Anyone else disappointed ?

I am sure Silent Hill fans are happy and should be but in my opinion this is a let down.
They hyped this up as if we are getting someone like Jason. I am sure it will be a fine chapter but they really overhyped this.
I never even played Silent Hill but I am super excited, I was hoping for pennywise but this is awesome. Maybe a new top tier killer.
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I'm disappointed it's not the Candyman, but Pyramid Head sounds cool.
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Yo, right here. I wanted it to be Candyman since he is iconic (don't give a damn what anyone says) and there is a new movie with him out soon.
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I find this to be more fascinating
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@2ndBusiestmusicnerd he could be! I never played the games either I have seen the movie tho.
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If he doesn't rip the survivors skin off as his Mori, yes i'll be dissapointed
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We can hope, but straight up, Jason is never going to happen, and we should keep assuming that until some news about that legal hell has been reported. I'm very hyped for this chapter.
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Konami really knows how to advertise their upcoming products, I'll give them that much.
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I'm disappointed with the perks but the killer seems very very strong
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The devs didn't hype anything up. All they did was tease. You took it and ran with it.
I always find it fun speculating who the next killer is. I'm stoke for this chapter.
I've always found the concept of Silent Hill scary.
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The same disappointment like when Stranger Things hit the light of day. I really hoped they will get some "ICONIC" character. A game crossover is far away from an "ICONIC" horror character for me.
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No, not really.
In fact, this might be the first licensed Killer i'm going to be (somewhat) excited for.
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I'm sorry but have you been living under a rock? To a lot of Horror Video Game fans, Pyramid Head is on the top of the Iconic list
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The Mori was shown in the stream and he doesn't.
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@iceman you are right it is fun to speculate when we get new killers and I think myself like many others got fixated on the fact that they said "iconic". So when it wasn't the killer I thought was iconic it felt like a let down.
I am sure it will still be fun tho
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I'm okay with it being Pyramid head but I do agree, it was way too overhyped.
Then again, I'm a little bitter towards Konami because of how they screwed us over with P.T.
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I'm sure many are upset, myself included.
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@IronKnight55 it is disappointing for sure but I am still gonna give it a chance
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Nope. This chapter might be what pulls me back into the game.
I've said it for years how well he would fit into the game with how terrifying he is and just the style of his design.
With many people saying that he isn't ICONIC, I feel like you miss the definition of iconic. He was essentially the first horrifying thing to exist inside a mainstream console with the graphics to match (for the time) to truly bring a horrifying feel. THAT is what it means to be iconic.
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TBH Nothing sounded more generic and cookie-cutter as Jason. Iconic? Sure. Interesting? Not at all. He's just another big hack-slashy guy like Myers and Trapper. I was hoping for anyone but him (I would have preferred Pennywise but Pyramid looks hype)
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I did love the silent hill games, so i'm not disappointed.
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A lot of people, especially the younger generation has never even heard of silent Hill. I mean it's cool for that crowd I guess, but I was hoping for someone more iconic like Alien, Nosferatu, Pinhead, etc. Didn't want Jason though, so that's a big +. Wasn't he a lot bigger in the silent Hill franchise?? It's mini me pyramid head! 😂
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candyman hardcore fans explain to me what the power would have been.
Shoots bees at the survivors? That's the doctor.
Wait, the bees actually intoxicate the survivors. That's the plague.
The bees swarm the survivors causing them to slow down. That's the clown.
Plus in all honesty we can agree more people have heard of silent hill rather than "Candy Man", especially around the globe as a whole.
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Silent Hill and Pyramid Head are pretty iconic. I know you're thinking specifically in terms of movies, but when you look at the horror game landscape, that's pretty top-tier. Horror games are meaningful and can be classics in the same vein as any other type of media! And yeah, Behaviour never really hyped anything or gave any hints or misleading teasers. That was all down to the usual rampant baseless community speculation.
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Stop announcing things! If you can't please everybody at once then what's the point?! 🥵
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God no. This is my best case scenario. Not only do I love him, his powers and perks sound awesome.
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Silent Hill is the best thing they could have gone for. Candyman, Pennywise, and Jason are all trash.
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What a ridiculous way to grasp at straws with what his power would be, lol.
One of the most hyped horror films of the year was Candyman. I gurantee if you walk up to most people they'd know who candyman is before pyramid head. Silent Hill hasn't had a hit game since arguably 3 dropped.
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Hell no, I'm really excited for this. Pyramid Head is far more terrifying than Candyman imo.
I think it's amazing that they're adding iconic killers from video games rather than just movies. It's a nice change.
Post edited by Owlzey on2 -
'Release the dogs or the bees or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you' - Homer Simpson
I agree that pyramid head is probably more iconic than candyman overall. I'm not a big fan of the film anyway but on the other hand I never played silent hill back in the day either. So not to fussed either way.
I'll have to read up on the characters lore and maybe get an old copy of the game to check it out. I find the traffic cone head a lil silly.
As much as I love the alien franchise I don't see how a xenomorph fits into the sacrificing things to the entity theme either.
I'd still like to see Hannibal Lecter make an appearance one day. Although we already have one cannibal.
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I think this is a really nice edition to the game. They already said that they aim for the classics when it comes to licenses to be more associated with the horror genre. I'm sure that they have plenty of other licenses on their wishlist but for now I'm looking forward to whatever they bring out <3
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Let's be honest, they basically gave the leak by how they did the 4. The problem with people being "disappointed" is they over hyped it themselves. Not the devs.
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Game characters arent Iconic in common sense. They just broke another rule. First they broke with "human" killers, now they break with "Iconic horror characters". They just take random characters, they want to ruin their own made up identity for more Cash.
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Do you try to always be this wrong, or does it just come naturally?
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I am not disappointed at all. I love horror in general. While I’m ashamed to say I’ve never played Silent Hill, I have seen the movies. And I don’t think anything was “hyped up”, all the hype came from random speculations from people not affiliated with the game developers or staff.
I would have been equally excited for Candyman, those of you who claim no one knows him, just tell us you’re too young to know him next time; absolute classic original horror franchise. I wouldn’t want Jason, we couldn’t even have him in out game without deleting Trapper. I wouldn’t want Pennywise, we already have a Clown. I wouldn’t want Chuckie...could you imagine the FOV issues you’d encounter?? “I can’t see the survivors working on the generator right in front of me, a blade of grass is concealing them!”.
I’m overall psyched for the Silent Hill chapter, please wait at least a month for proper testing before nerfing or buffing anything!
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You will never find a game character in a Iconic Horror character list. Never. And I dont care what gamers think, cause its not the same context.
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I'm sorry a VIDEO GAME gets another iconic VIDEO GAME horror character.
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nope, this is what this game was lacking
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actually better then I expected
I legit was waiting for the worst that it was gonna be candyman
been playing pyramid head and he is soo much fun and strong
not a fan of any of the new perks tho
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Not gonna lie, Pyramid Head is badass and I would take that over Candyman any day. So eh.
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Right? And yet some people want that trash bee man that no one has ever heard about lmao
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I think pyramid head is pretty iconic and will fit in well with the DBD cast. If you are all twisted up about him having been from another horror game franchise then just pretend the game didn't exist and watch the movie instead. He's still the ultimate badass in the film
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I very happy with this one.
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I am hyped and I am not a Silent Hill fan
Pyramid Head is a cool, that is why I am hyped
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The fact that it isn't Pennywise, Xeno, Candyman, or Jason is the reason why I'm excited. Even more so now that there is a Killer with a base power that defeats hook perks.