Does anyone feel that if you're pro-survivor you get shamed or your idea gets shot down?

I'm just gonna say it how it is, this forum usually consists of killer mains requesting/suggesting buff ideas to killers and perks, or complaining about survivors' meta perks.

I'm not saying killer mains shouldn't voice their minds but it seems like the replies they get are usually tame and civil. people have a format of telling them "I don't agree with you and here is why..." and it's nice to see people have a substantial conversation. But if the post is regarding survivors, it gets kinda crazy.

For instance, if i made a post named "stop complaining about facecamping", I'd see general support in the replies from killers, maybe some survivors but mostly killers.

Now, if i made a post that said "Stop complaining about Dead Hard" or "DS is balanced". instead of them opening their mind, and looking at the other side's point of view, the replies lowkey get rude. some of the common replies you'll see are.

"found the survivor main lol"

"Survivors complain about everything."

"git gud"

"well dont run (Perk name(s)) then."

"But when survivors do it."


Look I'm not trying to call killer mains out or anything. This is just an observation I've made. If a discussion is about a perk or mechanic for one side, it's ok to make references to the other side, a good example of this would be "I understand that DS + Unbreakable is a really powerful combo, but so is Enduring + Spirit Fury." Or vice versa.

Not to mention when any form of toxicity is discussed of survivors, killers will support the OP, as they should. But when a survivor comes on the forums to talk about killers being toxic, there is always this mindset that ALL KILLER PLAYERS are saints, and that the survivor did something to insinuate that toxicity. Youtube is also making SWF seem like a toxic thing, because a few SWF wanted to be ######### and teabag. In a good half of my games, when the killer concludes I'm playing with friends, they behave like jerks just becasue we're SWF. That doesn't equal a bully death squad. We are just playing for fun.

Not to mention when a survivor is chasing the killer with a flashlight, it's seen as toxic. Maybe they're just trying to go for a flashlight save? Tru3 and Monto usually have some passive aggressive comments when they're in the process of being blinded or get blinded. I don't understand how trying to save a teammates makes me an ######### and ends up with me getting facecamped, but getting tunnel mori'd is completely fine.

Sorry for the rant, not calling out killer mains as a whole. I just don't feel as though my opinion as a survivor main matters as much as a killer main's opinion, it just sucks.



  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    To be expected honestly, I don't even know why I put my energy into posting this.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    It’s funny, I once made a friendly thread that marked out simple tips for killers in certain situations and how to act on them - and it turned into a whole argument about how killers shouldn’t have to do X, Y and Z.

    others went into the thread to be snarky and be like “what’s the point of this, I already knew this”.

    this community is just toxic and very biased, posting one opinion can have 6 people responding to it to argue with you. Posted a thread about a bias I noticed against killers, replied like 3 times to people and the thread was alive for 4 days with triggered people trying to argue with me even though I wasn’t replying - even the dev replied to the thread. It’s just funny to see how reactive this community is.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    That will happen with both sides. Unfortunately this is a multiplayer game where both sides have two very conflicting objectives and there is terrible people who will play only one side on both ends of the spectrum. They don't understand or care about the other side of the view point. Sucks that it is like this, but I don't see a solution. Except maybe have mods start removing those replies.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2020

    When i said "Stop complaining about facecamping" and "stop complaining about Dead Hard" It was just a point i was trying to make about when a topic is about survivors or killers and the responses which are received.

    Your opinion about DS is kind of the point im trying to get across. DS is annoying yes, but going agaisnt freddy, spirit, and nurse every game isn't fun either, but we both have to deal. If I were to talk about Spirit being really unfair to go against in chases, more comments would disagree with me, usually they'd be spirit mains. DS has been changed alot and I dont want it to be changed again, I dont even get to use DS alot but that's besides the point.

    And yes this thread is suppose to be bias because lots of threads are killer bias. This is proving my point about which biases people pick up more. A killer could post something that is entering "What kind of rank 20 complain is this?" territory and they'd get more respectful comments then a survivor who talks about getting Bm'ed and face camped on hook.

