Pryamid head at un-dropped pallets = no counter-play if you're injured.

If you run to throw down the pallet, he will go into his power and hit you with his power.
If you see him go into his drag mode (power), you won't take the pallet because you (correctly) know if you throw it down he will hit you with his power. However, when you curve to fake it, he simply goes out of his power and hits you regularly.
There is no counter play at undroped pallets. A small delay needs to be added when going out of his power, I recommend the same amount as the doctor.
Undoubtedly he is the strongest killer out there atm.
I've got green rank killers absolutely thrashing red ranks and this is experience from over a few games now.
He has to be balanced properly otherwise they are going to loose a lot of survivor players
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If you doge enough to avoid the pretty sizeable hit box you don’t have enough time to throw it down depending on distance
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I've been playing some more, and I've unfortunately been getting a lot of people dcing now because of PH :(
It may be an overreaction, but it's a negative reaction none-the-less which is not good for the games player image.
They're just needs to be some either removal of a passive/ skill from PH or provide survivors with a counter-playable perk/ item considering PH counters nearly every player strategy and hook related perk.
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Are you serious? How in any way is he the strongest killer
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I think someone forgot about nurse, spirit , billy , oni and freddy give him a week or 2 and he will remember which killer are the strongest
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I think people just need to play against him more. Adapt etc.
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Nerf Pyramid, then people complain about the next best killer like freddy and billy, then nerf every killer to a level where it doesn't matter which one you'll play because you might as well put all of them in a clowncostume. If a char doesn't have an opressive ability then there's no point to playing him.
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Ph isnt the strongest by any stretch of the imagination
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Try pretending to throw it, when he fires easily side step the extremely slow attack..then throw like a charm..your welcome
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You wont be able to because he can simply cancel with no penalty and m1. He's a fairly strong zoner.
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Or just, like, run? If there's only one decent tile in the area, you put yourself in a deadzone, and that's really your fault. He's designed to disrupt the meta. Right now, the meta is loops and DS/BT/DH. Learn how to play another way besides only relying on them, and you'll win against him easily.
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I know that..I made one DC already
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Pyramid Head is balanced. If you run like crazy and try to loop him without looking at him... well, you're digging your own grave. He's not even that powerful, if you see a Trail while Pyramid Head follows you, then you run to another tile.
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Also, Pyramid Head destroying red ranks doesn't mean he's the strongest .Only shows the fact that those red ranks are relying too much in looping and they are in red ranks just because they know how to loop, not because they are good at the game.
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The survivor meta shall not be disrupted in any way. This is required by law.
You can see that by how the strongest survivor perks are all from 2016, or early 2017.
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I feel like he has enough counterplay at the moment. No killer always has counterplay at any given time.
I think just waiting at the pallet and dropping it the second he cancels his power is pretty good counterplay, since he can't lunge out of his power. More complex tiles like Jungle Jyms are also pretty good against him I feel.
He needs deadly chase potential though to make up for his rather subpar map pressure.
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"Guys he's too op no counterplay his attack keeps hitting me at pallets while i'm animation locked #########...."
Do the same as huntress. Do the same as deathslinger. ######### PRE-DROP THE PALLET YOU NUMBSKULL!!!!
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I played against pyramid head in red ranks and just disagree that he doesn't have counter play. He plays very similarly to huntress when I was running him and so I either kept running when I thought he'd use his power or dropped the pallet early. He's not unbeatable, other survivors just don't like having to go against decently powered killers they can't steamroll.