Lightweight needs a buff.

Let's face it. In it's current form it sucks. My suggestion is to buff the stats and add an effect.
Lightweight: Your Scratch marks fade 3/4/5 seconds sooner. It also reduces the sound of your foot steps by 25/50/75 percent.
They last 9 seconds.
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Actually 10 seconds. Just double checked.
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Imagine a perk that creates scratch marks in the opposite direction from where you are running
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You can only see scratch marks for 7 seconds, so that buff would not only make Lightweight too strong, but it also make the other perks who hide scratch marks completely useless in comparison.
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Lightweight decreases footstep sounds and Predator increases footstep sounds. All they need. I don't think the extra scratch marks effect is necessary.
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I do think Lightweight at least needs buffed by a minimum of 1 second. But I would be okay if they at least added the reduced footstep noises. I also like making them louder with Predator.
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I like this.
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I really don't want more perks that mess with sound, sound is broken enough as is.
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Agreed. Whenever I play as Steve, I have built-in iron will in my audio. I hope and assume that the bug isn't transferred to the killer, I can hear the Steves wail just fine when I play killer.
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I'd imagine the quieter footsteps would be more beneficial outside of chase. I've caught stealthy survivors many times because I heard some grass shuffle or a board creak where they were trying to sneak around me. If this quieted both footsteps and environmental noises caused by them, it would become very viable for stealthy builds.
Plus, let's remember that Lightweight is only a Universal Perk immediately available for any survivor to unlock. It doesn't really need to be absurdly strong, just decent enough to be something that survivors might actually consider bringing.
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Scratch marks effectively last for 7 seconds, which is a little longer than the time (~6 seconds) for a 115% heartbeat killer to reach a the location from which a survivor could first hear the killer's terror radius.
Lightweight already reduces this to about 4 seconds, which is good. I've always supported the reduction in sound of footsteps as an effect of Lightweight, but I'm possibly reconsidering that decision in light of the current sound bugs. Perhaps, a 75% reduction would still be okay.