Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Franklin's Demise simple "D strike" Solution and more whatever...

Member Posts: 282
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay Franklin's Demise used to work when you downed someone with a chain saw.
But it doesn't do that any more, and I thought about why the devs nerfed it,....and they did nothing to this perk to be honest.
So I think they should make it the way it used to be since there is no difference.

Could Knock out also work for survivors on the hook? to an extant.

D Strike, honestly the simplest solution to avoid having an entire group have it and (for people like me who mained Laurie when we first played) to not get angry at the perk getting reworked, is to make it where only the obsession can use the perk.
Only the obsession can use the perk, and anyone who isn't the obsession can't use it, thus wasting a perk slot.
And we have a chat before the game begins so we can just ask each other if someone is going to use it.

Dying light, make it instead of killing your obsession make it to where anyone you injure has the work speed penalty until 2 to 3 gens are popped. (tier 1 and 2 = 2 gens tier 3 = 3 gens) Or after you injure your obsession (the obsession doesn't need to stay injured for it to work)

Also since ranking is honestly pointless could we just get rid of it?
Its a source of a lot of toxicness and people use it as an excuse to be jerks or say someone's thoughts and ideas are trash.

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  • Member Posts: 5

    all i want to see from DS is it doesnt work when you are "full Health" by this i mean you cant use it until you have been hooked once. this makes a Mori a complete counter to DS but so is juggling. but at least there is some counterplay to DS not just a free escape for anyone whos not a potato that cant hit a skill check...

  • Member Posts: 122
    BLUE_APE said:

    Okay Franklin's Demise used to work when you downed someone with a chain saw.
    But it doesn't do that any more, and I thought about why the devs nerfed it,....and they did nothing to this perk to be honest.
    So I think they should make it the way it used to be since there is no difference.

    Could Knock out also work for survivors on the hook? to an extant.

    D Strike, honestly the simplest solution to avoid having an entire group have it and (for people like me who mained Laurie when we first played) to not get angry at the perk getting reworked, is to make it where only the obsession can use the perk.
    Only the obsession can use the perk, and anyone who isn't the obsession can't use it, thus wasting a perk slot.
    And we have a chat before the game begins so we can just ask each other if someone is going to use it.

    Dying light, make it instead of killing your obsession make it to where anyone you injure has the work speed penalty until 2 to 3 gens are popped. (tier 1 and 2 = 2 gens tier 3 = 3 gens) Or after you injure your obsession (the obsession doesn't need to stay injured for it to work)

    Also since ranking is honestly pointless could we just get rid of it?
    Its a source of a lot of toxicness and people use it as an excuse to be jerks or say someone's thoughts and ideas are trash.

    1) I play solo survivor, not SWF, so I can't chat with people to see who will use it or not.
    2) I never use DS either way because on PS4 the needle is way too unreliable.
    3) Again, this may be a solo player thing, but I need ranking for now. I don't want to matchmake with a random player that doesn't know how to play which is possible. Maybe if ranking gets removed have matchmaking based on player level?
    4) I like Bastion's idea for DS.
    5) Maybe this is a PS4 thing, but at rank1 I barely see people running DS. If I'm lucky I'll see 1 person using it every other match but usually it's like every 3-4 matches.
  • Member Posts: 1,164
    jmaximo93 said:
    BLUE_APE said:

    Okay Franklin's Demise used to work when you downed someone with a chain saw.
    But it doesn't do that any more, and I thought about why the devs nerfed it,....and they did nothing to this perk to be honest.
    So I think they should make it the way it used to be since there is no difference.

    Could Knock out also work for survivors on the hook? to an extant.

    D Strike, honestly the simplest solution to avoid having an entire group have it and (for people like me who mained Laurie when we first played) to not get angry at the perk getting reworked, is to make it where only the obsession can use the perk.
    Only the obsession can use the perk, and anyone who isn't the obsession can't use it, thus wasting a perk slot.
    And we have a chat before the game begins so we can just ask each other if someone is going to use it.

