SWF isn't about win rate, it's about how it removes the fun for killers. Devs need to stop ignoring.



  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    You mention perks in your complaints of swf, that's an issue with the perks, not the team using them. If there are mechanics that can be abused, then the perk needs adjusting. Eg OoO being that obnoxious with a swf calls for a perk adjustment, not a swf change.

    And if you're vsing a 4-man and are chasing one survivor for long, then you will lose, simply because being led around tiles and not winning mindgames, movement manipulations and not forcing areas to become unsafe etc then you will be punishment for your lack of pressure.

    I played a Clown match the other day vs a 4-man swf. It was the most fun i've had in a long time. We both made amazing plays and it was very close match. I lost ultimately, but mainly because I made a mistake with 1 gen left by assuming a gen that i hadn't been near in about 30 seconds was the focus and it wasn't, meaning I wasted time. Nothing about that team of really good loopers and organised teamplay felt unbeatable. If anything, I felt like I had a chance, right up until the end when I messed up. But that's what swf most commonly is - good players being highly interactive with the killer. What's not fun about that? There are certain mechanics which can feel dull to vs. But those mechanics are fine when used by solo players. Swf isn't the issue. The function of a mechanic that has broken aspects to it when used a certain way is. I sent all of them a gg complimenting the gameplay and got responses praising my play as well as thanking me for a great match. They even said that I kept up with them really well too. I mean, that's what dbd can be if the dull and obnoxious functions aren't abused like they can be. Also, to add, they had Unbreakable, DS and the likes. They did at one point abuse the ds locker function, but they did it in a way that completely outplayed me (I was chasing Claudette, and in order to slow my momentum and pressure of downing her where she was, Dwight fast entered a locker while LOS was blocked and I assumed it was a misplay by Claudette only to eat DS and lose my pressure instantly. That was an incredible play, but it did abuse a bad function of DS.) However, it didn't rob the fun away from me. Interaction between the two roles is the most fun thing in dbd. The boring thing to vs is the lazy builds and lazy chases. Eg PGTW, Sloppy, OoO, camping, tunneling, slugging, DS abusing by getting off hook and instantly jumping in a locker near to a gen that is almost done forcing the stun and momentum loss etc thay sort of negative gameplay. Why complain about a challenge vs good survivors, when you could be complaining about the lack of effort and interaction certain perks and playstyles offer to the gameplay? Immersion on the survivor side and slugging & camping on the killer side is the real issue with dbd. And the perks that add to those issues need to be addressed too.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    You Played great they got on comms and abused them because they couldn't play how the game was ment to be played. People can play with their friends but they shouldn't be allowed to abuse comms.

  • oogabooga
    oogabooga Member Posts: 7

    He said he doesn't care about kills he cares about having fun kills don't equal fun he just wants to have a good time and not get ######### destroyed because he's rank 14 and the survivors are rank 1

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    So you're saying if I, as a killer, use a third party program that tells me where the survivors are at any given time and how progressed any given generators are then it's not cheating? Because that's the information SWF has and shares with each other.

    I watched a twitch stream of 4 swf players and hearing "Killer is on me at shack" "Gen at [area] is 70% killer is on me now" "Found their hex, it's at [location] but killer is after me" "Killer left hook heading towards [area], I'm safe to unhook, do a gen elsewhere" "Killer's got me here, come for flashlight save at [area]" etc.

    Since it's not cheating for survivors to all have that information due to a third party program, it wouldn't be cheating for Killer to have something similar, right? Or are we showing a double standard here?

  • kill_bill
    kill_bill Member Posts: 60

    for every survivor after the 2nd in a swf the team should lose 1-2 perkslots, this represents the aurareading perks solosuvivors can pick. or every survivor after the 2nd is broken for the game. so many options to deal with this swf bs

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Give survivors a message system like IdV or counterstike has. A message wheel like for overwatch's emotes and stuff could work too. Boom solos are now able to relay game specific stuff like Swf does.

    DO NOT SPOONFEED ADDITIONAL INFO TO SURVIVORS. That doesnt close the gap, as swf doest magically generate aura reading infor or ui stuff, they still need a human to find x, think about relaying it, and then do so. Adding UI/aura will not change the swf-solo gap, but boost both, while personally i think Swf will benefit MORE than solo by such additions.

    Obviously, OBVIOUSLY, killers would need to be buffed as compensation, urgently preferable in the same patch. Importantly, it gotta be stuff affecting ALL killers. While closing the tier-gap for killers is equally important, despite rarely discussed, In context to the survivor/swf-gap-compensation, the individual killer abilitties arent as important as the base killer strenght and the survivor:killer-power ratio. It's amusing how rarely the actual killer compensation gets discussed ihreads like this one.

