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Why I hate Freddy (and why he's unbalanced)



  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Coming from the person who made a throw away account due to some one calling you and your click out on another thread I really do not care for you or about what you think of me or my opinion.

    Call me whatever you like but at least I do not prance around these forums and make posts to nerf survivor perks or killers I pride myself on not being one of those kind of players.

    What you seek is not balance, your skill level is too small to ever get it if you need to make posts like these and then call some one biased because of their avatar?

    For a new member you seem like you have an agenda right out the get so who is the real biased one here?

    Just because you find Freddy boring or not fun does not mean everyone else has no skill against him.

    Maybe you should spend more time to get gud then spew your biased hate towards killers on the forum.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Lore wise it makes sense,yes

    But i don't see it being fair that he can put you in the dream world mid chase without him having to do anything for it.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    No idea if that's true about the dream pallets but i will definetely try it out.

    Going to the next loop is basically "just throw the pallet early" which isn't really counterplay in my eyes.

    Problem about freddy is that the player doesn't even have to be a "rank 1 god tier killer" to do really well with him.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited June 2020

    I didn't tell you anything I merely bet on the fact you were a meta-fanatic. Which I was right regardless if you were a Forever Freddy main at all, its the mindset behind the build usage. And it is that sweaty mentality that I uncovered

    e Is M1 killer he must hit u twice, he has teleport, u can't play against every killer the same way, killer should be strong, u shouldn't have easy escape, this just proves that u don't play killers

    Oh I'm so sorry that you have to two-hit survivors, get over thy-self. Its statements like this that proves to me you are a new player because if you were a killer main from 2018-2019 you certainly wouldn't have made it through those times, at least not with this current mindset of yours intact.

    Just because u don't know how to play against him it doesn't mean he Is op, its easy to say something Is op when u havent even tried to solve the puzzle.

    So you are telling me that second-chance survivor perks and playstyles aren't OP? Remarkably enlightened I must say. I love the contradicting view though "This killer isn't op you just don't know how to play against him, you must solve the puzzle" but when it comes to survivor perks evidently this "puzzle" no longer applies, funny that

    Talking about petty mindset, im Leatherface r1

    Remarkable, meanwhile I used to main old-style Freddy got him to red-ranks and rank 1 multiple times, and went the entirety of 2018-2019 without ever using Ruin until it appeared on the shrine and only then on Ghostface and Clown. Big bloody deal, getting to rank 1 isn't a magical "my argument is infallible" get out of jail free-card. Bad takes, views and opinions on balance don't just become valid because your badge turned Red

    maybe you should man up and start blaming yourself when u lose not the 'op killer' and work on your petty mindset. Yet if we are talking about other side of op stuff what should we say about all your second chance's perks? We suck it up and improve, i did, thats why i always hit r1.


    You wanna try again?

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Not true really not many killers can be good with freddy, I have steam rolled quite a few freds.

    Now if you said doctor I would agree. Pop static burst = easy mode.

    In the killers is boring thread someone made this same response their proof was a picture of a rank 1 Freddy 3k screenshot..... Rank 1 killer....

    That's like a unicorn on ps4, no clue how killers ranks on pc work but on ps4 I rarely get red ranks and mostly play rank 10-15 some times even a rank 20.

    I would like to see some more screen shots of average player post game screens as Freddy or better yet devs putting up some actual data on his ranks and kill per users.

    Thank you for at least hearing me out without being dismissive !

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,220

    We don't need to nerf every killer around the lowest common denominator. Freddy is perfectly manageable against 4 solid survivors of equal skill.

    His pallets become problematic when people are using too many pallets and he's able to lay 10 pallets down in good spots. A pallet Freddy is loopable with minimal pallet usage.

    Snares force pallets down early, but the long side is usually still playable with the right spacing if he tries to snare bomb the loop.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    "Not true really not many killers can be good with freddy,i have steam rolled quite a few freds"

    Freddy has pretty much the lowest skill required to master his power.No problem that a killer is easy to understand and learn,not every killer has to be nurse kind of difficulty.The problem about him is that you need very little time to grasp his power and how it's used effectively and how extremely strong it is in comparison.

    Freddy has:

    -One of the best map mobility ability with his teleport in the game

    -His snares provide him with an extremely strong chase power that can shut down most of the loops in the game.

