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What killer should be buffed/nerfd and why



  • Member Posts: 2,959
    edited September 2018

    @yeet said:

    bro you keep saying vague ass statements. Ok i'll go first bro.

    His walk speed is crazy in dream world, he's invisible so you're forced to get caught into dreamworld. Unless there is some secret i dont know on how to avoid him. he can see you outside his terror radius. so even if he chasing someone else, you have to hit a gen and get exposed. those are the pros he has that i've seen while surviving. now PLZ explain what makes him awful. i see EVERYONE saying he needs buffs but no one explaining why.

    1. His walking speed is 115% MS, no faster than any other killer
      1. Its incredibly easy to break out of the dreamworld with self care
      2. His power does LITERALLY NOTHING in a chase, in fact it only hinders him, he needs to wait a full 7 seconds to hit a survivor, and survivors can break out of the dream world mid chase
      3. He is incredibly easy to bully, you can finish gens and heal people in his face and there is literally nothing you can do about it
        his only real strenght is finding people which really isn't hard to do, he is worse than baseline at literally everything else 
        seriously just pallet loop him instead of trying to hide, hiding is a noob trap anyway and looping is so braindead easy and effective i dont see why anyone wouldn't use it.

    Don't forget that awake survivor can heal downed ones with no chance to pick the victim up.
    And awake survivor can bodyshield sleeping targets.
    He can't really defend totem, hooks, gates.
    And btw, he is the same speed in the dream world than any other killer, where does that myth come from that he is faster??

  • Member Posts: 55

    his walk animation make him seem fast af. that's just me being stupid.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    I would bring every Killer in the game to Billy/Hag level (because they are the most balanced Killers in the game), starting with the weakest Killers first (Freddy, Leatherface, Wraith, probably Spirit) and then moving on the other Killers that aren’t in desperate need of buffs. 
  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited September 2018

    @Tsulan said:
    Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff.
    Nerfs: none

    If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure, they would camp less.

    "Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff."
    the nurse absolutely does not need to be buffed.

    "If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure"
    I disagree - If killers weren't constrained by time they'd just mess about and still do well for kills, or they'd face camp and still do well (which no one really wants because it just isn't fun at all).

    "they would camp less"
    Also, I'm sorry but nothing will stop camping - some killers are just awful, or try to ruin peoples games, and will face camp, camp, and tunnel regardless of how little points it earns them.

  • Member Posts: 261

    no killer should be nerfed.

    There are too many buffs to list for each killer but as a conversation starter, freddy should have 4 second sleep timer baseline.

  • Member Posts: 261

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    Of all the killers, Freddy is in the most need of a buff. There aren't any killers that are seriously OP, in my opinion, but a nurse with five-blink add-ons is a bit much, I think. If I were to nerf anything, it would probably be that.

    5 blinks is garbage, the range is stupid short, no map pressure

  • Member Posts: 261

    @Global said:

    @yeet said:
    Global said:

    @Delfador said:

    Doc is far from being OP. His base kit is really really weak. His addons are good but doesn't make him very powerful imo. He is just fcking annoying.

    Nurse is very powerful. I know a couple of people on this forum think that she is 'balanced' but I think she definitely needs nerfs.
    I don't have any problem with Hillbilly, Hag, Myers and Huntress. I think they are balanced.
    Clown doesn't have much pressure on the map but he is a really good chaser. I don't think he needs to be buffed.
    Doc's base kit can be buffed. If it is gonna happen, they can even nerf his addons. I wouldn't mind.
    Freddy, Leatherface, Pig, Trapper are the most desperate ones for buffs I think.
    Wraith got a buff but I didn't test him on the PTB so I have no idea.

    I wish every killer was in the same level with billy because he is the most balanced one imo. I am talking about base kits though. I don't mind if they nerf killers' addons if they are gonna buff their base powers.

    billy is probably the most broken he can 1 hit any one and fly across the map with basically no negative effects towards him. He is also the easiest killer to play just get close and chainsaw.

    Hillbilly is the most balanced killer in the game.