    Examples would include buffing regression, making survivors flinch in place like failed skillcheck when hit during an action or vauulting (vaulting needing a new animation for falling on the floor etc). Improving the atrocious base FOV could also count. Basic mechanics instead of perks or killer abilitties.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Careful now i said the same thing and got scolded by a mod. I was what you described was not cheating and swf was always intended in the game. If you keep it up you could be close to a banning they dont like it when you call out the obvious unfair advantage it upsets customers.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    I tell survivors that cry about camping that their fun is no concern to the killer, it goes both ways. I dont turn on my ps4 or PC for someone else to have fun, I turn it on so I can. It sucks when it happens, and I only play killer. I just move on to the next match. You cant win them all and shouldnt be able to. But Those are the best groups to beat also because they get REALLY mad, you know you did good when you kill all 4 and get messages from all 4 telling you that you're trash, have no skill etc.

  • 1300
    1300 Member Posts: 34

    The salt..

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    That's an extremely convenient argument, because when we say SWF is too big, people use the opposite argument that they're not even half of the playerbase yet. Make your mind up, either SWF is such a colossal presence we need to take them seriously and thus consider them for balancing, or they aren't significant enough to kill the game and thus balancing them would not cripple the playerbase.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    In this case I maintain red-ranks as a shape main with some amount of playing Clown/Nurse/Huntress/Wraith, but you got the idea right. Just because you can kill every other SWF survivor doesn't mean it was fun to watch them cheat.

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163

    I play clown. I don't have a problem with DS. If you want me to put it bluntly, i think your problem is that you tunnel and DS prevents that from happening. Just putting it as nicely as your response to me you prick <3

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163

    Did you not read their post, or are you just that stubborn?

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163

    That's different because they aren't using a program that directly gives the information, they are learning it from each other. You're implying that's the same as a killer getting a 3rd party program that just GIVES them the information.

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163

    That's a REALLY bad solution and i'm pretty sure you know it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    just buff solo to swf lvl and buff all killers.

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163

    50 percent of 2 is one. It isn't much but it's still half. 36 percent of 15,000,000 is 5,400,000 which is only 36 percent but is still a LOT

  • MargretAtWalmart
    MargretAtWalmart Member Posts: 163
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    In the context of a game designed around not sharing info, sharing info by means outside the game sure sounds like cheating to me.

    Do you know those social deduction games like " who is the werewolf/vampite/killer/witch/paradite?" ? Grouping up before the match starts with the intent to win is a sure way to cheat the other competition in those.

    You dont group up to hang out and talk about cute boys and how your day was, you do it to gain ingame advantages you're normally not sipposed to have. A teammate briefing the killers position reasonably or doing a streamer screech is quite the same for the info of some other being chased.


    Personally, Swf shouldnt be nerfed. Solo needs to get a message or ping system to relay info. It'd simulate voice chat more reasonable (manual, input and output) than just putting all that info into UI elements or spoonfeeding the survivors aura reading (automatic output, no input)


    Ps: survivors shouldnt be surprised to see killers (mechanics, not abilities) get buffed to deal with swf if the swf-solo gap gets lessened. As long the strongest killers dont grow stronger, the gap netween weak killer abilities and strong can also be lessened. Its time to adress the killer rier gaps too lol.

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    Complaint about matchmaking #703423843... devs still haven't replied.

  • wildcardyo
    wildcardyo Member Posts: 125
    edited July 2020

    Killers absolutely 100% certaintly should get a buff for 3 and 4 man teams. Gens should take 2x or 3x longer. Hatch can no longer be unlocked by key. They should know beforehand they are up against a SWF. SWF is toxic at it's very core with the way the game is balanced. There is no voice comms in DBD for a reason. The game is designed around running away and trying to survive with little information. SWF exploits this and it is the killer struggling while the SWF survivors laugh at the killers. The survivors should be scared, not the killer. With SWF, the theme of the game has been turned upside down. It is a bunch of killers struggling to keep up with insta gens and coordinated teams meanwhile the survivors teabag, point repeatedly, flashlight spam and intentionally get hit to tilt you because they know it is a one sided match. Once people are experienced with the game, the SWF advantage is roughly 90/10 advantage spread in favor of survivors except for a few maps with specific killers. Most red rank survivors are carried from SWF and would be a terrible rank solo q. These terrible survivors amongst the groups are the only reason I have ranked up on killer. They make horrific plays that even rank mid rank solo survivors don't do.

    Post edited by wildcardyo on
  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    You'd rather play against a bunch of solo queue clauds that hide in corners? How is that fun to you lmao? I personally would rather go against a good SWF and have an intense match. Also it's far more rewarding when you see them cry in the lobby after you 4k them.