    I also feel like just because the devs say its ok doesn't mean you should do it. The Devs have stated that DS isn't technically an "anti-tunnel" perk so using it as an anti tunnel or using it offensively shouldn't be getting this many complaints then, because it's ok. (Not trying to be rude or anything, sorry if I do Q_Q). People don't look at others as individuals on these forums. So many Toxic SWFs are posted on youtube and all over that killers percieve SWFs to be toxic.

    Just to add on, because not many killers don't understand why survivors get upset about facecamping here is why. You're playing a multiplayer game with other human beings, nobody really cares pfft, I don't care if you camp me during Endgame. We get pissed because killers do it early game and you end up dying with little to no points, You're just watching yourself slowly die for 2 minutes with no hope of saviour until you die. And if you get BT saved, then the argument of BT being dumb af becomes more prominent.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188
  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    Every thread about ds bt etc will have killers “calling out” or complaining about survivor mains and the same thing happens with noed posts or every once and a while when I see a lunatic say killers are too fast. People just enjoy the “Us Vs. them” mentality.

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    So basically you complain about how Killers act on the forum but you ALSO tell Them how to play the game.

    I am sorry but let Killers play how they like. I also let survivor play how they like to play.

    And thinking "a lot of post are killer bias" is Just some excuses, because how many threads i see about noed, camping and tunneling are way more then threads about DS.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    who tf said i told anyone how to play? and you proved my point of people not being viewed as individuals. You say it like im anti-killer when i made it clear that I'm not. not all but most posts about perks are killers complaining about the meta perks for survivor, complaining about the perks working. Some of these posts i see are people complaining about Adrenaline (even tho it's an endgame perk and rewards for survivors going against all odds and surviving until the end). Posts about Dead Hard, when you lit's so easy to bait, DS when you can just get rid of it early, that way you can avoid the stun, and BT which is meant to counter the camp/tunnel playstyle.

    I never said killers should play a certain way. I'm saying that if you are going to camp, tunnel, and be toxic, it doesn't make you cool, it makes you a jerk. Besides if you camp someone till the very end you can still get a decent amount of BP while at the same time denying the person who spent 20 dollars on the damn game no gameplay, and no fun. Remember you are playing with other human beings, not bots.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Killers get the short end of the stick on most things. People don't come to the forums to say "good job", they come when there's a problem. Survivors have less to complain about, so you have fewer of them on the forums.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Then your clearly bias. Both sides cry just as much on the fourms.

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    So because i think there are more threads talking about noed, facecamping and tunneling it makes me bias? Ok

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Because you notice more survivor threads then killer threads. when in reality there isnt more tunneling,noed and facecamping tunnling threads then there is ds, swf, gen speeds threads

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Im not saying you're not seeing things but I could go through pages of posts and only a handful out of all of them is problems witth tunneling, camping, tunnel mori, etc. where as majority of posts is complaints made towards survivor.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    because it allows you to be dumb? Enduring allows you to get back into chase a little faster, spirit fury makes it even better. DS + Unbreakable is a strong perk combo that can only work once.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    people will choose what's better, enduring + Spirit Fury allows to have a complete disregard to survivors' defenses and DS + Unbreakable can only be used once, it's strong but can only be used once. All seconod chance perks for survivors have risky conditions and can only be used once. So my point stands too.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    From what ive gathered, survivors are more likely to post really unthought buff ideas for survivor issues. A recent would be a "zone around hooked survivors tge killer cannot enter" among 5 other to be added simultaneously anti-camping measures thast boiled down to "gimme free unhooks".