    -Due to the fact that his power is really strong in chases makes the micro sleep (passive sleep timer) the strongest slowdown mechanic in the game,because survivors are constantly pressured to stay awake (finding clocks,failing skill checks,getting help from awake teammates)

    Even the other top tier killers have some kind of weakness (weak early game,map reliant,no map mobility etc.) freddy has none.

    "Now if you said doctor i would agre.Pop static burst = easy mode"

    Static burst is nothing but a tracking/minor slowdown ability that requires the player to only use it if he/she knows that survivors are somewhere nearby or he/she will be punished with a very long cooldown of 60 seconds.

    "In the killers boring thread someone made the same response their proof was a picture of a rank 1 freddy 3k screenshot..... Rank 1 killer...."

    While i agree that's not a good proof of how unbalanced freddy is,i still have to say that ranks really don't say anything about how skilled the player is.I've seen plenty killers and survivors that were high rank and played absolutely horrible.Rank is more of an indicator that you played quite a bit this month.

  • sLeT1shuy4
    sLeT1shuy4 Member Posts: 3

    How about getting good?

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited June 2020

    Sure, accusing someone of meta fanatic or other stuff just points out how mad you are just bcs you can't get over simple facts.

    I'm just simply stating a few common facts, no different then what you "claim" to be doing. But of course everything that goes against your perspective is "whining" and "mad".

    Talking about salty mentality yet u are screaming nerf freddy (balanced killer) and this just shows again that all that years youve been playing are nothing bcs u didn't improve at all.

    "screaming to nerf Freddy". Imagine being so worried and paranoid the slightest criticism sends you into an outrage. The only one losing their temper is you, I never even asked for Freddy to be nerfed in the entirety of this thread. I just pointed out your faulty emotional argument and you started unraveling. Also can you please start using "You" instead of "u"? Its quite annoying, we aren't texting you can afford to add two more letters

     As i can remember i never whined about that, just stated simple facts and u are still angry bcs u got clapped with facts.

    Oh god, my lungs

     imagine accusing someone of something that u don't even know, just shows how mentally unstable u are, u prob lost against freddy, then came here to scream how op he Is.

    Imagine ignoring the mountain of screenshots that alone destroy your silly little "facts"

    All that years of playing and u are still at the bottom, comaplaining and whining, and again, this just shows how petty mindset you have even outside of the game, in i few words i point out a few simple facts that u cant beat even with all that long text that Is trying to change the subject.

    Are we talking about you or me now? Do you realize your behavior and postings have done nothing but substantiate and prove my claim to be 100% correct? I made an assumption and you've proved yourself to be one of those vain goofballs that can't bare to tolerate and actually debate a single topic. You have zero self-awareness, introspection, nor the ability to see issues from both sides, and quite frankly you are part of the problem. You can't tackle any issue headon so you try to derail it using all those terms you heard from the youtubes as well as accusing any dissenting voice of being an absolutist and being a completely biased "main" (while being one yourself) and you hope nobody calls YOU out on it. That is your entire shtick and overall I find it


  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Hold up there's a killer that discourages the loop BS and forces survivors to play as survivors and lets the killer be a killer? Damn there goes seven bucks.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2020

    I'm getting all these messages that I don't know how to play against him but the best thing I've seen is "Drop pallets early," But that doesn't stop you from getting downed a second later, especially with the map reworks. And on stronger loops, Wow! You just lost looping time! Literally anyone give me any counter to Freddy that doesn't eventually waste pallets

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    I'll repeat. I don't play Freddy because I know it's an easy win and only play him for dailies because of how easy they are

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "He has 4 Add-ons that are worthless in an actual game, that being the Blindness and Hemmoraging add-ons."

    Uhh.. Blindness is actually one of his BEST add-ons. Play Freddy until you get someone with OOO, and you will see why it's necessary.

    It's also useful as a slugging tool or to slow the game down by removing hook auras. But mainly, it's there to hard counter OOO which is devastating to Freddy, more than other killers because you see him 100% of the time while asleep. He can't mind game you at all.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2020

    I mean, I just want to hear, from you, what's so balanced about him? As far as I know, he has absolutely no balance, counterplay, or skill required. Personally, I see balanced as something that punishes the killer for doing wrong, like Pyramid Head's cooldown for missing punishment and an easy way to get rid of torment, Plague's cooldown for vomit and counterplay, Trapper's strong traps but he can also get stuck in them, the list goes on and on. In all of my time playing I have never seen a good example of counterplay. I'm red ranks on both sides, by the way. Not a main in any sense

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    The problem with that (and the game) is that you want a counter for one survivor versus one killer. Pallets and looping suck as a game mechanic in general because the game is 4 v 1 and balanced around having any one of those survivors countering the lone killer, basically anytime they're in danger. This game is more tense when you play as a killer than a survivor.

