The New Patch Made The Game Infuriatingly Broken, and Here's The List to Prove It.

- Survivors now make no sound while doing ANYTHING unless it’s an action (such as vaulting or repairing)
- Survivors no longer turn their heads to the direction their looking, making it impossible to know if they have Dead Hard until they hit you with it.
- The new map is extremely broken and frustrating. It’s easy to win on, but it’s still extremely frustrating when I literally can’t move down a hallway because objects (like the hallway with a bunch of goo on one side of the wall) block me from blinking/moving.
- Most maps have had their sounds removed relating to survivor movement.
- No sounds while on the ground is now not just a ‘chance’, it now always happens.
- Killer lunges are broke on the survivor side, as certain killers seem to play a short lunge animation when they’re really doing a long one (causing hits that don’t look like they connect). This also applies vise-versa, where you think you hit the survivor but instead you do a short whiff.
- Grabbing is now more consistent on the Killer side, but is extremely broke on the survivor side. You can be on the other side of a pallet, hit the ground, and still be grabbed. This feels douchy.
- Clown is bugged, as his reload makes his movement speed EXTREMELY SLOW for a few seconds after.
- Survivors can, once again, get stuck inside hooks. This soft-locks the game until they D/C, as it’s reported that you cannot be killed by EGC.
- The new map has a few spots that are completely safe all of the time (specifically the corner of the courtyard where you can literally trap yourself in-between pallets as survivor), and the rest of the map is baren. Extremely boring, and especially unfun when the map’s geometry is broken.
- Btw, all survivors have Iron Will and don’t breathe.
- Billy is bugged again. It’s not as bad as before... but Billy is bugged again. His animations are wonky, and his movement has changed.
- Demogorgon does not come out of his power where he is supposed to; instead, it can be a too early or too late exit.
- Blood Warden doesn’t work on dying survivors on the new map.
- Generators generally don’t make any sounds, which is BEYOND ridiculous when the objective is generators.
- When trying to hook a survivor, the game sometimes will pull out it’s dedicated servers and force you to spam space to get the hook.
- Survivors and Killers both now have an increased tendency to literally teleport to previous locations.
- The button to Exit the Game doesn't work, and neither does Alt + F4.
- The button to Exit the Match doesn't work.
- Legion is unable to vault certain windows while in Feral Frenzy, making some areas (Like main buildings that can be looped by using these windows) god loops against Legion until they're blocked off.
- On PS4, it is REPORTED that, if two or more survivors try to open exit gates at the same time, one survivor will fly into the air and the other will crash. I can't prove this because I don't play on PS4.
- The new map has MULTIPLE LOCATIONS THAT THE KILLER CAN HOLD THE GAME HOSTAGE IN. MULTIPLE. LOCATIONS. What was the goal here, to give the killer an advantage in some rooms or make trolls borderline impossible to defeat on this map?
- Oni can periodically be unable to use his power, and proof of this was given in the comments.
- It is REPORTED that you can can get stuck INSIDE of the wall of The Asylum (On Nurse's map), soft-locking the game. I don't know if this is correct or not.
- Flashlights are off-axis, making the beam aim to the right instead of the usual straight beam.
Tell me how all of this got through without at least SOME testing. Please.
I’ll still play killer, and I know a lot of others still will, but the game is INFURIATINGLY BUGGED and it coincidentally helps the survivors immensely. If I didn’t know better, I would suggest rolling back until the bugs are fixed.
FYI Demogorgon portals are bugged sometimes despite the animation moving you to your portal you will emerge 5 feet away this can include merging you into geometry and get stuck. It can happen on any map especially with elevated portals.
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Killers are gonna start boycotting if those sound bugs don't get fixed soon. Hope they can get a hotfix rolling in the next week or so.
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And don't forget that Nurse's power is basically unplayable at times, even after 13 months now.
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Ah yes, very cool
I’ve only experienced it not working for me periodically (99% of the time on the new map). Although, it does seem that the blink charge is a bit more broken than usual
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We need a big patch that addresses the long list of killer bugs. It's about time ... the list is not being shortened patch after patch, on the contrary, it is getting longer.
