DBD isn't DBD

This may be a fairly long post . Dead By Daylight isn't what its hyped to be anymore , Its more Survivor Fest . I will explain why I feel this way and I am sure others do as well .
DBD is supposed to be a horror game with ties to iconic movies . Yes the jumpscares wear off after you play for a while and that is not avoidable . The basis for the game though , its draw or attraction , is to immerse yourself in this world either as killer or survivor . Much like going to the movies and watching Freddy or Myers do what they do best , and one lone survivor usually manages to foil their plans and escape to tell the tail , at least till the next chapter . Unfortunately in DBD that isn't the case .
Here the survivors are not going against supernatural killers with only their wits and what lies around them to survive . These survivors are supernatural themselves , well organized (thanks to swf and discord or whatever voip you like) . If I was Wes Craven or Robert Englund I would be ashamed of something I created regularly being spanked like a 2 year old thowing a temper tantrum . And this is where the state of the game is .
Devs have catered to the crying of people about this and that killer being op , they are supernatural killers they should be op . You should feel like you accomplished something if you was the only survivor to escape or one of a pair , not mad that everyone didn't live . A killer shouldn't be happy they killed one or two survivors they should be upset that more than one lived .
Before you flame or troll me think of it like this . If you went to the movies to watch a horror film and the 2 hours all you seen was people running the killer around in loops and being highly organized through telepathic communication with the organization and tactics of seal team six . and no one died and the killer was spanked easily , humiliated at every turn . Would you feel like you paid for a great horror film or be disappointed ? This is what DBD has done to Myers , Kruger , Leatherface , Saw , and their own creations .
This game is fun to play either as killer or survivor until you get the eventual SWF group . I have been the 4th person with a 3 person SWF and watched them run the killer around , while the others did gens and then when in trouble they all come running to save their friend and another will again take the killer across the board while the other 2 do gens , rinse and repeat . it was not fun for me as the 4th survivor , there was no challenge . And if the killer broke off they would just run up to him taunting him till he followed one and then back to the same gens in a group the others will go .
When the game is played as it was designed to its a lot of fun win or loose , and I would love to see swf stay and not be this detrimental to gameplay , but without being able to stop voip communications I cant see it unless they make it a swf and kwf combo . When I watch the intro to DBD and see the trapper hang claudette on the hook , knock out jake , and then when he turns to Dwight the look of horror on his face I think classic horror films , but it plays more like not another scary movie .
That's just my opinion , feel free to take it or leave it , its up to you .
Pretty sure, like at least 99.99% sure that DBD = DBD8
I totally agree.
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This doesnt make sense at all. How can you compare DBD a game to a movie that needs to be showed in 2 hours. Look at the movie for 1000 hours and tell me again how it is a scarefest each time you watch it.
First 25-50 hours in this game you might get scared a couple of times but then its just the same old thing. Theres no way you can expect a developer to create a game that scares you all the time wether you play 100 or 1000 hours.
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@Shadoureon said:
This doesnt make sense at all. How can you compare DBD a game to a movie that needs to be showed in 2 hours. Look at the movie for 1000 hours and tell me again how it is a scarefest each time you watch it.First 25-50 hours in this game you might get scared a couple of times but then its just the same old thing. Theres no way you can expect a developer to create a game that scares you all the time wether you play 100 or 1000 hours.
Yes and I said that it was unavoidable that the jumpscares wear off , what I am compairing is those movies are what the game and its lore is based off of and how it falls short . Im not anti swf either but I think they either need to eliminate it or add the power back to the killers to make up for it . Rather then the keystone cops horror game we have now .
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Instead you got 3 flashlight clicker-happy survivors with ds teabagging, point fingers, running circles around you while you as Leatherface carry your victim to the hook. All while complaining that killers are op. RIP bloodlust, Nea scares me more then a killer these days,
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If you get butthurt over people teabagging and pointing fingers you might want to stick to single player games.
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your first time playing the game whether killer or survivor is the horror movie survivor is ######### terrifying and killer is a power trip. you get use to the game and people change playing styles based on what they learned through their experiences. its not just dbd its every game thats why games only usually have a year life span before they make a sequel to it changing how the original idea was. its just amazing that dbd has even lasted for 2 years. its a great game it really is but things evolve based on what there is in the game.
