Pyramid head cannot be countered + OP



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I really don't think Pyramid Head is op. His chase potential is really strong, but it still has counterplay, and he lacks in map pressure. His rites of judgement are a good tool to apply a bit of pressure around maps, and it can at times be good for detection, but other than that, he doesn't have a lot to apply good map pressure, making him pretty balanced in my opinion.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    You have a good point there true normally what I do is I just wait till he hits me eat the hit the save works most of the time

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    The only problem I have with him is the perks they need a bit of a change

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    Like he dose lack map pressure but he makes up for it with the blocking of pallets but even then genrushing is still going on if anything make gems longer

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    The fact that all us good players are doing just fine proves something it's that your awful anyone who says that hes super op is just boosted or bad and I will respect your opinions but I'm sorry to say that you cant just jump into a loop and take the easy way out because that's not skill its luck ok just research how to counter him or get better or make unpredictable movements or jump in a locker with ds activated these are all things that will help you easily counter him like dont act before you think jesus christ some of you just want to enable autoplay and tell yourself that your amazing and I'm afraid to say it doesn't work like that

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Like survivors are so use to finding and running killers around a loop that they cant seem to think of any other ways of counter killers and now that loops are block your best option is to rage in chat like a child? Oh grow up please look I personally love him because it gives be a better chance of forgetting loops and instead getting better at out menovering killers aka 360s 180s wiggle and because I'm not relying on brain dead loops I've actually managed to improve at all these things and I can use that to my advantage against other killers

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Another thing about him that's great is hes anti bodyblock which is amazing because that has been my biggest issue when playing killer and now I can finally reach the injured person without having to try squeeze past 3 little douch bags that seem to like clinging to my legs

  • Riles_McDiles
    Riles_McDiles Member Posts: 7

    It's really people like you who ruin the game. PH has been out for a day now, you aren't just going to know what to do right away. I hated going against Doc, but overtime I learned and adapted. Just give yourself some time to figure him out and you'll be just fine against him.

  • Riles_McDiles
    Riles_McDiles Member Posts: 7

    You get a warning before PotD happens. Most of the time it's pretty easy to avoid unless you animation lock. When he misses he is stunned for a long time. PH using PotD through walls is a more high skill/luck based play than you seem to think it is.

  • Riles_McDiles
    Riles_McDiles Member Posts: 7

    Just bait the JotD. If you can do that you get around 3 seconds to run before he can even move again

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    This will be my last comment before I leave because I think I have proven my point about him being balanced but most of you who are complaining about him are the ones who use ds when the exit gate is open just so you can go and tbag at it thinking you are skilled and I would just like to say that those days are over and that you are no longer able to do that so press on also I'd like to say that we needed a counter towards loops ds and body blockers so that is why ph is balanced

  • Tritoneko
    Tritoneko Member Posts: 4

    I'll throw my 2 cents into this discussion ~

    • I think this movement speed needs a slight reduction, the simple fact that he has a ranged attack shouldn't give him the prowess of melee only killers. He currently sits at 4.6m/s but I think 4.3 would be a good start to a small balance.
    • Torment needs a timer; While although I understand that you can just crouch through torment, it's always possible to make a mistake like vaulting and it being right below your feet. My main concern with his torment is that current killers are just saving it till the end without the ability of counter-play. If you take The Pig saving their headtraps for example, a survivor can still find hatch or take their chances disarming it. With the cage you can't do anything, no deliverance, no BT/DS (I don't use those anyway, just highlighting what other have said), it's just far too harsh a snowball mechanic I think.

    Everything else about him I think is fine - Survivors will learn where his "eyes" are for blinds and survivors will learn his movements and mind games for the ranged attack alongside everything else it takes to getting used to a killer.

    Those are just my thoughts though as I've watched a lot of content on him and played a decent amount of games against him that I've noticed these two little things possibly being a concern for other players.

  • CLippyTHeRUnt
    CLippyTHeRUnt Member Posts: 21

    Bro exactly the fact you can’t loop him because he shoots that stuff at you every 4-5 seconds makes this so un fun

  • Bluegatti
    Bluegatti Member Posts: 80
  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    While I agree with the OP, I don't know why they bothered posting. These forums and reddit are dominated by killer mains. The devs have shown that they prefer killer over survivor since that's what they play as well. They won't listen until large amounts of survivors leave this game or stop spending money on it.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Not true, at least for the most part of it isn't. I don't know about Reddit because I don't go there anymore. It was literally nothing but bad memes.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    It IS true. Every survivor-sided post ends up with endless replies from killer mains saying, "No it's not OP," "No, it's fine as is", etc. And any complaints in the general discussion get moved to feedback to hide them. It's a joke.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    If you feel that way, there is nothing I can say to make you think otherwise.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I have been playing Pyramid head for a good while now and can say from my experience that PH is anything but OP in general.

