Killer Idea - The Wendigo

NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Wendigo

Terror radius: 32 meters

Movement Speed: 4.6 M/S (115%)

Power: Mirage - You may send out a clone of yourself, that inherits your status effects and perks. The clone will walk forwards for at least 1 second before pathfinding towards the nearest Survivor within 12 meters or if the Survivor's aura is revealed 24 meters. It will continue walking forwards if there is no Survivor within range. The clone will ignore downed or hooked Survivors. You may see the clones aura at all times and any auras the clone sees will be revealed to you as well.

Note: Pathfinding is done by simply finding and using the fastest path towards the Survivors current location and lunging when the clone is sufficiently close. The clone will never respect pallets, attempt mindgames, deliberately cut off a Survivor ect. Escaping one would probably be very easy.

The clone can vault windows and lunge but cannot break pallets or walls. If a Survivor is hit by the clone they will take no damage but will scream become oblivious and blinded for 20 seconds, and have their aura revealed for the duration.

Note 2: The clone is effectively a seperate Killer that has the same perks and stacks of existing perks. This means that if for example you have PWYF and the clone loses a chase, the clone gets the extra stack and not you. This also means it can utilize perks like bamboozle, unrelenting ect. Basic attack conditions can never be met however, since even if they do hit the Survivor it's not considered a basic attack, or (for PWYF) an offensive action at all.

Only one clone can exist at a time. The clone lasts until it either:

  • Hits a wall before finding a Survivor
  • Hits a Survivors
  • Gets pallet stunned
  • Is manually disabled by pressing the power button again

The clone has a 10 second cooldown.

The clone is also considered the Killer for the purposes of tracking perks and has a 32 meter terror radius. If two terror radius's overlap then the closest one takes precedence.


  • Phantom Pains - When you hit a Survivor with a basic attack you instantly end the chase with them. They are inflicted with the Oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.
  • Fear of the unknown - Survivors never hear your terror radius as being closer than 8 meters while outside of a chase. Survivors will continue to be considered in your terror radius for 1/2/3 seconds after they leave it and will continue to hear a faint heartbeat during that time.
  • Terror Sense - When a Survivor screams their aura becomes revealed for 2/3/4 seconds



  • If the clone hits an injured Survivors it inflicts the mangled status effect until healed
  • Increase the clones detection range by 2 meters
  • Decrease the clones cooldown by 1 second
  • The clone can detect Survivors who's auras are revealed from an infinite range


  • Increase clones detection range by 4 meters
  • Decrease clones cooldown by 2 seconds
  • The clone inflicts an additional 10 seconds of Blindness on hit
  • If the clone hits an injured Survivor it inflicts the broken status effect for 20 seconds
  • When the clone first finds a Survivor their aura is revealed for 3 seconds


  • Increase clones detection range by 6 meters
  • Decrease clones cooldown by 3 seconds
  • The clone inflicts an additional 10 seconds of Oblivious on hit
  • If the clone hits an injured Survivor it inflicts the Deep Wounds status effect for 20 seconds
  • When the clone first finds a Survivor their aura is revealed for 5 seconds


  • The clone is Undetectable
  • If the clone hits a Survivor it inflicts the Exhaustion status effect for 20 seconds
  • The clone reveals the aura of Survivors it strikes for 10 additional seconds
  • The clone will remain active when stunned for 5 seconds instead of disappearing immediately.


  • If the clone strikes a healthy Survivor they will be injured. Increases the clones cooldown by 10 seconds.
  • The clone can detect dropped pallets within 6 meters and will break them if detected
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    A Killer very much focused on deception. Messing with ally tracking would be cool, but is also impractical due to the existance of SWF. So instead making it harder to tell if the "Killer" chasing you is the real thing or not is the next best thing.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    I like the ide, but I think the clone might need a longer cool down considering it can actually do damage to survivors.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No it can't. I explicitly said their attacks do no damage. They just apply a bunch of status effects and grant aura reading.

    "If a Survivor is hit by the clone they will take no damage"

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    Oh sorry I must of overlooked that! I have no complaints now!

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    I really would like to see the perks for this

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Minor nitpick, but does this character have to be a Wendigo? We already have this mythical archetype in DbD (Hag).

    Despite the fact that it got its name from the Dungeons and Dragons monster, the Demogorgon also fits quite closely with many of the more contemporary takes on the Wendigo, despite it never having been human.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Hag is a Wendigo? Huh.

