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Get rid of nurse blink recharges



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    Before the change, I was trying to learn Nurse. I played her without add-ons, because I don't like using add-ons as any killer. She's really difficult to control well on PS4, but I was learning.

    I stopped trying to learn her after they changed her and added the recharge mechanic. It's not fun. She's not rewarding to play as. She's just a chore. I even trash her daily ritual any time I get it. I won't bother.

    I didn't see Nurse very often before the change. I pretty much never see her now. The few times I have, I've avoided her by running in a straight line. It sucks how effective that usually is.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Nurse needs buff. Small rework at least. On console it very hard to play..Most of addons useless

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Agreed. Why rework her when you have her rely on 2 or 3 addons.

    Doesn't make sense to add the red bar and expect your community to test her other addons.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah but theres discourse and then theres just plain mean spirited

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
    edited May 2020

    I wasn't intending to be mean spirited, however I am calloused from the traumatic events as a Nurse main and may be more aggressive in my arguments.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i Agree get rid of her fatigue and keep recharge or get rid of recharge and keep fatigue she shouldn't have both.the bug make is worse.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You mean to play nurse now? You see where the survivor is, use your first blink to get in close, either to a few feet behind them or to the last place you saw them. If they attempted a juke, it's most likely a 180. Otherwise, if you can still see them, you blink on them and swing. Simple to say, tricky to get right, no? And given her recharge, if you mess that up you get punished for it. Because her power is game breaking and she has no real counterplay if the nurse is good. So any but the best nurses should get punished by virtue of her gamebreakimg ability giving more reward than the required effort otherwise.

    Now, with no recharge? Borderline no punishment. Recover and try again. You made a mistake, and the survivor couldn't punish it BECAUSE HERE YOU ARE AGAIN! Once you reach that initial skill floor as old nurse, there was no need to get better. And it only took a few hours for me, maybe 2 days of nurse in the evenings. I was 100 hours into the game and thrashing people, thinking "yeah, this is balanced!" Then I got bored, played other killers, she got nerfed, I got angry, and I realised it's because I suck at nurse. So I decided to get better. Which I gave up on because she's bugged as hell, but it doesn't change the fact that her power is still there, it just requires actual skill instead of a little practice for muscle memory.

    Just because a killer has a high skill floor doesn't mean that they require skill to play after reaching that point, and it doesn't mean that you earned all of those borderline-mindless 4k's. That was the issue for old nurse: she was designed for a game that was so survivor-sided they NEEDED a killer that broke all the rules of a chase.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
    edited May 2020

    Well it's pretty common knowledge she's one of the hardest if not the hardest killer in the game to learn, so you'll have to excuse me if I question the weight of your argument when you say you've mastered her in 2 days playing in the evening. It's very easy to destroy most survivors because they refuse to learn how to counter-play her and change their strategies. Those who can were fine and are now nearly invincible in the right environments.

    Also I don't understand how that works, if the skill floor is high aren't you always requiring a bare minimum amount of skill? That just seems like an oxymoron to me.

    She may have been designed for a different DbD, but she still works in the modern game with the amount of LOS breaks and blocks they throw in some maps, and the way some loops hide survivors so you have to take a guess if you want to try and hit through a regular loop. You're always punished by the cooldown now, and I've suggested a better way to implement it that is the middle ground between our ideals that still keeps the punishment of the cooldown but allows for way more freedom than our current clunky Nurse.

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    Come on guys, can anyone really deny that it was unfair for her to see you from like 20m away, to mind game her, and then for her to be right behind you (or even on you) in 3seconds despite having a wall/pallet separating us?

    I get that it's not fun, and maybe there could have been a different way to tweak her power instead constantly looking down. However, it was ridiculously OP. Particularly when you went against a slugging Nurse.

    I always say this, but her power is game breaking by design; so it's hard for the devs to balance between overpowered and underpowered.

    What do you guys think about her fatigue being shortened, and instead being able to walk at normal speed (whilst looking forward) but not being able to m1/blink, whilst keeping the new blink cooldown?

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    I wasn't saying it's not possible to loop nurse. It was very possible; however, just because it was possible doesn't mean it's okay. I've come back from games where a survivor DC'd straight away multiple times, but i'm sure that doesn't mean that there should only be 3 survivors right? My point being that there are always exceptions to the norm. You seem like a Nurse main, so I'm sure you've had way more experiences whereby survivors weren't able to loop you, but naturally you'd remember the times they could.

    Besides, you don't loop Nurse like a regular killer now lol. Her power is exactly the same, just staggered. You can still blink through walls/pallets.

    I don't quite understand what you mean about a cooldown like pyramid heads? Could you explain more please?

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    If they're not running the range/CD addons it's very easy to loop her or just run straight while she walks for 6 seconds.

    And sure, I made a suggestion thread for it:

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I'm glad this was moved into feedback and suggestions,thank you I hope devs will take a look at this because I really wanna play nurse if they get rid of her blink recharges.

  • smexxyhexxy
    smexxyhexxy Member Posts: 39

    Totally agreed. It currently is frustrating to play as nurse as you have to keep looking at the power bar to ensure that you don't blink before your second blink is fully charged or you lose the entire charge after just one blink.

