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Dear devs, you need to create new meta perks

notsonew Member Posts: 269

For so many chapters do we have perks that are almsot never used, and this Hilent Hill chapter is no exception, everytime a new chapter release we use 66% of the content almost everytime, the new survivor, the new killer, and BARELY 1 perk of the 6, most of the perks you add BARELY matter and only work well with other combos of perks so you make perks to make a build out of it instead of making perks good on their own.

Let's look on the previous chapters.

Chains of hate:

Gearhead: every killer can use it, but why would they? 20 seconds? after 2 hits? most of the time you will lose all the time carrying and hooking, while you could be using BBQ which will show you where they are (if possible) and give you extra points, worhtless perk

Dead man's switch: on freddy with class photo it can be decent, but you have to use nemesis if you want it at it's full potential, can also work on doctor, but for other killers, which are mostly single target, it will block 1 gen and that's it most of the time, not really worth it at all.

Hex: retributiion, on it's own, almost useless, yes the wall hach it fine but unless you are a insta down killer, it could give you 1 free hit or 1 down if you combine it will haunted ground, but that's it, not much more to it, if the survivor is with someone and both work on a gen and the other survivor who isn't oblivious start to run or walk away, there might be a reason (saying they are solo and not swf)

Cursed legacy:

ZAnchin tactics: just....pointless....maybe okay for new killers, to know the layout of the tiles better, but other than this, no one use it, at all.

Blood echo: this is a perk I personally enjoy on legion, but who else can benifit from it??? plague? who else? no one, useless on other killers.

Nemesis: good for play with your food, useless on it's own, kind of an okay perk to get easy speed.

Stranger things:

2 of the demogorgon perks are absolutely useless and never worth taking, only surge has LOTS of potential but require a huge buff.

Survivor side:

Chains of hate:

Off the record: i heard it's great with OoO, but well if you want to be sneaky after an unhook if you can i guess it can be okay but it's not worth using.

Red herring: nothing to say on this one, can be a good distraction but it ends there, a distraction that will work for 4 seconds.

For the people: a perk that will only work if the killer slug for a moment, extremely situational, when it works it's game changer, but when do you actually have the possibility to use it? almost never.

Cursed legacy:

Lucky break: useless

Any means necessary: a perk that do it's job if you are able to use it, OKAY perk

breakout: MEH perk but can be useful if used correctly but again, hooks must be far.

Stranger things:

Every Steve perks are useless, nothing else to say about them.

Better together: a perk i personally really like and often use, good perk.

Fixated: i like this perk, but need a buff to work while injured, not the best perk at all but it can work if used correctly.

Inner strength: many love this perk and this one is overall good.

Obviously this is my personal opinion, but in all 9 killer perks and 12 survivor perks since the last 3 chapters,

1 perk is decent and 2 are meh for killer and for survivor 3 perks are good(nancy), 3-4 are "okay/meh" and the remaining 6-7 are pointless.

The Meta hasn't changed in YEARS, DS, Adrenaline, Dead hard, Sprint burst, Unbreakable.

Bbq, Devour hope, Whisper, Sloppy butcher, Save the best for last, NOED, nurse's calling, POP.

The meta doesn't change because you don't make perks that can change it, the new perks doesn't help at all, you even made a trolling perk.

Dear devs, stop being afraid and add good perks, make perks that are actually worth taking instead of buying a full chapter and use 66% of the content, or reduce the price of the DLC, since we don't use the remaining 33%

Make good perks please.

Thanks for readind


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This isn't really how design works.

    They aren't all-knowing, and they cannot see all use cases ahead of time. They don't set out to create meta perks, and there are most assuredly gameplay implications that they are unable to account for when they are designing this stuff. It's why perks like Mettle of Man get out the door in a completely broken state, and then have to be nerfed. It is completely appropriate for the designers to approach perk design in an altogether conservative manner, as from their perspective it is probably better for a perk to be a little bit underpowered and get buffed after they gather some data, than it is for a perk to be grossly overpowered and need a knee-jerk nerf.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    • Thrilling Tremors
    • Im all ears
    • Surge
    • Inner strenght
    • Nemesis
    • Any means necessary
    • For the people


  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2020

    Absolutely none of those perks are worth using outside of some niche gimmick builds besides Inner Strength.