    @Delfador said:

    @Global said:

    @Bartex said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    Killers that need to be buffed would include freddy, wraith, leatherdaddy, pig. I don't think any killer needs to be nerfed tho. I know alot of people advocate for the nurse to be gutted but she is the only killer that can stand a chance against swf death squads and succeed. She translates player skill and experience into real performance that you can see. Nurse as is, is perfectly fine at base. Her addon need to be nerfed/reworked. 4 and 5 blinks should not be a thing since it eliminates almost all counter play for the survivors.

    nurse is not the only one that can stand, i've played some tournaments, and nurse main killed only one survivor, when the hillbilly main killed full team ;v

    Because billy is easy to play skill takes actual skill and no im not a survivor main i am a killer main so have fun coming up with an arguement other than "HA RANK 27 SURVIVOR MAIN GIT GUD"

    There is not much thing a billy can do if he faces good survivors. He can be easily looped.

    Yes he can chainsaw people easily but you have your tools to fight him. 'If he gets close, he can chainsaw'. Don't let him get close then?

    'One way or another he will get close I can't avoid him 5 gens'. True but we also need to remember that you are not the only target there. He needs to do that multiple times. This is not a 1v1 game. As a survivor, you are not as powerful as the killer. At least you shouldn't be.

    Being an easy killer or a hard killer is not related to being OP. Nurse can be the easiest killer or the hardest one, it doesn't matter. She is broken, billy is not.

    @yeet @Delfador Every killer needs to chase someone multiple times even nurse has to do it multiple times hell i find fighting her easier than billy because once you break line of sight with her just make her think you are going one way when your not simple. He has no draw back to one of the most powerful abilities in the game which is to cut the chase in half. He has immense map pressure and can instantly get to one side of the map to another better than nurse ever can. Yea being an easy killer doesnt make you op but if the easy killer has an extremely powerful ability it does because the more powerful the ability the harder to play the killer it should be. "There is not much thing a billy can do if he faces good survivors." I dont know what you mean here? That he needs his ability to fight the good survivors but in that case so does nurse so how would she deserve a nerf anymore than billy?

    nurse can cover the map better then billy with max range addons.

  • Member Posts: 2,552

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff.
    Nerfs: none

    If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure, they would camp less.

    "Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff."
    the nurse absolutely does not need to be buffed.

    "If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure"
    I disagree - If killers weren't constrained by time they'd just mess about and still do well for kills, or they'd face camp and still do well (which no one really wants because it just isn't fun at all).

    "they would camp less"
    Also, I'm sorry but nothing will stop camping - some killers are just awful, or try to ruin peoples games, and will face camp, camp, and tunnel regardless of how little points it earns them.

    I will have to agree with this.

    Killers like Myers, huntress, hag don't need buffs. They suffer because of some game mechanics like gen rush or horrible map RNGs. There is not much buff you can give to them because their powers are good enough.

    Only a small amount of people resort to camping and tunneling when they are forced to. The majority of campers and tunnelers do that just for the reasons that are listed here.

    I think the only 'problematic' thing here is being under constant time pressure. Killers definitely need to be under constant time pressure but right now, it is just too much. If I can get 2-3 hooks before my hex ruin gets destroyed, I generally have good matches (I do that with huntress though, getting hooks is a lot harder with other killers imo). I mean we can kinda have longer games with a perk but killers should not be forced to use ruin. Secondary objectives are needed.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I MUCH prefer to have characters be able to do a lot rather than nothing.
    So i would prefer to buff weak characters before nerfing strong characters.
    Hence, Wraith and Nightmare would be the first to gain buffs from me.

    I have NO clue what to do for Nightmare except to disable the ability to get out of the Dream World with Self Care failed Skill Checks.

    For Wraith, i want him to be able to walk through vault sections & Survivors while invisible.
    He wouldn't be able to if he's visible, if he's busy cloaking & if he's busy uncloaking.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    @Boss said:

    I have NO clue what to do for Nightmare except to disable the ability to get out of the Dream World with Self Care failed Skill Checks.

    I've heard rumors that the plan is to make it so that the dream world fog is less obnoxious for Freddy and to make it so when a survivor is transitioning into sleep they have 0% action speed so he can actually interrupt totems, gens, heals, etc. I don't know if there is any truth to it, but they seem like reasonable changes.

  • Member Posts: 15,095
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff.
    Nerfs: none

    If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure, they would camp less.