    While killers do also post stupid ######### it is mostly contained to a single killer instead of affecting the whole game. But as it's been mentioned enough already: " killers will shoot down survivor buffs and vice versa"

    Even in the more civil discussions, some people simply cant deal with people pointing out unforeseen consequences of proposed changes. I love the solo-swf gapclosing as example: "so now all survivors are as strong as swfs with comms", so now what? As a personal example, i started to dismiss adding aura reading or UI- elements as solution for the solo-swf gap, as that will not work as intended. Giving the survivors a message system (in lieu of the devs not wanting voicechat) will give solos the same advantage of comms " Relaying information you yourself gathered to others". It's weird everyone thinks comms magically spoonfeeds info.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I'd say it's about even in terms of toxicity. It might be a bit of bias on your end of you only notice one side.

    - Coming from a mostly survivor player

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, it happens toward both sides. I try to be moderate but even then I get called a killer main and ignored.

    The main problem with your argument, and I'm just going to be honest about this, is that face camping isn't the same thing as DS. For one, they are treated very differently by the majority of people:

    Facecamping: Often talked down as a good thing, as in, there are far more people who talk about this as a bad thing. Most people even describe as toxic. On top of that, It will not help you get wins. If you camp, survivors can easily get all gens done as well as trade, since they are free to do what they want. They also have perks to counter this: BT and DS.

    DS: Encouraged, used, and forces one side to play in a particular way. Add to the fact there can be 4 of them in a single game, it makes it very unfortunate to go against. Sure, they have it once, but it can be very versatile and game changing. It can stop a killer snowball, punish them even if they left you alone... it is a really good perk. Too good for its effect.

    The only reason I can think of those responses are because killers are the harder role to master. It requires planning, action, understanding and proper use of killer powers, and map knowledge. Survivor needs to know how to: loop structures (a bug that the devs ran with), hit skill checks, and... thats it? You have the easy role. And there are 4 of you at once...

    I would love for the survivor vs. killer mentality to go away, but that is not going to happen for the moment... just because of how game balance is right now.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Be careful they are listening..

    I'm a survivor main but I do play a lot of killer. Always been red ranks on both sides and I feel like I have a good understanding of balance. If I see a discussion I always want to play "devil's advocate" to help people see other people's pov.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    I was using that argument as an example, I didn't think people would come here and read my post to debate that lol.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    you legit could've left that last part out but you've shown one of the points I've made, it's that name calling fallacy. in reality it is safe to say that toxicity on both sides is relatively equal, but I'm talking about on forums. The community is mostly made up of killer, so when a killer talks about survivors teabagging them all game, they get sympathy. But when survivor's complain about getting BM'ed for literally no reason, the mindset switches, people believe that killers will only do that if you did something to piss them off.

    "pissing the killer off" includes but not limited to

    • Teabagging the killer
    • flashlight clicking

    So far so good? Let's do some more

    • completing a gen in the killer's face
    • running a strong tile

    Questionable yes? But wait there is more

    • Using DS (for anti-tunnel purposes)
    • Doing objectives
    • using flashlights
    • using strong items
    • Being good at the game

    Doing essentially anything as a survivor can piss the killer off so much ,it'll cost you your fun in that match. Killer toxicity has more weight than survivor toxicity. A toxic survivor can only t-bag and flashlight click you, which has no impact on the match. While as killer you can bodyblock people into areas (This is bannable I know, but you can still do it anyways), facecamp as bubba and deny that person from the game, tunnel at 5 gens, face camping and Bm'ng your swaying body because you destroyed a totem to prevent disaster on your team, etc.

    Toxicity shouldn't be tolerated period, but according to the forums doing any of those things is fair play, but doing something as useless as teabagging and flashlight clicking is not.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The thing is you're generalizing and making a lot of assumptions. For one you have to assume the person is a main on one side. That's not always the case.

    Then your assuming what you think they believe and then generalizing it across all killers. It's like some1 saying survivors want all killers to be nerfed and believe all killers are op because if you go through the forums you'll find a bunch of examples about every killer being too strong/op. It's not a fair argument.

    i think it's pretty even in terms of toxicity in the forums. Not all discussions have a 50/50 split. Some have more on one side others have more on the other side. Others just have 1 person on one side arguing with 3 others but that 1 person has like 29 upvotes, while the 3 others have 1 or 2 upvotes.

