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Killers seeing survivors usernames in pregame lobby

I could complain about the amount of information killers get in the pre game lobby but there is only one thing that really bothers me. I don’t understand why killers are able to see our usernames in the lobby. I’ve had killers message me beforehand talking crap before the match even starts, also have had killers who clearly recognize me and bring a mori or face camp me. I don’t play toxic but I play this game so much that some killers aren’t gonna like me because I escaped in a previous match. I wish there was an option to hide your username or something, I am on PS4 and feel forced to change my username once in a while because of this.

I know I can turn my messages off but that doesn’t stop killers from treating me different in game.

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  • Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    My friend had to change her Username as well because no one would play with her.

    She's REALLY good, but she sandbags like a mofo, she's like Devotion 14 but killers and solo survivors would dodge.

    I don't understand either, but I guess every multiplayer does this. Dead by Daylight should add a "Change Name" functionality that works like Steam's name change because of this.

    Call of Duty has a "hide name" function as well and it names you "Anon111222454" and so on, but it's always "Anon444578418."

    This would be a smart step to more anonymity.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    There's a way but I can't talk about it on the forums. But there's a way.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Some SWF have matching names (clan tags or something showing their connection). If I see someone with a toxic name like "All Americans are #########" or something like that you can bet I am gonna tunnel that guy.

    And who are these mates? I have never heard of killers being in teams, that just sounds dumb. And remembering names and putting them on a "list" sounds like a waste of time and just not healthy.

    Und unless the killer keeps a list or you did something special to get killer's attention, he is going to forget you 1 minute after the match. I am sure no red rank killer ever would dodge a survivor just because "he played well". And if you are afraid of bumping into the same killer. then that means that either the game ended for both of you at the same time and you start searching for the game at the same time or you are just paranoid. If it's the former then you could just start searching after 1 minute wait I guess. I don't know about PS queues but on PC chances that I meet the same survivors within a day are exteremely small.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Well the name one is probably a pc thing. On console people can't change their name as easily.

    Some put them on a list, some just have a good memory. You see the same killers at red ranks the whole time and after a while you begin to remember names. It is unhealthy to remember names and to target them but there is a lot of people who do that lol

    You'd think they'd forget but depending on the game they won't. I've had people text me after not facing them for over a year, all because I made them dc once.

    People can be quite petty with stuff on this game. I'm not worried about getting the same person twice in a row. Generally the people who have "targets" play this game and killer a lot. So you'll likely get them again eventually. Also they don't dodge, they just bring ebonys and really strong add-ons. They probably also tunnel and face camp.

  • Member Posts: 167

    First off I Love your name! Second I play ps4 red rank both sides, and tbh making it so only friends can message you and send friend requests has made my experience so much better. Unfortunately the only solution I can think of would be make it so survivors can see killer gamer tag too. I honestly don't think they will ever hide the survivors gamer tags.

  • Member Posts: 167
    edited May 2020

    I didn't know that about mobile. That would be such a huge qol we solo q would know what your teammates builds are. For instance if I see some1 has head on and I see them soon into a locker while I'm being chased ican set it up, or knowing someone has borrowed so I could take a hit against a camping killer and let them save huge QOLthat would be

  • Member Posts: 8

    I think if a Killer can see names, then survivors should be able to see the killers names. The OCE xBox DbD community is very small. Playing against the same killers allows for certain traits to be known. For instance there is this couple of toxic players that share a name. When they play killer they facecamp really bad and because ran them around for an entire match (without being toxic no flashlights or teabagging) I get tunneled every game against that person. Its not fun to have to wait until you are hooked to discover if you are going to be able to play the game or not

  • Member Posts: 350

    its easy to create a "list": just put them on ignore and check their profiles while being in a lobby. See someone that you ignored? Lets drop that ebony & make sure they're going to have a bad game.

    You can change the username but as long as you're not using a different steam account, he/she "knows" who you are.

    Probably works on ps4/xbone as well, not a console player tho (so cannot confirm).

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    If theyre going to do that then they should hide the killers name too at the end of the game so i dont get messages every other game from kids that get wrecked or kids that wrecked me. That ######### gets old

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm personally in favor of hiding Survivor names from the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    On console you can still tell. If you've messaged or been messaged by that person then it'll show their new name on your old messages.

    I would say 1 in every 3 games I get a survivor or killer I remember from another game. Whether it be for good reasons or bad reasons I remember their name. I'm shocked when my mates see a survivor or killer and can tell me the exact build they usually run lol

  • Member Posts: 907

    Once there is an avoid-player-option or a SWF Indicator, I'm fine with hiding lobby names.