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You really think all of this escaped testing? It didnt, but gotta get that DLC out ASAP
as goblins in WoW say; "Time is money, friend"
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DbD is a bug itself.
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They really need to skip a chapter or two, and dedicate those 3-6 free months to cleaning up their game. No balance changes, not even quality of life changes, but just code optimisation. Rewrite some parts, tweak some parts, and test it all extensively, maybe even with community help, if there is time. In the end we should get a game that runs better (especially on console), has less bugs, is less prone to generate new bugs when new content is added, and free up some hardrive space (the game is 35GB big for some reasons).
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"Survivors can, once again, get stuck inside hooks. This soft-locks the game until they D/C or they’re killed by EGC."
Experienced that and didn't get killed by EGC. Killer had to DC.
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Good joke.They took over half a year to "fix" the bug where downed survivors don't make any sounds.This is probably gonna take years until it gets fixed.
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don't know why behaviour didn't hire you yet to do the patch notes, you do a better work tbh
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Survivors have iron will? #########? You mean, there is a bug where survivors do not make any sound? If that's it, the game is oficially dead by broken
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They also made it so we can't check profiles anymore. :(
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So much for three week from PTB i guess..
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During the end screen*.
You can still check pre-game.
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How do I check a killer's?
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You don’t.
They didn’t fix it.
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That's why i said they "fixed" it.
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Ah, alright. In that case, I was just pointing out how stupid it is that they “fixed” it
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Cries in demo main
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Dying survivors are not retained by Blood Warden (On the new map).
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The new map is easy to win on until main survivors learn it. Mark my words.
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Ok with the lunge thing, i thought that was just me f'n up. Its like hits just arent connecting like theyre supposed to
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BuT iTs DiFfErEnT tEaMs
Seriously though. Skip a chapter and have everyone focus on fixing bugs except the cosmetic team (just to keep some cashflow coming in).
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On every killer but Nurse it’s already a mess for both sides, as there are only 3 entrances to the second floor (and breaking the doors to get to the second floor benefits survivors more than the killer). It doesn’t matter if it’s easy, what matters is that it’s boring, buggy, small, and frustratingly bad.
I’ll add it.
I actually figured this out myself, along with Zubat when we played against each other. He pointed out I played a short-lunge animation in his side while on my side I did a long one, and vise-versa by watching streamers kissing my blade/whiffing on my side and my blade going through people on the survivor side.
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I was getting so mad because i thought i just became complete ######### at tge game. I actually put it down and stopped playing yesterday because i thought i was just doing that bad. This is not good at all
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I've been having these bugs:
Been having survivors stutter/glitch when trying to rescue another survivor. I've seen it while being rescued and as auras of other survivors using Kindred.
When killer has been hooking survivors the game will freeze for couple seconds like it's going to disconnect. Confirmed this happened with someone else on my team that it froze for them too so wasn't my connection.
Killers footsteps not making sounds.
When starting on a generator all sounds are quiet until I mess up a skill check then sounds work normal.
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I’ve experienced gens not having any sounds myself, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one before I added it. I’ve also encountered hook glitches, and teleporting around the map.
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The thing that gets me is when I played the PTB I didn't experience any of these glitches. It could be difference between PC and console (I play on PS4). But I'm guessing alot if these are happening for PC too so I'm wondering what did they do during those 2 weeks that caused all these glitches.
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It's pretty blatant at this point. You don't keep pushing content with more and more bugs if you actually care about the quality of your product. Either you do or you don't. They fix half as many bugs as they introduce and it's not clear how much QA goes on. Within 20 seconds I found two blink deadzones on Midwich. I'm frustrated and feel disrespected as a consumer who has spent hundreds of dollars on the game at this point. Their priorities are pushing content at all costs while staying up to a year behind on bug fixes. At a certain point, it's a slap in the face.
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I'm also adding the fact Quit Game isn't working right, and sometimes the Leave Match button doesn't either.
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stop with the new stuff fix the game
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And why don't you?
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Because it doesn’t give you an option to; you can only look at people through match details in post-game, and that doesn’t show the killer.
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You used to be able to click profiles at the end of a match, now you cannot. Neither killers nor survivors can be checked in the scoreboard after the game. I don't care as much about checking profiles before the match starts anyway.
