PC - Leatherface Chainsaw Sound Bug

ZenithZX Member Posts: 43
edited June 2020 in Bug Reporting

I noticed this last patch in addition to this one (figured it would be fixed this patch). Basically, if you down a survivor with the chainsaw as they stun you with a pallet, your chainsaw rev sounds continues to play endlessly until you chainsaw run and hit nothing and go into that pose where you get low to the ground when you fail to hit anything. It's not gamebreaking, but holy crap is it annoying to listen to; its bad on your ears!

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  • ZenithZX
    ZenithZX Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2020

    Edited the title for clarity.

    Also, when I say stunned with a pallet, its when the pallet stuns you and you don't break it with your saw instantly, but you still down them.