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@Shadoureon said:
This doesnt make sense at all. How can you compare DBD a game to a movie that needs to be showed in 2 hours. Look at the movie for 1000 hours and tell me again how it is a scarefest each time you watch it.First 25-50 hours in this game you might get scared a couple of times but then its just the same old thing. Theres no way you can expect a developer to create a game that scares you all the time wether you play 100 or 1000 hours.
No matter how many times you watch the movie, the victims wont run at the killer, make fun of him and click flashlights at him to troll him.
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The game you want can't exist because it would fail in the long run. if killers were op and more survivors died than lived and by that i mean real good survivors were the only ones living, most people would leave. The game is success as it is because it caters to casual players.
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@benzos said:
The game you want can't exist because it would fail in the long run. if killers were op and more survivors died than lived and by that i mean real good survivors were the only ones living, most people would leave. The game is success as it is because it caters to casual players.I am not saying they should be so overpowered that they are easy mode , but they shouldn't be so underpowered that survivors will seek them out without fear . In all honesty the easy way to solve the whole issue at hand is to eliminate swf . No matter what the devs do there is going to be people unhappy about it .
6 months ago it would take 20-30 min to get a game as a killer , because everyone wanted to be a killer and not a survivor . Now it takes me about 3 mins to get a game at most as a killer and 15 to get one as a survivor . That alone should tell you where the balance of power has gone . Most people play what is easy to play . Personally I like a challenge , I still play Kruger as a killer even though he is considered one of the weakest in the lineup .
yes in the beginning as a survivor or killer its tough , then once you unlock the key perks and level up one survivor with those perks its pretty much game over for the killer when grouped up with swf . As a killer you don't have that option as each killer is unique and because of that certain perks don't work well with certain killers . Survivor perks are general all use , any survivor can use any perk to the same extent , killers have perks designed to their character and sure some are very useful on any killer but the very few are useful on all killers .
My original point to the whole post was that killers should be a force to be feared , not to be thought of as a running joke (pun intended) .
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So what your saying is, DBD isn't really a horror game because no one gets scared?
This actually makes me think of a lot of things actually.
I personally don't consider DBD a horror game anymore persay, I think of it as a hide and tag seek game with monsters. (Though when I learn I'm playing against micheal, leather face or pig, I get scared, I can't handle the jump scare)0 -
I mean it is just a game though. You are going to run into people who know how to play the game swf or not
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There's one big misunderstanding on the part of some players. Dead By Daylight isn't just about killers and killing, but also about survivors and surviving. Even the best of the killers will not have 4k all the time, and the best of the survivors won't survive all the time.4
@Zanfer said:
I mean it is just a game though. You are going to run into people who know how to play the game swf or notive had friends who will just stand there and do nothing as a killer when they get stuck with a swf group . Mostly its because they are afraid of getting a ban for dropping and just getting the loss over .
Personally if I see 3 or 4 people pop into a room in the same instant I will leave the room . As a killer its easier for me to get a new game then waste my time against swf . Now if people could play at that level without the organization and communication they get from discord then great and I applaud their skill . I don't mind loosing at all as kill or survivor as long as I feel its a fair fight . If their skill is better then mine then kudos to them . Its just swf turns the game into easy mode for survivors with their already mounting perks and flashlights . I just feel that a killer should be feared and not thought of as a minor inconvenience in a game that markets itself as a horror survival game and boast the likes of iconic killers as Myers , Kruger , Leatherface , and Saw . I see it I guess as not showing respect to the legacy of what you used to build your world on , when you make those same icons nothing more then a running joke .
Maybe its fond childhood memories of these icons , I grew up watching them all and I feel like there is anything but respect being paid to them and the original killers as well .
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@Grimbergoth said:
@Zanfer said:
I mean it is just a game though. You are going to run into people who know how to play the game swf or notive had friends who will just stand there and do nothing as a killer when they get stuck with a swf group . Mostly its because they are afraid of getting a ban for dropping and just getting the loss over .