    The devs excuse is something along the lines of "we don't want to feel pressured to constantly make better and better perks (power creep)". Hey, great in theory. In practice, it makes for a stale meta that lasts for years. And honestly, if I were a survivor main I would feel no motivation to purchase new DLC. For us killers, at least if our perks are ######### we still get a new killer that plays differently from others and (hopefully) is fun. Survivors get nothing besides the perks and I guess a new skin that you have to level up to use (IE, new survivor). Couldn't imagine paying for new survivors knowing you'll never use any of the perks.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Surge isn't worth using? Surge is a great regression perk for m1 killers. Nemesis is amazing on obsession builds and I'm all ears can ruin some loops and mind games. It's just the timer that sucks.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    More like, breaking the meta. The game needs more variety and more balanced perks as a whole.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I don't think it's situational though? It's clearly meant for an obsession build and works amazingly for switching your obsession. 8% isn't a lot and it takes no work for you to get. Simply down someone near a gen and most of the time people aren't going to just jump right back onto the gen if you're playing well. So, it's 8% plus the bit of regression you'll get. It would be a lot better if they took away the cooldown. Pop is still the best regression perk, but I wouldn't turn away surge.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Play with your food is one of the most popular perks in the game. It's definitely meta. Nemesis is the best way to get quick procs. Also, you don't really need meta perks to win as killer.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Well, mettle of Man was not only a worth it perk. It was total no brainer to use it every time on every build. The only people who did not use it where those who haven't bought the dlc or felt bad for the killer

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2020

    BHVR is surprisingly slow and conservative with balance changes, I'll give you that. I understand it's not an esport title so you can't expect that level of attention to balance, but it's not just a balance concern as it adds a lot more replayability to the game too when meta shakeups happen. I personally feel they should take a few more risks and not be afraid to buff the really weak perks on both sides, personally.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    i mean why would people run anything other than the OP second chance perks... They need to make those balanced or no matter the buffing they are too strong and even stronger in swf.

    DS- Cant be hooked for another 60seconds, so you can waste the killers time by leading on a chase he cant hook you after or he leaves you on a gen. (new chapters killer kinda counters this slightly which is great but thats just 1 killer...)

    BT- pretty much free save from anywhere, doesnt punish the survivor for doing unsafe saves and they can just run straight at the hook, the BT player can then block you hitting the savior, oh they probably have DS anyway.

    Unbreakable- deadly combo with DS, killer slugs because of DS to try cause pressure but you recover faster and can get yourself up meaning no one has to leave the gens to get you, thats alot of gen progress.

    DH- just extends certain loops, this can allow them to f up and make it to god pallets etc. which you must break and so you lose the chase and bloodlust speed.

    While none of these perks but DS is insanely strong on their own (i only say DS because 60seconds is a long as time and you can get 1-2 hooks in that time and still be hit by that DS) but when stacked they become an insane group of perks, add a medkit so they can self heal fast making pressure harder and now introduce people who can loop well, and swf and you have completely broke the game and you will probably win every match. personally deactivate DS when you get another down and hook, and make BT only work is you arent in a chase.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    Survivor perks wont change as long as the superior killer tactics remain as scummy as always. ( I would know, I play killer too)

    Pyramid Head is the only killer to break the abusive chain with a power that actively discourages tunneling the same survivor and then camping them.

    the main killer perks are so powerful the only perks to ever replace the usual have been Pop (after a major buff) and Corrupt Intervention for having a major effect on the match without external input.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    i mean those killer perks are needed to have a chance at winning, you can have chases that all last less than 20seconds and still lose because you didnt have gen defense.. not all killers have that sort of power and with some loops it can take that to get a hit. im not sure what scummy ways you refer to though? cause camping is terrible, tunneling isnt beneficial due to DS, BT and if its a tunnel it probably wasnt a safe save either tbh. and slugging... well everyone has DS so you have to. a good survivor though can still be extremely strong without meta perks or even perks at all, after all gens are so very easy, a medkit or others can heal you (or just rush gens if you can loop without healing) and you dont need perks to run round loops... then you have maps, but lets not go into that.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Yeah I'm running Kindred/Small Game/Resilience/SpineChills at Rank 1 and I'm getting out around 60% of the time. Survivors don't need meta perks to win but Killers can be completely useless without the meta perks.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Thrilling Tremors and Surge are two of the best slowdown perks in the game for many killers, Nemesis is pretty much required on killers that use PWYF such as Bubba (not to mention it singlehandedly made PWYF viable on many killers), I'm All Ears is amazing on Pyramid Head and is also pretty good on Pig.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    it was busted yes, really was, but that was the last good perk they made, i hated facing this perk, but it was worth to money at the time, i jsut want perks that are worth the money

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I'm actually glad to see more "gimmick" or "combo" style perks being made. The issue with constantly trying to compete with "meta" is that you eventually create power-creep that ruins everything.

    I'd rather perks that have good synergy/combo with different perks for variations on builds rather than "run these 4 perks 100% of the time".

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Completely agree. I think a fair request from the devs is to make thoughtful perks and at least one perk per character that players are excited to use somewheres. The killers have been very true to this at least.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I wouldn't call thrilling tremors a slowdown perk.It's rather an information type of perk.

    What really annoys me is that perks like those two could be so much better if they weren't so restrictive.

    Give Thrilling tremors a lower coouldown and surge the infectious fright treatment and we would have 2 really good perks.