Current state of DBD (In my opinion)

I'm going to bring up topics that i think aren't helping the game in its current state, and at the end ill leave what i think of dbds current state.

Dedicated servers : As of now dedicated servers are in place for good ping for both sides which is nice although people who use a VPN as killer can be mainly annoying to survivors and it wouldn't take much to fix the issue, due to the vpn being turned on once one had found the lobby,Making it so if your region had changed while in the lobby, kicking you from the match or making you disconnect all together from the lobby

Optimization: Surprisingly DBD is very well optimized as the minimum specs needed to play the game are from around 4-5 years ago granted thats when the game came out and the graphics weren't the best , although now using common knowledge those cards probably wouldnt work due to the graphics driver updates and the graphics driver version DBD uses,

Random Disconnects : As of the DC Penalty update people have been having trouble playing games or well its a rare issue i assume since the devs have acknowledged its a thing although not many people report it or talk about it, Its a dbd specific issue since i have 1gb a second upload and 800mbps download as well as using ethernet, i never get disconnected in other games so its probably a issue in the code of which when you dc, its coded to ban you therefore the code could possibly reverse itself and disconnect you although it acts as if when you would be able to pull your Ethernet or internet plug and plug it back in to save your item , as you keep everything you had ,Such as , ive been disconnecting constantly due to this bug and im now at a 48 hr ban because of it ;(

Voice Comms/SWF : Voice communication / swf I dont personally think is a issue considering you can quardinate with your team even if your not in VC its just harder and takes a bit of common sense and knowledge.

Addons : Losing addons on escaping wasnt my favorite addition to the game Although its understandable for why it happens considering survivors can consistantly keep going into the match if they survive with the same item and addons, and taking away the addons makes it more balanced persay due to the fact that unless you are using a perk (ace in the hole) You do not keep them

Addons again : Killer addons such as Iridescent head are very unbalanced when combined with infantry belt or the yellow belt (i don't remember what its called <3) Iri head initself isnt very fair And can be quiet annoying, Aswell as Freddies slowdown addons are annoying bot not enough to be "unbalanced" in my eyes since they slowdown the game just a lil bit even though they can be annoying their not as powerful as a insta-down hatchet.

MY Opinion on DbD's current state : Although the game is far far far more balanced then it used to be it still needs some balance fixing and other things fixed. DbD has come along way and its nice to see the game as balanced as it is now :)

Leave your comments below on what you think about it and if you agree/disagree with me.


  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    I do playu killer actually, very often aswell im a p1-50 hilbilly and before i stopped playing the game i got to rank 8 as killer, as from what you've said i doubt you play survivor often , and your being very biased during this, Killers dont actually need more skill then survivors in a margin OMEGALUL killer is actually easier to play then survivor Atleast in my opinion since i dont win all of my survivor games but i play killer i usually dont lose omegalul this is a very biased statement...

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    Aren't opinions fun? They don't even need any supporting evidence.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You think it's well optimized? Most people say it's terribly optimized, even for PC. What are your thoughts to what they say about it?

  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    To be fair, It was optimized properly back in the day Or i guess It used to be , although now not so much since if you look at the recommended card its not that high but i do agree its not that goodproperly optimized but i have a 1050ti so its not to bad for me

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    As a PS4 player... Bro, this game must be one of the worst optimized out there because I get more frame drops in this game than I do in RDR2 online.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Same card lol. I think the devs need to release a massive optimization update for the people who struggle with low FPS.

  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    Yeah i agree tbh , i used to play on a gtx 660 which isnt too bad for the game tbh i got around 30 - 45 fps but granted thats on all low settings and things in the engine to make the game run better.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I do feel like the VPN issue needs to be addressed and soon. It is honestly an exploit and should be treated as such including a rushed fix.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    "Surprisingly DBD is very well optimized"

    Did you sleep the last 4 years? DBD ist still one of the worst optimized games that exist. Ofc it runs quite well on a good PC but the performance on consoles is beyond garbage because this game was never intended to run on other platforms but they did it anyway lmao.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Comms were predicted by the devs and they introduced SWF knowing that, VPN's aren't intended to be used as they are and were likely not anticipated to be abused as they are currently.

    Defending VPN's to gain an advantage (aside from the people who genuinely need it) is like defending Stretched Resolution, it shows clear bias for a side and is a flawed argument.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Yet You defend comms especially the third party comms you kbow the one not part of the game. But we all know you survivors love your unfair advantages.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I'm not a survivor main, you numpty. Just because my stance is on one side in an argument, doesn't mean I also am on that side as a whole. I don't even use comms when I SWF.

    Not only that, I never even defended comms, stop making cheap insinuations.

    It's not an 'us' vs 'them' argument, so stop making it one. VPN's are far more unfair than SWF and VPN's are actual exploits and unfair advantages. At least the killers have a chance against SWF, even if it is small, but survivors have no chance against VPNs. This game has been designed with SWF with comms in mind since it was introduced, hence the nerfs to survivors nonstop, but VPN's were NOT intended, and are not fair.

    'we all know you survivors love your unfair advantages'. Hilarious, you're defending something that is as equally unfair as SWF, as it gives the killers the chance to get unfair hits, how hypocritical. SWF is unbalanced, yes, but at least it was intended. VPN's were not intended and are unbalanced. They should go.

