Cage of Atonement....

I really like that they didnt nerf pyramid head into the ground. He feels very strong to play against and thats the way killers are supposed to be in my opinion. But I have a huge problem with his cage thing. I played a lot of survivor against Pyramid head today and what I've seen most killers do, is get someone cursed somehow (sometimes u just can't avoid it) send them to the cage and once they get out of the cage immidiately go after them again. Since DS and Borrowed do not work with cage survivors go from first hook to death hook in like a minute and can't do anything about it if their team doesnt block. In like 90% of my games against pyramid head today I've seen a survivor get hooked 3 times in the first 2 minutes of the game. I get that u can argue its the survivors fault for getting cursed in the first place but its like bear traps, sometimes u don't see it or can't avoid it and basically saying yeah u got cursed thats worth 2 hooks just doesnt quite fit for me. I mean at least borrowed should work so u can do something about that. Whats ur guys opinion?


  • lesterisasweetname
    lesterisasweetname Member Posts: 19

    I agree, that's just ridiculous how they made a mechanic that counts as hooking yet can't be countered with perks bound to hooks. I dont care that in exchange it doesnt activate killer's bound to hooks perks, whatever, make it so that it does. Why not. What's the point of this cage of atonement in general? It doesnt benefit killer in any way, except for saving a few seconds carrying you the hook. It doesnt make sense. Or is it intentional that his hook related perks won't activate but then he will be able to tunnel you without punishment.

    Don't get me wrong, I like PH, Iike his power and aethetic and everything, but this mechanic's existence makes no sense to me. If someone gets it, I would like to hear your understanding of it.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I think PH is the answer to all the borrow time and desicive strike user just like doctor was the answer to loop when he got out. For the survivor i understand having an ability to counter DS can be bad for them but this was needed for the killer i think now survivor will need to be more carefull when they get unhook against a PH and stop playing like they are immortel for a whole minute try to heal so they dont get ######### survivor will need to adapt to this new reallity

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    The Executioner is really strong against the loops. However, he's not strong at all once a Survivor gains enough distance away from him. I have already offered what I believe to be a nice Perk combo against that particular Killer: Lithe, Dance With Me, Quick and Quiet, Iron Will. The main idea here is to fool the Killer player into believing that you're looping them around, for example, a jungle gym, then lose the line of sight and go through the window, using those 3 Perks to get as far away from the loop as possible while the Killer player would waste time getting over the confusion you have caused. This strategy might allow you to get away and not get downed in the first place. And if you execute it correctly, The Executioner will not have enough time to put the Rites of Judgement around the loop, so you won't get afflicted with Torment.

    Aside from that, I believe that the best macro counter play against The Executioner is spreading out as far away from each other as possible and rush those gens. Not only will that strategy abuse the Killer's weakness (which is the lack of mobility and, therefore, the low gen pressure), but it will also tremendously rise the chances of having your caged teammate spawning next to you, or having yourself spawn in the cage next to your teammate, which will result in an insta-save. And the possibility of the insta-save is exactly what is traded for the possibility of tunneling by the devs, I believe.

    I'm a Purple Rank killer myself and don't play the game much (which is exactly why I haven't made it to the Red Ranks yet, I believe), but I have quite some knowledge from watching tons of videos of the great DbD player like Otzdarva, TrU3ta1ent and Monto. So, I have played The Executioner all evening yesterday and let's just say that I haven't pipped even once (because I can't be good with the new character right away, obviously). The best I could get was Brutal Killer. That's because this Killer requires quite some experience and getting used to. And, unfortunatelly, the game STILL has no training tool. So I had to use a looping Survivor as my practice in one of the games, completely forgetting about the gens and just looping that person for like 5 minutes simply trying to get used to Punishment of the Damned. It might be hard to play against The Executioner, but it isn't easy to play as him either.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    I mean I'm not the biggest fan of DS and borrowed time myself and rather have them reworked so they arent as broken as they are now. And I know the frustration when survivors jump into lockers or repair gens with ds even though u just hooked someone else and are not tunneling or u get bodyblocked with borrowed since I mainly play rank 1 killer. But the way the cage works can't honestly be the answer either. And I mean when u say that "survivors simply need to be more careful when unhooking" what do u do when they aren't and ur the one that gets hooked? Like I've seen survivors that went home with 1k points against PH and could do nothing about it cause someone in the team just saw them as a farming tool and got them out of the cage as soon as they could even though the killer was coming. Then the unhooked dude had to sprint through a trench that PH drew before that, got cursed again, sent to the cage again and the same thing repeated and he was dead.The dude went from not hooked at all to killed of in like 2 minutes and could do nothing to stop it. Like as an SWF this would be fine since they can get better timings with their unhooks but if you're relying on randoms in solo queue this gets problematic. And in the worst case scenario just imagine u queue like 5 minutes as a survivor, find a game, get deleted by a PH that plays like that, get like 2k points and go back to queuing for 5 minutes again. How often would u do that before u get frustrated and say screw that? I mean I honestly just played survivor for the archives so Idc that much but in the games I had till now almost every PH did that and it just seems highly abusable and unfair to the person its done to.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I understand it does feel unfair for the survivor im like you i dont play survivor often unless i play with friend so i dont have this problem but if the survivor get down when he get unhook the unhooker lose point if he get down in less then 10 second i believe now that where other perk can start getting use a bit more like urban evasion, well make it and things like that dont forget the killer is only 1 day old survivor will find a way to play against that too example if someone is chase by PH and he is tormented you can expect to see him get cage so you can run on the other side of the map and be rdy for the unhook this is a thing i found with my friend and we found looping on the same structure is not a good strat against him and we are still finding out the best way to play against him

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    There are three components and it needs to be reduced to 1 or 2 for it to be reasonable:

    1. Instant hooking via cage
    2. Countering a crap ton of perks
    3. No kobe attempts

    Remove 1 or more of those or watch the survivors quit in droves . . .

