Who do u guys think is the best Killer Youtuber/Twitch streamer?



  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    There use to be alot more out there streaming the game. DC penalties have been a real turn-off for streamers now these days.

    We really just need a Casual play mode at this point. WITHOUT the penalties.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    He’s not hating it’s true. Tru3 does complain not a lot but man I’ve never seen someone complain about the game and unfairness only one I can think of that does is space coconut. And Tru3 is extremely overrated he forgets what some things do a lot like very very simple things like he will forget he has a certain perk or add on or forget that someone has DS or dead hard or any exhaustion perk. He looks like a clown a lot. Speaking of which he can only play a handful of killers above averagely he has some great play with some killers but like when he plays killers like GF or demo or Oni he is just absolutely terrible with them and does the wrong plays. He’s not bad, far from it. But people portray him as a god. When there are people like Otz or Scott who are the most knowledgeable streamers/youtubers and deserve more credit (otz apparently is now loved here I remember a couple months ago people were bashing him for being overrated but ig he’s loved now here) but Scott needs more recognition.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336
  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    TrU3Ta1ent does not face the very best that common. He plays decent survivor and SWF, but overall the man faces more average survivors then people give him credit for. He's a good player, but far from what I would consider top tier. He's mostly supported by a loyal community and his own ego. Your comment about Monto and Umbra apply to TrU3Ta1ent as well. From what I can tell very few streamers outside FunGoose, Zubat, and Dowsey do consistently well without raging against all levels of players.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    I lost respect for Marth after that whole Space eSports debacle. Dude makes assumptions about the rules, BRO YOU ARE NOT A TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL! Anyone that's ever played in gaming tournaments know you just play it out even if the rules say you don't have to EXACTLY for the reasons that ######### him over in that tournament... because sometimes ######### happens then TO's have to make a ruling post match. I ran tournaments for almost 10 years, it happens more than you think, especially with rules that are super fuzzy/unclear like the hatch rule.

    Tofu is good. The only thing that bugs me about him is he says LITERALLY all the time. It also seems like he gets potatoes survivors a lot. I don't want to say he cherry picks games, but it kinda seems that way.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Zubat. Surprised so few mention him. He's really good at both roles

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Otz, Monto, Tofu, Zubat imo.

    Also while not extremely skillful, Hybrid Panda was one of the best to watch for entertainment. Really miss him, hope he's doing okay <3

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I think this is a world record for the longest a thread like this has existed without devolving into insults and being locked. Maybe ease up on the negative words about a few people being discussed and talk about the positives.

    I'd have to choose my beautiful boyfriend Zubat, although he really does not give a ######### about most matches. Tofu is great, Umbra is a swell lass, and Otz has a great attitude.

    Pretty much I will always prefer and think higher of good players that will admit their mistakes as opposed to those who blame the game first.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    It fully depends on the person playing. Umbra is the best Huntress by far, but Tru3 and Otz have so much game knowledge.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587
    edited May 2020

    I gotta go with Zubat or Tru3. Yeah everyone else is really skilled blah blah blah but these two put out videos of killer and survivor no perks climb to rank 1. Yeah easy whatever then why isn't red ranks completely saturated? Otz is very reliable to listen to for input on killers and to some degree so is scott jund. Monto is very pleasing to watch because he's a natural showman and it truly shows. The man can make any game look pleasing, cherry picking videos or streaming.

    Edit: Otz would be in first place for me but he's waaaaaay better at dark souls than dbd so I'm kinda biased on that info alone >.>

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Tru3 is highly overrated. He makes the "SWF" excuse a lot. Otz and Zubat put him to shame. I've faced Tru3 and he makes a ton of mistakes, then cries gen rush. I was not in an SWF, only 2 of the four were. He got one kill after he resorted to hardcore tunnels on the Jake. That was partly his mistake, we got three gens done during that and left.

    Zubat, I've faced him and it was embarrassing how fast he wiped us out. 4 gens still waiting to be done. I'm sure he did not miss with a single hatchet. He is miles better than Tru3.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Excuses mean nothing to me, I judge based on how they play. His survivors make fewer mistakes and play stronger than anyone else I've seen.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    Otz, fungoose, umbra, scott.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    Hmm... I'd have to say Fungoose (but he's mostly a survivor from what I've seen). Tends to make me a hyperexcitable and overly alert.

    Otz is pretty damn good but sometimes his little charades are annoying.

    TheKing is great. Pretty casual gaming most of the time, so it's more relaxing to watch.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Then you have not seen that many Survivors.

    In general, in EU, the stronger players are online during the evening. And the really strong players during the night.

    tru3 mostly plays during afternoon, he basically verses the most casual players.

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    After reading replies under this post, I understood the level of the majority of players sitting on dbd forums. You guys need to go out of your way one day and open your eyes for a second or two.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited May 2020

    I gave my opinion of a guy who has built-in excuses constantly lined up. I believe people like this are actually bad for the community as it warps a lot of players into never owning up to mistakes, or that the opponent (s) might just be better. Angry Pug is similar in that regard, but I do at least find his bitching about bad teammates to bring comedic value

    Post edited by Karl_Childers on
  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    For killer Marth Otz and Monto.