    "Buffs: every killer except Billy needs a buff."
    the nurse absolutely does not need to be buffed.

    "If killers would feel powerful, and not be under constant time pressure"
    I disagree - If killers weren't constrained by time they'd just mess about and still do well for kills, or they'd face camp and still do well (which no one really wants because it just isn't fun at all).

    "they would camp less"
    Also, I'm sorry but nothing will stop camping - some killers are just awful, or try to ruin peoples games, and will face camp, camp, and tunnel regardless of how little points it earns them.

    According to the devs, nurse has the lowest kill rate of every killer on low ranks. Devs are constantly balancing around rank 20 Instead of rank 1. Nurse is terrible weak on low ranks and only becomes good on high ranks.
    She needs to be more forgiving and more addons that help her with the prediction of where she'll land.
    If the devs won't buff other killers to her or Billy's level, than they can at least make her easier to learn. Since she'll be the only killer on high ranks.

    You mean you don't want that killers can afford to make mistakes like survivors do all the time. Survivors can mess around and got second and third chances. Killer doesn't get them.

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away that he camps and losing the game. 
    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?
  • Member Posts: 531

    Nurse because nurse.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited September 2018

    @Tsulan said:
    According to the devs, nurse has the lowest kill rate of every killer on low ranks. Devs are constantly balancing around rank 20 Instead of rank 1. Nurse is terrible weak on low ranks and only becomes good on high ranks.
    She needs to be more forgiving and more addons that help her with the prediction of where she'll land.
    If the devs won't buff other killers to her or Billy's level, than they can at least make her easier to learn. Since she'll be the only killer on high ranks.

    You mean you don't want that killers can afford to make mistakes like survivors do all the time. Survivors can mess around and got second and third chances. Killer doesn't get them.

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away that he camps and losing the game. 
    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?

    Ahahahah - good lord I can't believe you think the nurse needs a buff because new players don't know how to use her yet, ahahahah, the absurdity of it.

    Also - please tell me how they "balance things around rank 20" - all their changes affect every rank. Removing exhaustion replenish while running, making killers vault, hit gens, break pallets faster, making killers pick up faster. How is any of this around making rank 20 easier?

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away >that he camps and losing the game

    ######### yea they do, I've seen it multiple times where someone has the username "facecamper" or "tunneler" and they do exactly what their name implies, it's premeditated so they absolutely do it on purpose.

    I actually cannot believe we're having another conversation of "only survivors do bad things" where you refuse to admit killers are absolutely toxic as well, it's honestly embarrassing.

    "Giving away that he camps and losing the game" Depends on what you define as losing, a killer can easily get two kills camping, unless you think not getting a 4K is losing? But you don't think that, right?

    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?

    I mean, if you let it get to you and get so upset and riled up over "bullying" which in most cases is just survivors playing the game then yea absolutely they "win". I can die and still pip and I see that as winning so it really depends on what you define as winning. If a survivor tbags you and it gets you so focused on them that you tunnel the entire match and ignore other survivors then they might see that as a win.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Just buff freddy, and fix the toxic combos,
    Like DS+DH+Adrenaline+Insta heal.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    According to the devs, nurse has the lowest kill rate of every killer on low ranks. Devs are constantly balancing around rank 20 Instead of rank 1. Nurse is terrible weak on low ranks and only becomes good on high ranks.
    She needs to be more forgiving and more addons that help her with the prediction of where she'll land.
    If the devs won't buff other killers to her or Billy's level, than they can at least make her easier to learn. Since she'll be the only killer on high ranks.

    You mean you don't want that killers can afford to make mistakes like survivors do all the time. Survivors can mess around and got second and third chances. Killer doesn't get them.

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away that he camps and losing the game. 
    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?

    Ahahahah - good lord I can't believe you think the nurse needs a buff because new players don't know how to use her yet, ahahahah, the absurdity of it.

    Dev statistics showed clearly that she has the lowest kill rate. She clearly needs some addons that make it easier to learn her. People shouldn´t have to spend 200+ hours playing her, just to get acceptable results.
    She already has a pink addon that shows where the teleport will land. Just lower its rarity to grey.
    And why is that absurd? Survivors got more and more training wheels to make it easier and more forgiving. If the devs won´t buff other killers, than they can at least make it easier to learn nurse.

