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New Chapter - Child's Play

SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

Child's Play

Chapter DLC

I know a lot of you out there say Chucky wouldn't work. He's too short. How would he see? How would he hook people (for that see below)? I totally get it. So what I'm proposing here requires some fuzzy logic. Bear with me. Chucky is inhabited by the spirit of Charles Lee Ray. What I propose is that although Chucky is short, the vision for this killer is set to the height of Charles Lee Ray pre-Chucky. It's Charles's sight that will be the foundation for this killer. Anyway...

The Toy (Charles Lee Ray)

Voodoo Knife - A small stainless steel knife with red markings along the blade.

After a successful hit, the Toy will shake the blood from the knife.

Speed: 110%

Size: Shorter than survivor waist height.

Lunge: Average

Terror Radius: 24 meters

Ferocious Onslaught

The Toy's corrupted rage manifests in his ferocious and unrelenting attacks against his unfortunate victims.

  • Ferocious Onslaught is the Toy's main power, allowing him to leap onto survivors and viciously attack them, forcing them to match him toe for toe or succumb to his blows.
  • At any time, the Toy can use the RMB to Leap forward. If the leap connects with a wall or the ground, the Toy is stunned.
  • If the Toy successfully leaps onto a survivor, he begins his Ferocious Onslaught.
  • During the onslaught, The Toy climbs around the survivors body, attempting to stab them. The survivor can move freely during the Ferocious Onslaught.
  • During the onslaught, both the Toy and the survivor simultaneously receive skill checks every 3 seconds.
  • If the Toy fails a skillcheck, and the survivor succeeds:
  • The Toy is thrown in front of the survivor and stunned for 3 seconds
  • If the Toy succeeds a skillcheck and the survivor fails:
  • The Toy stabs the survivor, injuring them by one health state and continuing the onslaught.
  • If both the Toy and the survivor fail:
  • The onslaught continues.
  • If both the Toy and the survivor succeed:
  • The onslaught continues and the difficulty of the onslaught skill checks is raised by one stage.
  • Onslaught skill checks grow more challenging the longer the duel continues.
  • Stage I:
  • Skill check success zones are slightly decreased. 
  • Further stages stack this effect.
  • Stage II:
  • Skill check markers move slightly faster.
  • Further stages stack this effect.
  • Stage III:
  • Skill checks will randomly deviate slightly from the center of the screen.
  • Further stages stack this effect.
  • Skill check stages are capped at 10. Skill check stages are reset at the end of the onslaught.
  • During the battle, Ferocious Onslaught drains. If it reaches zero, the onslaught is ended. Ferocious Onslaught lasts for 30 seconds, and recharges over 15 seconds afterwards.
  • Other survivors can pull the Toy off of a survivor. The Ferocious Onslaught resets and the Toy starts attacking the savior instead. They become injured by one health state before being climbed on

The spirit of Charles Lee Ray manifests to pick up and hook dying survivors. A smoky/shadowy tendril leads from the manifestation back to the toy, which follows behind.

Essentially, this power would be a skill check based duel between the killer and survivor. A highly skilled chucky can take down survivors in one relentless onslaught, or shut down loops by leaping onto your prey. Likewise, a skilled survivor could keep chucky occupied for quite some time; should they match skill. 


The Toy allows the survivor to stand up, before darting around their legs and climbing up their back. The survivor attempts to pull the Toy off, but the toy stabs his knife into their hand and continues to climb. The toy then pulls out a plastic bag, shoving it over the head of the survivor and pulling back. For a few moments, the survivor panics and thrashes as the Toy laughs, before the survivor falls over; dead. The Toy retrieves the knife from the hand of the survivor and leaves.


Friends Till the End

Become obsessed with one survivor. During the match, your obsession can not be placed into the injured, dying, or hooked states. Hitting your obsession will cause a random survivor on the map to become injured by 1 health state, and have their location revealed for 1/2/3 seconds. This perk is deactivated after hitting your obsession. Injuring a survivor who is not your obsession reactivates this perk.

When your obsession is the last survivor left in the match, they become Exposed and you may kill your obsession by your own hand.

“We’re friends till the end, remember?” - Chucky

Made in China

Cheap isn’t always better. Pallets become poorly made, inflicting a stack of Splinter upon being thrown down or vaulted over. Splinter decreases survivor action speed by 5%, up to a maximum of 10 splinters per survivor. Additionally, the first 3/4/5 pallets you break in a trial are destroyed 30/40/50% faster. Splinters are removed upon being healed.

