Who is the most broken killer in your opinon

Forreal the pig because it highlights all the saw things and only one is real and as the surv it's hard cause the pig knows if it's fake or not.
I think that is a good explanation but i believe that death-slinger is pretty broken for people who have played a lot of FPS games and know how to play him well are pretty overpowered.
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Just want to point out that the Pig has no way of knowing which boxes are real or not either.
For my actual broken Killer, I'd say Huntress solely due to how bad Dedicated servers are with her hatchets and when they decide to hit or not. Deathslinger's nearly nonexistant terror radius is pretty close by.
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I get where your coming from but the thing is lag is on they side too
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With her buffs in patches yes
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Yeh exactly!
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Cause the huntress was trash and stayed there until they did buffs for her
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All of the boxes are real. Idk why you guys would use that phrasing - when you put your hands in, you're searching for a key, and just one box has that key.
Anyway, pig is not broken at all. She needs a decent buff, actually. She's overall definitely weak.
The most broken would have to be Deathslinger and Spirit. Also arguably Oni, since he got his flick back, which makes him virtually uncounterable - at least in solo queue when you can't ensure your people are smart and to at least stay separated so he can't down everyone in 2 seconds. Deathslinger is insanely broken on probably half of the loops in the game, and it's a total guess about when you should try dodging and how you should do so - he shouldn't be able to move at all when he's reeling you in in those loops, although idk how to make the game know to make it just not be possible to move in those cases. He either needs a minor charge time instead of being able to shoot instantly or something like an inability to move after you're harpooned. Spirit's huge issues are well-known and the devs will never make her balanced or counterable.
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Okay but one thing I do have to add is the crouch lunge attack it goes really far and she can do it when she chasing somebody. Yea oni too especially blood echo (perk) I cant stand it and I do get spirit deathslinger is because of either lag or not in a good map
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With Pig's lunge/ambush attack, if you see her start to crouch while you're looping, it's actually best to just run to the next pallet, since she's slower while crouched and has to charge up her ambush attack. It's one of the weakest abilities in the game, pretty easily, because of this.
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I used that phrasing because they used it so I could make it easier for them to understand. I figured people would know what I meant.
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Okay and I know this is out of no where but ghost face idk why his crouching speed has kept up with me running
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Ghostface is a strange one, I'll give you that. I probably see more of an issue with him being able to lose his red stain while in chase than his speed crouching, but sure, I can see that.
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Every killer is op and broken when you are complete garbage at playing survivor.
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So you must think that alot
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Coming from the guy who thinks pepper pig is op.... Lol right.
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Cause Mike Myers is Easyer than ghost face cause you know that people that play them both are gonna stalk you while their chasing you so I run behind a big rock or mase kinda and keep going
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I didnt say she's op I said it was kinda broken about the trap system.. if you can see that
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Same thing and the trap system as in seeing the boxes gives no indicator that someone is at said box.
Pig mains don't even camp or patrol boxes....
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Idk what matches you playin
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Well it ain't rank 20-15 that is for sure. Lol
I hardly ever see pig in my rank bracket. And when I do they are sweaty and know not to waste time with boxes since any survivor with brains would punish that type of play by you know.... Working on gens.
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Not if they got a trap on they head doofus
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id rather play against a rank 1 with 10 k hours on nurse alone than a normal huntress. Its not fun dodging a hatchet and seeing blood randomly appear 6 feet next to you.
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The pig has never been given the ability to see which boxes have keys.
Further, what "her buffs"?
The pigs lifetime patches have been 90% Nerfs, 9% bug fixes, and 1% buffs (basically, base crouch time reduced somewhat).
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This has got to be another "trapper is way faster..." or "Freddy's lunge is way longer..." thing.
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I was talking about the huntress there
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Ok so your a 12 year old gotcha.
You know those people who play with you on your team who do not have a trap or not an active trap ?
Yeah they can all still work on gens. Also you can you know...still work on gens till your trap is active.
Silly poopie head !
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Killer is on the map doing thangs = op/broken
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Ah yeah, I see that with the buffs part. Missed the subject change in the other post.
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You can you know
Haha lol
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It's good
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Yep gg ez.
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I'd say Clown or Wraith are much more broken than Pig. Clown carries and throws around all these glass bottles which is not only bad for the environment but is impossible to do. Also have you seen his expert drink mixing skills? Way too overpowered.
As for Wraith he can literally go invisible. This is a problem because he literally travels into another world to go invisible and move faster this is a level of raw power that I'm not able to comprehend. Pls nerf.
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I dont blame you the clown can hurl poison jar across the map and they changed something with the wraith because his little speed boost is pretty much impossible to dodge so I know what your talking abt
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Um, i play as pig often, and often see survivors working on gens while they have a trap on, especially if its late game. Putting a trap on a survivor at one gen is virtually useless since they can leave through hatch
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Okay now I can see why people keep telling me that the pig needs a buff
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Yup. People dont care about those traps. At best you might get EXTREMELY lucky and get a kill, but most of the time youre wasting about 20 secs of the survivors time. There are add ons you can use that make it better, and if you dont mind being a dick (which i dont mind being personally) you can chase them away from a box their working on so they have to lose time getting back to it, but while youre doing that some survivor is working on a gen.
Basically when you play as pig you HAVE to be ruthless, theres no choice in the matter
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The pig doesn't know which is which either. Just like how freddy doesn't know where your alarm clock is located.
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i dont get this post is broken for power or for bugs?
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Nurse. Because the devs broke the hell out of her and she's unplayable unless you're on a map like The Game.
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infinite tier 3 myers with mori
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I’m a R6 player with 800 hours and can’t aim well with that weird ass thing. This game is soo clunky for a gun with realistic hitboxesand it just doesn’t fit in.
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Getting slugd for 80% of the match which gonna take 5 minutes and depip in the end is a lot worst. Normal huntress can be juked easily.
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The next one. It's always the next one.
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Instadown huntress and spirit
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Doctor slug game is broken.
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at least i feel like she won fairly and i have room for improvement, its not fun dodging the hatchet and then still getting hit even though it CLEARLY didn't hit.
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A full SWF on comms on dedicated servers is the true killer of this game...
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I have 2 answers here, that are vastly different from everyone else so far. I have 2 answers, depending on which side I’m playing.
From killer POV: The Clown. While in ranks 12-20 he is viewed as a strong killer because if his ability to control loops, most decent survivors can counter him easy. I would place him at the very bottom, or 2nd to bottom of a killer tier list.
From Survivor POV: Huntress. While there are few bugs and errors with many various powers, getting hit from a hatchet that didn’t come close is a popularly discussed topic. Yes, sometimes I pretend to have a brain and I do know most of this can be explained with latency. Also, do we really want to tweak it? Will reducing the hitboxes make it darn near impossible to throw hatchets over tight small walls, etc? For the benefit of balance, should we just accept this for the laggy error that it most likely is and move on, or try to put a stop to it so the Huntress becomes strictly an M1 killer at most loops?
You be the judge.