    Dying light, make it instead of killing your obsession make it to where anyone you injure has the work speed penalty until 2 to 3 gens are popped. (tier 1 and 2 = 2 gens tier 3 = 3 gens) Or after you injure your obsession (the obsession doesn't need to stay injured for it to work)

    Also since ranking is honestly pointless could we just get rid of it?
    Its a source of a lot of toxicness and people use it as an excuse to be jerks or say someone's thoughts and ideas are trash.

    5) Maybe this is a PS4 thing, but at rank1 I barely see people running DS. If I'm lucky I'll see 1 person using it every other match but usually it's like every 3-4 matches.
    This is sort of true for me too. I still get it a bunch a rank 1
  • Member Posts: 455

    I can't pass up a discussion on Franklin's Demise without noting that the perk makes absolutely no sense. Context: The perk was based on THIS scene from the first Chainsaw Massacre movie.

    Leatherface chainsaw's Franklin, causing him to drop his flashlight as he dies (see: the perk icon and name). This perk was specifically nerfed post-release to not allow it to activate on chainsaw hits. Why you would drop a flashlight from a hammer hit as opposed to being eviscerated by a chainsaw, I have no idea.

    As for the DS change.... that ain't it. If it were up to me the perk would be deleted and replaced. But either way, having a perk be outright useless because 1 of your 3 teammates decided to take it as well is the opposite of fun. Granted there has never been anything fun about DS in the first place, I'd like to see RNG in this game minimized.

  • Member Posts: 282

    I knoooooooooow that! Someone pointed it out during a discussion and I thought the dev's made a pointless nerf, thats why I said they should fix it.

    Leatherface chainsaw's Franklin, causing him to drop his flashlight as he dies (see: the perk icon and name). This perk was specifically nerfed post-release to not allow it to activate on chainsaw hits. Why you would drop a flashlight from a hammer hit as opposed to being eviscerated by a chainsaw, I have no idea.

    I knoooooooooow that! Someone pointed it out during a discussion and I thought the dev's made a pointless nerf, thats why I said they should fix it. Make it accurate to movie. I have been hit with Frank's Demises and have lost my item before, what I was saying was I don't think it will make a difference if the chainsaw made you drop your item and the dev's should fix that.

    As for the DS change.... that ain't it. If it were up to me the perk would be deleted and replaced. But either way, having a perk be outright useless because 1 of your 3 teammates decided to take it as well is the opposite of fun. Granted there has never been anything fun about DS in the first place, I'd like to see RNG in this game minimized.

    I'm sorry what are you saying exactly? I suggested the idea to make D-strike Accurate to the movie and fair for killer, but you don't like that idea? but your saying it wouldn't be fun if my suggestion became real? Look over your comment and try again.

    Heres what I said Since you missed my point:
    Laurie's perk is based off the part where she stabs the Shape after he tries to kill her.
    In the horror movie Halloween (which you haven't seen apperantly)

    But the thing is, Laurie was the only one who stabs Micheal. All of her friends died and they didn't have anything to fight back with.
    My suggestion would make it so the killer would only have to worry about one person landing the skill check (You know if they ran said perk) while anyone who brought it along with them doesn't get anything because they are not the obsession. And it would become movie accurate.
    (I forgot to mention it would also give the user exhastion,)

    Me personally, I have started maining killer recently, and I hardly see anyone running the perk. NOW I KNOW I'll see the rage for it soon enough, but I have felt the rage for it even though I was to busy laughing.

    There were 2 survivors in the match after the exit gates were opened, but they decided to mess around.
    Nea was looping me, and I thought Blood lust is kicking in, you better get to the gates. She D-striked me after I downed her, but I would have killed her if it wasn't for borrowed time.
    But even after the match ended the players said they were sorry for being toxic. (Even if they were, all they did was just give me more points and a good laugh)

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2018

    @BLUE_APE said:
    I'm sorry what are you saying exactly? I suggested the idea to make D-strike Accurate to the movie and fair for killer, but you don't like that idea? but your saying it wouldn't be fun if my suggestion became real? Look over your comment and try again.

