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Nurse power meter change [Suggestion]

coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
edited May 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

With the introduction of Pyramid Head, we see a fluid power meter that both acts as an intended limit while also allowing the user to decide to use their power whenever they please because you can use it at any charge above 0. This is by far the most fluid and well designed power meter in the game so far imo. It's actually pretty well done, good job BHVR.

Now with that sentiment, I'd like to suggest a change to Nurse's power meter to act almost exactly as Pyramid Head's does. I suggest that instead of having a discrete charge mechanic where you must charge a full blink before you can use it, it should instead draw continuously from the total meter up to the max blink charge normally allowed for both blinks, if there is enough meter to support these actions.

Here's a gif simulating draining 1 blink. Imagine there's no blink counter, and more meter left after a single charge that you can draw from for your second blink. I know it's jpeg'd to hell but that's the life of a free gif editor.

This will eliminate the very frustrating "feature" of thinking you have 2 whole blinks but you're at <100% charge or the server thinks you didn't have both blinks yet. It will also reward skilled play by allowing the player more opportunity to go for attacks without full charge and risking the miss or hit. You're still punished by the cooldown but now you can actually choose your blinks instead of being spoon fed the chance to blink. I also believe this would shift the importance of running the CD addons and leave more room open for more builds. I honestly dislike greatly having to run the CD addons because I will literally blink 50% less in a game otherwise.

Please leave your critique I honestly think this suggestion would be the best middle ground for people like me who don't like the cooldown and other people who argue she was OP and needed one.


  • smexxyhexxy
    smexxyhexxy Member Posts: 39

    This would solve one of nurse's most frustrating problems without increasing her power level too much (not that she's too strong right now).

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Exactly what I was trying to do. Not necessarily increase her power level, but offer more player agency and choice in actually using her power.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Definitely an interesting suggestion.

    As a thought, would this also have the potential for Nurse to regain her base third Blink?

    With the basic rundown per full meter being:

    -1 Long range blink

    -2 Mid range blinks (or 1 long-ish blink followed by a short blink)

    -3 Short blinks (from basically just tapping the button or holding it for less than a second)

    Just a consideration. Not exactly trying to restore Nurse to her original Over-9000 power level, but it seems like it could be a feasible reintroduction to her kit under this idea. Well, so long as she didn't get any add-ons to extend the total length of the meter.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This is an interesting idea. If I understand correctly:

    1. You suggest you can blink as long as you have some power bar left and you can charge only for the maximum of the remaining amount?
    2. Also, the full power bar would equal the sum of charges of the current 2 blinks?

    The doubts I have are that:

    1. You would be able to blink several times in succession, which would allow an enormous margin of correction at close range.
    2. You could pull off a 32m single blink (20m+12m, which are the max range of current blinks). If you added range add-ons in the mix, you could potentially blink from outside spine chill range. It seems like a redo of old prayer's beads Spirit for gen grabs.

    Assuming I understood correctly, which is far from a given, I would suggest that if this were to be tested, then there should still be a cap of 2 blinks before fatigue and 20m on your first blink. Then the cooldown mechanic would be changed to the meter as you suggested.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Spot on actually.

    My arguments for your doubts:

    1.) This wouldn't be a problem because fatigue would still make you wait at least 2 seconds in-between blinks. This should be sufficient enough to make enough distance to where you'll want to have some more charge before starting your blink. I didn't suggest that it should charge slowly while using your power so there is still that distinct decision of "Do I charge now and risk it or wait for more blink to have a better shot at actually catching up?"

    2.) You make an interesting point. I don't know if the extra time it takes to charge the extra range on the first blink should count for more than a regular blink or the meter would scale to the extra charge time... Probably just make the extra time it takes equal to more charge consumed. That way there's less problems overall with it and the range addons come with a reasonable and logical downside. And if you use both addons for +10m that's still 2m under the range I believe which gives survivors a second or two of heartbeat unless she has some sort of stealth active.

    I agree, a cap of 2 blinks but I would like everything else to stay the same as it is so no muscle memory is touched. Distance, time to charge, etc... Then we can redo the few addons that would throw a wrench into this and viola!

    I like operating this idea under the principle that you get 1 full blink chain per full meter (1 fully charged 1st blink and fully charged 2nd in a row)

    However, I guess this could be a way to introduce 3-blink as base again, although I doubt very little of the community would go for that.

    Only problem is though that if you are proficient with 2 blinks you will be extra buffed by not using your third to save extra meter. Something to consider.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    It really nice. Hope Devs do something like this.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Sounds like a really great idea.Adding this kind of mechanic would make playing Nurse feel much more smoothly.

    Playing Nurse right now just feels really clunky and boring,which is quite a shame because she's such an interesting character

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    Nice idea dude, I think this is a great mid point between old Nurse and current Nurse! It should definitely keep the Nurse mains happy too xD

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I know I would greatly prefer using this version over our current one that's for sure! And thank you.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,552

    Then she literally just blinks past a vault or pallet whenever she wants to

    thats a no.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Same as they do now, but more dynamic. If you have any meter left after your first blink you can charge up however much meter you have left or the natural blink window passes.

    Should you lose charge if you fake a blink? Idk. I don't think that should be a thing. Just not charge any meter while holding it and only take it away when you actually blink. Maybe it will highlight how much meter it will consume?

    But it's more skill based that way. You risk being at a serious disadvantage if you miss the attack. All this change would do is allow more fluid gameplay and allow skilled players to choose their hits more often. It won't make it easier to do anything; just more convenient and fluid.

    Thanks, I appreciate that!

    I would love for @Peanits or someone else to comment on it. I don't need a "We're going to implement it in the game" just your honest critique and opinion on it.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    As a former Nurse main who dropped her after the nerf because, while I could still 4k with her, I wasn't having fun with her, this post has my full support. It's not old Nurse and I do still think I'd prefer that, but if we're stuck with the charge system I think this is a much better way to go about it than hard numbers.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Haha this is exactly how I feel. I wish we could get old Nurse back but I'd much rather have this.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Oh, not by default. If a 3rd blink addon (that wasn't the one we have now) would still be a good addon to have then it could work in those games but otherwise just standard 2 blinks.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I would love it so much if they did this. It is so obnoxious when you lose 95% of a blink because you thought you had 2 fully charged blinks but you didn't