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General Discussions

Is this really what the devs intended?

The pallet looping is mind boggling. I'm fairly new to the game and wanted to know how long the looping has been like this. It provides for the most boring gameplay and I couldn't see any developer thinking that it was acceptable. Could you imagine watching a horror movie where the survivor ran in a circle over and over?

The higher the rank, the worse its gotten. In addition, what kind of chase is expected to last almost a minute?

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  • Member Posts: 110

    The problem is not the survivor looping around an obstacle over and over again, the problem is that the killer always is running behind him/her to get him and hang him.

    with some more experience (you said you are new in the game) you will see that stopping a chase and go to next gen/weaker survivor will be more succesful. the palletlooper will ran into your weapon later. and even if not, you have two or three others sacrificed. just thinkl about this words. its not your "goal" to kill all 4. two or three are acceptable and bring you pips and bloodpoints as well.

  • Member Posts: 403

    @Socks said:
    The pallet looping is mind boggling. I'm fairly new to the game and wanted to know how long the looping has been like this. It provides for the most boring gameplay and I couldn't see any developer thinking that it was acceptable. Could you imagine watching a horror movie where the survivor ran in a circle over and over?

    The higher the rank, the worse its gotten. In addition, what kind of chase is expected to last almost a minute?

    The key word is you new to the game and your are bound to be bad

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Tsulan said:

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @Socks said:
    The pallet looping is mind boggling. I'm fairly new to the game and wanted to know how long the looping has been like this. It provides for the most boring gameplay and I couldn't see any developer thinking that it was acceptable. Could you imagine watching a horror movie where the survivor ran in a circle over and over?

    The higher the rank, the worse its gotten. In addition, what kind of chase is expected to last almost a minute?

    I am not really sure what it is your are asking/telling us? The game does not have many mechanics to it. Survivors complete generators and try to escape from the killer when needed. There is nothing else to really do. So pallets and looping are part of the way really the only way that survivors can escape.

    So in theory yes, I guess the devs programmed it that way. It has been that way since Day 1. It has gotten quite a bit better with new placements of pallets and closing off certain windows.

    What OP is talking about is the difference of survivor and killer hit boxes. Killers are supposed to be faster than survivor, but because survivors can hug an obstacle closer than the killer, they force the killer to be slower during the loop.
    This has been introduced in 1.4 IIRC.
    A skilled survivor can loop the killer for 5 gens. Which wasn´t exactly what the devs had in mind, but since the devs play on yellow ranks, they don´t really see the problem.

    They should play against the last team I had yesterday. One Meg looped me for five generators on rank 15. I managed to down her once, misjudged the orientation of the hill, got body blocked until she wiggled free. While I was chasing her again, the last generator popped, Adrenaline kicked in, and I lost her.

  • Member Posts: 372

    @Orion said:

    @S0ckenSchuss said:

    @Orion said:

    They should play against the last team I had yesterday. One Meg looped me for five generators on rank 15. I managed to down her once, misjudged the orientation of the hill, got body blocked until she wiggled free. While I was chasing her again, the last generator popped, Adrenaline kicked in, and I lost her.

    You? THE hardcore Killer of all Times? the one who always say 4kill is the one and only way to be a killer? Looped for 5 gens? cant believe it. you've lost the right to be taken seriously with that! what the hell? I hope you got your 4 kill after that adrenaline kick with NOED and Bloodwarden, dont you? No? Maybe, but just....maybe you should stop a five gen loop before it would be a five gen loop and get another, weaker target, to kill even 2 or 3 survivors to get some pips and some bloodpoints and dont answer my posts with "a kilelr is there to kill (4 of course)" and sh*** like that. Really.... 5 genloop.... cant believe it.

    I've never said anything of what you said, but like the other guy, I thank you for saving us all some time and showing that discussions with you are pointless.

    I think you might have a little fan here @Orion lol

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    @Orion said:
    I've never said anything of what you said, but like the other guy, I thank you for saving us all some time and showing that discussions with you are pointless.

    you did as well and you know it. here some examples:

    _Orion Member Posts: 2,592 September 11
    @Unit said:
    I mean what else are they supposed do

    Killers? I dunno, maybe kill Survivors instead of letting them go?_

    or here:

    September 11
    Yes, I have an idea - stop trying to dictate that Killers should not be allowed to kill Survivors and should instead play to farm points. Playing your role is not toxic and is not a problem. Killers are there to kill, period.

    maybe i look for some more examples, but its enough at this time. As I said, cant take you serious anymore.

    The problem is not the survivor looping around an obstacle over and over again, the problem is that the killer always is running behind him/her to get him and hang him.

    with some more experience (you said you are new in the game) you will see that stopping a chase and go to next gen/weaker survivor will be more succesful. the palletlooper will ran into your weapon later. and even if not, you have two or three others sacrificed. just thinkl about this words. its not your "goal" to kill all 4. two or three are acceptable and bring you pips and bloodpoints as well.

