Pyramid Head: The Ultimate Scumbag



  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Okay then, lets team up tand try to make this change happen. Not trying to be ironic (maybe a little), because that change would be perfect for people that slug if they found the hooked survivor right away or who doesnt tunnel, two less perks that the survivors cant use and one perk for PH that becomes stronger (okay i just went full ironic).

    Honestly i play more survivor than killer and i know good killers dont really mind DS and BT because they can bypass them by playing smart so i dont really use those perks that much. That being said PH for me would just become stronger to go against and even though that would very exciting since im trying to main him a lot of survivors wouldnt really like that me included (yes i know, im just conflicted since i play both sides).

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    The point of Pyramid Head isn't to tunnel whoever is caged. That actually hurts him, if the survivors aren't rank 20's.

    Therefore perks on his cages are irrelevant for both sides. If someone abuses it to successfully tunnel, then

    1. There will always be bad apples, and people who tunnel with any killer. You cannot avoid it, but you can discourage it. Which PH does for the most part.
    2. The survivors didn't take advantage of the situation.

    He's in a good state. I like him. People are very much over reacting. If I were to suggest a change, make it so he cannot see cage auras. Maybe make it a rare add on with some downside.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Mmm... thats kind of stretch, plus that would be a very mediocre survivor that was found really early on, managed to get tormented and down, and that he got to the cage just as another survivor rescued him, all under a minute. Mmm that survivor would probably die under a minute with any killer.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    When did I say it's unbalanced? Did I ever say the game was balanced? No, that's what I thought. It's so unbalanced actually (especially with current sound bugs) that it's not just very much possible to loop a killer 5 gens, it's easier than it's ever been.

    And once again you prove you don't understand the killer at all; you only play survivor and it really shows. Routing is basic and you gotta know where to go if you can or cannot take a hit. Even if you step on Rites it's still better than getting downed, you're not supposed to just have a way out of everything when the killer is supposed to catch you eventually.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Nah. That survivor ran them for a bit before they went into a cage. It's only after they got caged they were tunneled off.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Hhahaha a bit? what 15 seconds? well i guess it can be possible, where can i find me some of those survivors.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Or you could know the loops and put them down in logical places. Stairs,the shack,between pallets etc. Depending on the map, deciding to cage or not needs to be pretty strategic. More often than not it's a waste of time, especially on some of the outdoor maps. I've seen people get saved in seconds. At least the hook is near you and you might catch someone running past. I mean,if you don't play scummy and camp one or the other lol.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Yeah such a crutch when you are caged and he is immediately running to the cage and just camping you/tunneling you as he arrives as soon as you are uncaged. Such fun and interactive gameplay.

    If it's a 'crutch' to be able to play the game after the first time you go down against the new killer, then I think the game is in an extremely unhealthy state and we need some sort of basekit anti-tunneling mechanic.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Tactical Nerf Nuke incoming.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020


    I don't know what is giving you the impression that they were just a bad survivor. They looped the killer for exactly 1 gen before going down the first time. Meanwhile the other survivor went for the save... killer was already there waiting.

    The mechanic is broken if all a killer has to do is go straight back to the cage, and bypass anyone trying to take a hit.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Countering DS is literally the most powerful thing in the game for killer, games with no obsessions are absolutely free wins if you play optimally and the most unfun and unhealthy thing there is for survivors. DS is the best survivor perk in the game, BT is in the top 10 easily.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    I doubt it, decent survivors will adapt easily to this so called "tunnel tactic" and avarage killers will probably not use PH so much since it actually a bit hard to use his ability and is kind just another M1 killer without it.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    How strange, survivors lose some unhook perks and they go crazy, but when a survivor gets a perk that counters unhook perks killers could care less.

    Something here isn’t adding up

    Learn how to go outside of the meta, thats how you counter Pyramid Head, you don’t need DS and BT to win, you don’t need any meta perks to escape, you don’t need any perks to escape, just skill.

    This is coming from a 50/50 player who mains demogorgon in the red ranks and plays Bill in the red ranks...i’ve played against a few pyramids and played as Pyramid a few times. You can still win you just need more than loops to save you against also need to bait his attacks and you’ll be fine.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020


    You wanna know what else is meta?

    Camping and Tunneling. Built-in mechanics the game has had from day 1. So if you wanna shake up the meta that you are talking about those two need to be addressed in some form. Survivors who are new and start to realize that there are perks to counter them learn very quickly that all those times they have been camped and tunneled could have been avoided, but because they were not playing with those perks they died.

    People aren't even mentioning the perks, they are mentioning the cages in their abuseable state.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Out of the approximately 25 PH's I've faced. I'd say 22 were hard tunneling and proxy camping.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406
  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I honestly don't care if you believe me or not lol. I still sleep fine saying I've never used DS before.

  • Fonay
    Fonay Member Posts: 15

    Yea, but it comment like this really depend on personal expierience. For me personally, chances of the killer being a tunneller or a camper are about 70%

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    What do you mean all of a sudden DS isn't a hook perk?? Lol. It very obviously is. It isn't one that I use though. But I know killers got a big chub knowing DS doesn't matter anymore. I personally use BT and deliverance. There's other perks as well. Second wind is even more useless than before lol. DS is not the only perk. So I was correct in saying it plural. But that one does not apply to me specifically, even though it is one of the very many useless perks now.