    I actually got the idea from watching Supernatural, but I'm aware of the Until Dawn version as well (and they were pretty similar too).

    In particular I was fascinated by the idea of a creature that uses careful deception to lure it's victims.

    Mechanically I couldn't quite make that happen without doing something extremely complicated. But I could do the reverse for the same (thematic) result. Hence a Killer that spits out clones of itself.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Of course, this is my second most wanted chapter after the dark tower. This is one of my favourite urban legends. All of it interests me, I found out about the wendigo from Pet Semetary (the book) by Stephen King. I also played until dawn. I think he should have antlers and have a ribcage visible for his cosmetics.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Added perks.

    First is on-hit Oblivious. Forcibly removes you from the chase so you can take advantage of the effect immediately and lasts 60 seconds because Oblivious on someone you just hit isn't particularly strong without lasting for awhile, so the duration is necessary.

    Second is a perk that makes it harder to interpret the terror radius, keeping it there after you've already left and preventing the Survivor from determining if your just somewhat close or right on top of them.

    Third is a tracking perk that is primarily for synergies. But innately has the effect of revealing Survivors you hit with a basic attack (because Survivors scream as an on-hit effect). Since screaming Survivors already have a known location, there is no need for a cooldown.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Erohnic your perks have arrived.

    Addons are coming shortly.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    Interesting. I’d like to see this in game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited June 2020

    Btw, there are 4 perk interactions I'm a bit unsure about.


    Make Your Choice

    Devour Hope

    I'm All Ears.

    Specifically while for the most the perk copying aspect is pretty clear: TR perks, on-vault perks and haste effects work. On hit, on pickup, on hook and on break action perks don't work. Passive global perks are redundant and don't work. Tracking perks sort of work but only aura reading actually helps the clone.

    So for Deathbound, devour hope and Make Your Choice, I basically have 3 options:

    1. The perks activate when the Survivor is 32 meters away from the main Killer. This makes it work exactly like every other Killer in the game, but is inconsistent with the other perk interactions (and those interactions are important for preventing those perks from being a givaway for the clone)
    2. The perks activate then the Survivor is 32 meters away from the main Killer AND the Clone. This is perfectly consistent if we treat the perks conditions as not discriminating between which Killer is near the Survivor, and makes us not have to worry about abuse. However this makes the Clone negative utility for those perks.
    3. The perk activates when the Survivor is 32 meters away from the main Killer OR the Clone. This is also consistent if we treat the perks condition as being near the Killer with the perk. Since both the main Killer and the clone have their own copy of the perk they can both be triggered independently. This has the downside of being abusable for obvious reasons, especially for Make Your Choice.

    As for I'm all ears, there is a similar issue but this time it's with the cooldown. Again we have 3 options:

    1. Being near the clone doesn't by itself let the perk activate. Again, inconsistent with the other perk interactions.
    2. The clone can activate the perk and has it's own personal cooldown. This is the most consistent but might be frustrating to utilize in practice.
    3. The clone can activate the perk and has a shared cooldown with the main Killer. Also can be consistent, but also might be frustrating for entirely different reasons, but also isn't as dangerous of a precedent.

    Please give your thoughts on this dilemma.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I mean, mechanically she's great. But she doesn't look or act like what I'd think a wendigo does from the myths.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Addons posted. Mainly focused on giving the clone more on-hit effects.

  • gungle
    gungle Member Posts: 33

    I really like it but I think the clone should have a much longer cooldown than 10 seconds. Maybe something like the spirit's haunting cooldown time, or legion's frenzy. Overall I really like the idea.

  • bLoodSLoth97
    bLoodSLoth97 Member Posts: 29

    Reminds me of a weird twist on The Spirit. I like it. Are you able to move while your mirage is out? If so this would make for some pretty interesting combinations. For example, the add-on that injures the survivor could be followed up by an attack from the real Wendigo. Or, you could chase two survivors at once. Interesting idea, I like it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You are absolutely able to move with the mirage out. It would be kinda useless if you couldn't.

    And yes all of those scenario's are exactly what I was going for.

  • bLoodSLoth97
    bLoodSLoth97 Member Posts: 29

    Seems like it would be a pretty high skill ceiling killer with a lot of potential. Cool.