Show Killer/Survivor Current Rank On Forum Posts

Everyone says rank doesn't matter but I also hear it's a measure of time in the game however the fact remains that generally speaking you have to know more about the game to get to higher ranks. You stop being able to regularly survive and pip just on luck alone as the killer increases in knowledge or rank.

When it comes to the forums there is no fact checking and no real way of distinguishing credibility so it's hard to find useful information from people who know. Adding the current rank of killer and/or survivor would act as a "this is what my opinion is based on" stamp.

If you accept the premise that rank equates to time spent in the game and by extension game knowledge then showing rank in forum posts adds a level of credibility to the posts made. If 100 people reply to a post saying "don't suck" it really doesn't matter what their rank is but when a new player is asking for help on how to run a T - L, a response from a person that has played the game a lot successfully holds weight and holds more potential value. The same can be said when it comes to the Devs knowing which discussion topic or feedback suggestion is based on real game knowledge.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940
    edited June 2020

    The issue with this, we have no way of knowing what game time people have - there's no way to tie up your game account with the forum account basically. And whilst I would love this function because from a moderation point of view it would mean dealing with spam/troll accounts a lot easier, I don't think it's anything we will be able to implement for the time being.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Hm, ranks don't mean everything. Some rank 20's have a valid opinion, and for that to be invalidated just because of their ranks is unfair. Me and @BigBrainMegMain briefly talked about it on our walls.

    Plus, my ranks are 5 (survivor) and 6 (killer) right now (I think) due to me having PC issues, despite them normally being 1 for both sides, that doesn't make my opinion less valid because I can't play the game (still waiting on the duster to dust it out). Plus, with how easy it is to rank up nowadays, you'll always get people giving wrong answers who are at rank 1, and those who could give right ones at rank 10 would be considered invalid, because of their rank?

    I only see it as a way for people to mock each other more, which is not what the forums need. It's a good idea, but people would definitely use it to mock others. @Bovinity is a new(ish) player, yet they have some of the best ideas I've heard since joining the forums. I believe they're around rank 10 (sorry if I'm wrong), but that doesn't make them wrong, but I can see people certainly mocking them for it if their rank was shown.

    It's a good idea at heart, but it'd only create toxicity imo.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2020

    Mandy -

    Yeah I couldn't come up with a reasonable way to link the two accounts either unless this forum authenticated with steam and it doesn't. Thanks for reading though.

    Poweas -

    I hear what you're saying but the community is already toxic. My suggestion is not to invalidate an opinion but rather give you context for it. A rank 20 may have a good idea but they also may think the clown is the best because he stomps at rank 20. True in context, sure, but maybe not entirely accurate. Also not suggesting an idea because it may cause a community that is toxic on its own because it may cause toxicity would stop a lot of progress.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited June 2020

    Yes, agreed 100%. I don't like anyone to feel discredited because their ranks are low.

    I don't want anyone to feel like their opinions don't matter just because some jerk decides to throw in the "aRe yOu rEd rAnkS tHEN?" question at them. I believe everyone has the potential to come up with valid ideas and opinions regardless of ranks.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    The devs have already read and responded but you're defending your point so I should do the kindness of reading and responding.

    We can agree a doctor knows more than a plumber when it comes to practicing medicine. If you have a medical question it makes sense to know who is answering your question and what makes them qualified to answer. It may hurt the plumbers feelings that his medical advice is listened to less than a doctor's but sometimes making a good decision requires checking your source.

    Now this is a wildly unpopular opinion but I actually believe that we should do our best to make decisions based on well founded proof not how much someone believes what they're saying. Maybe the plumber has a great contribution to the field of medicine and it is wrong to ignore him completely but I for one will tend towards listening to my doctor.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Also: If your current rank and/or game time were displayed next to your forum posts, people would just use it as a gatekeeping tool. It would get very unpleasant very fast.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    There's a big difference between understanding how a game works and understanding why it works that way. Most red-ranked players I meet don't know a thing about game design or balance, even if they understand how to run a loop or track down a survivor. My brother is around green ranks in both roles, but he has the best and most insightful balance ideas I've heard for DBD because he's actually got a degree in game design and he's good at analysing that kind of thing. The devs know a good idea when they see it because they're competent enough at their jobs to be able to identify useful feedback, regardless of how much knowledge or experience is informing said idea.

    I'm with @Poweas on this one - while I understand why it might seem like a good idea, I suspect all it would do in practice is promote a culture of elitism where anyone with a contrary viewpoint that isn't rank 1 gets automatically mocked or shunned for daring to express it.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Imagine you opened a forum post where a few rank 1 SWF survivors were suggesting that Mettle of Man should be reverted and lots of rank 10 killers disagreeing. Who's opinion would be most valid?