HEX: Hide the Soul

A hex rooting its power in murder. While a survivor is on the hook, you’re granted the Undetectable status effect, and your movement speed increased by 5/6/7%. Hooking another survivor whilst one is already hooked will automatically sacrifice the first survivor, and destroy this hex. This perk is deactivated while within 24 meters of a hooked survivor.

“Close your eyes and count to seven, when you wake you'll be in heaven.” - Chucky



Plastic Eyeball

A factory made eyeball built for a doll.

Slightly increases the range of the Leap.

Fake Hair

A patch of red doll hairs. Torn out during a struggle.

  • Slightly decreases failed Onslaught stun time.

Slightly decreases failed Leap stun time.

Newspaper Clipping

A cut out newspaper article talking about the Lakeshore strangler.

  • Moderately increases Ferocious Onslaught recovery speed.


Broken Voice Box

An aged piece of technology from an old toy. Seldom used.

  • Moderately increases the range of the leap.
  • Moderately decreases failed Leap stun time.

Good Guy Cereal Box

An empty box of Good Guy branded cereal.

  • Survivors injured by the Ferocious Onslaught suffer from the Mangled status effect until healed.

Crime Scene Photograph

A picture taken at the scene of one of the Lakeshore Strangler's victims.

  • Moderately increases Ferocious Onslaught recovery speed.
  • Slightly increases Ferocious Onslaught duration, time increased by 6 seconds.

Good Guy Doll Box

The empty cardboard box that once housed a child's dream toy. Ash smudges can be seen on the outside of the box.

  • Moderately decreases the stacking skill check effects on the Toy's Ferocious Onslaught skill checks.
  • Slightly increases the stacking skill check effects on the Survivor's Ferocious Onslaught skill checks.

Small Shoes

Shoes that would fit a child; or a doll. Flour stains the bottom of the shoes.

  • Moderately decreases the time it takes to climb onto survivors.
  • Survivors who pull you off of your victim start 2 skill check stages in advance.


Good Guy Construction Kit

A branded kid of toy construction tools. The hammer is missing.

  • Survivors start at stage 3 of Ferocious Onslaught skill check difficulty.

Decreases the maximum Ferocious Onslaught difficulty stages by 3 for the Toy.

Good Guy Batteries

A set of large batteries meant to power a Good Guy Doll. In some cases, unnecessary.

  • Moderately increases the range of the Leap
  • Upon leaping onto a survivor, the first Ferocious Onslaught skill check they receive is Tremendously difficult.

Cigarette Lighter

A car attachment meant to conveniently light cigarettes. Melted plastic drips from the end of it.

  • Considerably decreases the failed Onslaught stun time.
  • Survivors injured by the Ferocious Onslaught are afflicted with the Hindered status effect for 30 seconds.

Good Guy Pajamas

A onesie made to look like the outfit of a Good Guy. The bottom of the feet match that of the doll’s.

  • Considerably decreases the time it takes to climb onto survivors.

Survivors who pull you off of your victim start 3 skill check stages in advance.

Very Rare

Bloody Toy Hammer

The hammer used to kill one of Chucky's first victims.

  • The Toy's Ferocious Onslaught skill checks now have a bonus success zone.
  • Successfully hitting a great Onslaught Skill check moderately reduces the skill check success zone of the survivor’s next Onslaught skill check

“Chucky said aunt Maggie was a real ######### who got what she deserved.”

News Tape

A VHS tape containing a news story detailing the shootout between Charles Lee Ray and the police that led to his death.

  • Considerably increases Ferocious Onslaught recovery speed.
  • Ferocious Onslaught skill check difficulty stages are retained for 15 seconds after the end of the Onslaught, carrying over to the next Onslaught.

Melted Arm

A plastic doll arm, shot off of the shambling remains of Chucky. Occasionally wiggles.

  • Both the Toy and the survivor's Ferocious Onslaught skill check difficulty starts 5 stages in advance.

Ultra Rare

Voodoo Doll

The voodoo doll that was once tied to the mentor of Charles Lee Ray. The doll has been stabbed through.

  • Leaping onto a healthy survivor will injure them by one health state.
  • Moderately increases failed Onslaught stun time.
  • Moderately increases failed Leap stun time.

Empty Revolver

The gun that brought an end to Charles Lee Ray's human existence.

  • For the duration of the Ferocious Onslaught, all survivors skill checks are affected by the survivor's skill check difficulty stages.

Moderately increases the Ferocious Onslaught duration, time increased by 12 seconds.

