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Feedback and Suggestions

Legion rework idea...

First of all, the legion is kind of in a bad spot against good survivors and you're basicly ######### if u dont play correctly. A cool way to rework him would be to give him an oni like game play style. What i mean is to reward the player for getting hits with his normal m1 so his power recovers faster instead of taking away some time on his power. Its really dumb that someone who would go into a blood thirsty state would be sated with a small hit. The other thing is feral frenzy would help him get buffs. The more survivors he hits the faster and longer he get his power with a cooldown reduction to his power ending. These numbers would be noticeable but not op. Also it would be cool to give him buffs when hes not in feral frenzy like faster vault speed and breaking pallets faster. Also idk when the change to the killers ability made it so most hits (like feral frenzy and pig sneak attack) dont actually hit survivors with killer effects from their perks(ex save the best for last, the first seal? I think?) . I think it should at least be reverted on legion since he can't even use most of those perks effectively anymore which kinda makes him worse. If nothing else though, make his ability more interesting and really make it feel rewarding to have hit survivors alot in normal and feral frenzy since he doesnt really have anything in his kit that actually does anything else.

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  • Member Posts: 206

    I'm asking a legion rework since about 1 year ago and still nothing. We have already discussed in an old post about all possible changes and cool things to do to make legion better and devs never gave us a single response. I'm starting to lose hope...

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion doesn't need a rework. They are actually in a pretty good spot now. A few tweaks here and there is all they need.

    Sometimes i feel people are really underestimating how much time and effort goes into a rework

  • Member Posts: 206

    Legion is not fun for survivors and it's pratically impossible to win with good players. He definitively needs a rework.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Well not that you're wrong, legion can be very good with a team that is altruistic or a swf but he isnt very fun to play at high ranks with survivors that know they dont have to heal against a legion making him not to scary to deal with. Adding some depth to him could make him fun to play and a little more scary to verse against or even more fun to play against if you like a challenge. For a bonus, they could add pretty cool chase music for them. (Not that it would matter to much but it could be pretty nice if they if the music changes if you use a different mix tape.) All in all, if the devs really try hard, they can have a really cool rework for the legion that will be universally liked.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Yea i agree anything little that the devs would give him would be nice to make him more enjoyable,but it would be really nice to give the killer some depth since his original concept was pretty interesting but was kind of to much to do.

  • Member Posts: 206

    legion is good on injuring people but you need to down them someway. It's the only killer that has power only for the first hit and then has nothing else. At least the plague it's like "if you heal i get ranged hit".

  • Member Posts: 99

    Sorry. Peanits said he likes Legion where he currently is. No rework and no buffs for the foreseeable future.

  • Member Posts: 206

    peanits it's not behaviour itself...

  • Member Posts: 81

    Pretty sure that Peanits is just a community manager which means he has no impact on development itself, him thinking they are fine is just an opinion doesn't mean the devs feel the same.

    Regarding the actual topic, i'd agree that they need a proper power update. It's honestly crazy to me how some people think that a pure m1 killer in chase is in any way shape or form justifiable.

  • Member Posts: 99

    True but He knows more than we do. I understand, I main Legion. I want a rework as well. Hit his stream up on Twitch as I do and tell him what's up. I do. LOL

  • Member Posts: 99

    True but as I just stated as you wrote this, He knows more than we do because he is on the inside. If he sees nothing in the foreseeable future then that means it was discussed and denied I assume. Community Management or not, he does work there.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Fair point but even if there were changes planned he wouldn't be allowed to say anything about them, he could still think the character is fine despite something comming up. But that is probably just me being overly hopeful and you're probably more than spot on and there will be nothing actually impactful for like another year.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Yeah I understand gamer. I want a rework entirely like they can only mend if survivors equipped botany and self care or have a med kit. That would make them dumb perks more valuable if you ask me and his power stronger.

    I'm sure you have a job, ppl. talk. Yes, he can't say if they have a rework in mind but the answer He gave leads me to believe they love the nerf on him because that's a crazy response. Idk, I am reading in between the lines. Maybe you're right, I hope you're right.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2020

    Legion is ridiculous with the right perks. He’s the least fun killer to play against as a survivor . I’m not gonna be a cry baby and say he’s OP but honestly just give Legion thanatophobia or perks that slow healing progress or reveals survivors location then he’s downright impossible to play against even with high ranks. It’s honestly so dumb.

    legion is a slow game killer which doesn’t sound bad as a survivor but basically everyone focused on healing each other rather than gens and there’s little you can do about that cus legion will eventually kill you off one at a time slowly but surely.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Honestly I think a simple change is all that is needed reduce the power bar loss from 50% of current power to 30% and I think that will help on the power side also I think Frank's mixtape needs to be changed maybe make it so when you use it you get a notification when a survivor mends themselves or an aura read cause honestly noone multihits anymore

  • Member Posts: 230

    Honestly i had an idea that might work

    Feral frenzy:Same concept as is but instead

    Hitting healthy survivors will no longer reset your meter but you're still able to hit multiple, vault pallets, vault windows faster and still give killer instinct

    How ever hitting a survivor that is injured and not in the mending state will now down them, and will cancel your power and refill your meter to full

    I feel this will give him way more power in the downing department without making it too overwhelming

  • Member Posts: 206

    ii don't really like that. It makes him annoying really. I want some depth not a braindead m1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 230

    what do you mean makes him annoying, hes already annoying and boring to play against, atleast this would make him an actual threat with his power, Currently hit surv and runs away to another, oh no i been hit... now i mend, why heal? just rush gens not like he can down with his power anyway... very fun gameplay

  • Member Posts: 19

    The idea i had was kind if in depth but i had brain damage and forgot most of it which is when i made my post.. ill remember what i had in mind later and ill post it.

  • Member Posts: 206

    in fact i'm saying that i don't want an annoying killer but a great killer with depth

  • Member Posts: 206

    Imo if legion can't get a rework at least give them something that can down in frenzy. Like "after 3 hits in feral frenzy if you hit an injured survivor you can down them". That would be perfect.

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