  • Member Posts: 350

    Thanks for clearing this up :) as said: I'm not on console so excuse my curiosity here: do ALL people flame you or is there an occasional "GG" as well? Bc I'd feel bad if someone actually was nice and I make sure they're having a bad game just bc we messaged once. Seems like it would be easier to just put the "bad apples" on your ignore list (also they cant message you anymore, which is a plus).

    Not saying that you do this or that I do this, but there was a time (especially one night) against a legion main who first dc'd against me (on hawkins, hit the vault while in frenzy) and afterwards made sure to bring a mori each time we're matched against each other. I cant add him on steam but my friend can, so I guessed that he ignored me. Just wanted to know why he was so mad, I dont run DS usually or Tbag (well I tbag, but just for the facecampers or tunneling killers :) )

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I get messaged more as killer than survivor. It's 50/50 as killer whether I get good message or not. As survivor if I get messaged it's usually complaining about something whether it's gen rushing or second chance perks.

    I don't like blocking people because I find it funny seeing their replies lol since I know I'm not toxic or don't cheat I love seeing the silly excuses they come up with to hate on me. When I play killer I actually text the team some of the time to talk about the game, not toxic but just discussing the game a bit.

    Similar to you I won't be toxic unless pushed to it I.e. hard tunnelling or face camping.

  • Member Posts: 288


    If the killer sees the names of the survivors then they can lobby dodge. If there is no issue (as you say), then let the survivors see the killer's name...because there is no issue...according to your logic. Oh wait...BEHAVIOR has said that survivors can't see killers names because they don't want the survivors to be able to lobby dodge.

  • Member Posts: 440

    They shouldn't get rid of being able to see survivor names in the lobby on PS4. I like that feature because I can dodge extremely toxic players. Survivors should be able to see the killer's name so they can dodge blatant face campers.

    I feel like some of the people clamoring for hidden survivor names want to be as toxic and rude as possible without it affecting their ability to get a match or the quality of the match

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    Both killers and survivors send nasty messages after games, that's a whole other issue of being sore winners/losers.

    Being able to see names of both killers and survivors only at end of the game would allow for any reporting if needed - or they need to update the ingame reporting to make it reliable. There's no need for them prior to the match or during to see the names.

  • Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2020

    thx appreciate the effort :)

    Well, just make your profile private? Same goes for survivors: killer dodges if he sees a survivor with a lot of hours. Not because he knows him, but bc he might give him the business during the game. Also this worked on killers who just play that one killer / only unlocked achievements for that one (or maybe a few) killer(s).

    Not saying this should be a thing, but I'm in for blocking the surv names / not checking their profiles before the game. For both. Checking profiles should not be necessary, if they would actually fix matchmaking / introduce a proper mmr. But we know how much BHVR loves bandaid patches/mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Why is dodging not a valid reason?

    I played a game with 3 swf. I was chased by the killer the whole time, and could juke him 3 times. I then got to a chest and got a key.

    I joined others in doing gens, and finished 2. One gen to go. Then the killer found me on a gen, and hooked me. He didnt camp, yet the team didnt save me. They let me die on first hook, took my key and escaped via hatch. Then they told me it was "because you didnt do anything all game" despite the fact that 2 of the players had just 2k bloodpoints more than me including survival and hatch bonus.

    and you think i should be forced to play with such players again? Why? And a good reason plz.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited May 2020

    I'm not somebody who gets offended or will tunnel and facecamp just because somebody does something really mundane like flashlight blind me or DS me once or anything, but there are certain people that have been especially nasty, so I still enjoy the fact that I can see their names and give them the retribution they deserve.

    Again, it's not just for simple things like teabagging or whatever, like some people get offended by. First reply to the post is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's very easy to remember people that purposely try to play like a douche by sandbagging or whatever. I think it only makes sense to give them a reason to avoid doing that. Another thing I'll gladly target somebody for is if I see them constantly trying to unhook their team mates in front of my face without Borrowed Time (farming them pretty much) and practically just not caring if it gets their team mate killed. One more example is if I've seen the person intentionally disconnect in the past.

    Essentially, I don't like seeing people play like scumbags. As a result, I'm personally fine with survivor names being seen in the lobby. I like knowing that people have a reason to be afraid of being a scumbag.

