Spirit needs a nerf.

You should be able to hear where she is. You can see other killers in your butt after all. If she can’t see you but hears you loud and clear, you should have the same ability on the survivor side as well.
As for now, there is no reliable counterplay. Just gambling that noone enjoyes. Really idiotic character to play against. And suprisingly easy to play as (just so you can’t say yOu gOT OurGamED Boi)
Since I don’t care about rank anymore I’ll KMS on first hook when I see her from now on untill they make her fair.
Well technically you can hear her footsteps while she's phasing however the super loud chase music does make it very difficult to hear. If they just reduced the volume of chase music for both sides, Spirit would probably be much more enjoyable to play against.
8 -
All you need to do is walk and a majority of the time she won't have any clues to find you.
If you're injured well... you're injured. You should be scared and worried. If you aren't what is the point of being a survivor?
Killing yourself on first hook won't make any changes to the game and it will only ######### over your teammates.
10 -
Spirits fine
And no one cares if you start killing your self on Hook
31 -
So if you’re injured you meant to be doomed just because she uses her izibizi ability? Because that’s how it works now. Sure you can use IW but if I’m expected to bring it to every single match just to have fair chases if it’s a Spirit that’s already a broken ass design.
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You’re a funny one I see.
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I'm a survivor main and I see nothing wrong with the Spirit. She is actually really fun to go against, but I guess everyone has that one killer they wish would just disappear for good.
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At least you can counter your problem with a perk.
We can't counter toxic SWF, DS, DH, BT, Adrenaline, etc... with perks, let alone ONE SINGLE PERK.
And it's not a free hit while you're injured when she uses her power, she still has to find you and actually hit you. It's certainly one of the easiest times she has hitting people but by no means is it a free hit.
It's this same kind of thinking and refusal to try and counter the killer that lead to Nurse nerfs.
6 -
I used to hate going against Spirit, but I really don't think she's that bad now since her prayer beads nerf. She is very easy to play IMO, but Iron Will usually works fine at high ranks.
You can also deviate from the meta and run Urban Evasion which will help you get out of a tight spot when you hear the phasing sound. And yeah, killing yourself on the first hook to avoid a killer might be the reason you never learned to play against the killers you don't like. Just a thought.
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Spirit is not op. however, addons are. I hate addons and how they make perfectly balanced killers like Spirit, Billy, Oni or Freddy too strong. You can hear her footsteps while she's phasing, but the chase music is so loud that you can barely hear it.
1 -
There is littearly nothing to learn against her. You should know it as well. Drop the pallet than don’t wault...or wault a window quietly bah plah blah. She will 50% appear at your face anyway no matter what you do (Without IW). There is zero telltale of what path she takes to go after you. Every sane person sees that it’s broken.
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isn't spirit one of the hardest killers to play up there with nurse because you have to read what your opponents gonna do? Maybe you're just running in a straight line. Anyways shes fine, stop crying.
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That’s the issue I’m trying to point out. The sound. Chase music should go off, and instead of footsteps we could get a directional phasing sound.
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So she needs a nerf, because you refuse to learn to play against her
Sounds reasonable
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I'm curious. What else, or I guess who else, do you think is broken?
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She does not need a directional phasing sound. Just footstep noises are enough, when I play spirit I can track footsteps just fine.
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Baby survivor main detected
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I’m rank 1 with both killer and survivor. Yet as a flex player I see how broken and stupid she is. You ask who else? Noone. It’s just her. Terrible design. Play against her at rank one over and over again with no dedicated counter build. Tell me how fair it was.
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Just so you can’t talk #########.
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Well to be honest I was expecting a list of things.
I can agree that it's not exactly the best design ever, but I don't think it's so bad it's broken. At base kit she seems fine to me. More reliant on luck but your skill is still a paramount factor.
0 -
You said yourself that rank doesn’t matter
your point?
Learn how to play against her and stop whining
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I said I don’t care about losing it so I’ll happily quit. Not that it doesn’t matter what level you play at. There is nothing to lear against her. Or if there is, give me examples right here. They has to be really really reasonable ones if you’re soo confident she’s FinE.
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kokoko i am a stupid looper-runner-abuser and i can not play stealth! PLz NeRf SpiRetH she OvErPlAyz Me aT vAuLtZ!!111!!11 I am R1 both too and spirit can be outplayed if you are not the one with shift pressed all the time or getting fun with wounds.
just git gut, baby-looper
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I love it when people give ultimatums. I'm sure peanits is taking this all the way to the top as we speak so to keep you from killing yourself on first hook.
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Spirit is fine.
Stridor needs to go.
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You don’t care about losing and you don’t care about anyone else but yourself by quitting just because you don’t like a killer.
Just because you can’t loop her doesn’t mean she’s op. It’s a guessing game, that’s part of her power. If you fall for it, you suck. That’s all.
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Here *throws sock* you’re free Dobi. Now go.
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That’s a really weak reasoning friend Lmao. It is a fact that she’s all about luck for the survivors. But now you say if you “fall for it” (be unlucky) you suck. Interesting.
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stridor can go if so does iron will
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Agreed. Spirit with Stridor makes me want to kill myself.
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I guess you can admit the problem from this point.
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The problem that you suck because you can’t outplay her? Sure.
You have to guess just as much the other player does. That takes skill just as much as looping and anyone can make mistakes aswell.