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I know... I’m talking about the post-game scoreboard. They added an option in options to view the match details while in the post-game scoreboard, but it doesn’t show you the killer’s profile.
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Don't forget about Legion buggy frenzy vaults is some maps (like sanctum of wrath)
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On PS4, If more then one survivor goes to open the gate at the same time one will fly up in the air and the other will lose connection. Fun
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Don't worry, I noticed the gen sound issue too & made a forum post about it lol. You're not crazy!
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Also don't forget the one on the nurses map(The vault in the green half circle room's vault in the main building) can get you trapped inside of the wall for the rest of the match.
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In stats screen perks sometimes don't even show.
Also, I encountered a bug, where Oni sometimes can't use power for some reason. Video:
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Bug reports go here:
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I got pulled off a gen by Spirit before she even reappeared. Oh yeah, and the sound that plays when she's phasing near you never played.
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I'd like to point out that Behaviour Interactive's estimated annual revenue is currently $113.1 million per year.
And they don't want to hire more people who "don't get their way of doing things" per King's interview with Mcote.
Do you think this is still a small gaming company that's doing its best?
It feels like they're milking this thing for all its worth and people keep throwing money at the company hoping that their contribution will magically get the devs to fix the game.
Take a look at this list of bugs and issues.
Think about your own issues you have with the game.
Don't you think millions of dollars should be enough money to hire more people to at least get the bugs out of the game?
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@Peanits can wet get an official word on what you guys are doing in regards to the growing list of bugs? As someone said before, you guys should take a chapter break at some point and focus on this surely? Cannot make money if the game continues to break and we all just give up with you guys...
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Had an additional bug yesterday that I know people brought up during the PTB. Middle of being healed and all of a sudden I was Tormented. There was nothing on the ground around me to cause it, Pyramid Head was across the map, two healing me didn't get Tormented. That's a terrible bug to have, especially when depending on what hook stage you're on you could be mori'd.
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Not saying you’re wrong, but just wanna point out that “revenue” is far different from “profit”. Still, I’m sure they could direct at least a little more funding toward the HR department.
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I'm not going to waste my time making bug reports when they're never acknowledged (and mine are usually deleted, despite the fact it's not a dupe of another report). As well as that, making a bug report using support doesn't do LITERALLY ANYTHING as they just give a cookie cutter answer and do nothing. For example, I sent a ticket to support numerous times about being unable to play the game because the survivors kept soft-locking on the hook (giving me a long DC penalty), and they gave me a cookie-cutter answer and closed the ticket every time I made one.
And to everyone that keeps saying that "Oh, why don't you just fix those bugs in the Unreal Engine yourself if you think it's so easy?", I DON'T RUN A MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. And, as well as that, they have obvious points to look towards and find the issue: Some of the bugs happened this patch, so they can already narrow those down to an action taken when this patch was released and just have to take a few days to look into this issue. The difference between a few days to fix bugs from this patch and a few YEARS to fix bugs that have been around forever? They didn't look into it when they started occurring (Like they should've done in the first place), so they can't easily isolate where the issue started like I just did in 10 seconds by using my brain. KEEP IN MIND, THEY HAVE EMPLOYEES THAT PROGRAM FOR A LIVING (I hope); Have them work on something OTHER than new content for a change, and focus on finding the source of these issues so they can't constantly repeat them and make them even more broken (like they have been doing for years now). I'm sure NOBODY at this point cares how long it takes, as long as we get confirmation they're actually WORKING on finding the issues and get LESS BUGS than MORE BUGS in future patches rather than completely ignoring both the bugs and the community complaining about them.
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Also, thanks for moving this to Feedback/Suggestions without actually giving us any word on these issues. Now less people will see this (Because people who don't dig into the forums for a living don't go into feedback), AND it's less likely to be addressed because I haven't seen any positive responses from devs in feedback since I joined the forums.
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They basically silenced criticism pointing out the bugs on top of old bugs during this period where they need people to buy there new licensed dlc characters, if they ever address it, it'll be like 3 months at the least from now. The dev stream said nothing about the sounds when people were talking about it in the chat but none of them acknowledged it.