In your opinion, which are the noob perks?

I've seen this ones way to much in noob survs and killers, which ones do YOU think are noob perks?
This means that the perks in this list, for me, if you use them it's a waste of a perk slot.
This are the ones, imo:
- NOED in any killer except Legion, Clown, Plague and Micah the Cowboy. AND except for endgame or full hexes builds.
- Selfcare
- DS (If you know how not to get hit you won't get tunneled)
- Urban Evation (Fixated is faster and better)
Rank 1 killer and survivor, Xbox, Trapper, GF, Bill and Kate mains.
This is a reductive way of looking at game mechanics.
You can (and I often do) argue that something like Self-Care sees outsized usage because new players are pushed toward it and told that it is good, when it is very inefficient at its job and teaches bad habits. But there are solid use cases for a lot of strong and mid-tiers perks. I have seen people in red ranks make good use of Urban Evasion, though I personally would never use it.
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Urban, self care and slippery meat,
Killer, noed
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Unrelenting is a pretty noob Perk.
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Have in mind you can generalize based on statistic normality, so, in my experience, (random stats comming) about 9/10 times I see a guy with the perks I mentioned it's a noob or a toxic surv (teabagged and that's why they use DS cause they ARE gonna get tunneled and they don't know how to loop)
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your thread is already invalidated by the fact that you condone noed for certain killer, it's a noob perk no matter what or it isn't at all, there aren't other options.
- DS (If you know how not to get hit you won't get tunneled)
what does it even mean? you're probably confusing crutch perk with noob perk, basically only urban is a noob perk.
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BBQ & Chili, Fight me.
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Why calling those ones noobs perks since its the most useful ones ? Just to claim "uh im so much original than playerbase im using differents perks so im not a noob" ?
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1° It's a thread looking for OPINIONS, meaning I'm not stating facts
2° "your thread is already invalidated by the fact that you condone noed for certain killer" So... I can 4k with Freddy a 4 men SWF red ranks without perks, but with Legion, as he's a weak tier killer, I need more specific perks or even a map pick to handle a good survs team. Yes... Invalidated... sure... We don't need some perks (specific for each playstyle and gamer) to get a 4k in red ranks with low tier killers...
3° I'm a good looper, and if you're not a noob player (again, IN MY OPINION) you know how to be sltealthy or how to loop the killer, no hits, no hook, no DS needed, change it for another perk
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Not a fight but... Bloodpoints?
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DS, dead hard, adrenaline, noed (i don't complain when i face this perk but i don't use it myself but for a specific build)
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For killer:
- Monstrous Shrine
For survivor:
- Lightweight
They provide negligible benefits that only noobs would think are useful. Experienced players use powerful perks like NOED.
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where are you when I fight in threads to say that mori/tunneling aren't uncounterable?
but anyways, people at red ranks don't use ds as anti tunneling, rather 60 seconds god mode, and also to scare the killer, since is a major momentum loss and there's no reason not to use it.
also, maybe you're not a good legion and you still need noed to win? it's the same argument you used in the lat paragraph, this should make you understand that it's not exactly right.
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Survivors Will Say: "All the good killer perks."
Killers Will Say: "All the good survivor perks."
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Usefull?! hehehe
Urban: fixated is 20% faster and gives you scratchmark sight so that you can outplay the killer with it and it's actually amazing mixed with BL and SB
Self Care: You heal SLOW, REALLY SLOW, Bond can cover for that and it even gives you help without being injured for you to make a flashlight save, fix faster by being with others, gets you more BP, etc. Don't even get me started with Inner Strenght, 8 secs heal whyle hidden, totem cleansing, more BP, etc.
And again, Self Care and DS are practically useless if you're a good looper or a good stealth player, no hits, no hooks, no healing needed.
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The amount of people that use Self-Care in 2020 is STAGGERING...Especially at Red-Ranks...The most used perk at Red-Ranks is a perk that basically helps the killer instead of helping your 3 fellow survivors...32 seconds where you basically do nothing and help the killer find other survivors or use pop goes the weasel on gens or breaking pallets etc...And that's without Sloppy Butcher or Thanatophobia(God I love when survivors use self-care against these 2 perks...Irony...)
As a Survivor I'm literally itching my head if I see my teammates healing with Self-Care rather than getting help from another survivor which is nearby, or use Inner Strength(which is a MUCH BETTER option) or just enter the match with a med-kit and grant yourself a full fast heal, even 2 with some add-ons...