    Giving her PH's charge system would immensely help and make her enjoyable to play as again. Her rework has been a failure as far as play-ability goes.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I will keep dumping this thread everyday,hopefully devs will remember the nurse.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Daily bump,bumperingo bump,badump,badumptss bigbabadump,that should be enough

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2020

    Just gonna weigh in here. There's two different types of skill floor definitions floating around. I believe the one spoken here is: Skill floor is how well you preform with little effort or a lack of skill/experience, so a high skill floor would mean you do very well with relatively little skill or experience. It's not the amount of skill needed to play the character, it's a measure of how well you preform with little (floor) or high (ceiling) amount of skill/experience. So for example clown would have a low floor and ceiling because he won't do well, even if you're good with him, while someone like Spirit will have a high floor and ceiling because an average Spirit is strong, but a good spirit is much stronger. Old nurse was high skill floor, new nurse is lower because an average player won't do well on the current day nurse, while they could on the old one. This is one meaning of skill floor vs ceiling, some people use it differently to speak of skill needed rather than performance with low or high skill, so there's a lot of confusion on that end. It really just depends on the community you're from or the one you're used to hearing, as far as I know there isn't one agreed upon definition.

    The problem with old nurse was almost anyone could hop on nurse for a day or 2, and learn enough to plow through survivors. Old nurse basically had no downtime, it was blinking repeatedly until you eventually got the survivor. if you were good this was maybe around 10 seconds. If you weren't it was maybe more around 30, maybe 45, which is still much faster than other killers. You didn't need to master her, just learn enough to kinda get a feel for her, which wasn't very hard if you actually tried (again, one form of low skill floor).

    Additionally, because of her non-stop blinking, her map pressure was ridiculous. Going for saves was always unsafe unless you were on a large map and she's on the other side, because as soon as that unhook happens she's right there. If she's not, it's because someone else is about to go down. Left almost no room for survivors to do much of anything.

    "It's very easy to destroy most survivors because they refuse to learn how to counter-play her and change their strategies." While this is true sometimes, even if you did juked a nurse, she could just blink again and again until she got you, and after her first 1 or 2 long blinks she's just short blinking and you don't have enough time to really do too much unless that nurse it real bad, having an off match, or on console. As soon as she got in close, you were getting hit very soon after. You could juke a few hits, but she didn't have enough time between attempts for it to really matter.

    All these together made nurse pretty unfair. I am of the belief that no matter how hard something is mechanically, it should never put other players in a situation where they can't realistically do anything for most of the match if they are also skilled. That was old nurse. If the nurse was good, it didn't matter what a survivor did, they were losing. That's not a good design.

    The big problem with nurse right now is her bugs, she's still the strongest killer in the game, she's just has an out of order sign on her neck atm. Now console nurse is a whole other conversation, but with crossplay coming, I don't think console exclusive fixes are on the table anymore.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I do not say to bring old nurse back,all i'm saying is just remover her blink recharges,that's all.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    yes that's old nurse. All they did to her basekit was add recharge afaik. You take that away old nurse is back. Now if we're talking about add-ons that's a whole other conversation.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    still bumping this

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    must bump

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    Nurse: slow as crap and requires Blinking to traverse the map, exert pressure, and reach survivors

    Also Nurse: has a restriction on using her required method of traveling

    Seriously, though, the rework to Nurse screwed her in more than one way. With Nurse, it is more difficult to keep track of a survivor's location due to her fatigue and the disorientation Blinking can cause (is it disorienting on PC? it's disorienting on console, but that may be the framerate). Now, there is also a little power bar the player has to keep their eye on to know when they can Blink again, as trying to Blink too soon is heavily punished. Crap! While you were glancing at the power bar, you lost track of the survivor. Now your options are to float slowly around or Blink to a location that may be devoid of life from which you will then have to wait for your Blinks to recharge again.

    Super fun.

    Also, I hate that noise the thing makes when the Blink recharges. She already wheezes like a marathon-running smoker, did she really need more noise pollution?

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Yeah,nurse as it stands now its an unfun and hard killer to play,both of these things especially combines makes players not play her at all,to me,the removing the blink recharge will be enough to start playing her again.

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  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Thats what the devs wanted they had to please the entitled ones and they did. Mark my words freddy huntress oni doctor and billy are next.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    This is why I will keep bumping this thread until nurse gets some love too.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Oh they will be around to tell you that shes still the best killer if you put 5 years of non stop practice to master her and play completely perfect all game long.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    At least someone react on this course nurse unplayable without addons. On console it even with addon hard ((

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    lmfao good one,I really laughed hard at it because its so true,no one wants to play a hard unfun and frustrating killer no matter how good she can be in the end.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Its so hypocritical its funny. They want all kinds of buffs and 2nd chance perks and chances to escape but for killer you have to be perfect the entire game sweating your ass off just to have a chance any mistake should be heavily punished.

