General Discussions

General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 715

    And this comment proves that people are ready to eat up everything devs suggest them.

    You know such measures wouldn't be needed if we got proper feedback, right?

  • Member Posts: 715

    The feedback is there, can't hear anything from the devs. ❤

  • Member Posts: 112

    With teachable perks all survivors are skins.

    Put the same perks on two different survivors, they'll play the same

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited June 2020

    Don't like it? Don't buy it, close your wallet towards Behaviour, tell others to do the same, give feedback saying you don't like said thing and would be more inclined to buy it if it was changed to be better.

    I didn't buy the Silent Hill Chapter because of how bad it was, even more so now that I found out they Linked Cosmetics together (Besides Lisa Garland, Alessa Gillespie's Torso and Legs possibly looking strange separated, and the Lost Mascot Head and Body possibly looking strange separated) and telling us this very poorly (The patch notes out of everything explains it the best, what a joke they expect we know what a symbol and + signs mean).

    Oh also the perks are still bad, I just want Repressed Alliance for a meme build and I'd rather wait for it on the Shrine of Secrets then give them cash.

  • Member Posts: 715

    So we mori people who use cosmetic advantage but we ignore people who support this kind of scam? Trust me, if I hadn't played the game I would think Lisa is a separate character with different voice. I'd buy her immediately.

  • Member Posts: 188

    I think the big problem is that it's advertised as a new character kinda thing for the new legendary rarity but it's not worth the extra money at all. It's just cheryl looking completely different. Basically a new skin so why should it cost the price of 3 new characters when it's not even one?

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Give her a break. She already suffered too much in Silent Hill. 😭

  • Member Posts: 688

    I don't agree with targeting Lisa players, just because of the character they are using. It's not fair at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    And taking it out on other players is the way to go is it...

    As I said pathetic community.

  • Member Posts: 715

    Okay, let's say that the devs don't listen. The cosmetic kinda got sold because people where expecting it to be a new character in form of a skin as it was advertised. What are you supposed to do? Just eat it up?

  • Member Posts: 715

    I K N O W. (I even had a thread talking about it.) We want better for her. :(

  • Member Posts: 1,131
    edited June 2020

    Oh , another "let's mori people for reason x" thread.

    Killers use mori and camp all kinds of survivors for any reason they come up with. I doubt that this will be unique enough to get noticed.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Dude it's a skin. 5$ more than every other skin do you expect them to do a whole new character or what? Stop crying no one Forces you to buy it but tunneling and camping players that buy it because they like it just because you don't like it? That's just pathetic

  • Member Posts: 715

    Huh... Okay, you've got a point here. They problem here is when Susie knows that the doll is bad and still gives money to Bobby. So Bobby could make more dolls.

  • Member Posts: 124

    But they did say it will change the character completly. Not just the model and look, so when they say it changes the character fully you expect everything to change no? You would expect new voices and stuff right? Imagine if they add a billy legendary outfit but its the same voice as steve. You would not like that

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    What exactly is the point of this? These players got screwed just as much as you did, so you take it out on them? @Sonzaishinai made a perfect analogy.

    How would Susie know that the doll is bad before buying it if she can't play with it to try?

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    Uhh, its a skin. You can purchase it if you want to but like said before, the most you are getting out of it are animation and model changes.

    Also this is a terrible idea as BHVR will just change the price or find out why nobody is using the skin ingame, which is mainly due to the high price. But like prior mentioned, buying a skin is an option, you dont need it.

    Also what you said is VERY biased, I don’t have the skin but i like it

  • Member Posts: 316

    At least people are not targetting LGBTQ+ characters...

    ... yet

    On topic:

    I don't really see how targetting people who spent 15 dollars on a skin will make things better?

    Perhaps they weren't aware Lisa didn't come with a unique voice or maybe they just really like (the look of) Lisa?

    I bet- no I KNOW, people have spent hundreds of dollars on cosmetics, so why is it suddenly an issue that this *legendary* skin is a bit more pricey than regular skins?

    However I can definitely understand the annoyance that comes with this price. Because for 1. 15 dollars is quite a lot for a skin and 2. Legion already pretty much has *legendary* skins that are normally priced.