As for the killer, it's easy: NOED. It's basically the perk for killers who are not capable of playing at an optimal level to give them a pip or double pip...If you wanna become a good killer, you'd better try and abandon this perk and use this slot for another perk that can help you much more and has a better usage during the game, and maybe you will have more games where you 4k before survivors complete the last gen...I am a purple rank killer currently trying to get out of NOED from my builds and I feel this is the first healthy step in order to access higher ranks...And I've started to had quite a few good matches on killers I used to run NOED, but I'm using another perk on them now... When I see a weak killer(as a survivor) that struggles during the game, I always expect a NOED to pop out at the end...
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Moris ARE counterable, don't get hit, don't get hooked, don't get moried, I've actually made posts about this, not a popular opinion cause not every player can loop. I really think a good player's surv team is WAY easier than a god tier killer, meaning surv is way easier than killer, but I enjoy killer the most.
Yes, people at red ranks use DS as you say, sadly, I don't play much SWF, so, I get to play with useless DS in my team... As good red ranks say DS is a good perk, most players use it... Even if they don't know how to...
Maybe the problem was I didn't say this in my post, ANY PERK used by a good player, can be a good perk, but most people (most noobs) use them and don't know how or when to do so... Making them a useless perk slot.
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I think we're on the same page.
About NOED, I don't know about low tier killers, I always expect NOED with clown, plague and legion regardless of if they were good in the game, and also, I expect NOED to pop if no perk was used by killer all game, meaning he probably has an end game build.
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Urban, self care, spine chill (when used for stealth build, for vault build it's fine)
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As a lvl 19 killer, as long as I keep getting matched with SWFs that contain 1-10 survivors, I'll use noed. Call me noob, or whatever you want, but until MM gets fixed, I'll use what I can to be competitive.
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Then there's me, who mentions perks that only noobs would think are any good.
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I would say evasion, chill and DS.
DS is very good, but if you are good I see little use, sometimes even the killer ignores me.
Definitely, from Killer bamboozle, many structures are so safe according to your mindgames, if you don't know how to play, a good player can have the whole game behind, but with bamboozle you make them insecure and you don't have to do almost anything.
and be main Spirit (for me). 😚
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Killer: Unrelenting, Shadowborn, NoEd, Enduring
Survivor: All the 2nd chance perks
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Yes, but you are both and neither. The star in the heavens that transcends the petty earthly squabbles we have down below.
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Most experienced players don't even need NOED tbh, when someone fully masters a killer, it almost NEVER gets to Endgame from what I've seen.
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It's not about needing it, it's about using the best possible builds. An experienced player who's playing to win won't use Monstrous Shrine over NOED.
I'm a survivor main, though.
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I'll admit that when I read the thread title my interpretation was very different than what the OP intended. For example NOED is described as a noob perk. Now you can and apparently are arguing that it is a crutch perk only noobs feel the need to use and good killers don't need. But you can't really argue with results. It is objectively a good perk. My interpretation of the thread title was more in line with perks so bad that only noobs would use because they didn't know better. Which imho is a pretty long list. Like Zanshin Tactics, Monstrous Shrine and Furtive Chase would be good examples of a noob killer perks. Survivor side I would mention Windows of Opportunity, Technician, No Mither and Deja Vu.
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Monstrous shrine simply because that perk is so bad you would have to be a noob for you to constantly keep putting it on your builds.
Say what you will about no mither at least it has amazing synergy and is a vital component on an injured setup when you're running this isn't happening, dead hard and resilience even with a build specifically catered to the basement there are still better perks in monstrous shrine.
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Considering there was a time where 80% of Survivors were using Self-Care, any Survivor that uses that imo is a huge noobcake.
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Self care and urban are the obvious choices. As killer it's also noed except for killers like clown.
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Dead hard. Only works in low ranked games and is highly situational in high ranked games. Sprint burst is better in all regards really.
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Noob perks?
Survivor: Every second chance perk. If you use these, you will never improve, since they are a crutch. An example I can think of that is an exception is Second Wind. That one is never used/is hard to get going.
Also Windows of Opportunity, for obvious reasons. It was designed to help newer players find a vault/pallet to keep themselves safe.
Killer: Zanshin Tactics, Mindbreaker, and Beast of Prey. Their effects are so minor or unhelpful to better players that only Noobs will find that useful.
NOED isn’t actually a noob perk, not in this climate where gens can get done in very, very quickly if they get the right RNG.
Now, these perks can be used by veterans, it is just that they were designed so poorly or for new players that veterans often know of/use better options. Nothing stops one from using these, it just is my opinion.
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A gun is also counterable if you can dodge a bullet... Doesn't mean it's exactly easy to do... That's why my answer to the thread would have been "anything with a mori" had items been included. Otherwise, picking one perk from each side, I'd have to say DS and NOED
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Unrelenting is the dead hard counter perk.That makes it top tier /s
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for Killer id say NOED, Bamboozle and the Enduring + Spirit Fury combo.
for Survivor id say Selfcare, Urban Evasion, Borrowed Time, Sprint Burst
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why everyone saying Urban Evation?If your stealth player like me it go tosome of else not god loopers hell some of us not good looper never will be.