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  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I'm guessing they dont wanna put the effort or they dont have time now,either way,she really needs a fix.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Doctor got a rework because survivors complained about him being annoying. He was weak but annoying his rework just made him decent. Survivors complained about nurse because she was strong thats the difference. Nurse will never be bug free or fun to play or easier to play because the devs have to keep survivors happy and survivors dont wont to play against old nurse.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited June 2020

    As a legacy 3 nurse, that mained a lot of her until early 2018 (no addons for 95% of the matches).

    Omega blink was reserved for sweaty matches (been using it when meta was for 3rd blink addon and pocket watch, spread by "pr0 strimers"), had people even said it wasnt worth using, as 3 blinks was superior to 30 meter blinks.

    Current nurse isnt THAT bad mechanic wise, but recharge indeed sometimes can get on the nerves, most of the issues however come from wonky servers and bugs.

    First iteration of dedicated servers made it so blinking made you stutter in place, like if someone grabbed you by the shoulders and started ahaking you, that was unplayable.

    After not touching her for ages, recently tried her again, stutter is gone, but many blinks attack result in miss even though they were on top of the survivors (no dh). Add on top of that silly spots that wont let you short blink through, even though you charged enough (quick and short blink charge that doesnt move you anywhere), making you waste a charge of your blink and more importantly, time. That was the case in the past too, but mostly with specific spots being unblinkable, like most of the haddonfield houses or all of the hills.

    Im all up for Nurse being possible to be lost in chase, but all of the bugs in dbd are much harsher for her than any other killer. No sounds from survicors, broken maps, wonky servers and limited blinks make it for a very unforgivable and not fun experience.

    The last few games I had with her were all annoying not from me messing up or survivors outplaying me, it was from me being stuck on random stuff and general bugs. I was literally annoyed from all of this more than having to verse 4 man swf death squad on ormonds as a perkless and addonless clown.

  • Stuballs89
    Stuballs89 Member Posts: 89

    I have to say that I agree, since the nerf the nurse is rarely seen. She is the least mobile killer and now you've made it so that even with her power all survivors just out run her and get away. I know I am not the best nurse but the fact that I can play game after game where I don't get a single sacrifice is ridiculous. I say if you are going to make her slow moving then you need to supplement that in some way. Her power moves her 20m with a 2 second cooldown then you have to recharge as well. I mean come on. How the hell am I supposed to protect Gens when I cant get from one gen to another without the previous Gen being completed, yes that is how slow she is. I just got demolished on the Temple level because I couldn't protect 2 gens that were right next to each other. Both had people on it but by the time I got to the Gen I have to stand there looking at the ground for 2 seconds. Then when I do look back up the survivors have already gotten a bit of space between us. Now I cant catch up because I just blinked to the gen so I am recharging. For every second I am recharging, moving at a reduced rate, the survivor is getting further and further away. Now what do I do in this situation? Do I continue the chase, knowing that whichever one I chase the other will come back to the gen. Do I ignore them and continue patrolling gens because I know there is another team working on the next Gen along? Doesnt matter because no matter what I decide to do the nurse has to sit still licking her toes whilst survivors disappear into the mist.

    In an ideal world she would have a regular cool down for missed attacks but blinking shouldn't tire you out. Blink recharge is fine but making it so that my movement is punished, not even with a missed attack, when I already move slower than survivors is overkill.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited June 2020

    Just rework her entire power at this point. I feel like that has a better chance of going through well rather than than bug fixes. But heres hoping.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Steel hoping...

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Steel bumping

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704


  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    But no one is even addressing her bugs in the first place. Just because that's bad, that doesn't address the fact that this killer already had the lowest kill rate of all killers due to how difficult she was to learn, and now that she's even worse of than before, all the inflation from those busted add ons is gone.

    I've got multiple nurse playing friends who dropped her (some DBD altogether) and we're talking rank 1 no perk ADHD kid level nurses, they could still easily wipe the floor with there PS4 nurses at rank 1.

    She's downgraded from a masochistic but fun killer, to a killer that actively fights against your use of her, every facet of her basekit plays against you in some way ;

    W(oh your power is strong but your slow, oh your power is too strong it also goes slower and is slightly more telegraphed, oh but if you use your power you're not supposed to see, oh but also for you use it you have to wait to use it again, oh and you don't get add ons that do anything good for you even though one of the reasons we claimed to want to change her is to give her more interesting add ons)

    I think they can afford to relent to the degree that the timer could use adjustment of some kind, or another mechanical gimmick altogether

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    That is such a silly argument, especially coming from a survivor main...

    Oh, I don't really play this character at all, but their fine imo!

    Thanks for being the voice of our people

    - every nurse main

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Still waiting for her bug fixes ....

    13 months and counting ...

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    I agree, Omega and 5 blink had to go, was very unhealthy for the game. But...her basekit should have never ever been touched. Personally, I hate going against spirit far far far more than nurse. Spirit just takes headphones with surround in them. Nurse actually took work, she took skill. She's only the best killer in the game in the right hands... in the right hands I said. Meaning nurse isn't the best if you don't work for it.

    Tl;dr Spirit should've been the one with the nerf, not base nurse (keep the add on changes, nerf that lol).

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I agree,she needs some changes soon,make nurse great again.