  • Fonay
    Fonay Member Posts: 15

    Not many killers proved that wrong, for me personally at least

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    I agree, some days i get multiple scummy players in row, some days is just potatoes, but yoy cant just assume every killer plays like a jerk.

  • Fonay
    Fonay Member Posts: 15

    How is he least optimised? Im confused right now. If played right, his ranged attack can basically guarantee a hit

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Bad luck i guess, but if you want to see a more accurate representation of both sides, just watch a dbd stream of your choice and you will see that scummy players are in not in the mayority.

  • Fonay
    Fonay Member Posts: 15

    Yes, thats quite right. I guess its down to luck, and it hasn't been on my side much lately.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    And nothing changes him compared to how other killers play currently. Most good killers don't mind BT and DS, but good killers don't run back to hook, camp, tunnel, etc. I use BT all the time for bad killers because ya seem to run into those more often than good ones.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I'd be fine with that change. He has no reason to see the cage. Seeing it only encourages him to go back. Many people rely on bbq to tell them where to go after a hook so with the cage they dont get that and head straight back because a survivor will guaranteed be there or on their way there.

    Most people very much tunnel with him at the cage though. That's always an easy 2 or 3k.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Because he has to waste time running to the other side of the map expecting that no one got their before him. In my experience every single time that i was far away from PH when he caged someone the cage spawned somewhat close to me or another survivor, making it very hard to effectivily tunnel someone. But hey thats just me, maybe i just got super lucky with about 20 games.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632







    Every match against Pyramid Head has turned out this way (save 1).

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Also yes if played right is guaranted hit, and if played right by the survivor is a guranted miss (since is so easy to dodge).

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    1. I do play both sides but okay. 😂

    2. You were trying to shame me for ever going down to a killer for the first time so that must mean I'm bad cause I got caught once. So I was asking if I should just be able to run them forever then?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    You are absolutely right.

    The only PH I have played between the PTB and the current release that didn't tunnel the ######### out of survivors stood at the hook face camping trying to use his special ability to get a 2-for-1. They are playing like trash.

    But TBH, enough changes have been made with this patch (and effective bugs created) that most Killers just play like trash now. Hardly anyone, it seems, can legitimately 3-hook a survivor to death. It's just an onslaught of camping, tunneling, and/or slugging for an all-too-frequent 4k. DBD has steadfastly removed the onus of any skill from the killer and placed it solely on the survivor. The game has become extremely unenjoyable...especially this week. I will be playing a lot of 7-days and hoping they hot fix some #########.

  • Fonay
    Fonay Member Posts: 15

    Okay, gotta give it to you the cages do make it harderti tunnel but i dont expect many survivors are actually gonna be hit with the trail, meaning most likely ending up on the hook. Setting up trail to block a path for the survivor leaving them limited option of running away safely, then the ranged attack can be used to hit the survivor, or if they try to dodge cancel into M1. Now that i think about this, you probably want to be hit with the troment since its way better for the survivor since its anti tunnel lol. (All of this is waht i saw in my games)

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't think OP realizes that there's a way to not get tormented. OP claims there's "no" downside to using the trails, when you literally have your ability to move side to side taken away and travel at less speed. Also, OP acts like there's no way to get around a PH using his trails in a loop, as if you can't just run to a new area when he's trying to do that crap. I assume you stay at loops and try to play them against a Clown, or Freddy, Hag, and Trapper too when they use their powers on loops?

    Since PH came out I've been in about 5 or 6 games with him in it, 2 were me playing him to test some stuff out. Of all those games, I think only 3 people got mori'd/mini mori'd and 2 were a mini mori while I was playing the PH games, and the other one was a mori off 1st hook against one of the other PHs I played against. I was tunneled by one, but it wasn't even because I was tormented or anything, it's because I was playing on The Game with almost nowhere to run. I don't even bring DS anyway so when a killer decides to tunnel me like that it's pretty much game over for me anyway, so it's not just PH. I played against 2 Billies in the same day during those games, and both of them were just as scummy if not more scummy than the PHs I played against.

    I just think it's absolutely bananas how people complain about PH's cages being OP or whatever when there's plenty of ways to try to avoid it, and there's way more OP things that exist in the game. Like, do people forget that you can also negate DS on any other killer by simply just using a mori and killing somebody off first hook? That's something every killer can do, bring a mori and kill people off first hook, and PH can't do that with his cages. People complain about such small things when there's much bigger fish to fry.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Yeah thats correct, my problem with this whole situation is that some people are coming here and saying that the only tactic that PH players are using is the "tunnel tactic" and in my mind and the experienced that ive had is that this "tactic" is the worst one and ive bearly seen it in use, since is so counterintuitive to cage someone and waste gen pressure or focus another survivor to just tunnel.