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Lol people need to get a grip...

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It's almost as if Deathgarden didn't teach anything to BHVR.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    If it doesn't make more than that to quit the game, then this game might not be for them.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    You are acting as if cages are really good for PH in all situations.

    I barely ever use them, as it benefits survivors more than me, as more than often they get rescued few seconds after I place them inside, then they are healed back to full and often 2 survivors are now without torment on them.

    Cages are only useful if:

    Possible DS and you can't be bothered to wait it out,

    Downed someone, but you see someone nearby, Slugging 2.0

    Mini mori for 3rd hook to save yourself some time.

    Otherwise, just hook them, also you have to rely on them to actually become tormented, which is EXTREMELY DAMN EASY to avoid!

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    Yeah i get what ur saying and I mean I guess for organised or decently good survivors that know how to counterplay the cage it isnt much of a problem. And it also always depends on ur playstyle as killer. Im saying what I've noticed with a lot of killers in like the mid rank section where i play survivor is that they cage someone and immidiately start running towards the cage. Then they just stay close to it and wait till someone unhooks to go right after them again. And when u solo queue almost certainly someone will unhook. In my 8 games against PH yesterday I've had like 5 games where the killer just did that and it worked mostly do to the ranking system mixing like a rank 15-20 in there who had not even remotely a clue what was going on and how to counter it and just wanted to help and randoms not having the organisation to pull of a good counterplay. And I mean a safe way to counterplay that is by just doing the gens that are furthest away from the cage just as u would counter facecamping but with facecamping u had the remote chance to be able to rescue someone via borrowed or them having DS. Here u dont have that.

    As to the Extremely Damn Easy to avoid stuff. It is not super hard to avoid even though I wouldnt call it extremely easy. For one its the typical huntress hitbox thing, where u can clearly run by a trench to the right or to the left and still get cursed since the hitbox went further than the graphics for the trench. I had that happen a few times where I was like "I clearly didnt run through that so why am I cursed". And honestly sometimes u just cant avoid it. if u vault a window in a chase and he just put a little puddle behind it and u see it too late it already happened.Or when he put a little puddle in tall grass on autohaven same story. Its really hard to see and if u get close to it ur done. Its the same like the Bear Traps. If they are bright on an open field its np, but if u hide them in the right places they get u. And also on some maps u just can't avoid it. Like on Hawkings one dude just made like 4 trences from entirely left to right in a corridor where almost no door was open. So u come around the corner and basically have the choice to crouch though those trenches and get downed, or try to escape and get cursed and when ur caught ur screwed. So in my opinion its not that super easy to avoid in all circumstances.

    And I mean theres probably a lot of killers that play him rn that dont play like that. Like I also wouldn't play him like that when I start playing him in the next few days. But there also seems to be a lot of killers that discovered that this playstyle is working well if u want it especially against non red rank or experienced survivors. And that u dont have any tools to stop it if the killer really wants to play like that is my more my problem than the cage itself.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    You'll need to either learn when to give up on another survivor, or how to disrupt a killer's focus. If they're camping, just work gens. If they're actually still patrolling, then distract them and trust someone else to go for the save. If you can't do that, then the killer is winning.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    Yeah but I mean its not about winning tbh. Like I had 2 games rn again where 2 survivors stayed below 2k points just because PH caged them and then basically drew a trench fortress around the cage. Like u need to crouch there since he would come back immidiately if he sees u getting cursed and then downs the caged person again. Or u just give up on them and try to rush gens with three ppl which is really hard with randoms to do tbh. But that u have no way to counter that in any way and that apparently a lot of ppl play him like that is just annoying. Like if at least one survivor dies with 2k points each game something is wrong. And I know the devs had good intentions with that power but if u want it its just so highly abusable tbh.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Reee i cant have all my second chance crutch perks please nerf

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    Haha thats a very grown up Argument. Honestly im Rank 1 killer and only Play surv for archives so id rather see DS and borrowed removed earlier than later. But apparently most killer mains like you seem to forget that survivors want to have fun too. And queuing 10 Minutes to see urself die in a cage for 4 Minutes and then going back to queuing for 10 Minutes withput bring able to do anything about it doesnt seem that fun. Like remove ds and borrowed pls but also dont make him see the cage. Its just as stupid

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Well maybe they should avoid the big final fantasy 14 glowing orange indicator then.

  • veronix
    veronix Member Posts: 1

    Ok I don't know if anyone mentioned this because i really don't want to read 60 comments with 5 paragraphs so i'm just gonna say it myself. Yes there are some points where you can't see the rites of judgments however after seeing the first one or finding out your up against pyramid head the first thing you should start doing is looking closely at the ground and if you do see one crouching through it will make you invulnerable to the curse.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I only started playing around September. I'm guessing some time between last June and September PH was nerfed so that he can no longer see the cage...