Really Pyramid head?



  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873
  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2020

    I'm looking forward to it. I spoke out the reason I didn't think it would work but I'm willing to give it a chance. Also I'm happy that the survivor appears to be heather. Good taste from the team on picking characters from a pool of choices.

    But they picked Amanda young as killer and tap. So I know the teams got actual taste in characters from that prior to this.

    I have NO idea how they're going to make a lumbering knife weilder work. My only guess is that this will be a slower but effectively be a permanently ONI in rage mode. Capable of large swathes of insta downs with his lunatic knife.

    Unless I called it in my post and he actually comes out straight out as I said he would. Switching from his spear and to his knife.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    They might as well have gotten Jason. Just a big guy with a sword. Not even a classic horror icon.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I don't need another clown or Trapper. I'm fine with Pyramide head

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    It would be false advertising if they released Candyman or Pinhead which no one knows about 🤷‍♂️

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    I'm feeling a host of emotions after this reveal... Disappointment, anger, confusion...

    This is worse than expecting a Bill and Ted reboot with gender-swapped children...

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    What are you talking about, resident evil has a more successful movie line than SH. Mike Epps was in a sequel

  • Real_Cheesus
    Real_Cheesus Member Posts: 20

    You've provided no reasoning as to why any of those characters/franchises are iconic, landmarks, etc. etc. You're just telling me they are? I'd love some reality if you have some to spare! :) Are they that way just because you like them? I like some of them too! Especially T.C.M. and SAW. What makes them different than Silent Hill? Is it because Silent Hill isn't an American creation and therefore can't enter into that hallowed realm of horror canon? Why isn't Silent Hill, which is at least as remarkable and popular as these other franchises, a classic or iconic in your eyes?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Honestly, Pyramid shouldn't have been in the movie either

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    Is the survivor at least Henry?

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited May 2020

    You really need an explanation as to why the likes of Myers, Freddy, Leatherface etc are classics, or iconic, or landmarks, or in some cases all three in the horror genre? Ok I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're legitimately ignorant about them, and give you an explanation.

    We'll take the most important one, and my personal favorite, Michael Myers of the Halloween franchise;

    Now if there's anything you need further elaborated on in that, let me know.

  • Real_Cheesus
    Real_Cheesus Member Posts: 20

    It makes sense folks would have that perception if they only ever consumed horror through mainstream American outlets. It's kinda a pattern among entertainment industries that whatever Americans like should be the standard, and that American creators have the best judgement of what good entertainment is. Silent Hill is of Japanese origin, so would be equated with subculture or niche tastes if you've only ever grown up watching whatever came on American cable TV.

  • NerfDS
    NerfDS Member Posts: 14

    Up with pyramid head

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Because they're not. But please feel free to explain how they have been staples in the horror genre. If you can provide any proof to go with it then even better.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
  • Real_Cheesus
    Real_Cheesus Member Posts: 20

    I've seen all the movies. I'm not denying that they're classics, iconic, etc. If I thought that, I would have said "xyz isn't class, iconic, or landmark horror franchises". It doesn't seem like you're actually reading my posts. I'm saying that you weren't offering up any explanation as to why. Probably because, if you did, you would have to admit that Silent Hill fits the bill just as well as any of these other franchises, but the American exceptionalism that permeates the horror genre prevents creators from other countries from being acknowledged. Silent Hill, at the global level, is more easily recognized and respected as a unique and important contribution to the world of horror than many of the franchises you've listed.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    No offense but that's just empty words. You're just telling me something is a landmark and iconic without providing any proof. Can you even show me examples how Silent Hill is ingrained in Horror culture like Halloween and Friday the 13th is?

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You're not getting it are you?

    Pyramid Head is an Iconic VIDEO GAME HORROR Villain. He isn't as Mainstream as Jason or Myers, sure, but he is still Iconic enough to be called an Iconic killer by the devs.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I didn't think I needed to explain why they are. The reasons why doesn't change the end result that they are does it? So why do I need to explain something being factual, when we all already know its a fact?

    Telling me Silent Hill is not as big and iconic as those aforementioned franchises just because of American exceptionalism doesn't change the end result does it. So I don't get why you're hung up on that.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Really? Funny enough I knew it wasnt Pennywise because It is not a massive horror Icon they teased. Jason has too many legal work arounds while someone did confirm it was possible. Overall it was a bad idea. This left mostly Candyman and Xenomorph. Candyman is not the most iconic either. Xenomorph is almost more iconic than Jason when it comes to monsters.