    Look at it from the other side smh. People like you need to actually learn survivor and try to make arguments without being blatantly biased. I mean, you're literally defending VPN's and I bet you'd complain about Stretched Resolution. And on top of that, you somehow think I'm defending comms?

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Coms And swf was not intended inbthis game there was was reason it wasnt in the game when it first came and there is a reason yhe devs fought to not introduce that cancer in the game. The only reason we have swf and comms is because survivors bullied the devs into putting it in by threatening to quit. If killers have to put up with comms then survivors should have to put up with vpn users.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    SWF clearly was intended, otherwise the devs wouldn't have added it... That's like saying the survivor nerfs weren't intended, but were added because killers 'bullied' the devs into 'putting it in by threatening to quit'. It's flawed logic. Is nothing getting through to you?

    'there was a reason it wasnt in the game when it first came', perhaps because it didn't cross their mind? They wouldn't have added it if they didn't want to. They never 'fought not to introduce' it. They introduced it after seeing how people had to lobby hop to play with friends.

    I don't know where you're pulling these statements from. VPN isn't fair. Comms and VPN are not on the same level. Deal with it.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Comms Are worse so your right their not on the same level and survivors did bully swf into the game. Solo was and is the intended way to play but thats to hard for survivors so we have to give you an easy mode.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    'we have to give you an easy mode', you're not a dev, pipe down.

    Survivors didn't 'bully' SWF into the game, I'm starting to doubt if you even know that much about the game. VPN's are far worse and are actual exploits, your logic is flawed. I at least play both sides, so I have seen both worlds, you've likely only played killer. Anyways, comms are built into Steam, which was the main platform for DBD back then, the devs must've foreseen it anyways. You're saying the utilisation of a built in feature on this games' platforms are worse than an actual exploit.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Steam Is the biggest platform to put the game it had nothing to do with comms. Comms are far worse the vpns but keep defending them im done with you. You claim to play both sides but its clear your just another entitled survivor trying to take something else from killers.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    No, I'm done with you. You're hilariously biased. Anyone with a brain can tell that VPN's are bad for the game. Like I said before, I'm not defending comms, they're also broken, but if it's comms vs VPN's then I'll certainly take the side of comms, since VPNs are exploits.

    I love how you call me an entitled survivor main even though I literally play killer slightly more and always talk about my Oni. I love how pathetic all your attempts at slander are.

    You're another entitled killer main on the forums thinking you deserve a 4k every game and you think you shouldn't struggle so you probably abuse VPN's yourself and feel offended when someone mentions how broken they are. See, I can spout out bs about you too.

    If I was an entitled survivor main, I wouldn't have admitted comms were broken before, would I? Unlike you, I have looked at it through the other side. And all my posts are from a standpoint of both sides, deal with it.

    Anyways, VPN's will soon be fixed so you can stop abusing them. Once dedicated servers decide the hit, VPN's will be useless to you, tell me how you perform in games, I'm interested to see how much it affects you.

    Bye, don't respond to me unless you're willing to open your mind and stop slandering me. Also, be sure to tell me how your games go once you are unable to abuse VPN's.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Was the ability to old-school p2p host lag switch "taken away from killers" as well? Because that's what you should compare actual VPN abuse with, not SWF.

    Nobody cares if someone VPNs to a nearby server for privacy purposes, most people are probably fine with someone VPNing to a nearby country to get around nasty practices like government firewalls and censorship as well. But something like an American killer VPNing to India to abuse the way the game trusts the killer's perspective to verify if a hit landed or not? Is that really something you're gonna defend?

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    I Live in the us i dont need a vpn and if you want to be precise prescott Arkansas 71857 is the zip 870 is the phone area code. Nevada county located in the south west coner of the 50 miles from texas. So what else do you feel like being wrong about.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Are You really going to defend people getting on comms calling everything killer related out? Im sure you wont call out that bs because only killer advantages should be removed.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I "defend" voice comms for the same reason I defend crosshair overlays, something that I'd say benefits killers a whole lot more than survivors. Because you quite simply can't do anything about either of them. Comms are far too established in gaming for any sane developer to even try to mess with them directly, and crosshair overlays can be in a monitor's firmware and therefore impossible to do anything about in the first place.

    Am I denying both give an advantage? Of course not. But that doesn't mean I want the devs to waste time and resources trying to stop something that can't actually be stopped. I also defend Nvidia Freestyle filters, again something that probably benefits killers more than survivors if they want to use it for an advantage.

    But I'm not gonna defend VPN abuse, just like I'm not gonna defend stuff like survivors finding out what killer they're about to face while in the lobby which is possible at the moment. And for both of those things the devs are already working on fixes, which is good.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited June 2020

    I'm pretty sure that's the only thing I'm wrong about, and I'm just mocking your little slander style.

    Nothing gets through to them, don't waste your time.

    Post edited by Poweas on
  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    can we calm down? omegaLUL its a game for christ sake and its MY opinion as stated above, you dont need to argue on and on about vpns, as vpns shouldnt be a thing as its just destroying everything the devs worked for I.E. decent hitboxes, good server ping, and many many more, although i see why your upset since your a little killer main and nothing can be survivor sided EVER or its UNFAIR to killer, atleast thats how i think your thinking due to the fact that you decided to have a 3 hour long convo about vpns with someone who didnt even respond for half of it.