  • Member Posts: 3,826
  • Member Posts: 3,219

    And why should people want to or have to play with a jerk?

  • Member Posts: 3,022
    edited May 2020

    So you're friend grew a reputation as a non team player, people caught on, and that's an issue?

    I'll admit, it's petty to keep track of player names. I know a few stand out to me personally, but it's one of those 'o hey, that names familiar, I think I played them before.'

    I do usually associate a match type, just by the names. Hex: (Insert cringe here) players usually are sweatlords or memers. TTV can be a SWF tac squad or a group of sandbaggers pointing at each other. I've come across some amusing names, even given hatch to those that make me chuckle.

    But there are, what, 50k players? What are the chances of running into the same players consecutively?

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    The PS4 community is small.

    I'm going to hazard a guess and assume PS4 is like....1/5 of that.

  • Member Posts: 529

    best thing to do is not play toxic and the killers wont have a problem with you

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    I honestly just think for the health of the game usernames should only be shown once the game ends they could replace the usernames with the character names in the pre game lobby and end game have the actual usernames listed behavior talks a lot about wanting good game health and i think this would improve a lot of toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 613

    they should, very good idea the amount of times i've been Stream sniped and camped and tunneled for having YT in my name is insane. Guess that's my own was even worse when i used to have ttv in my name, Mori's galore.

  • Member Posts: 288

    The bottom line is that if the killer can see the survivor names THEN the survivors should be able to see the killer's name. EITHER show both or REMOVE both. That is the only fair way to do this. There is NO valid reason to show the survivor's names and not the killer's name.

    My opinion: No one should see anyone's names in the pre-game lobby...full stop.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Wait. Killers get too much information in a lobby?

    Information given(if I forget something please correct me):

    1. Survivor model/ skin

    2. Survivor name

    3. Items brought to trial

    4. Offerings once trial starts

    Killers do not see add-ons or perks but I'm assuming you're referring to killers being able to see items brought to the trial as "too much information given"?

    That is completely fair and balanced. It's nice to know what to expect when you're playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    IF you think that should be, in order for information balance, then i think killers should know if survivors are solo or swf. Survivors know if killer is solo or swf.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'll make you a deal. Hide the names in lobby but we get to see who's SWF in post lobby. This seems fair.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Information balance regarding this post would be: EITHER show both or REMOVE both.

    BEHVR currently allows killers to lobby dodge survivors by showing them who they are playing against. Remove the survivor's names from the killer's view and BEHVR closes the lobby dodging loop. If they start giving more info to killers about survivors and vice versa then they will only increase the amount of lobby dodging, griefing, stalking, stream sniping both sides

    Regarding SWF...that is another issue worthy of it's own discussion thread. There are strengths in SWF and not in solo play.

    BEHVR can open up the amount of lobby information or close it down. right now they just have the one inconsistency of killr seeing survivors names...

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    On Xbox survivors see killers gamertag also after a while in lobby. Many times survivors ask what killer I will use or "farm?" etc.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited May 2020

    The problem with showing killers, for example, is it would do what MLGA did. It would devolve from dodging toxic killers and simply be used to dodge someone you might know playing a killer you don't like.

    It's one reason why they can't show you who the killer is as well. As far as now showing survivor names, I don't really think it's a big deal to not show their names, but they'd have to remove the ability to view their steam profile. The fact is at the end of the day this is a pretty casual game so it'll probably never happen the way you want it to because it's simply not necessary.

    I've played at red ranks for a long time and it always baffles me how people apparently get tunneled, singled out, mori'd, and all this other stuff when it basically never happens to me. It makes me wonder how legit your complaints truly are or if your purpose is to make something up. If you're always at red ranks I can see how a killer might recognize you, but they're probaly more likely to dodge than they are go out of their way to catch a super good survivor.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Leave us alone. We already lost our p2p lobbies, now we don't know when survivors are swf, and you want killers to be nerfed even more

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    I think hiding names in lobby/during game but giving the names/swf at scoreboard would be fair. Tbh I'm curious how often when solo players click do killers think it's SWF and how often it's terrible SWF they think it's solo. 😂

  • Member Posts: 16,678
    edited May 2020

    Both should be the case.

    Even tho, some Killers will be disappointed that their standard "Lost against a SWF"-mentality will not be that valid anymore.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Obsession perks; you can only know who the obsession is by associating the name to a character, I assume that's a valid reason to show their names in case your strategy will be to avoid chasing or hitting the obsession.

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