AFK Killer Revenge as result for unbalanced gameplay

hey killers,

i´m just talking to you because the survivors dont care what i´m saying. i play m1 killers and most of them dont have map pressure. which is a problem my favourites are the clown,legion,wraith, doctor, amanda and deathslinger.

the problem in this game is after more then 1 year of playing it. the survivors get more and more better and plays me out inired ranks completly. this is no fun anymiore. when i play the nurse i get a 4 k every single game. but this game isn´t just 1-3 killers game so here are some possibilities to make the game more fun and better for killers.

  1. lower genspeed ( the speed of the survivors is too fast, if you play a standard killer without map pressure you can just play the 3 stens who are opefully close together, thats all otherwise you will lose the game)
  2. add 1-3 more gens. (more generators would mean more time to catch and kill the survivors, a slowly game because you are not so much stresses and the survivors have something to do for their points)
  3. generator Lifetime ( i dont know how i shall describe this topic. what about what about a lifetime for generators. if the gen is made he has an online lifetime to work maybe 6-8 minutes after that it gets off and lose 10% of the progress. so survivors have to go back to it and get a signal to reanimate the gen again.)

1-2 more perkslots for killers. ( playing against survivors is somtimes very very hard, not only if they are a swf, some perks can just stop the hole power of plague, legion,clown, etc.... thats not good so please give the killer some more possibilities to build their characters. you play 4perks+power against /16perks+undefined survivor skill

these are some ideas of making the game better because, playing M1 killers shall be more fun!

thx for reading and we wont see you un the fog killer friends( because i´m killer main)


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    Theres afew issues with this... ASSUMING your right and the killers you listed off are ill equipped to handle survivors while the other killers ARE equiped to handle survivors, giving a net nerf to survivors or a net buff to all killers would only act to make the killers who are doing just fine completely OP. If you feel like specific killers are underperforming, the better option would be to touch up on those killers specifically.

    Gen times have already been adjusted recently with survivors getting a further debuff than previously if stacked on gens as well as the change to toolboxes. I know it can feel tough, but rather than try to change the game to give yourself more kills...maybe ask yourself if there is ANYTHING you couldve done different. Often times when killers claim to have been playing without making a SINGLE mistake, its often times because they lack area awareness, spent too much time chasing a single survivor or don't know how to handle certain loops. Personally, when I first started playing...I played Doctor and would just hold W while chasing, vault every window the survivor would vault and aim to break EVERY pallet on the map. I didnt know that this WASNT playing perfectly.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Wait you have issues as wraith and doctor? And you've been playing over a year?

    ....okay. that aside, way to show your side vs side bias. You dont like the game, then don't play it. But having a call to arms because "######### sUrViVoRs, DeVs UnFaIr" is childish...

    I play both sides, and dont have NEARLY as many issues as you seem to be having. Try playing survivor maybe?

    You're trying to use bullshit arguments. 4vs16 perks? Killers have powers, and their perks are generally better by a lot. BBQ, Nurses, etc.

    Its SUPER obvious that you dont play survivor, but the gen speeds, amount, perk numbers, etc are all fine.

    If you want to play your favorite killers, do it an enjoy it. But if you want to win every game and get high ranks (which is pointless and meaningless) then you have to play certain killers. Period.

    But since rank doesnt matter, why worry about win/lose? Play, enjoy, learn, move on. But please, stop complaining.

    Lastly, if you're done, just be done. Dont rant about it for attention. If you wont see us, then dont let us see you. Otherwise it looks like another, daily thread, trying to "strike" until you get what you want. And it wont work.


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I’m very confused with your gen lifetime thing, you have only 6-8 minutes to repair it fully once you’ve started it? I’m not sure what you meant here. If this is the case however, 6-8 minutes would not do much, that’s over half the time of an average game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    I think OP means after a gen is finished, it will go back to being unfinished and at 90% after awhile.

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    sUrViVoRs bAd. I Am nOt gEtTiNg bEtTeR At tHe gAmE BuT ThEy aRe.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    “add 1-3 more gens”. Wow. You wanting up to 8 gens just proves you have no interest in actual balance, balance to you is simply you winning easily every game. This is called entitlement, and you have a very strong case of it. Don’t like using this, but git gud definitely applies.

