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Its About Time To Show Killers If They Are Against SWF



  • Member Posts: 606

    That’s just fine, it’s optional. You can just click on Play as Killer. The more elite players that embrace a fun challenge will go for the SWF games, not forcing it on anyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    I dunno other killers I rarely get tilted vs a SWF and if I do ita clearly cuz SWF inbalance. Balance the game and I wont tilt anymore I wanna have fun (you can keep ur extra bloodpoints)

  • Member Posts: 101
    edited May 2020

    ... It does change that for me, depending on the amount. There are a lot of silly and redundant actions in this game that reward BP; if you want to call them bribing, you can or you can put some other word in quotes. It doesn't matter. Showing SWF and giving a reward isn't absurd and is easy to implement.

    Be honest with yourself and realize that there is no immediate or realistic suggestion you can give to the devs that'll get them to change anything fundamental about the game

  • Member Posts: 449

    I'll be honest, I don't really see that big of a deal going against SWFs. I go against way better solo que survivors than I do SWFs. Maybe the optional death squad SWFs with sabo hooks (Dying light is so good against that.)

    But I think the issue I have with SWFs is they should change how far apart your levels can be. I've played solo survivor with a rank 2 SWF with a rank 16 and 20. And the killer was a rank 16. Which, I honestly dislike because it'll most likely discourage most new killers to even attempt to play it. I have survivor main friends who don't touch killer because even at rank 20 they'll go against purple and red rank SWFs with a low ranking friends. It's honestly depressing to see.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Do it in the lobby, so I can get the hell out.

  • Member Posts: 871

    After playing Killer a long time (like +2000 hours). You start to see how SWF and Solo are different. At the same time you start to see the SWF's that play the game to be casual and have fun, and then the ones that built a 4man team in a competitive discord server, and play the base game like an esport (They exist, I have been known to play in some of these teams - yes there are groups of survivors that have team names).

    Telling the Killer who was in a swf helps show that divide more clearly and the Killer can learn from their mistakes easier. Dead by daylight is a stressful game, and when you are stressed out at an end game screen - too many just look at the scoreboard and go "You guys obviously are SWF", don't learn anything, and try to move on. This will help them.

    God forbid a Killer feel better about playing the game. I totally forgot that it was the Killer's job to just be a punching bag for the survivors entertainment lul

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    @TheButcher your head is supposed to be on your shoulders, not up somewhere dark. Your sarcasm doesn't do anything to argue what I said. You don't specifically need to know if you were vsing a SWF or not to know what mistakes you made during the match. And feeling better about playing killer isn't even an issue with no UI; if people have the wrong attitudes about playing killer then they need to fix that themselves, not hope they get told what team they vs'd. The two are not directly linked.

  • Member Posts: 259

    I have to disagree here. If you knew it was a SWF group rather than a bunch of solos, you know they most likely had communication. Say I'm playing Pig. Did they see me sneaking up to them on the gen, or did their friends on comms just tell them I was heading that way? It makes a difference. Pretending it doesn't isn't helping anything.

    He is right, post game bragging means nothing to the actual gameplay. Who cares? turn off chat if you like.

    IF we were told that they were 4 solo players, that would enhance a killers ability to see if the killer just made too many mistakes, or if he had an uphill battle to start with.

  • Member Posts: 167

    This 36 s exactly what I was thinking∆∆∆∆

    At least let me know before hand so I can be ready and pick the appropriate loadout ect

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Not the same thing though. The only injury obtained here is to ego.

    I'd take extra bloodpoints for facing or being added as solo to a SWF team with increasing stacks based on how many members there were. you wouldn't even need to identify them as swf, the odd increase leads to the same speculation as current games do and its rolled into post game bonus. You avoid the lobby dodging and get a reward for what may be a less than ideal game on the solo/killer side of things.

    SWF get the unhindered advantage of playing with their friends and everyone else gets compensated for assisting in their fun.

    Everyone whines about SWF and everyone whines about the BP grind lets lessen the hurt of both with one mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 58

    hope the devs see this bro

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    For real tho. Some killers need to stop trying to fool themselves into believing every squad that loads in around the same time is swf. I have logs of post-game messages from playing solo survivor and escaping, yet the killer insists we were a trash 4-man swf, no matter how many times you say you aren't even squaded up ┐('~`;)┌ . Like with any team-based game, sometimes you just get good teammates who all know what they're doing.

  • Member Posts: 871

    It deffiently would curb some toxicity, and at the same time be helpufl to help Killer's learning. SWF plays differently than Solo - which would be easier to pick up on if there was a clear indication if you were against a SWF or not.

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