Rank 2 survivors vs 14 killer?

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I think it just so happens that's how the game handles SWF lobbies. 2+ people can join together, one being Rank 1, the other being Rank 20, and I'm not sure what the algorithm thinks is supposed to happen. Maybe it's designed to make sure the Rank 20 player has a chance, but I think that Rank 20 player should be carried by the Rank 1. Logically between the two, the killer should be at least Rank 10 (average between the SWF ranks) or lower. It should be the average SWF ranks with HEAVY lean towards the red or purple ranks (match with a killer Rank 5-7 in this instance).
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I assure you it's not only SWF, the ranking system has some serious issues. One time I played hag (like usual) and I had one survivors every two or three minutes, so they weren't friends and they didn't play like they were friends. But yeah, one with rank 2, one with rank 6, another with rank 20 and the last with approximately my rank 14. That's a bit frustrating plus with flashlight save, t-beag and #########.
Either way, it's been heavily suggested in this forum about being able to opt out of competitive play in favor of more casual players, and let the toxic people or tryhards be in the ranked modes.
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@ibanezvbt said:
So I am new to this game and been noticing that every now and then a high rank will snear into my lower rank amateur game...but then I just got my ass completely trolled by this team that turn out to be a full squad of rank 2....so is just this a thing in this game where match making is bullshit? I mean I'm lvl 31 newbie who here just to play for fun not to be some no lifers amusement...if I want that cancer I'd play arkWhen high rank survivors group up with low rank survivors and play SWF, they can face a low rank kilelr for some reason.
The most extreme example I encountered myself was rank 17 killer vs 3x rank 1 and 1x rank 20.
My suggestion, simply dodge SWF in lobby if you dont wanna play such games. If the survivors join at roughly the same time, chances are very high that they are SWF. Now its yuor decision whether you wanna play this match or search for another lobby
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I do agree it's annoying for new players
The game should match them up with people of around their rank so they can take things easier .. figure things out at their own pace .
But I think that would also severely effect matchmaking times .. making it almost impossible to find a match so maybe that's why.
BHVR seems to be lacking on this side
For sure.