    Maybe there isn't a 1v1 counter for Freddy. Luckily you have three other teammates. Gen pressure, snap out of it, a decoy who is awake - plenty of things you can do to minimize Freddy but they all require approaching the game as a 4v1 and not four separate 1v1s.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Thana + Sloppy + Pop + Rope will make the game VERY VERY slow. They nerfed the add-ons but it's still incredibly effective. Throw in Dying Light and Swing Chains and it's even stronger. All he has to do is hit everyone once and now it will take 24 seconds to heal another survivor, 49 seconds to Self Care, and 99 seconds to solo a gen. If he gets 6 stacks of DL and also has Swing Chains, now it will take 33 seconds to heal someone else, 65 seconds to Self Care, and 132 seconds to solo a gen. All Freddy needs to do is equip the perks/add-ons, hit everyone, and get a few hooks. Then when you factor in Pop, it will be damn near impossible to finish a gen unless you triple team every one and the guy in a chase lasts long enough, which is difficult considering how strong snares are at breaking loops.

    Pretty much every game I've played as new Freddy with the Forever Freddy (by Calvin Klein) build has ended in a 4k with no more than 2 gens done. Maybe 2 groups made it to gates ever. Sometimes a guy gets hatch because I can't be bothered to drag out the game any more. Almost always end with 30k BP, most often end with a perfect 32k.

    He is quite ridiculous if you use this build and are a skilled killer.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    When he kicks a gen with Pop and thus adds another 33 seconds to the gen each time, not counting the extra regression from chasing you away from the gen and then repeating the process on the next survivor, it is indeed forever. By the time you actually finish a gen, 3 survivors are on death hook and that's the ONLY gen done.

    I play this build exactly for the reason that's it's absurdly overpowered. I reserve my Freddy for toxic SWF or dailies. All I need to do is hit a few survivors and get a few hooks to pretty much negate any progress the survivors have made. I only need Thana, Sloppy, Pop, and Outdoor Rope for it to be mostly effectively against most groups. If you also use Dying Light, Jump Rope, and Swing Chains it becomes even stronger.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yes, its effective, no its not forever. Forever freddy was done away with. We can both just keep repeating ourselves that doesnt make you any less wrong.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Nice, see you guys tomorrow when people post the same thing on another thread as "why Freddy deserves a nerf"

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    It wasn't done away with at all. Read my post, it is still entirely too strong. If it takes you until everyone is dead to finish a gen, it's basically forever.

    I love how you say "you're wrong" when Forever Freddy is indeed very much a thing and the build is still ridiculously strong. Most groups I face where I use this build barely finish 2 gens before everyone is dead.


    You can't loop a good Freddy. If they know how to use snares there is no looping him. Snares break pretty much every loop in the game.

    The cooldown on his teleport isn't that long. It's less than the length of the average chase. Not to mention he can fake it and only lose about 10 seconds from the cooldown.

    "Just stay awake". Sure, let's spend and ever increasingly amount of time Snap Clapping each other awake. Or let's fail skill checks regularly, both losing progress and giving Freddy a notification of our location. Or run clear across the map to use a clock, only to be put right back to sleep the instant he hits you. "Just stay awake" is such awful advice. No matter what you do to stay awake it's a time sink, and the Freddy will benefit from it.

    He's not very well balanced at all. Freddy is ridiculously strong, he has way too many things in his base kit. This coming from someone that was an old Freddy main and still plays new Freddy regularly at rank 1.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Assuming he is facing someone with Object.

    How often is that? It isnt his best add-on, its one of the worse because of how little use it has in most games.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I did read your post, I dont agree with you that its overpowered. Ive been in solo where weve beaten it and ive vmbeen beaten while running it. "Forever Freddy" was a build that no longer exists. But keep chanting it if it makes you feel better.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    The issue with the big counter is that it doesn't last forever, nor long enough to make a huge impact on the game. He can put you back to sleep as soon as he hits you, making the second hit even easier. If you want to look around to see efficient pathing when he comes, that wastes time

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Then the Freddy you faced simply wasn't very good. Anyone can beat an overpowered killer/build if they aren't very good. Play against a skilled Freddy using this build. You will change your tune. Outside of a coordinated 4 stack there is no beating a skilled Freddy using this build. You can't say no it ain't so all you want, I ######### use this ######### all the time and the game is a complete cakewalk.

