Impossible Huntress Challenge

Just wondering if anyone has noticed this yet. This is either a typo or... a typo, lol. Either the devs didnt MEAN in a single trial, or they didnt mean 15 survivors. I dont think I have to explain to anyone why this would be impossible.
this can pretty much only be done if you farm and the survivors let you and know what you're doing
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How many games have you gone into where there is 15 survivors and not just 4? This doesnt say hit survivors 15 times, it says hit 15 survivors.
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It says survivors, not different survivors.
You need to hit them 15 times.
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oh i didnt even process it like that... thats just too dumb to of even registered. wow yeah thats got to be a typo
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I think this means the same thing. Like with the challenges in level 2 and 3 it would say "Start a chase with 20 different survivors".
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Its not impossible at all. It takes two hatchets to down a survivor. Assuming you just immediately hook, thats 6 hatchets per player to kill them. You don't have to hit "15 different survivors" you just have to hit 15 hatchets in one match.
Not easy, mind you, but nowhere near impossible.
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Never said nailing 15 shots was impossible, just the idea of hacking in the other 11 survivors to hit with hatchets, lol. What they MEANT vs what they typed are 2 very different things.
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Admittedly, they are pretty good at specifying when they want you to do something to “different” survivors, if that’s your concern. But still, 15 hatchet hits is gonna be hard! Even for the pros! Since I’m no pro, I’m gonna hafta try to farm this one.
Worked for me last time when I stood in an elevated position and threw without chasing anyone.
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Nah, I'm not sweatin havin to get 15 hits. Huntress is one of the killers I normally cycle through, so I'm pretty confident I can land enough shots.
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Hitting 5 survivors in one FF isnt much easier. It happens but its flippin rare
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Just farm. lol
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Just throw them over the wall, there's a chance you'll hit a survivor in the next map over.
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The legion one is way ######### harder IMO, 4 survivors in one instance of FF is hard enough as is on some maps, now, 5 survivors in one instance?
I will see if I can complete it in the game with the mural drawing + sketch
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When it requires different survivors, it specifies "different survivors." The word "different" isn't in this challenge description, so it just means land 15 hatchet hits in one match. That's how the challenges have always been worded, iirc.
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Sounds difficult, but at least it isn't basement four people.
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That's the same as all challenged
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It's not impossible but it's going to be painful for survivors. You basically have to dominate the survivors. Kill 2 and force the remaining 2 into submission. Bring them to a gen and get them to work on it then throw hatchets at immobile targets. Get them to take turns picking each other off the ground until you get 15 hits. It sucks for everyone one involved. But not impossible.
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If you see some survivors in your trial randomly go down without you hitting them...your welcome, lol
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If they meant 15 DIFFERENT survivors, they would say so. Although something like "hit survivors a total of 15 times in a match" would be better, the phrasing in this one works too.