Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Buff Brand New Part

Member Posts: 200
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

You either put it to do at least 50% of a gen and keep/lose the toolbox, i don't really care, or you can turn it into Common rarity because it's absolutely trash, hell, you can even remove since is basically useless.
And it's still an Ultra Rare, the hell ? So, here you have it :
** -One Brand New Part can do 50%, the difficult skill check remain as it is, one skill check = 25%, so 2 = 50% of a gen
-If you miss, the BNP is gone as well as the toolbox (assumnig the devs are ok with the 50% and willing to do it)
-If not, One BNP should do 40%, down it to Very Rare category, if you fail the skill check you lose the BNP addon but the toolbox remain**

For those who don't know, the current Brand New Part does 25% progression if you hit the skill checks

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  • Member Posts: 749

    I don't see how hitting a skill check and gaining an instant 25% is useless. Especially considering how extremely quick gens can get repaired as it is.

  • Member Posts: 10,200
  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @Acromio said:

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    It literally just got a nerf that balanced it. Gens are done fast enough and using this is a nice quick boost for the end game.
  • Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2018

    It's 15%, not 25%. I don't agree that it should lose it's ultra rare status but I do think it should be buffed to 20%. Granted, hitting a skill check on PS4 is more challenging than on PC so maybe it only needs a buff on PS4.

    Post edited by jmaximo93 on
  • Member Posts: 7,383

    It's 15% without skill checks.
    If you hit 2 very difficult skillcheks you get 10%

  • Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2018

    Ya I think I misread what they meant. It's still a hassle on console lol.

    Post edited by jmaximo93 on
  • Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2018

    What are the rare items for the toolbox? I don't even know.

  • Member Posts: 2,428
    jiminie said:

    @jmaximo93 said:
    It's 15%, not 25%. I don't agree that it should lose it's ultra rare status but I do think it should be buffed to 20%. Granted, hitting a skill check on PS4 is more challenging than on PC so maybe it only needs a buff on PS4.

    What's the point of it being an Ultra Rare?
    Compare it to Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, which heals a downed Survivor instantly, while this doesen't even complete 50% of a gen, there is no way this is still an Ultra Rare

    Well, to be fair, the Syringe isnt a fair comparison considering they have stated all instant stuff is something they wish to change.
  • Member Posts: 3,823
    They should buff it and keep it as ultra rare OR keep it as it is but lower its rarity.
  • Member Posts: 671

    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

  • Member Posts: 13

    I agree that they should keep it how it is and decrease the rarity to reduce the blood points. As a solo-survivor main, I think the reworking was fair for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    maybe when they finally get the gen times balanced out.
    right now, we dont need anything new to increase gen speed, since genrush is ompletely broken atm.

  • Member Posts: 998

    @projecteulogy said:
    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

    So it is countered by the perk that no one uses.
    It's survivors that control how long game lasts. Not the killer.
    Killer doing everything correctly can't stop gen rush of survivors and BNP didn't change that.

    Most killers don't have map presence and it is part of their toolkit and devs are trying things out to make games longer for survivors. Part of doctors toolkit is making skillchecks harder and you want to take it away from already weak killer.

    Insta heals will be gone soon too.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    BNPs have just been nerfed, because they had been to powerful since … forever!
    And the moment they get balanced, survivor ask for buffs.
    Most likely because survivor don't care about real "balance".

  • Member Posts: 3,647
  • Member Posts: 3,823
    @Wolf74 said:

    BNPs have just been nerfed, because they had been to powerful since … forever!
    And the moment they get balanced, survivor ask for buffs.
    Most likely because survivor don't care about real "balance".

    And it's still considered as an ultra rare addon, that's the problem.
    Ultra rare addons are suposed to be powerful, like certain killer addons which pretty much secure match's result with 4K.
    It's a joke that BNP got nerfed down to 15% (25% with great skill checks) but kept its rarity.
  • I kind of would like a bnp buff. Like it scales up with the rarity of the toolbox. Brown is 15% yellow is 25% green is 50% and purple is 75%. Plus the toolbox and add on would get consumed in the process.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Vietfox said:
    @Wolf74 said:

    BNPs have just been nerfed, because they had been to powerful since … forever!

    And the moment they get balanced, survivor ask for buffs.

    Most likely because survivor don't care about real "balance".

    And it's still considered as an ultra rare addon, that's the problem.
    Ultra rare addons are suposed to be powerful, like certain killer addons which pretty much secure match's result with 4K.
    It's a joke that BNP got nerfed down to 15% (25% with great skill checks) but kept its rarity.