    And what if the Freddy plays smart? Spreading out is not an option when he has Ropes/Thana/Sloppy. It will take 100 seconds to do a gen, look at the math. Then he hits the gen with pop, scrambles the group, slugs a few of you. I seriously doubt your friend is that good with Freddy if he uses this build and loses to anything but the absolute best survivors on your platform in a 4 stack.

    Often enough for it to be worth using. Trust me, you get an OOO user it completely changes the game. There is no mind gaming them. OOO is the only perk that truly levels the playing field against Freddy.

    Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Sheep Block is a permanent add-on for my Freddy.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Even so that still leaves him with half of his add-ons because more than useless.

    OoO games are edgecases, and personally as a Killer I don't stumble upon them too much to run Blindness add-ons on killers that do have them

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "I beat a lot of Freddy's" is not the same as playing a top tier Freddy with Forever Freddy build. You. Will. Get. Demolished.

    I stomp every group of survivors with Forever Freddy. It's not even a challenge. Even against good survivors in a 4 stack I barely have to put in any effort to get a 3k. At rank 1.

    I have 3k hours in the game, survivor main, former old Freddy main. NEW FREDDY IS TOO STRONG. Remove some of the stuff from his base kit, shift it to his add-ons, and he would be balanced. Right now he is a mostly brain dead killer. Especially if you use the Forever Freddy build.

    Again "when he is awake he has no power" means you have to waste time staying awake, which still benefits him. That means less time on gens and thus more time for him to kill you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The only useless add-ons are Kids Drawing, Cat Block, Z Block, and to a lesser extent Pill Bottle. Two of them do the same thing. One is a BP booster. And the other is just a poorly designed add-on.

    Doesn't matter if OOO is an edge case, the moment you go into a game without Sheep Block/Unicorn Block you will see what I'm talking about. Literally the ONLY thing that beats Freddy is OOO (of course this assumes the survivor is any good).

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    The only problem I have with Freddy is how many fps are dropped when I'm in dream world. From 60 FPS I'm stucked with 30-40...

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    He has puddles as base, teleport to any gen in a few seconds as base, free slowdown as base and visual features benefiting him at base (dream world makes it harder to see stuff as survivor + your fps dips down) and he turns Invisible in certain situations. Like, could you give him anything more? Maybe a bazooka for range attacks? He is 99% fully kitted base killer.

    And if that all wasn't enough he has some really insane addons like fake pallets.

    And all of that on a pretty easy to master killer. It's ridiculous

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    The difference is that you don't need to be a top tier Freddy to demolish most teams with Forever Freddy build. It is literally easy mode. If you get one that IS A GOOD KILLER you stand absolutely no chance. There is no counter play, he is arguably as strong as Nurse or Spirit, maybe more, when everything you do takes almost twice as long to do.

    Also being a top tier Nurse or Billy actually takes skill. It doesn't take much to play Freddy with Thana/Sloppy/Rope/Pop and see an above average kill rate.

    In other words, he is as effective as the best killers in the game with less than half the skill required. If you have that skill, you shouldn't ever lose honestly.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    For most killers it feels like survivor is easy mode. Any of them.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yet when "most killers" are asked to play survivor they are awful.

    Gotta love that tu quoque fallacy.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Seems like both assertions are made without evidence, no?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Again the difference is Nurse/Billy/Bubba all take skill.

    Freddy does not take much skill if you run Forever Freddy. I literally don't even have to try at rank 1 to get a 4k with 3/4 gens left.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Freddy is fairly cheap. In terms of being cheap, many would compare Freddy to Doc who's also a strong killer. Freddy's cheaper than doc because at least you need to know how to shock as doc and survivors know where the doc is coming from. Doc also has to put survivors in madness, survivors don't get madness t3 passively. Doc also has limited mobility. You can also snap out of madness ANYWHERE with doc. You don't need to explode a gen. You don't need to run across the whole map or find a teammate.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Basically "I can't loop or dodge dream snares, pls nerf".

    Freddy is nowhere close to unbalanced or OP.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Stealth. Not just hiding in a bush and hoping he doesn’t find you, but actually avoiding the killer and keeping your distance. That and staying awake denies half of his power.

    I guess you can’t be rash against Freddy. You have to be cautious and be careful.