    The thing about who has the power to run games for others... You can just as easily argue that a survivor has just as much power to ruin the game for the killer or everyone else. They can DC/suicide on hook. Follow the killer wanting to die. They can make tons of annoying noises. Constant head ons just for fun (okay I'm guilty of this). Stealth and not do anything at all, especially if it prolongs the match. Not leave when the gates are open prolonging a game you've already won. Sandbag teamates. Attract killers to teammates. Over using bodyblock strat against the killer (I think it's a valid Strat but I also understand from the killer pov why it could feel bad).

    Finally, what ppl view as toxic isn't going to always be the same. For example, I don't find a killer hitting a survivor on the hook as toxic. I actually see most newer players do it (in YouTube videos) cuz it roleplays as killer in their heads. Some don't do it to spread toxicity. I don't find teabagging that toxic either but I do find clicking the flash light toxic cuz it's annoying to hear over long periods of time.

    At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. It's your ideas and other ppl shooting it down dont make a difference. If you think that the forums are mostly killer bias and nothing I've said changed your mind then you do you.

    My advice would be to take all criticism to improve your ideas and/or understand a bit about other people's point of views. You could also have a bad idea or your wrong. I think in this case you have valid points. I just disagree with your conclusion. Nobody is correct all the time. Acknowledge the completely useless stuff in your head to build thicker skin but don't bother with it too much. If things get too much then you could take a break or leave that discussion.

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    not really.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't, no. What I feel is that ridiculous suggestions like "Survivors should be able to pick themselves up without Unbreakable" and "Killers should be weakened (slowed, stunned, and so on) if they're near a hooked survivor" get shot down. That goes for killer suggestions too, so it's not an "anti-survivor" thing.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I think most are missing the point. I play both sides, but killer more often as I appreciate the challenge. I can’t say I play survivor because of the challenge, because for awhile now it has not been a challenge. We’re not trying to be biased because we play killer more, as was your assumption. We look at the game in its entirety as a whole and NOT just one side or another.

    Most ideas supported DO in fact favor killers. Why? The great attempt to achieve balance in the game. It’s no secret that the unbalance of this lovely game heavily favors the survivor side, that doesn’t mean we’re against all survivor idea suggestions. However, if the idea is to buff a survivor perk, or in-game survivor action, most of us will still vote no on it, because to achieve balance you can NOT buff the things in a competitive team game that are already stronger than the other side.

    Common theme: We want any and all changes to the game to support balance, rather than putting more weight on the side that’s already twice as heavy.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    Ive noticed the same thing. I came on to the forums hoping to make a difference for the solo survivors and ive made a few posts in accordance to that. All of them ended quickly with many many killer mains shoving it back down my throat.

    I play both sides equally so I have also thrown encouraging suggestions to killers having struggles or commenting on difficulties in the killer side. Not one bad comment back. Killer mains seem to be killer mains because their personality matches the role. "I'm the power role and so i get the say."

    This fact is sad to see as the survivors come on the forums to be shamed.

    Ultimately, yes your post is useless and my comment is useless. Just keep gaming and hope you get lucky.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    I'm gonna sound like a Karen for saying this but here it goes.

    You ever browse dbd reddit and see all the memes that killer mains make about survivors, the comments are filled with killers trash-talking or leaving sarcastic comments about killers. This is completely fine, unless you are a survivor that makes a meme about killers.

    I saw this post that said "Noed is a pity kill from the Entity. They hated Jesus because he told the truth". The comment section were flipping the joke on survivor perks

    "Adrenaline is a pity health state from the entity" despite them both being endgame perks, and adrenaline rewards you for completing gens.