    I know it happens, but specially with PH is just so not worth it, any killer that tunnel will tunnel you no matter what killer they use, and i can already tell that PH will not be the choice of tunnelers since their are much easier and better options (facecamping bubba, spirit, doctor).

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    So this thread is basically about killers patrolling the cage? Cuz if the killer is dumb enough to force a cage and then use the cage only to run to the cage, thus wasting time, isn't that a win? It's better than them just face camping, normal hook patrolling, slugging, etc. U get way more chances to survive if their goal is to tunnel or camp.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    In my personal experience I'm getting tunneling PH more often than not. My post was not saying it is a good strategy, but it's such an easy one to do without any worries or punishment at all. No BT to worry about, and especially no DS for those who use it. The fact that they even have that option to tunnel freely is what bothers me the most because MANY (in my personal experience) are taking advantage of it. It might not be the most optimal strategy on him but it's generally an easy 2k.

    Other killers can tunnel better, such as bubba, yes. But he still has BT and DS to deal with. People can deliverance and even Kobe with him. With PH you're literally just dead if he wants to tunnel.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Literally every killer plays like jerks. Haha come to console and 9 out 10 games you get killers that want to tunnel and bring ebony Moris every match even if you’re just playing solo que.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    You're assuming a majority of killer mains are going to play PH, play optimally, and just tunnel everyone off hook.... I rarely see anyone actually "tunnel" which is a style the Devs have openly said is fine. So, them making a killer that is good at tunneling isn't surprising and to change his ability to not support tunneling would require a complete rework. So, sorry but people are just gonna have to suck it up and use a different second chance perk if it scares them that much

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    It makes some perks less useful. You aren't going to always be tormented. He's going to hook people. Also, it's ONE killer. He's going to be popular for a minute and then everyone is going to go back to their mains. I agree that the bugs suck and need to be focused on. I don't know if the cage not counting as a "hook" is a bug though since it doesn't activate perks that killers would get for hooking.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Why should ANY KILLER BE NERFED FOR.USING THEIR POWER. Tell you what. If you want PH to be penalized for using his.power. i want a global 5 second stun to survivors whenever a gen is done. Thats stupid right? Like wouldnt that be the worst thing ever??? Thats what you want for killers

  • Eightball_uwu
    Eightball_uwu Member Posts: 55

    but that's literally Huntress? Huntress is arguably stronger than PH because she has superior range and shorter cooldown, meaning that would you argue huntress is abuseable?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Reminds me of Classic Freddy. His power was often used to simply tunnel one survivor to death at a time "Because he sucks at everything else" but in reality playing that way was literally the least effective way to play him and his power was best used for juggling targets, hit n' run tactics, and extreme unpredictability, grinding the game to an absolute halt and constantly disengaging and reengaging to keep 2+ survivors asleep at any one time and abandoning loops for someone else being woken up if your time seems to be being wasted.

    Pyramid Head is similar. Can you use his power to tunnel 1 dude to death at a time? Yes. Is it the most effective way to play him? Not really.

  • kingovbattle
    kingovbattle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020

    I’ve played as PH and played against him, and IMO he is broken. I think the main issue is his movement speed. Either his base speed or Rites of Judgement(RoJ) should be lowered. Or maybe just his turn speed While in RoJ. No other ranged attack killer is 4.6.

    The way he is now removes everything that survivors have to buy extra time: Pallets-useless, Vaulting-useless, Flashlights (saves)-useless, Toolbox sabotage-useless.

    The cages are also broken. They should be treated as hooks, otherwise it completely makes these perks useless: Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Well Make It, Aftercare, Babysitter, Breakdown, Camaraderie, Deliverance, Kindred, No One Left Behind, Off the Record, Second Wind, Slippery Meat, and We’re Going to Live Forever.

    Also is you consider that you get sent straight to cage (and not picked up) it also eliminates The chance to wiggle free or flashlight saved (as stated earlier), but also the perks: Boil Over, Breakout, and Saboteur.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Git Gud. The cage spawns on the opposite side of the map. If you cant beat him to it, it's your own fault

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2020

    I've played plenty of PH games where it's probably a 20-30 second walk to the cage. So within like ~15 seconds I am in visual range of the BT/DS ignoring cage. Much closer than some gens I am sure people might have been on. Sometimes it spawns really far away, but not always.

    PH is the ultimate tunneler because you can kill people even faster than you could just facecamping them. I've actually killed someone so fast using him that I got hit with DS from the guys first hook when I was going to put him onto deathhook (locker DS though, he jumped in before I could torment him again).

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    This may just be me being really tired actually cannot change his cages without making him awful as a killer overall.

    He is having the Legion issue all over again. He can’t get nerfed or buffed without making it harder to deal with certain BS or making him just an awful killer overall. You need to rework Pyramid Head to fix this issue, and you can’t even prove me wrong on it. The change ideas I have seen would either make cages not even worth it or just make his power worthless. Also you can’t nerf camping or tunneling as just like in other games, camping will always happen and “tunneling” to other games will always happen, you can’t just remove it.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    So your saying that you want him to be punished for making reads and/or for using his power?