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is my loadout good?

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

so im trying to find a good perk loadout doe survivor but i dont know what perks to use, im good with the perks i have. So my loadout right now is bond, sprint burts ( sometimes substituted with balanced landing ), adrenline and spine chill. I have heard people that i should switch some of them for either self care or decisive strike but i dont know for what to switch them for. If i had to guess i would say leave sprint burst, spine chill and bind cauae i solo queue, but switch adrenline for self care cause sprint burst and adrenline counter each other at the end of the game. And idk about ds. Any siggestions?


  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    Look, i'm no survivor guy, i dont even level up them. i just use one perk and i do fine. But as a killer, i will say you will have no chance against people who use scummy perks, against me..... maybe because i challange my self with legion (which is hard) but yeah. seems good

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    I dont try to run scummy perk ;-; and yeah i feel you. I main legion too so i get hes hard. I want a perk loadout that makes the game fun for bith the killer and survivor but idk what to put on cause everyone is toxic these days

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    I use unrelenting as a boost, because if your good at surfing, then this helps. also some other stuff that help with carrying and yeah. dont run addons that boost your feral frenzy(unless you want to idc) and just don't camp, chase down one person until hooked or they got away. Refuse tunneling unless you have to. And just kinda play in a way that can help you and not shoot them in the fluncking face.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    I pretty much use unrelenting in every killer exept legion and deathslinger. Its really good

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Bond, Adren, Sprint Burst/Balanced, Spine Chill

    I'm a survivor main and I would say this is a good build.

    Bond will help you to find other survivors to heal or as a means to avoid them when you get chased/they get chased.

    Adren is one of the strongest perks in the game.

    Sprint Burst is a good perk, probably the weakest of your picks though since you will be forced to walk everywhere unless you do the 99 trick.

    Spine Chill is low key probably top 3 survivors perks in the game. It completely nullifies stealth killer tactics and gives you an early warning if the killer is headed in your direction. It can also give you info. For example, if you are healing somewhere hidden and not near a gen/door/totem, if it lights up and stays lit then the killer sees you with Nurse's and you should move. It also makes your vaults slightly faster which can help slightly in a chase, and it makes actions faster when the killer is looking at you. When you need to finish a gen or totem a second sooner that makes a BIG difference sometimes.

    Balanced is still a great perk even after the nerf but it's probably the most skill based of all the exhaustion perks because it requires good map knowledge and pathing. Some maps you can't even really use it, but on maps where you can then you can get really long chases because most of the drop down points force the killer into a super long path to follow you. The only really bad maps for it are Family Residence, Lery's, Shelter Woods (by far the absolute worst), and Autohaven maps. Most maps have good drop down points.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah i do the 99 trick with sprint burst all the time. And balanced landing sure is hard to use sometimes but ive used nea and balanced landing since i started playing so i got used to it but yeah some maps are annoying. I tries deqd hard for a bit but didnt like it since i had to be injured. And i never really liked head on

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited May 2020

    What does your build has to do with the toxicity of other people? Run the build you have most fun with, perks are not toxic unless the survivor using them makes them toxic. DS isn't toxic until you make a killer chase you to jump into a locker, or doing a gen in front of the killers face. Flashlights are not toxic until you clicky-clicky to get attention and nothing forces you to tbag.

    Some builds to give you some ideas. I like to run Inner Strength + Detectives Hunch because it helps you finding Hex totems if in play, it helps you against NOED if you experience that a lot and Inner Strength gives you easy heals while countering a lot of slowdowns like Coulrophobia, Sloppy, Thana or several killer addons.

    Houdini build with Lithe, Quick and Quiet and Dance with me. Brilliant on indoor maps. Also funny, when you have some distance to the killer, fast enter a locker with scratchmarks leading to the locker, but no sound notification due to Q&Q, then immediately fast leave the locker, making a sound notification but leaving no scratchmarks. With a bit luck the killer even tries to bait a HeadOn :P

    Speed Healer: Autodidact + Solidarity + For the people + probably Dead Hard. Also pretty much counters every slow heal build and also strong against slugging

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    yeah thats good but what i use is self care,dead hard,spine chill and iron will

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Hope you don't mind me borrowing your thread, I bought Oni and have been going with bitter murmur, whisper, sloppy butcher and tinkerer. Is it good? I don't have infectious fright yet or bbq.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Me personally i would not run tinkerer because it is very situational. Unless you have blood fury active tinkerer wont help that much getting to the gen on time. And bitter murmur can be countered by tinkerer since you already know what gen they are working on. I would siggest switching bitter murmur for spies of the shadows and tinkerer is ok but try to get blood before the gen notification appears so you have time to get there. Later on you can exchange it for infectious fright. My build in oni right now is bbq, infectious fright, spies from the shadows and whispers. If you get bbq and infectious let me know how my build works for you. Hopefully this helps.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Thanks for the tip, I'll swap bitter murmur for spies. I almost have enough shards for plague so I'm going for infectious next. I guess I should swap it for tinkerer when I get it?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Re: your first comment, I would not use Self-Care. It is a really inefficient perk that teaches bad habits, which you will then have to unlearn later once you understand the game better. A lot of newbie guides advocate using this perk, but it's one of the worst ways to heal. Bond, which you are already using, is the best healing perk in the game, and it also doubles as a good altruism perk, generator-hunting perk, and killer avoidance perk, since you get a lot of information when you can see what your teammates are doing. I cannot contribute anything meaningful to the game without this perk, and I run it with Spine Chill in every build.

    I also suggest Kindred, because it's also amazingly informative and useful after its buff. I actually like it better than Borrowed Time now. An exhaustion perk is also good (Lithe and Sprint Burst are my favorites), or you could use Iron Will because that helps a lot with chases too. Those are my favorite perks to use as survivor, and the combo has gotten me to red ranks, so it can't be all bad!

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    I used to use kindred but swapped it for bond cause kindred is very situational cause it only activates when someone is hooked. And yeah i get the self care habit, but i was just asking cause i wanna get better at the game. Im already pretty good already but want to see how i can improve. Right now im in purple ranks, 8 or 7. Thanks for the help tho