Bloodpoint cap?

Why is there a bloodpoint cap. Why not remove it. Like.. I don't want to spend my bloodpoints because I'm saving up to level up a new killer or I mean because reasons. I don't see a point to it.
I would be nice even if they extended it to like 5 million or sth like that.
BHVR please consider this :)
having a cap at all is unnecessary tbh.
They are your points, you earned them, you should be able to stack a minimum of being able to p3 a surv/killer. 1 mil only get you to like lvl 40
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Yeah, that's what they want to avoid.
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yeah, stopping players from leveling charachters, is awesome! Its called playing the game
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Why would they want to avoid that.. all you get from prestige is skins.
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Stopping people from immediately having everything.
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We have a maximum capacity of bloodpoints to prevent exploits to create infinite bloodpoints
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you didnt immediately have anything, you stacked the points, there is no difference between stacking 1 mil x 5 and having a 5 mil blood point cap.
To think otherwise is simply desire to argue about nothing.
edit added: right now I am p3ing Oni, wont play him until I get him p3,.. whats the diff? None,
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In the devs words "we dont want people maxing a killer right when they come out" dont see why thats a problem but apparently it is.
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How would you create infinite bloodpoints? :/
And that's why I'm saying they should extend it
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I believe it is a hold over from people hacking in blood points to their account. Now it honestly doesn't make sense. At least not leaving it as low as it is. For some reason they don't want people to be able to quickly level new characters. Though I really don't see why.
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Yeah, BP shouldn't be capped so badly. 1 Mil isn't even enough to get someone to level 40 IIRC.
They should give us a Blood Bank. You can deposit as much BP into it as you want. (Uncapped), but can only withdraw 1MIL bloodpoints each day.
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Exactly. I don't see the difference. If I already have 1 mil points stacked up I'm gonna level him in 2 hours the day he comes out. Like...
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Oh wow I really like that idea
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not to mention we all know bloodpoints are not really capped at 1 mil, those who lost charachters back in the day got what 10mil-15mil? LOL
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It'd also be cool if you could reward players with BP from your blood bank, but that's probably asking for too much.
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Thats not true, its a little different. 1 million gets a new character to lvl 35. At level 35 youre still missing ALOT. 5million and youd have everything on that character (if not prestiging). All perks and a ton of add ons.
Im not saying i agree with them, but i do understand where theyre coming from. They want you to play the character before having the best stuff/builds.
All of that said I'd like it increased too...
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I know, but anyone who mains killers, knows how we do it....
you stack 1 mil BP, I have over 100k shards, you buy all the perks in shrine and stack those BP + your 1 mil then grind the rest.
I had my legion p3 the day he came out doing that, any killer main can p3 a killer in a matter of days so its at best a couple days of stopping us from having p3?
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100k shards? You're a madlad😂
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Oh I know. Im just saying there is a difference. Personally I think 1 million aint #########
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Yeah extend it would be cool especially on double bloodpoints events
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hah, so I've been told. But truth is, I dont really care about cosmetics so I dont spend em really...and I p3 my killers and survivors and prefer bloody clothes over the designed stuff, I had it over 200k before, but did buy some DLC with it.
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Right right I get you. When I stack 9k shards I immediately buy a new killer I don't feel like waiting xd