    Why people think counterplay needs to be in everything to begin with? Survivors have a lot more to work with than killers do, and don’t need help with everything.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Stealth isn't counterplay either.

    Stealth also pretty much kills your whole team by being not efficient often times.

    Counterplay is needed in the game.If there isn't some counterplay to something strong then that's unbalanced.

    We have killers like Nurse,Billy,Demo,Hag,Huntress,Oni etc.

    All very strong killers,despite having decent counterplay to their powers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "Way more powerful" is a severe overstatement. They are better but not by much, AND they require more skill to be that much better anyway.

    Dude, like I said I've been playing Freddy at rank 1 for a long time now. I played old Freddy at rank 1 without any slowdown perks and I could 4k consistently. It took an IMMENSE amount of skill and experience to be able to do that. New Freddy I 4k with slow down perks/add-ons without even trying. I play super fair most of the time, no tunneling no camping no slugging, and I will EASILY 3k/4k with more than 3 gens left consistently. It's not even a challenge. If I do that with Ghostface or Legion, I feel accomplished. I do that with Freddy and it's to a point I can almost put the controller down and still win.

    He is the weakest killer in the game. He has no map pressure, his chase pressure is completely dependent on survivors giving him opportunities to use the chainsaw (which is easy to deny). The only thing he can do really well is camp a hook which is just a bad strategy no matter how you slice it. Clown is almost as bad, but at the very least his power can more consistently end chases faster than Bubba's.

    Don't sit there and tell me "I can 4k all the time with Bubba" because that's not relevant to him being the weakest killer COMPARED to all the others. He has the weakest tools and the fewest of them. Before his rework, I would still say Freddy is the weakest killer because he was, despite how well I could do with him. I'm not saying Bubba can't get kills, just that he is the weakest killer. Please understand that.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    But that's the point I'm trying to make.

    A strong player, playing Forever Freddy, will almost always win convincingly. HE IS OVERPOWERED. Like Nurse and Spirit are strong killers, and if a good player plays them they will win a lot, but it's not so overwhelmingly easy as Forever Freddy. Survivors will still do gens against these killers, and the game can go either way a lot of the time. Forever Freddy will easily dominate games because you just do gens so incredibly slow, and he uses Pop to undo your progress.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Do you happen to be sponsered by Forever Freddy? /s

    But i agree his power is way too strong considering how easy it is to play him.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's Forever Freddy By Calvin Klein (and it must be whispered).

    “Between love and madness lies Obsession. Remember Me.”

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    But he isn't like that in the movies. Sure he can fabricate stuff but can he physically touch you while you're awake? And not every killer has easy counters, Wraith's and Hag's assume you have lights, Nurse is breaking LOS, which isnt that easy anymore, but Freddy's isn't possible half the chase

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    He's perfectly fine as a strong killer. Nerfing him just makes him less fun to play. They just need to tweak one or some of his mechanics to give him a higher skill cap like other killers because his powers are indeed strong. He IS a low skillcap, high reward player and if you think otherwise, you are entitled to your wrong opinion. If anyone wants to refer to my post, I go more in depth as to why I think that is.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I'm having trouble finding where it says "Easy" on Freddies character selection screen, can you help me out with this one?

    Saying that, I find Freddy easy so I'm a little confused with what exactly the devs think is "Hard" about him.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I think it's how a new player would understand his mechanics.

    Trapper is "Easy" despite being one of the hardest Killers to master, but the devs categories it as Easy because of how easy his power is to understand. Trap + Survivor = Hook. Simple as that. It doesn't take into account anything else that needs to be understood about him.

    Same with a Killer like Clown, his difficulty is "Intermidiate" because of the learning curve of how to use his bottles effectively, as well as how effective throwing those bottles can be.

    Now with Freddy, I think it's more that new players won't understand exactly how the Dream World works immediately and wonder why their snares and pallets are not doing anything to awake survivors and they might use his teleportation randomly which can cause new players to easily lose Survivors or strand themselves on the other side of the map far away from other Survivors.

    From someone who understands basic Killer mechanics though, I would argue Freddy belongs more in Intermidiate because he does require Survivors to be asleep, meaning either he needs to wait for Survivors to passively fall asleep or he has to hit them first during a chase which can be rough if, as a new player, you're being matched with Survivors who does know how to loop a Killer using the optimal route around multiple structures.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    Nerfing him would make him less fun for the killer but it'll actually be fun for survivors.