    Also - please tell me how they "balance things around rank 20" - all their changes affect every rank. Removing exhaustion replenish while running, making killers vault, hit gens, break pallets faster, making killers pick up faster. How is any of this around making rank 20 easier?

    Freddy was nerfed because he had an absurdly high kill (or dc) rate at rank 20. Devs stated several times that they balance for the mayor part of their playerbase which is sits at rank 20.
    I would prefer it, if the devs would balance around rank 1 like every competitive pvp game does. What´s your opinion on that?

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away >that he camps and losing the game

    [BAD WORD] yea they do, I've seen it multiple times where someone has the username "facecamper" or "tunneler" and they do exactly what their name implies, it's premeditated so they absolutely do it on purpose.

    I also see survivors which have names like: i don´t do gens, mori him-->, doctor = dc, toxic nea, catch me = dc, etc. Sure there are toxic killers, but again i´ve seen way more toxic survivors than killers. I played almost exclusivly survivor for the last 2 months. Haven´t seen a single killer with a toxic name in this time. Maybe just a coincidence or rank. Those toxic killers you encountered probably sit at low ranks.

    I actually cannot believe we're having another conversation of "only survivors do bad things" where you refuse to admit killers are absolutely toxic as well, it's honestly embarrassing.

    Well, here we go again. As i said, yes there are both sides, but the amount of toxic survivors is bigger, since it´s "fun" to bully the killer in front of your friends. and YES, there are toxic killers. I said it before, and i say it again, this is a viscious circle. That killer who was toxic to you in your last match, probably was pissed because of the toxic SWF deathsquad he faced the match before. They probably wanted to bully a killer, because they got "face camped" a earlier match. The killer who "face camped" got a toxic looper before that match, and so on.
    And yes, i know face camping doesn´t exist anymore!

    Devs need to do something about the toxic behavior. They need to reward fair play and nice behavior and punish toxic behavior on both sides.

    "Giving away that he camps and losing the game" Depends on what you define as losing, a killer can easily get two kills camping, unless you think not getting a 4K is losing? But you don't think that, right?

    You sound like that survivor who said "you think you won?" when i had a 4k, 32.000 BPs and a double pip. Yes, that´s a win in my book. But i really only care about bloodpoints.

    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?

    I mean, if you let it get to you and get so upset and riled up over "bullying" which in most cases is just survivors playing the game then yea absolutely they "win". I can die and still pip and I see that as winning so it really depends on what you define as winning. If a survivor tbags you and it gets you so focused on them that you tunnel the entire match and ignore other survivors then they might see that as a win.

    No, it´s not just survivors playing the game. You should know that. Ever played a nurse and missed all your blinks? Just watch as the survivors start to get cocky after doing all gens. Teasing, teabagging, clicking the flashlights, etc. They won´t leave until they have maxed out their points.

  • Member Posts: 495

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    According to the devs, nurse has the lowest kill rate of every killer on low ranks. Devs are constantly balancing around rank 20 Instead of rank 1. Nurse is terrible weak on low ranks and only becomes good on high ranks.
    She needs to be more forgiving and more addons that help her with the prediction of where she'll land.
    If the devs won't buff other killers to her or Billy's level, than they can at least make her easier to learn. Since she'll be the only killer on high ranks.

    You mean you don't want that killers can afford to make mistakes like survivors do all the time. Survivors can mess around and got second and third chances. Killer doesn't get them.

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away that he camps and losing the game. 
    Do survivors lose the game when they bully?

    Ahahahah - good lord I can't believe you think the nurse needs a buff because new players don't know how to use her yet, ahahahah, the absurdity of it.

    He didn't asked for a buff to nurse, he asked for her to be easier to learn. Given i disagree with him, is still different from asking for a buff

    Also - please tell me how they "balance things around rank 20" - all their changes affect every rank. Removing exhaustion replenish while running, making killers vault, hit gens, break pallets faster, making killers pick up faster. How is any of this around making rank 20 easier?

