Name your most favourite/ least favourite SINGLE COSMETIC PIECE

DarkPit Member Posts: 87

Most favourute one: Neas Torn Leggins

They just look perfect like nothing else. The colour, the rips, the tightness,....awesome.

Least Favourite: Megs Teen Angst Hair

First of all, i play a lot of Meg myself, and i really like her, but whenever i see a teammate wearing this hairstyle i immediately have no expectations of good plays of this guy. I dobt say everybody liking this is a bad player, but its one of my stereotypes since i never witnessed anybody playing decent while wearing this...

What are your choices of cosmetics?



  • BreadTheThief
    BreadTheThief Member Posts: 14

    Favorite: BUNNY FENG.

    Least Favorite: I don't really know, since there are a large number of cosmetics that I don't care for and thus don't really rank. Almost all of Yui's are awful, IMO. Also, that new Legion mask should be 10 kinds of creepy but comes off as cartoonish and dumb looking.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279
    edited June 2020

    favorite: .......... for no reason whatsoever,

    least favorite: this casualty of hair optimization used to go with my favorite nea outfit, but after the devs' betrayal, it is only a painful reminder.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Favourite: Santa Clown body (love the bag with limbs etc).

    Least favourite: Bunny Feng head (You're going in the chilli, little bunny)...

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Favorite: Thick Hunter's Coat

    It's just cool looking, it goes great with all of her masks, the long coat flows really dramatically, and she actually has boots to keep her feet from getting splinters! It's basically perfect.

    Like, I'll use other body outfits, but this is hands down the best. It's just too cool.

    Least Favorite: Undercut Comb-back

    Why? Why does this exist?

    Like, I'm personally a fan of Nea's face. I think she looks pretty cute. And I'm also a fan of this type of hairstyle. There are people who can pull it off and make it look really cool.

    But the pink dye? And the stupid looking shades? No. Not good. Bad. Very bad.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Yeah that pink hair head is absolutely demented.

    I expect that the majority of people who purchsed/equip that cosmetic are hankering to have the dances from Fortnite included in DBD.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    I love Steve's Scoops Ahoy outfit.

    Not sure about least...

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Fav: Demos crabby claws. They just look so good especially in first person.

    Worst: gotta go with all those pointless looking ghostface knives. Oof ya let me spend a bunch of money on yet another completely generic knife. Honourable mention to hospital myers.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Favorite: Hillbilly’s Leg Piece from the Spring Cookout outfit. The one with cowboy boots and rabbits hanging from the sides. So many of Hillbilly’s leg pieces look bad imo yet this one looks great and even better works with many other pieces like the prestiged body and the hallowed blight.

    Least favorite: Spirits hallowed blight head piece. This and the new Oni outfit with their froggish throats are pretty gross to me and not in a good way. Which is a shame because the concepts are great but would prefer something that makes the characters appear badass over ridiculously deformed.

  • Solomonkane
    Solomonkane Member Posts: 112

    As far as my least favorite cosmetics, I couldn't really tell you. I don't really pay attention to the ones I dislike

    But my favorite has to be Corpse Paint

    I'm sure most people don't know about it with how forgotten Jeff is.

    My friends tend to get spooked everytime I creep around the corner to help them with a gen. So I enjoy that aspect as well.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352


    Yup! This is my favorite Nea cosmetic. The whole Neon Lights look is fantastic, but this is definitely the piece I use the most. The yellow visor(?) glasses(?) combined with the bright as hell punk hairstyle appeals to a couple of my favorite themes in art. I am a big fan of futuristic things and bright and colorful things, so having a yellow/pink cyberpunk head is pretty sweet.

    and everytime someone uses the full Neon Heights outfit but replaces this head with the other pink hair head, I cry a tiny bit inside

    Least favorite:

    Awful. Horrific. Makes her look bald. The other pieces in the outfit are also boring as hell. There are so many Hag pieces that make her look much more appealing as a horror killer, but this really isn't it

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited June 2020

    Favorite one: Pig's Twisted Trefoil Blade

    Least favorite: I don't know which specific one I'd go with, but a number of Nea's headpieces rub me the wrong way.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    faviroute:ashy slashy (its funny how it eats flashlights)

    least faviroute:megs tean angast hair

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Ashy Slashy :P

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550


    The Spirit has a lot of good cosmetics, but the bandages on her hand and the floating shoulder pads really make this cosmetic for me. It looks so cool, and it goes well with the Haru Damashi head since the oni hair one looks like toilet paper.

    Least favorite:

    Kate usually has good cosmetics, but this one is god awful. It was a decent idea but it was executed horribly. Her pigtails look like matted dead rodents or severed cat tails tied to her scalp. Her bangs are terribly done and go way too far back, making her look balding. The designers also thought it would be a good idea to give her a lip tint very similar to her skin tone, so unless you're looking at it up close it looks like she doesn't have lips. This is an awful cosmetic and it needs to be redone, I like the idea of Kate in pigtails. These ones just look more like cat tails than pigtails.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    Want to know what the best cosmetic would be? maskless legion, like the faces are rendered let me show them!

    but i love the year of the rat cosmetic for jeff.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Ace's eyepatch. Not even the whole cosmetic, just the eyepatch.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Most Favorite: Nancy's "Strawberry Wave" Hair

    I've been using this hair ever since I bought Nancy, and I love it so much! I usually pair it with her green sweater or bloody sweater and black pants or skirt.

    Least Favorite: ....

    Truly horrifying....

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Favorite: Head-Feng-Eggs-Travaganza

    Least Favorite:-Head-Claudette-Winter Gala