Also, if you can’t hear her footsteps when she’s phasing you’re deaf.
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Not when stridor exists. I never hear her footsteps cause the whoooshing sound is loud and distracting.
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Spirit is not all that hard to go against. All you need to do is lose the loop mentality and use more of a nurse mentality. Go tile to tile lose line of sight. Don't sit at a pallet with her man your giving her an easy hit. that's all I will say about that. She doesn't need nerf she is fine the way she is. Play as her learn her faults you will do better I promise.
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Having just started spirit I'd be happy if more people suicide on hook so I can get some kills with her. She has a learning curve.
Have you considered that the reason she sees a lot of use is because her counter play is outside of the usual meta counterplay meaning more effort is put into it, making her appear stronger than she actually is.
Rather than dodging spirit perhaps more playtime and practice against her would work better before breaking out the nerf gun.
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Footsteps? Haha. You can’t hear #########. The Spirit doesn’t have to guess at all. I play her too and use stridor as well. Really easy to win.
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Spirit is actually a perfectly fine killer... if stridor wasn't a thing. I believe both sides can agree with that. Stridor should do what the description says which is increase the volume of breathing rather than moaning while injured.
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Spirit needs no nerf. If you pay attention when playing survivor you can hear her footsteps while she's phasing
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No. She's fine as she is.
Plus you CAN hear where she is. When she is within maybe 4m you can clearly hear her footsteps. I avoid her all the time by listening for it.
I ran a rank 2 Spirit with Stridor for 2 gens the other day. Really wish I recorded it but it was a long chase and the people I was with were not as adept at running her so I was pretty focused all game. We 3e'd here literally because she could not catch me (and she only that kill, plus 1 hook on me, because my buddy was like der-her a totem at the start of the game and broke Haunted right as she was about to hit me). And no she was not a baby, had a full perk loadout, tier 3, and definitely knew what she was doing.
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Yikes someone doesn't know how to counter spirit. And if you think shes easy to play as against master survivors boy you got another thing coming.
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Lot of people do that. I’m just joining the line mate. Eventually they recognise the problem and look at it.
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Lot of people do that. I’m just joining the line mate. Eventually they recognise the problem and look at it.
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“You can see other killers in your butt after all.”
I'm sorry wut?
honestly Never really had a huge issue vs spirit. She’s definitely top tier but I would say she’s fine overall.
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"I heartily do not approve of this Spirit person! Therefore, henceforth, shall mine eyes meet her visage, I shall promptly concede and grant her victory! That shall show the vile beast!"
Makes sense. Carry on.
7 -
I believe there is a decent counter to spirit and it’s a perk called Fixated. Allows you to walk faster. Walking is always a good thing as it doesn’t leave scratch marks lol. With spirit and nurse you have to be good at predicting movement otherwise it’s going to end badly for the killer. If they’re really good at it, it’s a wrap you lose.
1 -
👆 This
So many survivors play against her the Same way they would an m1 killer! Don’t she’ll win every time.
The amount of times I’ve flat out lost a spirit by playing a bit spontaneously (leaving a loop crouch walking to another loop breaking Los etc.) is crazy and honestly the amount of times I’ve had good players do this to me if I play spirit is crazy.
I think people are just set in there ways with classic looping even at high ranks. They need to learn to...
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Once you’re injured you’ll crouch walk nowhere but to a hook. You say she can’t be looped normally. But she CAN loop normally as a 110% therefore she can hit you even without power. Especially because she can appear from nowhere, and when you’re outpositioned on a gen she gets the free hit for the guaranteed down with the power.
If you don’t want to touch the outrageously dumbass power than slow her down to Nurse level. Therefore she’ll be forced to use it and only get hits when she proven to be skillful enough.
Spirit is like the original 115%ms Nurse with 3 blinks but less riddiculous.
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Tbh with Billy, it's only instasaw addons.
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You’ll crouch walk nowhere but a hook Haha honestly that made me laugh.
i’m not totally invested in spirit needing or not needing a nerf tbh if the community genuinely feels she’s broken and the devs decide to nerf her you’ll get no tears from me I’m just giving you my anecdotal experience.
honestly I don’t have a hugely hard time with spirit at red ranks. My honest advice is to play weird! whatever a spirit may think your going to do, do the opposite do something spontaneous that they wouldn’t expect. There’s tons of options honestly. It works a surprising amount for me personally.
In any case I’m not going to argue. Spirit is for sure top tier it’s up to the devs if she’s tooooo top tier and in my humble opinion I’d say she’s fine.
Post edited by Petraaahh on3 -
Just so stubborn don't want to adapt to an ever evolving game. there are killers you wont beat and there are killers you will. Like I said in an above post which has nothing about crouch walking. Treat her as nurse LOS is a big tool spirit uses if she can't see where you are heading she cannot phase on you its simple. Also sure she can loop so loop with her but if she tries that standstill ######### run away from the tile opposite her direction don't corner yourself. you know you will eventually go down but waste AS much TIME as you can. Give your team time to finish gens. she's not all that hard to beat. I run spine chill not for spirit but because i like the vault speed it gives in chase, but it also helps against spirit A LOT. Instead of asking for changes to killers who are actually strong like they should be find a way to combat their power. It really isn't rocket science. I'm really not trying to be mean or argumentative but Myself and others never really have an issue with spirit. gl in your spirit endeavors