    No, it got "balanced". It was way to powerful before, even for an ultra rare.
    Gens are done way to fast and even "lesser" boni are superpwoerful.
    I know survivor do not like balance, but that's how it works.

  • Member Posts: 671

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

    So it is countered by the perk that no one uses.
    It's survivors that control how long game lasts. Not the killer.
    Killer doing everything correctly can't stop gen rush of survivors and BNP didn't change that.

    Most killers don't have map presence and it is part of their toolkit and devs are trying things out to make games longer for survivors. Part of doctors toolkit is making skillchecks harder and you want to take it away from already weak killer.

    Insta heals will be gone soon too.

    HybridPanda wrecks people with PGTW at rank 1-5.. hes quite entertaining to watch unlike Tyde and Ochode. So don't say its unused. You don't use it. PGTW and Overcharge is beast together. Add NOED and Blood Warden and you have a total lulz at End Game.

    I never once said i wanted to make my MAIN killer weak. I dont think you're comprehending what i'm trying to say. Outside of the terror radius and ruin, the skill check doesn't need to be microscopic and the size should be affected by addons. Unnerving and Overwhelming Presence should grossly affect a BNP.

    I'm all for instaheals being gone. Both addons should no longer consume the medkit and be converted to a HoT, that still triggers Nurse's Calling. However, I hate slugging. Even as a killer. I will never understand why medkits shouldn't at least assist in healing you while youre down and you have one. Just for the sake of realism in a video game where you can be hooked twice and healed with on the spot surgery to close a giant hole in your shoulder but not have any lasting effects of having steel pierce your body in the same spot... Twice.

  • Member Posts: 2,773


  • Member Posts: 998

    @projecteulogy said:

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

    So it is countered by the perk that no one uses.
    It's survivors that control how long game lasts. Not the killer.
    Killer doing everything correctly can't stop gen rush of survivors and BNP didn't change that.

    Most killers don't have map presence and it is part of their toolkit and devs are trying things out to make games longer for survivors. Part of doctors toolkit is making skillchecks harder and you want to take it away from already weak killer.

    Insta heals will be gone soon too.

    HybridPanda wrecks people with PGTW at rank 1-5.. hes quite entertaining to watch unlike Tyde and Ochode. So don't say its unused. You don't use it. PGTW and Overcharge is beast together. Add NOED and Blood Warden and you have a total lulz at End Game.

    I never once said i wanted to make my MAIN killer weak. I dont think you're comprehending what i'm trying to say. Outside of the terror radius and ruin, the skill check doesn't need to be microscopic and the size should be affected by addons. Unnerving and Overwhelming Presence should grossly affect a BNP.

    I'm all for instaheals being gone. Both addons should no longer consume the medkit and be converted to a HoT, that still triggers Nurse's Calling. However, I hate slugging. Even as a killer. I will never understand why medkits shouldn't at least assist in healing you while youre down and you have one. Just for the sake of realism in a video game where you can be hooked twice and healed with on the spot surgery to close a giant hole in your shoulder but not have any lasting effects of having steel pierce your body in the same spot... Twice.

    Ok so one streamer uses is.
    From all of the games I played last month only one or two had that perk and one time was clown adept achievement.
    Out of hundreds of games.
    While 25% sounds big but if you think it takes 20 seconds for a single survivor without skillchecks, toolboxes or other survivors helping out to recover from that it is not nearly as useful unless you do BORING 3 gen strat.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    PGTW is pretty overrated. Most of the time the most advanced gen pop before I can get there and since the timer is so short, I do not get another chance to kick another gen.
    And since it forces you to rush away from the hook, you basically have to give free unhooks every time.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @fakelove said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    PGTW is pretty overrated. Most of the time the most advanced gen pop before I can get there and since the timer is so short, I do not get another chance to kick another gen.
    And since it forces you to rush away from the hook, you basically have to give free unhooks every time.

    Don't camp then, also 'the free unhook' means that person is one step closer to his/her final hook, you also get to kick the gen and regress it, it's a win/win situation

    Have you actually READ my post?

  • Member Posts: 671

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

    So it is countered by the perk that no one uses.
    It's survivors that control how long game lasts. Not the killer.
    Killer doing everything correctly can't stop gen rush of survivors and BNP didn't change that.

    Most killers don't have map presence and it is part of their toolkit and devs are trying things out to make games longer for survivors. Part of doctors toolkit is making skillchecks harder and you want to take it away from already weak killer.