    The only OP thing he has that I don't like is the 98% safe ground shot on survivors who are locked on the animation of vaulting a window or dropping a pallet. It's very easy to predict when they are forced to jump through a window or drop a pallet and then just shoot them right before this, guaranteed hit every single time and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it at that point. If they choose to mind-game and instead just not drop a pallet or jump through a window, PH quickly recovers from his special ability to M1 them for trying to mind-game. There needs to be a a small slow recovery time for releasing PH special ability if not fired.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    Survivors just want to go against easy survivors they can bully. That's all I am hearing.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Bro do you realise what your saying is stupid as fck like it's so survivor bias all of you just complain and constantly whinge about how you cant get easy killers to face plus we needed a killer that stops op perks like ds and looping needed to be addressed beside all the good survivors are easily beating him so the problem is your just bad not to mention you cant just be allowed to run to the shack or meat tree everytime the killer comes over that's just boring and op so he is balanced and should stay the way he is

  • BlackLotus
    BlackLotus Member Posts: 13

    Pyramid Head is arguably worse than Deathslinger. He's far from OP. His ranged attack has so much warning and Deathslinger can quick scope shoot you without warning. Pyramid Head is low B, high C tier at best.

  • GoblinBoi
    GoblinBoi Member Posts: 13

    He's not even op lmao, I've had games where I killed eryone and games where everyone escapes. Give it a few weeks before you say he's op, I'm sure people are already finding ways to counter him

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Yeah. You could copy/paste this on any survivor complaint. Again, it's all killer mains. I could say the same thing and say that killers aren't good enough at taking on survivors so they need OP killers to get the job done. As I said in my post, the devs are killer-focused and it shows. Your post just enables that.

    For the record, I'm always rank 1 as survivor soon after reset and have beaten the new killer multiple times. I'm not really talking about him here (even though I do think he needs some changes). I'm talking about the pointlessness of even sharing any survivor thoughts because it goes nowhere.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Yeah there was

    First of no need to flex your rank 1 because I am always rank 1 aswell even though its pointless second if what your saying about the devs being killer bias then how come body blocking is a thing how come strong loops exist how is it that dribbling is no longer possible with ds now how come the killer shack still has a pallet how is it that most loops are incredibly safe these are all things that show that the devs are clearly survivor bias also take a look at some of the flash light blinds people get like are you fcking serious it's no where near the killers eyes and yet it still manages to work and let's take a close look at gen rushing like my man the way I see it the devs need to heavily focus on dealing with some survivor based things before they even touch on problems with killer also the wiggle like out running your hit box eh I think not that shouldn't be physically possible so at the end of the day the devs are usually leaning towards survivor complaints than killers

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2020

    And to be honest why is it that the game cant just function the way it is to many want nerfs to many want buffs but at the end of the day it's the devs decision so that's it not to mention if it was killer bias ds Noor op loops and body blocking would be a thing allowing killers to just go on huge murder games with no way of stopping them so just be happy it ain't like that and I'm actually both killer and survivor main so I have rank one on both and no all the tricks on both so theres really no point calling mr bias what I am saying though is some of you are ruining the game and you have to quit it

  • WindStorm
    WindStorm Member Posts: 22

    It s sad that no one can play withou5 DS and borrowed time, maybe go play civilization instead ?

  • JudgeDruss
    JudgeDruss Member Posts: 1
    1. Huntress one shot hatchet
    2. Michael's ultra addons
    3. Moris

    Suddenly Pyramid Head's "instant kill" doesn't too bad does it?

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    That is why literally every ph there was in the tournament got dumpstered. If you are bad at the game, do not cry op.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    I'm sorry but in what aspect is he OP?

    He counters hook perks with cages? Well guess what he cant benefit from his hook perks either, his cage counters ds and bt? Using the cage often makes PH lose pressure as the cage most likely appears next to another survivor across the map ,its often better to slug or just hook.

    The cages are situational, its often best just to save for the mini mori or cage if your already in a chase.

    Mini mori? Well your on deathhook whilst tormented ,the mini mori just shaves some time off ,your gonna die regardless.

    Torment? Does absolutely nothing besides trigger instinct and gives PH the ability to use his already situational cages and mini mori doesnt help PH even down anyone.

    His m2 well it's clunky, easy to dodge as survivor unless your in an animation such as vaulting or throwing a pallet and is just punishing to use in general as whether you land or miss a hit your delayed for a few seconds, yes it can hit through walls but it is still telegraphed heavily and travels slowly in a wave ,the only way to land a hit with it through a wall is by trial and error or just pure luck.

    His zoning is one of the main uses of his m2 ability which allows him to zone at loops which is the only thing he really excels at as he lacks the ability to pressure gens or transverse the map quickly and they're nerfing that and giving pitiful Compensation whilst ignoring why PH players only use the m2 in two scenarios because the m2 is heavily telegraphed and just clunky overall.

    He is far from OP but not bottom tier either.