    Fun fact the LITERALLY said that they balance the game watching how rank 20"ish" perform.
    This is how we got the nerf to freddy, cause he was "incredibly powerfull"

    Do you really think people play killer to ruin someone else's fun? That they start the game with that mission?
    Mmhhh survivors can bully the killer. All the killer can do is camp and hit the survivor repeatedly. Giving away >that he camps and losing the game

    [BAD WORD] yea they do, I've seen it multiple times where someone has the username "facecamper" or "tunneler" and they do exactly what their name implies, it's premeditated so they absolutely do it on purpose.

    I actually cannot believe we're having another conversation of "only survivors do bad things" where you refuse to admit killers are absolutely toxic as well, it's honestly embarrassing.

    Yes, killer are toxic too, but you really think there are more toxic killer than survivors?
    Yeah, infact youtube is full of toxic killers and the most famous toxic player are main killers... right?

    I mean, if you let it get to you and get so upset and riled up over "bullying" which in most cases is just survivors playing the game then yea absolutely they "win". I can die and still pip and I see that as winning so it really depends on what you define as winning. If a survivor tbags you and it gets you so focused on them that you tunnel the entire match and ignore other survivors then they might see that as a win.

    Nothing to argue here, i agree.
    Except t-bag, spamclick flashlight and troll afterchat are not exactly "just playing the game"
    But maibe you have a different concept of "playing the game"...

  • I'd like to see my boy Freddy get a buff. I would like him to be able to pick up a downed survivor being healed because all you can do is stand there and try to sleep the one healing them :'(

  • Member Posts: 110

    Freddy as already told, and Leatherface.

    Leatherface has Perks for Chasing and Hunting, but is really bad in hunting. Doesnt fit really good. He throw his saw like a maniac even when he hits an object, he didnt stop. so why the hell does he stop at a pallet?

    I would buff him like: no speedpenalty by crashing the saw to an object and that he deosent stop sawing at a pallet. Bam you have a big bad hunter.

  • Member Posts: 495

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    Freddy as already told, and Leatherface.

    Leatherface has Perks for Chasing and Hunting, but is really bad in hunting. Doesnt fit really good. He throw his saw like a maniac even when he hits an object, he didnt stop. so why the hell does he stop at a pallet?

    I would buff him like: no speedpenalty by crashing the saw to an object and that he deosent stop sawing at a pallet. Bam you have a big bad hunter.

    I'm not sure leatherface need a buff, maibe he need something more for the chase, but his defense is so massive it compensate for his other flaws... basically if you are on the hook you are done, no escape, no chance (vs a good latherface, obviously, potatoes are everywere)

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @Kalec84 said:

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    Freddy as already told, and Leatherface.

    Leatherface has Perks for Chasing and Hunting, but is really bad in hunting. Doesnt fit really good. He throw his saw like a maniac even when he hits an object, he didnt stop. so why the hell does he stop at a pallet?

    I would buff him like: no speedpenalty by crashing the saw to an object and that he deosent stop sawing at a pallet. Bam you have a big bad hunter.

    I'm not sure leatherface need a buff, maibe he need something more for the chase, but his defense is so massive it compensate for his other flaws... basically if you are on the hook you are done, no escape, no chance (vs a good latherface, obviously, potatoes are everywere)

    That´s exactly why he needs a buff. He needs better chases, so he has something more interesting to do than holding the hand of the survivor who is hooked.
    His chainsaw charge is terrible. If you release the button a split second to early, you lose the whole charge. Very frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 495

    @Tsulan said:

    @Kalec84 said:

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    Freddy as already told, and Leatherface.

    Leatherface has Perks for Chasing and Hunting, but is really bad in hunting. Doesnt fit really good. He throw his saw like a maniac even when he hits an object, he didnt stop. so why the hell does he stop at a pallet?

    I would buff him like: no speedpenalty by crashing the saw to an object and that he deosent stop sawing at a pallet. Bam you have a big bad hunter.