    Insta heals will be gone soon too.

    HybridPanda wrecks people with PGTW at rank 1-5.. hes quite entertaining to watch unlike Tyde and Ochode. So don't say its unused. You don't use it. PGTW and Overcharge is beast together. Add NOED and Blood Warden and you have a total lulz at End Game.

    I never once said i wanted to make my MAIN killer weak. I dont think you're comprehending what i'm trying to say. Outside of the terror radius and ruin, the skill check doesn't need to be microscopic and the size should be affected by addons. Unnerving and Overwhelming Presence should grossly affect a BNP.

    I'm all for instaheals being gone. Both addons should no longer consume the medkit and be converted to a HoT, that still triggers Nurse's Calling. However, I hate slugging. Even as a killer. I will never understand why medkits shouldn't at least assist in healing you while youre down and you have one. Just for the sake of realism in a video game where you can be hooked twice and healed with on the spot surgery to close a giant hole in your shoulder but not have any lasting effects of having steel pierce your body in the same spot... Twice.

    Ok so one streamer uses is.
    From all of the games I played last month only one or two had that perk and one time was clown adept achievement.
    Out of hundreds of games.
    While 25% sounds big but if you think it takes 20 seconds for a single survivor without skillchecks, toolboxes or other survivors helping out to recover from that it is not nearly as useful unless you do BORING 3 gen strat.

    1 streamer? Ok fam. I got bored last night at work and watched a bunch of different Streamers. Quite a bit of them change out PGTW/Bamboozle for different strats.

    Meanwhile, most games are camping or slugging for solo survivor lol? Cmon.

    Your experience isn't the same as mine and vice versa. Boring 3 gen strat? Same as doing gens when literally 80% of the Killer pbase camps hard as hell with 4-5 gens left to do WITH BBQ? Lol... I don't see where you even have a valid argument.

    People complain about giving away "free unhooks"... all of the camp/tunnel strats ive watched end with the killer getting about 10k bp and a black pip. Even with a 3k. If you folks were even slightly intelligent, you would combo it with DH or MYC. Meanwhile, i'm sure you will say but thats a wasted perk slot... So is No Mither and Unbreakable. So are more than half the survivor perks outside of the Developer AND Killer forced meta(its forced bc why take anything else if you want to win. Same with every killer beyond rank 15 taking Ruin and BBQ). The only difference i see in games as a survivor are the killers. The perk-set is usually the same. Meanwhile, I don't take half the current meta because i'm not a looper, but get ragged on for being "immersed when i'm simply playing Stealth.

    A lot of people run Unnerving/Overhwelm with Distressing and it completely screws up gen rushing if you don't act like a moron and loop the same survivor for 3 minutes.. Can you give me a valid argument please? There's no reason BNP needs to keep its rarity and price with such a drastic nerf. as its now pointless to take outside of Irony and multiple BNPs since most solo games, survivors can't communicate for strats and killer stick to the same crap.

  • Member Posts: 2,410
    While I agree that BNP's are worthless now, they should NEVER be what they once were. That was ridiculous. The possibility of 4 gens popping 20 secs in was absolutely horrible.

    50% of the gen would be just fine, so long as it took a little longer to install. 
  • Member Posts: 998

    "80% of the Killer pbase camps hard as hell with 4-5 gens left to do WITH BBQ? Lol... I don't see where you even have a valid argument."

    Right... You convined everyone there. Buff BNP. It should let you fix 2 gens.

  • Member Posts: 200

    @not_Queen are you guys gonna do something about BNP or not ?

  • Member Posts: 998

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:

    @theArashi said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    I hated the BNP before hand. Because it was OP and a 4man squad could ruin a killers entire game. And for survivors, since a short game = barely a safety pip.

    however, its current nerf along with new and old perks(killer-wise), make it completely worthless unless youre playing low ranks and trolling a new killer. The only real upside to using it is that it doesn't dissolve your toolbox. The progress from 1 BNP can be reset with Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Killer's complain about gen-rushing still even after the BNP was nerfed.... but at the same time don't have proper map control, know when to give up chases and kick gens etc.

    Maybe buff the clamps and make them usable(as ive seen it hasn't effected the size regardless of the rarity. sad).. boost the size of the skill check. Something. God help you if you start and all of a sudden someone running an aura build with Unnerving starts running around on Gidion lmao(<3 doc with distressing)

    So it is countered by the perk that no one uses.
    It's survivors that control how long game lasts. Not the killer.
    Killer doing everything correctly can't stop gen rush of survivors and BNP didn't change that.