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Thats more about points than anything. If thrilling tremors gave 100% bps id use that
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I would mostly say map info perks like Windows of Opportunity, Zanshin Tactics, Small Game, Spies from the Shadows, etc. and avoidable-mistake-protecting perks like Technician and Unrelenting. These perks are generally bad, but more importantly they get less useful as the player gets better at the game. There are a lot of others that are just as much of a wasted perk slot, but usually those stay just as bad no matter the skill level.
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Self care - agree. It only really helps the killer, to be honest.
DS - agree. You can always tell who the DS users are. They go down first, and DC when they miss their skillcheck.
Urban - eh, not really noob, stealth is a playstyle.
NOED has a hard counter, and a soft counter. The hard counter can be completed before it even comes into play (destroy totems derp) and has perks/items to facilitate (small game, detectives hunch, maps). The soft counter is literally Hope. One of the most underused, undervalued and underrated perks in the game. Basically offsets the speed boost they get when NOED is active. It may be a noob perk, but it only really works on noobs. If you get hit by noed...well, there ya go.
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Unrelenting is hands down the ultimate noob killer perk; to equip it is to admit you miss a lot of attacks.
As for survivor, I would say technician for similar reasons, to equip it is to admit you miss a lot of skill checks. (Is 8 meters less of repair noise really going to be effective on its own?)
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Unrelenting, predator, bloodhound come to mind
Survivor side technician and self care.
Any "safety net over messing up basic stuff" perk
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I was about to say there is no such thing as a noob perk. But yeah, Unrelenting is definitely one. Honestly every other perk, if used properly has it's uses.
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We talking about perks that annoys your opponent or perks for beginners?
When I was a beginner killer i've been facing a lot of bullies so I used Unrelenting and Lightborn which helps me a lot back in a days. These are really noob perks.
As survivor I often used Stake Out because it helps a lot with old Hex Ruin. Also I used Technician because I missed a lot of skillchecks. I had a weak PC with <15 fps so I really require this perk earlier. I can consider it as a noob perks.
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Lightborne isnt a noob perk. Its one of the most underrated perks out there. Next time you see 3 or 4 flashlights in your lobby pull that bad boy out and watch what happens. Youd THINK survivors would realize what youre doing, sadly its very rare they do
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Killer noob perk: noed
Surv noob perk: self care
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I know right! I was playing against twitcher who said he's been practicing flashlight saves, so I decided to take this perk again and my god how good it is! But anyway I trying not to get used to this and take it only vs potential bullies sometimes.
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Yeah i only bring it if i see more than 2 flashlights. Ive found its not really necessary vs 1 or 2.
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- Self Care—There are so many faster, better ways of healing.
- Urban Evasion—If you actually know where and when to crouch, you don't need this Perk.
- Better Together—Encourages grouping up and gives you and your team data that isn't usually helpful. It's Bond+Prove Thyself thrown into a melting pot and made substantially worse.
- Windows of Opportunity—"Duh" -Billboard Eyeliner
- Literally any of Dwight's Perks—Bond is for people who can't be self-sufficient, Prove Thyself is just Better Together but it tries to mitigate the ineffectiveness of grouping up on gens, and Leader is... Leader is Leader.
- NOED—You're either using it because you can't pressure gens or because you're playing any non-ranged Killer who isn't Spirit at red ranks and good Survivors are literally completely immortal while gens fly. 99% of time, though, it's the former.
- Whispers—You wouldn't need it if you had good tracking and game sense.
- Zanshin Tactics—Windows of Opportunity for Killers.
- All of Legion's Perks—Discordance is to Whispers as Prove Thyself is to Better Together, Mad Grit is Agitation but worse in every aspect and is only useful if you can't hit people while carrying, and Iron Maiden is only useful if you spend way too much time checking lockers—or you just hate Head On, which is fair.
- Beast of Prey—Makes Bloodlust stronger. Enough said.
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- Premonition (bet you forgot this one existed)
- Self Care
- Deja Vu
- Hope
- Unrelenting
- Bloodhound/Predator
- That one that's deja vu but for killer
I see "noob" perks as mostly neutral/base character ones that to a new player would look good. The defintion of noob is someone who is new, no?
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Discordance is an amazing perk what are you on about 👀
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If you're playing an incredibly high-mobility Killer who can get to the gen before two Survivors can hammer it out, AND you have no game sense that would allow you to allude that the Survivors are there without the use of a Perk, then sure. But if you're not, meh.