    Pyramid Head is probably the most Classic Horror Game Icon. Was my first assumption if they ever added a game Icon, but I never thought they would personally.

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    I really prefer Pyramid Head over another lame clown killer (Clowns are not scary!) or Jason by far tbh.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    This chapter is a bust, but it's still a thousand times better than Pennywise.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited May 2020

    I'm getting it just fine, I just don't agree with it. For something to be considered iconic in a genre, in this case horror, it has to be just that; iconic to the mainstream of its genre. Not just a sub section of it, in this case the horror video game world. Had they said the new chapter is iconic in the video game horror genre, that would be a different story.

    That's why most people were guessing the likes of Xenomorph, Pennywise, Jason etc. They're horror icons known across the genre.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The only RE villain that could be visually iconic enough to work is Nemesis. And his minigun/flamethrower/rocket launcher wouldn't really fit well into DBD.

    Tyrant maybe due to his running lunge I guess. And if they did use Nemmy it would be his awful Coke bottle redesign from the remake.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Sure, it would be nice to have Iconic Horror Killers from Mainstream media.

    But DBD is a video game, so to have another crossover with another video game is something to be hyped about.

    Because that opens up the possibility of things like Resident Evil with Nemesis, or The House of the Dead with The Chariot/Judgment, or even The Magician if they could make him work.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited May 2020

    And I'm all for that.

    Please don't misunderstand my disappointment in this reveal as my being against Silent Hill or any other horror video game licenses coming into Dbd. It was simply of how this chapter was promoted as being a big wig landmark in the horror genre that disappointed me because like most people we were thinking it was something big from the movie franchises that would fit that label. That's all.

    I think Pyramid Head looks like fun so far, and the indoor elementary school map is creepy as hell (can't wait to do scratched mirror Myers on it).

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah its Different.

    Lets face it Jason is iconic but they have a killer basically based on him already so what more can you do, you'd get another hill billy bubba rework the insta saw kind of scenario. Also only the lawyers know who owns jason at this point so it aint gonna happen. Isn't litigation fun.

    This killer looks unique, is from a well known franchise, (although I've never played it hehe, more of a resident evil, alone in the dark kinda person).

    I'll read up on it and give him a go when he's released. Why not. It's not the end of the world if they didn't pick your horse, its content amn content is usually a good thing. Plenty more options for the future...

    psst.. Hannibal Lecter.

  • Real_Cheesus
    Real_Cheesus Member Posts: 20

    Alright, if arguments based on social patterns and xenophobia aren't the kind of thing that you acknowledge (typical of consumers of mainstream American media), how about some dollars and cents? I heard Americans love that kinda stuff.

    The Silent Hill movie (not even the most popular of the franchise's products by far) grossed about $100 million worldwide, more than 10 out of the 11 Halloween movies released, save the most recent (2018) one which grossed like $250 million. (Box Office Mojo figures) If we include the revenues of the video games, it's not even comparable. Silent Hill is a much larger and more recognizable phenomena than any canonical slasher flicks.

    I ask again, why isn't Silent Hill iconic or classic? Because you don't like it? Because it was made somewhere other than the United States? Because it isn't a cookie-cutter slasher?

    P.S. Please explain what you mean by "factual". You really got me confused there with that vague use of the word "fact"

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    You shouldn’t get your hopes up for Jason. There are legal issues with that one. Thought people knew that. I wanted Pennywise or possibly Alien. Maybe even chucky. Imagine looping the little guy around the debris like the stuff in Auto Haven lol you wouldn’t be able to see him. I’m bummed out about this one. Candyman doesn’t seem interesting enough. So I wasn’t expecting him. Would have been more of a let down tbh lol

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited May 2020

    First of all I'm not American, I'm Irish.

    Second, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic asking that, or legitimately ignorant on it and want a real answer, but again I'll be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt. You can't measure iconic and classic status by dollars and cents. If we did then the likes of Michael Bay's Transformers movies are bigger more beloved iconic classics then the likes of The Godfather, The Silence of the Lambs, The Wizard of Oz, Jaws, E.T. and many other cinematic iconic greats.

    Silent Hill isn't as iconic or a classic as the others because it never reached that status with the horror genre, only with the gamer community. Nothing to do with what I personally like. I don't like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but there is no denying their iconic status in the horror genre.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    yeahhh baby finally someone good and not some 80s dorky attempt of horror

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    what "false teasing" are you talking about?

    the only ones that ever said it was going to be Jason, Pennywise, Candyman, etc were us, the community.