    Most killers don't have map presence and it is part of their toolkit and devs are trying things out to make games longer for survivors. Part of doctors toolkit is making skillchecks harder and you want to take it away from already weak killer.

    Insta heals will be gone soon too.

    HybridPanda wrecks people with PGTW at rank 1-5.. hes quite entertaining to watch unlike Tyde and Ochode. So don't say its unused. You don't use it. PGTW and Overcharge is beast together. Add NOED and Blood Warden and you have a total lulz at End Game.

    I never once said i wanted to make my MAIN killer weak. I dont think you're comprehending what i'm trying to say. Outside of the terror radius and ruin, the skill check doesn't need to be microscopic and the size should be affected by addons. Unnerving and Overwhelming Presence should grossly affect a BNP.

    I'm all for instaheals being gone. Both addons should no longer consume the medkit and be converted to a HoT, that still triggers Nurse's Calling. However, I hate slugging. Even as a killer. I will never understand why medkits shouldn't at least assist in healing you while youre down and you have one. Just for the sake of realism in a video game where you can be hooked twice and healed with on the spot surgery to close a giant hole in your shoulder but not have any lasting effects of having steel pierce your body in the same spot... Twice.

    Ok so one streamer uses is.
    From all of the games I played last month only one or two had that perk and one time was clown adept achievement.
    Out of hundreds of games.
    While 25% sounds big but if you think it takes 20 seconds for a single survivor without skillchecks, toolboxes or other survivors helping out to recover from that it is not nearly as useful unless you do BORING 3 gen strat.

    1 streamer? Ok fam. I got bored last night at work and watched a bunch of different Streamers. Quite a bit of them change out PGTW/Bamboozle for different strats.

    Meanwhile, most games are camping or slugging for solo survivor lol? Cmon.

    Your experience isn't the same as mine and vice versa. Boring 3 gen strat? Same as doing gens when literally 80% of the Killer pbase camps hard as hell with 4-5 gens left to do WITH BBQ? Lol... I don't see where you even have a valid argument.

    People complain about giving away "free unhooks"... all of the camp/tunnel strats ive watched end with the killer getting about 10k bp and a black pip. Even with a 3k. If you folks were even slightly intelligent, you would combo it with DH or MYC. Meanwhile, i'm sure you will say but thats a wasted perk slot... So is No Mither and Unbreakable. So are more than half the survivor perks outside of the Developer AND Killer forced meta(its forced bc why take anything else if you want to win. Same with every killer beyond rank 15 taking Ruin and BBQ). The only difference i see in games as a survivor are the killers. The perk-set is usually the same. Meanwhile, I don't take half the current meta because i'm not a looper, but get ragged on for being "immersed when i'm simply playing Stealth.

    A lot of people run Unnerving/Overhwelm with Distressing and it completely screws up gen rushing if you don't act like a moron and loop the same survivor for 3 minutes.. Can you give me a valid argument please? There's no reason BNP needs to keep its rarity and price with such a drastic nerf. as its now pointless to take outside of Irony and multiple BNPs since most solo games, survivors can't communicate for strats and killer stick to the same crap.

    You sound like you play games on VERY low rank if you see killers facecamp( which doesn't exist anymore) with BBQ.
    10k after whole game? Sounds like beginner killer to me.

    Pop goes the weasel is vey situational and has low timer of when you can use it.
    Also, last time I checked HybridPanda plays very rarely and if he doesn't get any kills if survivors rush gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @jiminie said:
    You either put it to do at least 50% of a gen and keep/lose the toolbox, i don't really care, or you can turn it into Common rarity because it's absolutely trash, hell, you can even remove since is basically useless.
    And it's still an Ultra Rare, the hell ? So, here you have it :
    ** -One Brand New Part can do 50%, the difficult skill check remain as it is, one skill check = 25%, so 2 = 50% of a gen
    -If you miss, the BNP is gone as well as the toolbox (assumnig the devs are ok with the 50% and willing to do it)
    -If not, One BNP should do 40%, down it to Very Rare category, if you fail the skill check you lose the BNP addon but the toolbox remain**

    For those who don't know, the current Brand New Part does 25% progression if you hit the skill checks

    It was nerfed for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    This should not be a priority right now

  • Member Posts: 628
    Mabey downgrade it in rarity but it's still strong.

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