    I just don't think targetting players will solve anything. You'd just make paying customers angry/annoyed at you.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2020

    Dude if you think lisa (and by extension BHVR) is bad don't look up paradox games XD

  • Member Posts: 116


  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited June 2020

    "This is a Brilliant idea! Really a one of a kind way to show how much we hate the devs! Lets all band together to punish people for throwing money at them! I mean, how Dare those idiots support this games growth and development by throwing an extra $15 bucks at the devs on top of the $7 they already spent for the DLC! I believe it was made just so that those rich, entitled brats could rub it in our faces, and they deserve to be targeted for it! I mean come on, who in their right mind would want to encourage people to spend money on this PoS game, am I right? They need to be made examples of, so that no one will make the same mistake in the future!" - S. Arcastic

  • Member Posts: 10

    Didn‘t they told us that legendary skins get an own voice? And also there is like 0 reasons to make a „new character“ 15$! Yes its a skin but with 15$ you can buy like 3 more characters! And the full skins only are also bad! Because 1. it is more expensive and 2. i cant edit the style i want! I dont know why they did this.. probably for easy money

  • Member Posts: 715

    We supported in by purchasing the chapter. We want to support it more because I like the character, heck, I like how she looks, her skin is mediocre but not bad. But she it's not okay to ask money for a model which doesn't even have anything. Voice, lore, c'mon, 1480 cells. 1 4 8 0 c e l l s.

  • Member Posts: 621

    I wasn't gonna participate, tbh BUUUUUUT..... First game with a Lisa I get, they loop me and Tbag like a mother every time they cross the pallet. Okay. That ######### doesn't work on me. LOL I use my signature mind game and tag them and they book it outside, they go behind the clock tower and drop both pallets and I kept them in the corner, pissing themselves, until I got bored and wandered off. Toxicity in MY trials? Nah. LMFAO

  • Member Posts: 72

    "we don't like something so let's ruin other people's experience"

    Still buying it though, I prefer it to the Cheryl model

  • Member Posts: 41

    Is this all you have to do? Complain about a skin for a character that’s overpriced.... from an industry that overprices things all the time? Please go look at every other micro transaction in every other game and compare them. Welcome to gaming 2014, you’re a bit late. But yeah totally blame survivors who like the look and worked their underpaying job for it. Good idea.

    sometimes I can’t believe what a egomaniac circle jerk this community is.

    Skin is overpriced don’t buy it then. But don’t shyte on others. File a complaint so they can look at it and not listen to it just like everything else wrong w this game.

    and maybe grow up too? Asking too much?

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    So we're tunneling and ruining someone's fun cause they liked Lisa and bought her? That is so mind bogglingly dumb. That isn't gonna send any message to BHVR, you're just playing scummily for no reason. If you want to send a message to them don't buy it. It's that simple. You can send a message even further by not buying the Silent Hill DLC if you want. Match results aren't gonna mean #########, let them know with your wallet. Even then we don't know if this was BHVRs fault, it might've been a demand from Konami, and knowing Konami I wouldn't be surprised.

    Right now you are ruining someone's game for no reason other than the fact they bought a skin for a character they liked from a series they liked. This is just disgustingly sad if I'm being completely honest.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Well, first. I don't see how camping and mori mean they would change something about Lisa, I mean, camping and mori is used by tons of killers and it's a playstile (even if it's a not cool one).

    And second yes, you're right about the Lisa skin being expensive. Now, to stay tonopic (I didn't bought her, by the way):

    "It's just five dolars more than any cosmetic" It's not a cosmetic, it's a "entirely different character" (Behaviour words, not mines) so yes, you're paying five more dollars for a "different character", as different character one think different voice and model. Jesus, they could even make some unique animations for her.

    Think about it, purchasing Lisa is more expensive than buying Pyramid Head and Cheryll by themselves and those two are two models, with 3 perks each one and two different backstories, so yes, they should at least use a different voice because when they said Lisa was coming, they had the license for her, so they could say "you can make Cheryll looks like Lisa" instead of "it's a entirely different character" when it just only looks like another character.

    Second point, a person can complain if he/she purchases something. It's not ok to say "don't like it, don't buy it but don't come here crying", a person has the right to complain, specially if you're a costumer you can complain about the quality of the product you bought.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I bought it to flex

  • Member Posts: 165

    ahh the good ol' collateral damage, cheap move but effective

  • Member Posts: 113

    Yup, let's be super scummy even though they probably waited like 30 minutes for a match.

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