    For Surv Ussyliss Puppers and Noob3.

    These are my votes.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    That's funny. He plays the same survivors every other rank 1 plays. Sounds like you just want to believe in home. That's your right, no biggie. Just don't fool yourself into thinking he gets placed into some special group of elite survivors. He just makes more excuses than Zubat or Monto would.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited May 2020

    I’ve seen him pull the “this is a strong team, boys” card so many times when literally one of the survivors is any good at looping. He has set things up to where he can never look bad. Compare that to someone like Scott who will flat out say he blew the game. You can’t ignore it’s a rarity with Tru3, it’s always something else. I’ve seen him with games such as Huntress where at the start he’ll say it will be rough cause of the map (Which is a totally legit complaint), but by the end it’s shifted to the same ol’ 4 man SWF nothing I could do excuse. Even he seems to get confused on the reason he didnt dominate sometimes. As an experiment, give a shot at watching his stream with the sound muted so you don’t get influenced by the commentary. Might be interesting.

    Post edited by Karl_Childers on
  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    That's one problem with this community, they think because they get potatoes, everyone does, and anyone that thinks they face strong teams just needs to git gud.

    When I get survivors from the Sao Paulo servers, they are significantly stronger than the USA or Canada survivors.

    Again, I'm not going off his commentary, I'm going off what I see. His survivors make fewer mistakes than other streamers.

    I've seen tru3 admit he screwed up many times.

  • huebz
    huebz Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2020

    Otzzzz #1 for skill and tech and overall demeanor. Otz is king

    Fungoose for the same reasons, great tech and no salt

    Yerv and Jaee for pure entertainment

    *Edited to include my honorable mentions

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Fungoose easily imo

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Personally Noob3. I learned a lot from his playstyle since early 2017 and he was one of the first youtuber that I watched. And tbh he seems like he really cares about his fanbase more than a cash. He puts a lot of effort to his videos to be enjoyable for him and his fans.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Umbra has always been my consistent favorite.

    Tru3 is good too, but he's an irritating streamer. He is in love with his own cleverness, and he does that idiotic thing where he does a close-up to mug for the camera. Regardless of how good they are at the game, I strongly dislike streamers who try too hard to infuse this sort of insistent "character" that they have concocted.

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    There are good amount of youtubers/twitch streamers that are all good in their own way. I just like watching certain ones based off their personality since it makes their videos/streams so much more entertaining.

    Otzdarva, he is really good, always fun to watch his matches.

    TheKing, I haven't watched a lot of his matches as much as I would like to but I do hope to get around to watching more but I just love his videos in general. I have been playing Dead By Daylight for years all the way back on my older playstation account and I honestly kept messing up flashlight saves and not being able to do them properly until I watched one of his tutorial videos for it that he did recently. I've seen other tutorials videos for flashlight saves from others but didn't help to much. Every since I nail them most of the time so yay lol.

    One of my favorites, I love his videos and when he does live streams is HybridPanda. He had to take a haitus due to family and family comes first. I do hope he makes a return.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Not so much the bigger streamers. Pubstomping doesn't really mean much, especially because most players with 1k hours or so can do it. You should look at those who perform well in multiple tournaments, if you want to see something that approaches a sense of the 'best'. Sure, tournaments are not really that great in DbD, but they give you a better picture, because it's tryhards facing tryhards. Pubstomping can't capture the same level of competition consistently.

    Someone like KnightLight or Jordirex are a couple of examples out of the top of my head, but there are many more. Just check the tournaments and who among those are content creators.

    Fungoose dodges though, it's been confirmed even in the stream of someone he SWFs with on a regular basis. And dodging in an already small pond where you're the big fish is not really a great measure of skill. There's a reason why his killer queues are so long compared to the other killer streamers of the area and why he has an allegedly 'anti-sniping' screen.

    If you want to learn, by all means he's one to watch, he's really good at explaining. But don't take too much from his whole shtick of '4k'ing 39 out of 40 games with any killer without add-ons'. I used to, until I realized what went on behind the scenes and I also got a better understanding of the game. He's got some self-promotion to do in order to stream for a living, that goes with the territory and it's all good, nothing wrong with that. Just don't take that advertising literally, because it simply doesn't match the reality of rank 1 killer on big servers at hours where the big survivor players are online.

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    I'd say skill wise is otz, like, holy ######### the guy is a beast. But I prefer monto or noob3

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    he tires really hard to over analyze a basic m1 simulator while he is slaughtering rank 10 babies and acting like he is a professional at holding m1 and its kinda cringe

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    Fungoose also plays off peak hours and a often on a smurf account

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    id probably have to say either Umbra, Otz or Zubat. its a tie with those 3 for me