    "DS is a pity escape even though it's not used as an anti-tunnel"


    It was just a harmless joke and you can feel the spite out of those killers' comments because of how offended they got with the meme, it quite frankly made the OP's meme even better cause of it. It seems like only a handful of killers on reddit are actually open-minded human beings who consider what you say, even if you both have different POVs

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    But just because a side is stronger doesn't mean people should shut you down for ideas for said side.

    For the sake of argument, let's say killers are objectively OP, they win most of the games, their perks and powers are op, etc.

    Now you are picking up a survivor and can't help notice that it took you 15 seconds to pick up one survivor, that's way too long and an get boring to do, so you go on the forums and suggest the animation to get sped up.

    Before you know it a whole bunch of survivor mains will respond to your idea with some snarky things to say

    "git gud"

    "killers cry about everything"

    "killers are op and yet you still want more"

    the list goes on.

    What I'm trying to get at here is that some ideas that come from survivors aren't really game breaking but rather just Quality of Life adjustments, or just making certain perks or mechanics better and worth using. But because killers (not all killers ofc <3) see survivors as the "oppressors" they dismiss any idea that comes out of your mouth because you "have it good" already, and I don't find that fair.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    bodyblocking is trading a health state for some wiggle progress, stealthing is boring as heck for both sides, notification spamming is annoying yes but it doesn't necessarily correlate to the killer not having fun, Head on is fine lol.

    Killers however can take you out the game and make sure you stay out of the game till you actually get sacrificed because you ran them on a jungle gym.

    Like I said in my OP, I'm not intending to generalize killers, cause I've met some really nice killer mains in my games before, but I'm talking about the ones who have no regard for what any survivor has to say.

    As a survivor I don't feel inclined to bring items because of my fear of inciting the wrath of the killer, only for him/her to make my life as miserable as possible till i die on first hook. I dont wanna bring styptics for tunneling scenarios, I 'm afraid of using BNP along with my toolboxes because gen rush = no fun 4 me, god forbid I bring a flashlight and use it to save my teammates, and finally a key but I rarely ever find hatch so I don't care.

    And I'm not saying that all of my ideas and all survivor ideas are objectively correct, just asking for survivor ideas to be considered as well. I was in a discussion with a killer who wanted hatch to be removed because he feels as tho he needs to 4k every game, I disagreed but I understood how frustrating it was and we had a tame and civil discussion. The same cannot be said if it's a survivor thread.

    As far as thicker skin goes, I'm way ahead of you on that one. Usually killers who want to behave like jerks in my games then say "gg ez" at the end, are killers that probably get decimated last game and they're taking their frustration out on me, so it doesn't bother me as much as it did when I first started playing.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    It all depends on the ideas. If something is annoying or unbalanced, i'd support a change. As a survivor, DS is kinda needed to prevent a fast tunnelfest and an easy loss. But as a killer, if everyone has DS and jumps in lockers, you're screwed and it doesn't make any sense. So while DS's purpose is good, the locker mechanic needs changing.

    I could even get behind the argument to make DS and NOED basekit to fix unhealthy gameplay. Doing totems gives you a knife to activate DS. Doing all totems deactives NOED. The secondary totem objective helps against genrush, the found knives help against tunneling.

    I believe there's a lot of players playing both sides who sound more like a killermain, because killers have more to talk about. Having almost 20 killers whose players are all asking for buffs, while survivor is just one role which mains problems are bad matchmaking and tunnelcamping.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I hear what you are saying OP. I feel the same way generally. I think it's worse on Reddit though. That place is pure killers. We need a "safe space" for survivors.

