What do you think of adding 1 generator to repair for survivors ?

I thought it could be good to add one generator, so instead of 5, survivors have 6 generators to repair so it could solve the problem of "Genrush". it could make some perks viable like "Poised" "Fire up". I know it could nerf some endgame perks like "Adrenaline" "Wake up".
In return, nerf camping by making the survivors going faster (100% faster) in repairing generators if the killer stays around 8 or 12 meters from the hooked survivor for 10 or 15 seconds. If a survivors is in the radius of the hooked survivor with the killer it doesn't applies the faster repairing to survivors.
It could be a good idea to add some pallets or windows in dead areas. Some maps have a lot of dead areas.
Well, here's a set questions to go with this then:
Will there now be 8 generators that spawn on a map? There are currently 7 spawn for 5 complete, to avoid killers camping out specific generators. This is also where the 3-Gen strat comes into play.
If a killer leaves the distance then walks back, do the survivors keep the buff or the timer is reset?
Could the person within said radius actually be trying to go for a save and not realise that the killer is nearby, therefore punishing their team? We've all had THOSE camping Wraiths.
Generators are already super slow in low ranks, unless you have a smurf-squad, so won't this just further the problems within those ranks?
These are just all questions that need to be asked when proposing ideas like this.
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God no. We don't need to hold M1 even longer.
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I'd rather the devs address map design and then see how that goes.
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Let's see how the redesigned maps and this new early game mechanic goes, then we'll decide if gens need adjustment.
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Bring back the god loops and add 5 more pallets. Then add one more gen.
This is not gonna happen because they have to rework the ENTIRE game from the ground up.
Adding a gen with the current state, game is done.
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I agree we would need to make space in some maps. 3 gen situations would be more common.
For the Timer, i would make it so it regress by 1 or 2 seconds when the killer goes away and the buff goes away instantly if the killer is leaving the hooked survivor. I think this idea of nerfing camping is great. I know Devs did that 2-3 years ago but in a bad way.
About ranks, i would say everything is about ranks now because the matchmaking is often broken. We can't really balance the game correctly because of that. I agree that it will cause a lot of problems in low ranks.
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I think it would make a perfect addition to killer pink offerings besides just the mori. Add 1 Generator for that specific match.
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I think all the toolbox, teamwork Gen, great skill check nerfs are quite pointless, it doesnt slow down the Gen.
I rather to revert all the nerf back to what they were. Instead just let Killers able to kick finish Gen, make it regressed to 95% (not regress further if already complete)
Example 5 Gen done will power exit Gates, but if Killers kick one of them, the Gen done dropped to 4 and depower the Gates. To make the game not keep running in circle between powered-up & depower the Gates, Killer can only kick each finish Gen once.
This idea gives:
- Keep the old Gen speed
- Give Killer something else to do
- Intense fight between power-up & de-power Gates
- This can be a pain if there are only 2 Survivor left but I cant think further
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The problem isn't gens it's early game pressure. If 3 survivors are spread out gens it's basically over. Obviously most players don't do this but unless you have corrupt or something you usually lose 2 gens after the first down. This is based on my experience mostly but it's a lot of the reason people say gen speeds are too fast. You can't stop them from popping no matter what unless they just touched one.
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lol If Brand New Part becomes basekit then sure.