    I'm not sure leatherface need a buff, maibe he need something more for the chase, but his defense is so massive it compensate for his other flaws... basically if you are on the hook you are done, no escape, no chance (vs a good latherface, obviously, potatoes are everywere)

    That´s exactly why he needs a buff. He needs better chases, so he has something more interesting to do than holding the hand of the survivor who is hooked.
    His chainsaw charge is terrible. If you release the button a split second to early, you lose the whole charge. Very frustrating.

    totally agreed on that, maybe having it like billy will help... or make it worst... not sure... o_o

  • Member Posts: 43

    Nurse needs a huge nerf to addons and some nerf to her base kit too..Pig,Freddy and Myers base kit is weak and need some buffs

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Dev statistics showed clearly that she has the lowest kill rate. She clearly needs some addons that make it easier to learn her. People shouldn´t have to spend 200+ hours playing her, just to get acceptable results.
    She already has a pink addon that shows where the teleport will land. Just lower its rarity to grey.
    And why is that absurd? Survivors got more and more training wheels to make it easier and more forgiving. >If the devs won´t buff other killers, than they can at least make it easier to learn nurse.

    Lol, if you think she takes anywhere near 200 hours to master than I just can't take you seriously. 10 - 15 hours tops to get her ability down, after that it's up to you to find addons you like. If you're bad with her, that's it, you shouldn't need your hand held to play her.

    Freddy was nerfed because he had an absurdly high kill (or dc) rate at rank 20. Devs stated several times >that they balance for the mayor part of their playerbase which is sits at rank 20.
    I would prefer it, if the devs would balance around rank 1 like every competitive pvp game does. What´s your >opinion on that?

    You're telling me after a week they had these amazing stats? They nerfed him prematurely because EVERYONE was complaining about him. He just wasn't fun at any level to play with or against, and they screwed him, which they'll make up for in due time.

    And they might say they balance around rank 20 when they clearly don't - they've done changes that affect every rank, tell me on balance change they've done that directly affected only rank 20s.

    I also see survivors which have names like: i don´t do gens, mori him-->, doctor = dc, toxic nea, catch me = >dc, etc. Sure there are toxic killers, but again i´ve seen way more toxic survivors than killers. I played almost >exclusively survivor for the last 2 months. Haven´t seen a single killer with a toxic name in this time. Maybe >just a coincidence or rank. Those toxic killers you encountered probably sit at low ranks.

    And whats your point here? I argue everytime that BOTH sides are bad, and you come back with "but survivors too" YEA buddy, I know - that's what I keep saying.

    Literally only come across "toxic" killers at rank 1 - 5.

    Going to do the ol' switcheroo you killer mains like to do on me - YEA, sure you've been playing survivor for 2 months exclusively, whatever, liar.

    And yes, i know face camping doesn´t exist anymore!

    This comment made me laugh the most because you remember when you posted that "Proof facecamping doesn't exist" video and it was from a clip of one of the streams and the devs defined it as "being within 1-0 metres of the hook" and you were so impressed and happy that you found this clip when in actual fact it contradicted what you said and you haven't posted it since? Ahhh, good times, my fav.

    If a killer has his face towards a survivor that is face camping, face camping and blocking the hook are two different things.

    Devs need to do something about the toxic behavior. They need to reward fair play and nice behavior and >punish toxic behavior on both sides.

    Hard to define toxic, a lot of killer mains see simply using flashlights and doing generators as toxicity, just the same as survivors see tunneling and camping as toxicity.

    You sound like that survivor who said "you think you won?" when i had a 4k, 32.000 BPs and a double pip. >Yes, that´s a win in my book. But i really only care about bloodpoints.

    I have absolutely no idea what this even means.

    No, it´s not just survivors playing the game. You should know that. Ever played a nurse and missed all your >blinks? Just watch as the survivors start to get cocky after doing all gens. Teasing, teabagging, clicking the >flashlights, etc. They won´t leave until they have maxed out their points.

    Oh, is this the bit where we pretend every single game has "toxic" teabagging survivors, and what even in the world is "teasing" do you mean, being better than you and dodging your hits because you're not doing well at nurse? If a survivor is infront of you and gaining points and you're a NURSE and don't have the ability to force them out because you're bad then damn right they're going to tbag, if you have survivors INFRONT of you as nurse and you can't hit them then I really have no advice other than to get better.

    @Kalec84 said:
    He didn't asked for a buff to nurse, he asked for her to be easier to learn. Given i disagree with him, is still >different from asking for a buff

    Are we actually pretending that "make this killer easier to play" doesn't mean "buff this killer" she's very easy, point and click.

