much easier. However, all versions of the game are balanced the exact same way. If you watch red rank PC killers on youtube play, there's no way you can do that with a controller.
  • On console, partying up with voice chat is so easy the vast majority, yes, majority, of survivors play this way. I can provide statistical evidence that roughly 90% of my games are against a 3 or 4 man SWF group (higher ranked too, will get to that later).

The result:

  • This results in a shortage of killers at anything better than rank 16, which means.....
  • As a killer, as soon as you reach rank 11-12, you will be faced with nothing but red/purple rank SWF teams that stomp you. 90% of my games are like this. And no, I'm not just remembering the bad moments, this is a real thing, I've been keeping track.
  • Survivor queue times take forever, killer queue times are instant. More proof of a lack of killers.
  • Because killers are gimped both with regards to matchmaking when you reach the green ranks (always vs better players) and controls, they are not fun to play, hence the shortage. Unless you're a unicum killer, or illegally use a mouse/keyboard, you won't be able to put up a serious fight against seasoned survivors. You'll have to fight hard just to get 1K
  • Literally the only way I can have fun with this game is by deranking to rank 16 and play against green rank survivors of my skill level, having some good games, and derank again when I start meeting the red/purple SWF groups.

This cannot go on! 1 year from now the next gen consoles will be released, who is going to play old gen poorly balanced DBD then? You could release it for next gen consoles, but not like this.

The solution:

  • Separate balancing for console and PC: killers are currently not even close to on par with survivors on console. This will make them more fun to play and hopefully solve the matchmaking issue
  • When balancing, keep in mind that console survivors nearly always play with friends and voice chat, giving them a serious advantage. There are more solo survivors on PC.
  • ?? everyone please provide input. But as I said, this simply cannot go on, the console situation is dire for killers. And when there are no killers, survivors can't play either.

Response from the devs please. Don't call this a "mm issue". It's a clear shortage of killers because you have to be borderline masochistic to play a green rank or better killer on console. The only way to solve this is to make playing a killer actually viable and fun. In the meantime I'll keep deranking every few days to avoid the full red/purple rank SWF groups.

Some screenshots of what the situation is like for killers on console (I have around 20 screenshots total). Keep in mind these are not exceptions, this is what it is, 90% of the time:

3-man SWF and one solo tryhard that DC'd after a minute, and a full 4-man SWF group. Story of any green rank killer's life.

Does this look fun to you? Only reason I get decent bloodpoints is because they are literally farming me rather than actually trying to escape. Survivors VS killer? More like I'm the poor guy defending gens VS a SWAT team.

Post edited by Tr0g on

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  • Member Posts: 5

    It speaks volumes to me that your carefully written, detailed post goes without a response. 😶

  • Member Posts: 73

    This is actually how matchmaking is designed. If high rank survivors can't find a match with a high rank killer, the game starts searching for lower rank killers until it finds them a game. This is a thing on all platforms, including PC. Playing killer on controller is not that hard.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I play PS4. I play killer to do challenges or easy BP so I'm low ranks there. Definitely get paired with ranks higher than myself pretty often. Since I'm not new to DBD and can handle them I'm OK with it but I know if I was an actual new player it would SUCK. I do get though it's the way the current matchmaking works to lessen wait times. Hopefully once they put in the new matchmaking it'll make the rounds more fair.

    For wait times in the morning/afternoon as survivor my waits are 3-5 minutes while killer will be up to 10. In the evening killer is instantaneous while survivor will be up to 10. SWF waits always suck so I only do that for a few rounds with my brother to help him out with his challenges - I'd rather play solo and play more rounds. Be interesting to see why there's more killers in morning/afternoon to have the waits be longer than survivor. Maybe easier rounds?

    As far as comms PC players do use comms, might not be built in like a console but it's not just a console thing.

    Just curious how do you know they're SWF? Are you messaging after each match to find out for confirmation?

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