Learning Nurse on PS4

I've recently been running a no addon Nurse with BBQ and Whispers. I'm trying to learn her as is without a super meta build. She is hard to play but I'm getting there. I am a rank 15 killer and most of my good games are within the 6 MatchMaking System range that is currently in place.
I noticed I get nothing but red ranks after 2pm Eastern time and let me tell you asshat red ranks something. You guys are not #$%& without your second chance and meta perks. Idk why you feel the need to bully a new, learning, no addon Nurse but I can assure you I will get better because of your trolling games. I will destroy all of you when I master her abilities.
Some reds play the game as it's intended and to you guys I appreciate you for being proper gamers. Anyone else trying to learn Nurse on PS4? Let me know, maybe we can come together in KYF and help each other without all the BS.
Counter argument to the asshats, I'm a red rank survivor as well. Don't come at me with your BS. There is no excuse for it.
I've been learning her on Switch and PC but have also started leveling her on ps4.
In case it helps, OhTofu recently came out with a Nurse guide ( https://youtu.be/BwYQImUDgXo ). I watched it and quickly identified one thing I'd been doing wrong (trying to use my blinks to get ahead of survivors instead of using blink 1 to get a bead and blink 2 to nail the hit.).
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Thanks. I've been looking at some popular streamers and youtubers. I believe I seen that one. I sent him footage to criticized. LOL
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Are you a masochist? Why play nurse on ps4? Even old nurse was terrible on console. Now she's just an icon holder.
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Nope, not even close gamer. I want to play her because she is fun when gamers play right. I also want to play a different killer all together. You're wrong on the icon holder opinion. She is still strong when played right.
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While in low ranks, I've managed 4ks on console with Nurse. I tend to do fantastic or horrible. There is no middle ground
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Same. I have some 4k as well. I also killed some red ranks with her. She is fun to play.
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Statistically speaking, she is literally the worst killer on console. Yeah you will be able to kill green, purple, even red ranks, but that's because they are bad survivors. Just you wait till you face good ones lol, you will have to give up. Here's some free advice, stop now and learn another killer. Fps, stick, sensitivity and bugs render her near impossible on PS4, now matter how good you get. I've gotten a sore jaw from clenching it the duration of my time playing, she is that stressful. Don't waste your time. Make it known that there's an issue and hopefully the game will be tweaked to make her a little more fun to play as/ learn and pick her up then.
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How about you head on over to SupaAlf stream and tell him those words. He is a 5 time tournament champion with Nurse on PS4. While you're at it, head on over to Tur_Jay stream to express yourself as well.
See what happened there? There is really good dominating Nurse's on PS4 and I only named two of them. You gave up learning her that's the only reason you're making such ridiculous claims. Stressful? Yes. Buggy? Yes. Does she have issues? Yes. Is her nerf to extreme? Also yes.
I enjoy the challenge and I enjoy her playstyle. To each their own gamer. I hope you pick her up again sometime. As far as pick a different killer, I have my mains that I win with quite often. I want something more challenging and unique.
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Iβve been trying to learn Nurse on PS4 as well. I started playing her at rank 4 she is definitely a challenge. But I went from constant 0K to 4K at red ranks in a few days. I just got tired of the same old killers and honestly she is completely playable on console I donβt know what these other guys are talking about.
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Thank you for your input. I know she is. I'm getting a lot better with her but far from being one of the best. It took a couple of days to start getting kills for me.
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Hell yea dude. As a console Nurse main myself I absolutely love seeing your determination to learn her. I'd be happy to give you a few tips. First of all you'll want to get used to playing her on a fairly high sensitivity. 60 seems to work perfect for me personally ever since the controller sensitivity update. Second make sure to look slightly up when blinking to maximize the distance you travel but not too high as it is unnecessary. Thirdly competent survivors won't just run in straight lines and try to play little mind games on you to mess you up. The most common of these is running at you while your blinking to them. Try to anticipate this and shorten your blink a bit to get an easy hit. Another thing i see alot of people do is try to break LOS from you to trick you into blinking to cut them off when in reality they're just going to double back so when they do this don't try to cut them and instead blink to wherever they broke line of sight and they'll usually run right into you and bam easy hit. If my ps4 wasn't broke I'd glady hop into a kyf to teach you everything i know but for now im stuck on xbox only.