Andy Barclay

The Scarred Orphan


Paranoid Dread

Your experience with betrayal has made you skilled at expecting the unexpected. The size of the killer's terror radius can be discerned by the perk icon gauge, with the maximum being 32 meters. While within the killer’s terror radius but not in a chase, your movement speed is increased by 6/8/10%

Slip Away

You've had to learn how to outsmart your predators to avoid becoming prey. You slow enter lockers and slow vault windows and pallets 40/45/50% faster. Additionally, your footstep noises and falling sounds are reduced by 100%.

“Andy, run!”


The first chest searched is guaranteed to hold a Utility Flashlight. The time it takes for you to blind the killer is reduced by 25% and the blindness duration increased by 30/40/50%

“This is the end, Friend.”


  • Plubu
    Plubu Member Posts: 4

    Neat idea, but about The Toy's power, I think it should have a little more power since the killer's role is power.

    When you first use your ability and leap into the survivor, both of them start at Stage 1, however, the next skillcheck would be the survivor on stage 2, but The Toy is still at Stage 1, the next skillcheck would make the survivor start at Stage 3 and The Toy at Stage 2, and so on.

    I could've maybe not understood this power exactly, but making it like that would make the killer more actually feels like a killer, a power role, and the survivor would be more satisfied if they managed to escape the attack.


    Friends Till the End :

    I like the idea of it, but I think it's way too luck based to be viable, the last thing this game need is more luck. Great idea, though.

    Made in China :

    I'm guessing the survivor either gets The Splinters if they were injured, or if they're any state, and any heal after that would remove it, I'm not sure how strong or weak this perk sounds, but needs game testing.

    However, the second part of the perk which increased the breaking speed is way too much, I think. I know it's limited to just the first 5 pallets, but I think the maximum break speed should be around 30%-40%, and I say that and I'm a killer main.

    Again, good ideas, but I think they should be 2 separate perks.

    HEX: Hide the Soul:

    I get it that it's a HEX perk, but it's way too strong even for a HEX perk, if lower than average skilled killer managed to be lucky and no survivor found the HEX totem or even aware that it's up, it would just carry the killer.

    I think it needs a rework, but I like the name, it actually sounds like it's a perk that BHVR would name a perk of their own.

    Paranoid Dread:

    I see, it's a perk similar to Spine Chill and Premonition, it helps to know if a killer is nearby, the thing that I don't understand is the increased movement speed. You know, it's really easy to not be in a chase in the game's terms, but still actually be in a chase, if this perk is added, then any decent survivors would destroy killers with this perk, way too strong.

    I like the first part, perk's icon brightens depends on how close is the killer, just make the secondary effect something related to Bloodpoints bonus, to make it worth picking up even for non-farming survivors.

    Slip Away:

    Decent idea, but just make them 2 separate perks.


    If anyone mastered this perk, killer mains would probably quit this game or waste a perk slot by using Lightborn.

    Just keep the first part, and the bonus effect is also a Bonus Bloodpoints effect when blinding a killer and successfully rescuing a survivor while being picked up.

    Overall, great ideas, lad.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    I appreciate the feedback man. Numbers are fluid of course and every single part of any killer would need play testing no matter how solid it sounded. Now on to specifics...Yeah i could definitely see starting the survivor off on a higher tier of skill check. I'd be open to that. Now the only luck part of friends til the end is on the survivor side. Like which random survivor is going to take this hit instead of the obsession? Would pair greatly with nemesis. Agree that secondary effect of made in china should be reduced some. No argument there. Maybe 15/20/25% for the first 5? It does effect any health state survivor. Of course the hex totem would give survivors an on screen indicator as soon as the first person in a match is hooked. As for carrying bad killers, the hex literally destroys itself if the strongest part of it comes to fruition, so that one I'd argue to stay as is.

    I think you might be right about paranoid dread. The icon portion of it alone could work well as an alternative to spine chill/premonition. Ditch the speed boost and maybe say 50/75/100% bonus to boldness category while within terror radius? Slip away I'm going to keep both parts, but take out the falling sounds. Just make it the first part plus footsteps make no noise. Finally, burn. I'm going to keep both parts but adjust it somewhat. We'll make the bonus effects related to that flashlight only, and adjust the numbers to 10% quicker and lasts 15/20/25% longer.

    I appreciate your time dude. See you in the fog.

  • Plubu
    Plubu Member Posts: 4

    A response that I've hoped to receive, about the HEX perk, you see my friend, a perk that can potentially get you a kill fast and early, in just the cost of destroying my HEX is a perk I'll use atleast on most killers, the value on that perk is just too high.

    See you in the fog, as well.