  • Witherrr
    Witherrr Member Posts: 85

    I kinda felt like that when I suggested that spirit had a badly designed power that creates gameplay of pure guesswork in a Livestream, I literally just got called a survivor main by chat without any attempt at a counter-arguement. I just don't understand why it's such a bad thing to like playing survivor over killer or have an opinion that clear problems with a killer should be addressed, to the point where even a good amount of killer mains even think the killer is just a little unfair

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    The problem I usually see is in the ideas themselves. Where the usual idea (DS for example) involves making it stop working when you go in lockers or get healed up. Compare that to "camping" where survivor ideas have ranged from, block a 5-10m area around the hook, to give the killer -50% move speed. Not saying all ideas are like this but a good number are. Plus (and this kinda goes both ways but i usually see survivors do it more) i see people get far more rude with killers than survivors. Yeah killers may call surv main too fast but survivors love to scream out how terrible a killer is in their mind and how they are scum and awful and should kill themselves. Look at the survivor NOED posts and you will see it a lot. Not excusing it when killers say or do bad stuff but to say its all killers is a bit wrong.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Yes. Even though I do play both sides and look at it from a neutral standpoint, when I joined the Forums, I was a survivor main (Played killer a little, but not as much as I do now). Literally every killer sided person would disregard my opinions because I primarily played survivor.

    It was only when @GrootDude (Previously known as TreemanXD) joined that people started to take me more seriously, but by then, I played both sides anyways so they were starting to listen more.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I understood what you meant. But to reiterate the point I’ve already made, if the idea or suggestion a player makes is too strong favoring either side, no one is interested. If it’s not super OP, we do support ideas that are suggested with good reasoning. It’s totally situational, depending on the sugggestion. Not every survivor idea is horrid.

    I have to assume that although the amount of people that “main” survivor drastically outnumber the people that “main” killer, we as a community strive to make these survivors they’re the majority of our community. At the same token, you can’t have a game without a killer, so we need to please killers also.

    No reasonable decent idea should be overlooked, but if, and only if, the idea suggested does not promote unbalanced gameplay.

    I said this all already, allow me to give an example this time, and I’ll use topics recently discussed on these forums:

    Survivor Main Suggestion: Killers should get punished for abusing survivors at the hook. (Nevermind that there’s already a punishment for this as it allows an easy unhook during attack cooldown), then to promote balance, some survivor action like tbagging must also be punished.

    We support ideas if they promote fairness of matches, but to look at anything one sided (regardless of side), it will fall on deaf ears.

    If you suggested something like, reduce the cooldown time on Premonition...none of us would care. Although it would strengthen survivors, it’s not by a quantity large enough to even make it discussable.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    For every salty entitled killer main there is also a salty entitled survivor main. For every thread about DS there’s also a thread about NOED. For every thread about keys there’s a thread about Moris. There’s going to be douches who don’t listen and are entitled on both sides. Pinning it just down to killers or just down to survivors is simply untrue.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    It definitely flips randomly.

    You'll have mirror moments where both sides will tell you, "its just a game, don't take it so seriously", but become instantly triggered when they lose 1 match.

    But that's every game with some pvp aspect.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Killer "mains" think they are an oppressed people and the idea that friends wanna play together is to them a hate crime

    its a party game that people take too seriously

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    The problem I have with mains, especially Survivor mains, are that they tend to be extremely one sided with their ideas. They forget that any perk idea, as cool as it would be, has the potential to be magnified 4x in a single game on top of a 4-man team who can stomp a Killer who isn't can't adapt to the situation or doesn't have a mean of countering their strategy. Same thing with Killers mains. Like BAD Killer mains who have never touched Survivor or know how Survivor plays in general and come up with utterly ridiculous ideas like perks and perk changes, etc that would render Survivor practically unplayable even against good 4-man teams. I'm a Killer main as well, but I do play Survivor in the red ranks for the tome challenges, and I have disagreed with other Killer mains' ideas. Unfortunately, I don't like most ideas that get posted because of various reasons.

    There are nasty people on both sides that come crawling out of the crawl space when it comes to buffs and nerfs, and majority of the community will shove them aside as they should. I would like to think that 51% or above of the total community is civil and are capable of discussing things without aggression.

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    Gotta say, despite you clarifying multiple times that you aren't trying to "call out all the killer mains", your post really seems to set out to...well, call out all killer mains.