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Not on console with controller restrictions and console performance lol
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Coming from another console nurse,
I don't really recommend whispers on her as its range is too large to be of use. I'd say the best build for her is monitor, nurses calling, bbq and pop
If you dont have her blinks down yet you should use her flannel addon to help you.
Ignore the toxic survivors. Luckily most console players seem to respect nurse players.
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Thanks dude. I really appreciate your time and feedback. LOS is an issue for me. I'm all ears really works for me to blink on them but the cool down is crazy long. I will try your suggestions for sure.
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I gave my proof and plenty other Nurse runners here agree. Where is your proof?
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Now I'm confused...Are you playing on console???
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Thanks for your information and time on my post. I have recieved a lot of value from BBQ, nurses and surge. I'm all ears helped me some but the cool down is to long.
I will have to try your recommendations as well. I struggle dearly with map pressure. The flannel add on helped tremendously on my first couple of days but I ditched it. I didn't want to get to reliant on it.
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Kudos to you. I find Nurse's skill cap to be remarkable once they added the CD, stick with it and destroy them survivors. You'll get there bro.
Flicks should be easier on console with the sensitivity changes!
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Yes I'm on console. It's in the man title and all in this forum. LOL
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Thanks bro. I'm trying my best. It's a long road. She is hard to get use too. What is CD?
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CD = Cooldown! :)
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Start your game, play a killer match and pay attention to framerate - here is your proof
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Ah ok. I see now. Yeah, it's not that bad.
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All right dude. This post clearly isn't for you. Have a good one.
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Cant wait to find you ingame to troll you lol
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Trust me you will not stand out. The one thing I absolutely love while playing Nurse is I own the basement. Perhaps I will see you there and two of your buddies that are desperate for a save.
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Any time man. Game could always use more Nurse players. I used to run I'm all ears a bit myself. It can definitely be very useful but you're right the long cooldown sucks and after you learn survivors movements you won't really need it and there will be better stuff to run. My main build consists of alot of tracking perks so i can always make the best use of my time and ruin. The new hex ruin is amazing on a highly mobile killer like nurse who's able to easily switch between targets and pressure gens. Another perk i use is infectious fright which is absolutely godly on nurse. This perk allows you to generate tons of pressure by slugging which the nurse is great at. Then there's whispers which is probably the best killer perk imo. I know another guy said they wouldn't recommend it on Nurse but honestly it just provides so much value and let's you get the most use out of your time. It let's you know where you should and shouldn't be and makes it nearly impossible for the last survivor to escape during endgame. Lastly i use Stridor which is definitely questionable but i just like it because it helps me keep track of survivors during fatigue and makes it alot easier to find survivors who may be hiding around me AND it soft counters iron will; a meta survivor perk. Stridor also stacks with the metal spoon addon which practically let's you hear an injured survivor from across the map so that's nice too.
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I'm all ears is good for learning prediction blinks but I'd leave it once you get better at reading movement
Also using a headset is great in general but is even better on nurse as you can hear where a survivor is behind a wall
Also although I never used it, I've heard shadow borne is good as you can see survivors easier while fatigued
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So you Learning to play nurse by camping in basement
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I want to learn nurse on ps4 as well, but i'm too scared of the red ranks (I'm rank 6, so I can get rank 1s). Any tips to lose this fear?
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So much knowledge here. idk where to begin. I used infectious fright but can't really see the screams. maybe I need to turn immediately after cool down. I have use some bad ear phones before but it is substantially better than the tv. I will have to get a better pair for sure.