    So if you are getting a 4K every game with Nurse now, and you implemented these changes, doesn’t that mean your Nurse games are all going to be something like 4K/6 gens left? And you think that’s balanced? 😂

  • Meiygo
    Meiygo Member Posts: 89

    that is whati mean. you do a gen and after 6-8 minuts it get destroyed automatically to 90% so the survivrs ge a noise and need to repair it again. to solve the genrush problem. in addition to thatyou could reduce the living time of the gen by 1 minute for ever gen who popped out in the next 30 seconds. to slow down the game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    Unfortunately something like that would make killers who are already strong in the current setup completely broken.

  • Meiygo
    Meiygo Member Posts: 89

    the point is the problem in thsi game is the genrush. if the survivors plays well. one single guy can bring you under trouble the hole game. and if every survivors plays like that you are in a bad state.

    thats the problem playing survivor is too easy for this game. so they need some nerfs and killer buffs in general.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    What your describing is a mindset that alot of unexperienced killer players have. When people say "dont spend too long in one chase" it often gets misconstrued as as "down people faster". In truth, it just means swap get some value in where you can, whether that be a hit or a pallet broken and swap targets. You should NEVER be chasing someone from 1 pallet to the next while leaving the rest of the team to crank out gens. Doing so is creating large dead zones but not capitalizing on that.

  • Meiygo
    Meiygo Member Posts: 89

    if you are unable to down a survivors in 30 seconds the chase is lost. that means get good on the game or leave it. playing a game as killer and you have 1.2. or 3 games is a lost gaem for you. just a 4 k after 5 gens are made are a victory. simple and easy. the worst loop in ths game is the double l loop with 2 windows. they can hold you there nearly the hole game. so that needs to be fixed also.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    Are you refering to TL walls? I recently jacked this from a facebook group...

    If you have discord or something, I might be able to give you some tips on how to handle these things. It would just make things easier being able to talk rather than type on a forum. Typically speaking as far as time in a chase goes... you want to get a hit or a pallet within 15 seconds. Not every hit HAS to result in a down. Often times injuring an entire team is a much better move than downing a single person.

  • Meiygo
    Meiygo Member Posts: 89

    very interesting. yes i have discord: Meiygo#3474

    Steam: Gerrit (Joker clown pic)

    feel free to add me^^

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How about you load into the game with all survivors on hook? Is this acceptable?

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210


    You're asking too much. I'm a hybrid player and even tho I understand what you want, it will simply make the game close to impossible in solo queue.

    "lower genspeed ( the speed of the survivors is too fast, if you play a standard killer without map pressure you can just play the 3 stens who are opefully close together, thats all otherwise you will lose the game)"

    You should play strategically and use gen regression perks in order to win in this game. Yes, if you play Clown without corrupt then expect 3 gens to be popped in one minute, but the game isn't over. You have 2 more gens left that are probably close to each other.

    "add 1-3 more gens. (more generators would mean more time to catch and kill the survivors, a slowly game because you are not so much stresses and the survivors have something to do for their points)"

    What do you mean?! 1-3 generators is an insanely big nerf. There are killers in red ranks that can completely destroy a survivor team with 5 gens left, and you want to add 1-3 more gens to that. The gen number is fine, you need to simply improve and end chases sooner.

    "generator Lifetime ( i dont know how i shall describe this topic. what about what about a lifetime for generators. if the gen is made he has an online lifetime to work maybe 6-8 minutes after that it gets off and lose 10% of the progress. so survivors have to go back to it and get a signal to reanimate the gen again.)"

    Again, no. When a generator is completed, it's completed. You shouldn't have to go back and redo something you did. Imagine there is one gen left and there are 3 people left. Suddenly there are 4 gens left because the game lasted long. The survivors will have to refix the other 3 generator 8 seconds each (resulting in a 24 second delay) and then go back to apply pressure to the other gens to finish the last one. Incredibly unfun from the survivors perspective.

    I can describe what you just said in one sentence:

    Delete survivors.

    There we go, the game is balanced now :)