    I can tell you that after joining this forum pretty recently I've seen plenty of attempts to derail/insult posts related to killer buffs. But the problem isn't that they happen on killer posts or survivor posts. It's that they happen on both. I've seen just as many acting smarmy and distasteful on survivor posts.

    Sidenote: I find it weird one of the offensive things survivor posts get on some of their posts is, "Well then don't run x perk" Im sure it's said with a lot more malice than the way you presented it but that sounds to me like a rather tame suggestion.

    SWF is tough because, as a killer main, I don't particularly have a vendetta against them. I've just come to terms with the fact that some teams will be more coordinated than others, no use complaining about it. However, for every friends having fun SWF theres a SW(E)AT Team 6 ready to make you quite frustrated, so I can see how the more negative experience sticks more than the quite moderate one.

    I won't even defend Monto and Tru3 because they can both be rather salty towards survivors. The difference is one can be entertaining and the other is Tru3. I won't deny the stigma they can uphold in regards to SWFs though.

    This Killer main/Survivor main thing is a dance that will never end until this game dies and while I understand your frustration, posts like these will only provide a space where survivors can say, "Yeah, screw killer mains!" and killers can go, "B-b-but survivor mains do this this and this so screw survivor mains!"

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I think suggestions on both sides get shut down or dismissed by people with biases toward the other side. There are just more Killer mains in forums than survivor mains, so their noise is louder.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I feel like there's just about as much complaining from both sides the amount of threads about no one escapes death Moris and other things that pop up.

    As to be expected people complain about what they find annoying the only time I ever take issue with something any party complaint about out is when it's super trivial and unnecessary.

    No it is not impossible to do 5 totems as a solo Survivor you don't need an arbitrary counter to do it you don't have to brain capacity of a goldfish literally just keep count.

    Killers when the ptb hits let the changes or the new Killer sink in for a while there's no need to start threads about how weak they are are before the thing has even been out for 24-hours.

    Survivors as annoying as it can be there are reasons why people will camp and tunnel use common sense and you could probably notice that they're not just doing it out of spite.

    Killers gen rushing is incredibly annoying however what the hell do you expect the survivors to do make out with each other all day generators are kind of their only objective.

    Essentially a lot of the people on this forum whether they be killer mains or survivor mains like to complain without using logic or common sense do that and I tend to usually have an issue with your complaint.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    Go through my posts-

    I made a post explaining my side on a view on a killer.. and...

    All the replies were killer mains saying,

    "People like you are the reason the community is so toxic"


    "Only you have this opinion."


    "You're a snowflake"


    Not fun to read, people need to grow up and see both sides.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I'll try to put this nicely because I'm not a mean person,and I'll hope it makes sense. I think maybe it's because the survivor complaints about killers are always the same things,or they are things that don't make sense to implement.

    There's also a feeling within the community that the game is survivor sided and it's hard to argue it with anyone. A lot of the big controversial nerfs were either detrimental to the killer or people felt that they were. The Ruin changes was a big one. Some of the reworks people didn't like,etc.

    Then you have the constant complaints of low rank killers having to go against reds. There's a post almost every day about someone being discouraged by that. They feel they can't win,and feel like they were bullied while losing on top,either because of messages or certain actions (teabagging,hook blocking, flashlights...these are low rank and newer players,so just imagine).

    I can't answer exactly why you feel that way,or why people act that way,but I think these things are contributing factors. Now someone comes in with a suggestion for a survivor buff,or tells them to stop whining,it's the last straw,you know? Maybe people are just mean anyway.

    I read a lot of stuff here and try to listen. I've been a killer and survivor main at different points on different platforms. I get way way more frustrated playing killer. But saying don't complain isn't saying punish or Nerf,which is a lot of what I see. Punish people for slugging or facecamping,I've seen a few times,usually with no suggestions as to how you would implement that.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Except aren’t the forums the den of survivor mains and reddit the den of killer mains, or personally that’s what I see