Which DLC Killer has good perks to use with common killers

Have auric cells to buy one killer but am not looking at Cannibal since I have David king’s WGLF
Best Answers
I would still recommend BBQ over WGLF as its easier to get stacks on it AND killers get more BP usually. I would recommend Leatherface, Spirit, and probably Plague as my top 3 if you're just worried about perks. I'll throw some killers at you and what they offer for general use imo so you can decide for yourself though. So in (mostly) order of release, these are the perks either I recommend or I hear good things about:
Bubba/Leatherface/Cannibal: BBQ for BP and tracking. Franklin's Demise is a decent perk if you see a lot of items or a key. Knockout is good if you're planing to run slug builds at any point, but it gets countered by SWF pretty hard.
Myers/Shape: Save the best (STBFL )is one of the best perks for basic attack killers, Play With Your Food is alright on some killers if you can keep stacks, Dying Light can be used in a slowdown build but its generally lackluster since it buffs the obsession by SO much, needs to be stacked, and still gives a pretty meh debuff to survivors..
Hag (if on PC): Nothing really worthwhile here ever since the Ruin nerf, would not recommend.
Doctor (PC): Monitor is pretty good on almost every killer, lets you get closer to survivors before they can hear you coming, can land you an earlier hit in a lot of cases for shorter chases.
Pig: Surveillance is a decent perk if you can get it going, really good if survivors get greedy for a gen or you get a lockdown going.
Clown: Pop is one of the best gen regression perks of you can get it off. Bamboozle helps with some god/strong loops.
Spirit: Spirit Fury is pretty good for shortening chases, especially if combo's with Enduring. Haunted Grounds can work alright, but its a gamble perk. Rancor is alright for tracking and the obsession getting exposed and moriable is nice, but there's better perks.
Legion: Discordance is a decent tracking perk if survivors gang up on gens, which they will eventually if not as soon at the match starts.
Plague: Corrupt intervention is VERY good on setup killers and still decent on other. Infectious Fright is also a good perk for snowballing, info, or to see if anyone is trying to pallet/flashlight save who you just downed.
Ghostface: I'm All Ears is good if you know how to use it, its very situational though. Thrilling is an alright information perk, but it can easily be substituted with other perks.
Demogorgon: Surge can be ok if you can get downs near gens, but I wouldn't recommend over other slowdown/regression perks in most cases.
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leather face is the best perks and a pretty decent killer only for £4
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When it comes to hag:
Ruin have a strong combo with surveilance.
Devour hope in my opinion is a must for some killers, who lack lethality. It's good to pair it with haunted grounds.
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I did not care with who is the new killer in Dead by Daylight is . because the game did not open 5 weeks, for now, the candy man I hard to see he in this game because of In the movie the candy man he shows up only when someone saying his name 5 times but the actor who played is candy man he wants to be in this game and his voice come to into the games he said so I think the Dead By Daylight developers use his voice different away too also the movie candy man is close because the Covd-19 too. . IT I hardly see IT in the game because IT would want to get children not want the teenagers and IT turned into the spider too. the Ailing did not have happening to be she is a big fit in the game I mean that the hard model she fit inside the game.