Personally if I see 3 or 4 people pop into a room in the same instant I will leave the room . As a killer its easier for me to get a new game then waste my time against swf . Now if people could play at that level without the organization and communication they get from discord then great and I applaud their skill . I don't mind loosing at all as kill or survivor as long as I feel its a fair fight . If their skill is better then mine then kudos to them . Its just swf turns the game into easy mode for survivors with their already mounting perks and flashlights . I just feel that a killer should be feared and not thought of as a minor inconvenience in a game that markets itself as a horror survival game and boast the likes of iconic killers as Myers , Kruger , Leatherface , and Saw . I see it I guess as not showing respect to the legacy of what you used to build your world on , when you make those same icons nothing more then a running joke .
Maybe its fond childhood memories of these icons , I grew up watching them all and I feel like there is anything but respect being paid to them and the original killers as well .
You say killers should be feared when feeling fear is a subjective feeling to the person. The killers themselves can be feared, but the underline issue that you are pointing to is maps/game mechanics..
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@Khalednazari said:
There's one big misunderstanding on the part of some players. Dead By Daylight isn't just about killers and killing, but also about survivors and surviving. Even the best of the killers will not have 4k all the time, and the best of the survivors won't survive all the time.I agree totally , I usually let one escape every match be it by their skill or my own doing . And a good group of players can survive as it is even without swf . I just feel that with the state of the game and swf both that killers are very underpowered . And i see more groups in swf then i see out of it . If they took the exp bloodpoint gains from swf then you wouldn't be seeing it so often , but then everyone who uses it to their advantage would be crying , same if they decided to remove it . Im just saying that maybe they should increase the power of the killers to reflect the mechanics they put in place and are unbalancing the game in general . Show some respect to the killers and not just pandering to the ones who cry i cant win 100% they are op . I don't think either killer or survivor should be a near perfect win rate it should boil down to playstyle and skill , not unintended mechanics they didn't have the foresight to see happening with swf . Actualy i think they might have seen it coming otherwise they would have had a embeded voip for them to use , but this allows them to pander and go well its outside of the game so we have no opinion . In the end if one side gets more advantage then the other people will stop playing the lesser side and when that happens where does the game go then?
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@Grimbergoth I agree with you : no survivor should be about to confront the killer and expecting to get out of it unharmed. I mean of course lurring the killer into a corner of the map should be a legit tactic, but to keep the horror movie vibe of DBD, it should be considered a sacrifice for the team.
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Im a killer main but i feel like it is a wasted time cuz the power you should have is not there but as a survivor i escape 90% of the time... I play survivor only if i have daily challenges and they are easy to complete... Lol1
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Myers struggled to kill Laurie, imagine if he had to face 4 Lauries at the same time.
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I used to feel like playing killer was really stressful back in the day. This is because of the imbalance between survivor and killer. At the time I really wanted rank one for killer so I was always trying my best to pip and I eventually got there. But I was constantly worried about pipping and stuff.
Killers shouldn't be worried about chasing survivors for more than 30 seconds and whatnot purely because of gen times.
This could have all been because I was newer to the game and such, right now idc because I got there but you can still be battered by survivors. Killers just don't seem to bring fear anymore, instead they get bagged and looped for years. Getting bagged doesn't bother me but it shows that survivors aren't fearful for their in game life.
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@White_Owl said:
Myers struggled to kill Laurie, imagine if he had to face 4 Lauries at the same time.This one's easy. I imagine this would have made a crappy horror movie. Or a fun parody of the genre ... but hey, if I was looking to eat up my pursuer, I'd play fu**ing Pacman.
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DBD not a scare fest? Tell that when a billy with Tinkerer is on you before you know it, Michael is staring at you through a jungle gym or snatches you off a generator, how about running out of the basement and Leatherface is standing at top running insidious, or a p3 nurse with monitor and abuse+make your choice?
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While I understand your points, I disagree on what DBD is intended to be. I never saw it as a slasher movie emulator, I saw it as a competetive slasher-themed pvp game. It works as that. Ideally 50% of survivors in any given match should be sacrificed by killers across the board. This should extend to every killer. Right now, the devs are working on Freddy to make him up to par with that expectation. I don't think DBD devs have disrespected the licenced killers. If a killer is weak and loses often, all that means is that they need to be rebalanced.0
We don't have wes craven or robert englund freddy so don't know why they should be offended.