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Are you not aware how Nurse works? I don't have to camp basement to dive down and smack you idiots who rush in as soon as I blink out. I will show you I'm sure in game if I do well.
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A lot ppl say shadow bourne is one of those must have perks on her. I have to level up wraith to get it and I haven't done that yet. Ppl also say corrupt intervention is a must. I have not got that one either. π
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I use all games as a learning experience for sure. I also play their troll games to practice blinks for other games. I depiped a lot playing her. Rank doesn't matter to me since I play against all ranks anyways. Read through this post and stick with it. There are some cool guys in this post giving me tips.
When I started playing her I got no hits. Then I started landing hits. Then I started getting hooks. Then I started getting kills. Then I started getting some 4ks. Some games I get no kills. Depends on the survivors, maps and my gameplay. You will do fine eventually.
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I wouldnt say they're 'must have' but they are good. Also be prepared to drop multiple ranks. Also be prepared to develop an absolute hatred for: Coldwin farm, lΓ©rys, Hawkins, Temple of purgation, haddonfield, swamp and badham
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Definitely. A good headset is highly useful and let's you so many more plays that you wouldn't be able to do without one and with infectious fright you definitely just turn immediately after downing someone to see if there are any other survivors nearby. If there aren't then you can safely pick that person up without worrying about a flashlight or pallet save since you know that nobody will get there fast enough which is another nice use for infectious fright.
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What an ego loool
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Literally my last two games. Go ahead, play her, but expect to work way harder for worse results than other killers like spirit and Freddy. Also expect to have to restart your PlayStation often for frame rate issues.
But in both of these games, not a single decent survivor.
I went from r1 killer to r6. Easy depips.
Are you in red ranks yet? I wanna see your enthusiasm after facing one good team. Then try 10 in a row.
Edit: I didn't know I had to blackout names and I don't know how to remove the pics from the post, so uh yeah mods if it gets reported just take it down I guess
Post edited by ActulCasul on0 -
I'm literally being super cool and chill. What ego? I said maybe if I have a good game I will see you in the basement and some of your buddies.
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All your replies come off like you know more than everyone else, so no, it doesn't look like how you think you are
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Dude. No I'm not red rank but I play against red nonestop. I get bullied. Did you not read all my responses and others?
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Dude. What do you want me to say here? You had some good games but why are you trying to discourage me from playing a new killer outside the easier ones?
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I was learning her on xbox. Got good enough to run in red ranks with her but not realky consistently. Thats when i got good enough to notice the bugs and decided it wasnt worth it. I might try again but its really frustrating.
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Nurse is insanely hard on console, I've been playing her for about a year and I average 3-4 kills. Sometimes if I go against a really amazing team I get no kills but that's ok because I'm still learning and getting better every match. Once you learn how to play her you'll be able to destroy anyone. It just takes a LOT of time and a LOT of patience dealing with toxic survivors. Keep up the nurse cause eventually you'll be great and unstoppable.
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Yeah I did, you're incoherent and abrasive. You're the one not keeping track of what is being said.
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######### are you talking about. All right dude. Please leave me be.
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Took me 6 days of playing Nurse (Xbox) before it clicked. For some reason I'm a god tier Nurse on indoor maps I almost always get 4k solo red ranks or SWF teams. But on outdoor big maps I have trouble and corn is not my friend either. Nurse can be a really strong killer even on console and with her bugs so just continue playing. One day her bugs will be fixed and Nurse will be even stronger.
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Here's my tip: Learn Clown first.
Get his bottle toss down 100% and your Nurse game will improve. At least on console. I used to be a straight up scrub with her but after learning how to judge Clown's bottle toss, ive wrecked the last 5 or so lobbys ive faced.
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Thats been my initial experience, too. My first successful games with Switch Nurse were in Hawkins. One of the first times i tried her on ps4 for a ritual i for Lery's and did better than expected. Though i think the survivors 3-genned themselves on that one.
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Is it because learning the bottles helps figure out distances/ how long to charge bottles and blinks?