    Fun fact the LITERALLY said that they balance the game watching how rank 20"ish" perform.
    This is how we got the nerf to freddy, cause he was "incredibly powerfull"

    He was nerfed after a week because of public outcry, he was terrible in all ways possible, it was premature, they apologised and said they wouldn't be nerfing killers quite so quickly, they made a mistake and he will get a buff, I can't believe people are still talking abou this as it was poor judgement on their part.

    Yes, killer are toxic too, but you really think there are more toxic killer than survivors?
    Yeah, infact youtube is full of toxic killers and the most famous toxic player are main killers... right?

    Who cares who is more "toxic" this is very hard to define but to imply killers are golden arbiters of DBD would be an incorrect assumption to make.

    I'm done, I've been up all night - I look forward to replies in the morning, happy gaming, GG.

  • Member Posts: 770

    @Zavri said:

    @Global said:

    @yeet said:
    Global said:

    @Delfador said:

    Doc is far from being OP. His base kit is really really weak. His addons are good but doesn't make him very powerful imo. He is just fcking annoying.

    Nurse is very powerful. I know a couple of people on this forum think that she is 'balanced' but I think she definitely needs nerfs.
    I don't have any problem with Hillbilly, Hag, Myers and Huntress. I think they are balanced.
    Clown doesn't have much pressure on the map but he is a really good chaser. I don't think he needs to be buffed.
    Doc's base kit can be buffed. If it is gonna happen, they can even nerf his addons. I wouldn't mind.
    Freddy, Leatherface, Pig, Trapper are the most desperate ones for buffs I think.
    Wraith got a buff but I didn't test him on the PTB so I have no idea.

    I wish every killer was in the same level with billy because he is the most balanced one imo. I am talking about base kits though. I don't mind if they nerf killers' addons if they are gonna buff their base powers.

    billy is probably the most broken he can 1 hit any one and fly across the map with basically no negative effects towards him. He is also the easiest killer to play just get close and chainsaw.

    Hillbilly is the most balanced killer in the game.

    @Delfador said:

    @Global said:

    @Bartex said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    Killers that need to be buffed would include freddy, wraith, leatherdaddy, pig. I don't think any killer needs to be nerfed tho. I know alot of people advocate for the nurse to be gutted but she is the only killer that can stand a chance against swf death squads and succeed. She translates player skill and experience into real performance that you can see. Nurse as is, is perfectly fine at base. Her addon need to be nerfed/reworked. 4 and 5 blinks should not be a thing since it eliminates almost all counter play for the survivors.

    nurse is not the only one that can stand, i've played some tournaments, and nurse main killed only one survivor, when the hillbilly main killed full team ;v

    Because billy is easy to play skill takes actual skill and no im not a survivor main i am a killer main so have fun coming up with an arguement other than "HA RANK 27 SURVIVOR MAIN GIT GUD"

    There is not much thing a billy can do if he faces good survivors. He can be easily looped.

    Yes he can chainsaw people easily but you have your tools to fight him. 'If he gets close, he can chainsaw'. Don't let him get close then?

    'One way or another he will get close I can't avoid him 5 gens'. True but we also need to remember that you are not the only target there. He needs to do that multiple times. This is not a 1v1 game. As a survivor, you are not as powerful as the killer. At least you shouldn't be.

    Being an easy killer or a hard killer is not related to being OP. Nurse can be the easiest killer or the hardest one, it doesn't matter. She is broken, billy is not.

    @yeet @Delfador Every killer needs to chase someone multiple times even nurse has to do it multiple times hell i find fighting her easier than billy because once you break line of sight with her just make her think you are going one way when your not simple. He has no draw back to one of the most powerful abilities in the game which is to cut the chase in half. He has immense map pressure and can instantly get to one side of the map to another better than nurse ever can. Yea being an easy killer doesnt make you op but if the easy killer has an extremely powerful ability it does because the more powerful the ability the harder to play the killer it should be. "There is not much thing a billy can do if he faces good survivors." I dont know what you mean here? That he needs his ability to fight the good survivors but in that case so does nurse so how would she deserve a nerf anymore than billy?

    nurse can cover the map better then billy with max range addons.

    I wasnt talking with addons im talking base kit

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