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If the devs get to 2.5 kill per match, and only if SWF have the same average chance to survive ... then 'im fine with it. Otherwise those stats might just tell how much solo survivors are weak when compared to team play, and how important it is to severely nerf SWF instead of just improving killers.@FayeZahara said:
We don't have wes craven or robert englund freddy so don't know why they should be offended.This right there is pointless dude. Nobody knows what Wes Craven thinks beside him ; not even you ... who knows, he might be sad about it. The point is to have a DBD Freddy (or any other killer) just as charismatic than in the movies, and right now they're being Tbagged by a bunch of stupid guys running around the murderer in circle just to farm blood points. This is pathetic.
EDIT: changed typo from 3.5 to 2.5 average kill per match.
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@Utna said:
If the devs get to 3.5 kill per match, and only if SWF have the same average chance to survive ... then 'im fine with it. Otherwise those stats might just tell how much solo survivors are weak when compared to team play, and how important it is to severely nerf SWF instead of just improving killers.I agree totally . If the solo survivor is underpowered then fine boost them , same for the killer , but if that makes swf overpowered the only way to balance it out is to remove swf . That is one of the biggest detrimental game mechanics right now , because swf allows to organization and communication that the random survivors don't have . and to balance one will either underpower or overpower the other . As long as they keep swf it will never be fair for killers or casual solo players as survivors .
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@Grimbergoth said:
@Utna said:
If the devs get to 3.5 kill per match, and only if SWF have the same average chance to survive ... then 'im fine with it. Otherwise those stats might just tell how much solo survivors are weak when compared to team play, and how important it is to severely nerf SWF instead of just improving killers.I agree totally . If the solo survivor is underpowered then fine boost them , same for the killer , but if that makes swf overpowered the only way to balance it out is to remove swf . That is one of the biggest detrimental game mechanics right now , because swf allows to organization and communication that the random survivors don't have . and to balance one will either underpower or overpower the other . As long as they keep swf it will never be fair for killers or casual solo players as survivors .
Sorry I meand 2.5 kill per match average
but the point stays the same I guess.
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@Utna said:
If the devs get to 2.5 kill per match, and only if SWF have the same average chance to survive ... then 'im fine with it. Otherwise those stats might just tell how much solo survivors are weak when compared to team play, and how important it is to severely nerf SWF instead of just improving killers.@FayeZahara said:
We don't have wes craven or robert englund freddy so don't know why they should be offended.This right there is pointless dude. Nobody knows what Wes Craven thinks beside him ; not even you ... who knows, he might be sad about it. The point is to have a DBD Freddy (or any other killer) just as charismatic than in the movies, and right now they're being Tbagged by a bunch of stupid guys running around the murderer in circle just to farm blood points. This is pathetic.
EDIT: changed typo from 3.5 to 2.5 average kill per match.
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Ah.. another salty killer main.. Stopped reading after the intro.
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@Usui said:
Ah.. another salty killer main.. Stopped reading after the intro.if I had to estimate it I would say I play survivor 55-60% of the time , just depends on the daily rituals . Now killer wise I do play freddy more then any other , but being a killer main I wouldn't consider myself that . as far as level progression goes I have 6 survivors ive put a lot of time into and 4 killers . I feel im more equal opportunity rather then bias . just because my points argue for one side or the other doesn't mean that is my main . If you read my posts the main mechanic that is the issue is swf bringing a very large level of unbalance . My points were that killer is a joke right now , that because of the boosted survivor perks and swf there will never be a balance , that they will either have to underpower survivors for swf to be balanced leaving solo survivors suffering , or eliminate the desire to play swf by removing exp and bloodpoint gains or removing it all together . They could boost the killer to make the 4v1 pvp element more balanced but then the solo players will still scream that they are underpowered .
The broken mechanic is swf . I am not one of the devs nor have I ever been on this game , but from my standpoint swf was designed for people to have fun in a group with their friends . What it has become on the other hand is a way for people to overpower the basic game structure and balance being done for the solo players . I feel that if they remove the mechanics that allow swf to gain exp and bloodpoints then people who want to play a game with their friends will still play , as their goal is fun with friends , but those using it as a exploit for gain wont have that mechanic available , thus giving them no reason to use it .Im not argueing to remove swf totally , just don't make it a feeding ground for those who will exploit it . that or balance around it instead of the solo casual gamer .