    All the devs said was that its going to be an iconic horror character - which Pyramidhead certainly is.

    sorry to hear you dont like it, but i personally am very much hyped for this chapter.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Aw, dude, don't tease me like that. Between mentions of Fatal Frame and now House of the Dead... this chapter is so much more ######### awesome than narrow film buffs realize because it opens up so many possibilities... The realms of Horror are insanely wide and varied. Stranger Things cracked open the gates between realms. This just burst them wide open. ######### yeah.

  • Gocee
    Gocee Member Posts: 16

    We can't all have our first choice and they will release a roadmap for the upcoming year so we'll see more licensed chapters. After the whole license drama and with Friday the 13th, which is still ongoing iirc, I don't think Jason is a high priority for dbd right now anyways. But we'll see, just try not to be so negative before the chapter even released.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I feel that those of us playing games between 1999-2006 have much fonder memories of this franchise

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    I am not commenting on the quality of the chapter, it may actually be really good and I am ok with that.

    However I am not ok with the marketing strategy.

    The marketing messages were:

    • Iconic
    • A milestone

    For the horror genre silent hill does NOT fit the bill at all.

    Silent hill is relatively successful series of video games which sold around 9-10 million copies in 21 years since its inception.

    As a comparison, the resident evil main series clocks around 100 million sold copies in 24 years.

    If this chapter was resident evil I would have been still felt betrayed by the marketing.

    Iconic means something that is used as paradigm for that specific characteristic and silent hill represents that ONLY for affectionate horror GAMES fans.

    Iconic would have been:

    1: Jason, the slasher with the highest body count and the real counterpart to Myers and Freddy

    2: Pennywise, a creature from a nightmare which single handily created the fear of clowns

    3: Alien, if we accept the idea of going into space.

    These 3 names are iconic and milestones, pyramid head is not.

    It is not because it doesn't really cross into pop culture, most people have heard of Jason or Pennywise, almost everybody knows Alien. Pyramid head? REALLY?

    I would have also accepted Pinhead and Chucky (probably impossible to implement but still really iconic).

    Anything below this level is not consistent with the marketing message.

    That said I don't care I will keep using Steve and Susie as usual, this chapter changes nothing for me, but I believe I can express my disappointment since I was saving 1 million BP, my dailies and my rift challenges since I was really excited and now I will waste those points in a game where I already have all I want, that's it

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    Mate I was born in 1978 and I have been a huge video game fans since atari 2600 and silent hill is not that big of a property.

    It is quite niche and never went mainstream like resident evil did, and resident evil outsold silent hill 10 to 1 and EVEN resident evil is not at the same level of a Jason come on.

    Mattieu started the stream talking about the halloween franchise and if you start like that you need to give me Jason or maybe Pennywise anything below that does NOT stand up to Myers.

    Pyramid head does NOT even play in the same league, same thing would apply to Nemesis or the Tyrant which OUTPERFORMED silent hill 10 to.

    It is a matter of being clear with your public and not deceive me with a message that makes me excited about something and then under deliver.

    If they had simply said it was a good and scary chapter I would have been ok, but they did NOT deliver on the hype at all

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    There was no teasing, you read to many speculation posts. And yes, Pyramid Head is an iconic horror figure, which is exactly what they said.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    If a relatively successful franchise that really never crossed to mainstream is "iconic" and "a milestone" for you, that's ok. Enjoy the chapter

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I was pretty disappointed when i first saw it was him, but his power looks very fun to use. Looking forward to using it.

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    If the game was released in 2001 and you were not exposed to it back in the day, hopefully not for your age reason in this case this conversation is over, then your opinion becomes subjective. Silent hill 2 was very influential and Pyramid Head was at its center.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    First of all I have already stated my age, born in 1978 and a gamer since atari 2600. I played silent hill 1 to 3 when they just came out.

    Good games, scary games but niche games. A property that sold less than 10 million copies in 21 years of business is not a big property by any stretch of the imagination.

    Resident evil 5 on its own sold more copies of the entirety of the silent hill franchise.

    These are the facts, you may consider pyramid head iconic to YOU and that's ok, the data of how much exposure this franchise had though do not qualify it for being "iconic" and "a milestone".

    Not in a million years.

    Silent hill never crossed into the main stream, and its IP pertaining the horror genre is NOTHING compared to Halloween or Friday the 13th.

    These are numbers, and numbers are not arguable.

    If the marketing team had hyped the chapter as "the scariest chapter ever" I would have been ok with it, but this chapter is not a big iconic property.

    This chapter is a niche property compared to the giants