    Heres what I said Since you missed my point:
    Laurie's perk is based off the part where she stabs the Shape after he tries to kill her.
    In the horror movie Halloween (which you haven't seen apperantly)

    But the thing is, Laurie was the only one who stabs Micheal. All of her friends died and they didn't have anything to fight back with.
    My suggestion would make it so the killer would only have to worry about one person landing the skill check (You know if they ran said perk) while anyone who brought it along with them doesn't get anything because they are not the obsession. And it would become movie accurate.

    Ok, let's use your logic. "Franklin's Demise" was only used once in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. So the perk should only be allowed to be used once per trial and only on one survivor? That's not making the perk movie accurate or fair for either side, that's just making a perk poorly designed.

    DS needs to be nerfed, reworked, or removed, but your idea is terrible in terms of making it "fair" for both sides. You should make the perk accurate to a point, but not if it means massively limiting its use like your DS logic or it's logic applied to other perks, like Franklin's Demise for example.

  • Member Posts: 282

    @HP150 said:

    Ok, let's use your logic. "Franklin's Demise" was only used once in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. So the perk should only be allowed to be used once per trial and only on one survivor? That's not making the perk movie accurate or fair for either side, that's just making a perk poorly designed.

    DS needs to be nerfed, reworked, or removed, but your idea is terrible in terms of making it "fair" for both sides. You should make the perk accurate to a point, but not if it means massively limiting its use like your DS logic or it's logic applied to other perks, like Franklin's Demise for example.

    So you think Franklin's Demise is poorly designed and needs a nerf?.....Really?.....Thats whats wrong with it?......


    get the idea that "D-strike can be removed" out of your head, its stayin buddy. Not everyone runs it anyways (Reworked and Nerf are fine, because it can still be fair )

    Seeing as you might not one of those gripey killers, hows this then?

    Once per match
    If you are the killer's obsession, you have 2 choices, you can either:
    land the skill check to escape the killer's grasp while stunning them for 3/ 3 and half/ 4 seconds. (But leaves you in the broken status for 60/50/40 seconds)
    cause the killer to drop a survivor while stunning them for "Said Time" (but gives you exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. If you are already exhausted then you will have more time added on.
    If you are not the obsession, then if you land the skill check you will slow down the killer's carrying speed for "said time" (The killer's carring speed will be decreased to the speed of a crouching survivor).

    This is more fair then my last suggestion, cannot deny that, but honestly I don't care wheather or not you like it at this point.

  • Member Posts: 282

    @Bastion said:
    all i want to see from DS is it doesnt work when you are "full Health" by this i mean you cant use it until you have been hooked once. this makes a Mori a complete counter to DS but so is juggling. but at least there is some counterplay to DS not just a free escape for anyone whos not a potato that cant hit a skill check...

    If the dev's used your nerf,I'm sure you'd still complain because that wouldn't change much. Smart survivors would save D-strike for getting hooked a second or third time anyways. And you wouldn't have a mori on hand all the time, so theres whats wrong with your mori idea.
    Though would be cool

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    Honestly I like the devs rework for DS.. but I wouldnt mind if the obsession only got off.. if all survivors can do what the obsession can with DS what's the actual point of the obsession... we've got rancor.... which threw point still stands that you shouldn't as a killer have to run a perk in order to counter said perk (until the nerf for DS comes) 
  • Member Posts: 282

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Honestly I like the devs rework for DS.. but I wouldnt mind if the obsession only got off.. if all survivors can do what the obsession can with DS what's the actual point of the obsession... we've got rancor.... which threw point still stands that you shouldn't as a killer have to run a perk in order to counter said perk (until the nerf for DS comes) 

    Of course you would like the rework the dev's came up with, because you didn't main Laurie.
    But the rework they have considered is trash honestly, its not changing the fact that everyone can use it.

    If only the obsession could free them selves, and anyone else who ran the perk too could only stop the killer for a few extra seconds, that would be fair and more accurate to the movie.
    Even so your right you shouldn't need to use up a perk slot to counter one perk that only one person might have.

    (Also if your maining killer, try generator camping, its a non toxic, fun and fair way to play if your having some trouble)

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