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Utna said:
If the devs get to 2.5 kill per match, and only if SWF have the same average chance to survive ... then 'im fine with it. Otherwise those stats might just tell how much solo survivors are weak when compared to team play, and how important it is to severely nerf SWF instead of just improving killers.@FayeZahara said:
We don't have wes craven or robert englund freddy so don't know why they should be offended.This right there is pointless dude. Nobody knows what Wes Craven thinks beside him ; not even you ... who knows, he might be sad about it. The point is to have a DBD Freddy (or any other killer) just as charismatic than in the movies, and right now they're being Tbagged by a bunch of stupid guys running around the murderer in circle just to farm blood points. This is pathetic.
EDIT: changed typo from 3.5 to 2.5 average kill per match.
Jackie Earle Haley and Samual Bayer is who i think you mean cause this licensed freddy is there likeness and the others vision. I wish it was robert englund freddy (he doesn't like his face in games unless he can do the voice) or wes craven. Basically we got the humanizing pedo bad freddy movie version. It would of been worse if we got the freddy that has been seen on some sets now. God is he the worst looking freddy i have seen. If you look it up beware he looks like he is make a wish foundation freddy.1 -
Jackie Earle Haley and Samual Bayer is who i think you mean cause this licensed freddy is there likeness and the others vision. I wish it was robert englund freddy (he doesn't like his face in games unless he can do the voice) or wes craven. Basically we got the humanizing pedo bad freddy movie version. It would of been worse if we got the freddy that has been seen on some sets now. God is he the worst looking freddy i have seen. If you look it up beware he looks like he is make a wish foundation freddy.
I love the comment , but when I mentioned them Wes Craven in particular , I was talking about the original creator , without him there would have never been a Freddy , Robert Englund was the one that brought him to life , and personally to me is the Only Freddy . I agree with the reinventions being lackluster in appearance but the spirit of the character is still there , just not here ...
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I may be wrong but from the look of it, there are more SWF players in the lobbies, than solo players. Please someone corrects me if I'm wrong. Anyway, there are so much people wanting to play the game as any other online game (with their buddies, or with the more "competitive" guy they could find), that BHRV will NOT remove SWF completely. And sadly, I believe the devs even fear to remove SWF's chance to grind bloodpoints, because of the potential rage "uninstall the game" reaction.
Instead of keeping the game spirit, with stealth and ambushes, they decide to transform it so voice communication isn't so big of a deal anymore. For example: if all survivors had the ability to see the killers perks and add-ons after the first teamate is dead, there would be no point to snitch that information via comms. Anyway, the problem is that the killer would'nt hold any surprise for anyone ! Not only this might be terribly boring for everyone, but this makes future design choices (of perks and powers) even tighter since no valid strategy could be secret.
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Grimbergoth said:
Jackie Earle Haley and Samual Bayer is who i think you mean cause this licensed freddy is there likeness and the others vision. I wish it was robert englund freddy (he doesn't like his face in games unless he can do the voice) or wes craven. Basically we got the humanizing pedo bad freddy movie version. It would of been worse if we got the freddy that has been seen on some sets now. God is he the worst looking freddy i have seen. If you look it up beware he looks like he is make a wish foundation freddy.
I love the comment , but when I mentioned them Wes Craven in particular , I was talking about the original creator , without him there would have never been a Freddy , Robert Englund was the one that brought him to life , and personally to me is the Only Freddy . I agree with the reinventions being lackluster in appearance but the spirit of the character is still there , just not here ...
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It sounds like you are making point that back up what I am talking about . In swf they have the communication and organization ability beyond what the casual solo player has , and I agree that seems to be the trend these days . I pop into a lobby and almost always someone says use my discord , so even the solo players are now using it . By adding this option they can see what in on their screen and also get the relay of what the others are . This allows for teamwork only able in such methods . Take for example a wraith camper , you get hooked and see him stand still and cloak , you then report this to your friends saying two of you come so one can lure him away while the other unhooks . This is a handy tool for survivors but it also negates the wraiths abaility for cloak and have no terror radius because the others still know hes there and when lead away when hes going so they know where not to go . Another example wrait hooks you and runs off to your left , you tell the others hes headed this direction so now they know to come in from the right and anyone to the left has the heads up hes coming . I have been in these games and know what its like from both sides and I would rather play solo then know every move before it even happens as to me there is no fun in that .