    The hell? So it’s the Killers fault and they should be punished for doing exactly what they are supposed to do? 
  • Member Posts: 192

    Unless they add other ways for survivors to gain distance (that isn't exhaustion perks) or try to escape a chase it sort of has to be that way. Yeah, you can pull off a play in many ways. You can lithe + dance with me, you can iron will urban evasion out of a nurse chase while she's fatigued if you're lucky and more. But when actually breaking chase is a risky and inconsistent play, wasting time is the safer option. If you sneak away and avoid running to not make scratchmarks, you're basically a free hit if it doesn't work.

    Eat the pallets, enduring is your friend. Go all out with BS + spirit's fury if you really want to eat them up, maybe even bamboozle for the true JUGGERNAUT build now. And if you're chasing some crazy optimal survivor there's no shame in just making them drop a pallet and looking for a new chase. Sorry, but no matter how badly some people want it to be true to feed their straight up persecution complex even rank 1 isn't exclusively 4man swfs with 10k hours combined doing their best Depip Squad cosplay while communicating like a SWAT team.

    Do I want them to add other things for survivors to use? Yeah! I'd love stuff like crawlspaces, bushes that legitimately make a survivor invisible (not many of them of course) and a perk that lets you press E to hide scratchmarks for X seconds for more consistent chase breaking. But until there's other tools available the pallet dance is the Most Effective Tactic Available, and whining about survivors using it to survive (their objective) is just as asinine as survivors complaining about killers running strong perks or camping when there's an open gate 10 meters away.

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    Jesp said:

    Unless they add other ways for survivors to gain distance (that isn't exhaustion perks) or try to escape a chase it sort of has to be that way. Yeah, you can pull off a play in many ways. You can lithe + dance with me, you can iron will urban evasion out of a nurse chase while she's fatigued if you're lucky and more. But when actually breaking chase is a risky and inconsistent play, wasting time is the safer option. If you sneak away and avoid running to not make scratchmarks, you're basically a free hit if it doesn't work.

    Eat the pallets, enduring is your friend. Go all out with BS + spirit's fury if you really want to eat them up, maybe even bamboozle for the true JUGGERNAUT build now. And if you're chasing some crazy optimal survivor there's no shame in just making them drop a pallet and looking for a new chase. Sorry, but no matter how badly some people want it to be true to feed their straight up persecution complex even rank 1 isn't exclusively 4man swfs with 10k hours combined doing their best Depip Squad cosplay while communicating like a SWAT team.

    Do I want them to add other things for survivors to use? Yeah! I'd love stuff like crawlspaces, bushes that legitimately make a survivor invisible (not many of them of course) and a perk that lets you press E to hide scratchmarks for X seconds for more consistent chase breaking. But until there's other tools available the pallet dance is the Most Effective Tactic Available, and whining about survivors using it to survive (their objective) is just as asinine as survivors complaining about killers running strong perks or camping when there's an open gate 10 meters away.

    Right there is the rub. It’s inconsistent and risky, however it’s supposed to be like that. You as a Survivor screwed up and got found in the first place. Why are you being rewarded with a consistent and low risk option like Looping for screwing up? Where’s the punishment for your failure? Getting chased is no punishment. Hell, you get rewarded for it. Yeah, you’re basically a free hit if it doesn’t work, but that wouldn’t be an issue if you didn’t screw up and get found in the first place, now would it? 

    Your comparsion is completly void as well. Camping has draw backs of zero map pressure so the Survivor team has free reign to do whatever the hell they want on the map. Looping has absolutely zero draw backs and benefits not only the solo Survivor but the team as a whole. Not to mention Survivors have perks too, so that cancels that argument out.

    What Survivors want is a low risk - high reward tactic to cover up the fact they got found with their pants down. 
  • Member Posts: 110

    @SovererignKing said:
    The hell? So it’s the Killers fault and they should be punished for doing exactly what they are supposed to do? 

    I dont know what you have read, but IF you chase a guy for 5 gens and dont get a kill, the hell yeah its the killers fault. why dont you understand that a looper you cant reach, is a waste of time? you dont have time as a killer, we all know that. so if i am not able to reacht a good juker, i change my target. another surv, that is less good in juking. down him, hook him, gain points for him, kick gen back and so on. maybe the good juker will come to unhook, and then you ahve another chance to get him. and if not, there are two others left to hang. what will you prefer? chasing someon over 5 gens and get 0 kills and flame in forum to the devs to change that? or kill at least 3 other survs, get the points for them? cant be that difficult, isnt it?

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Looping has always plagued this game.

    A lot of us have been asking for it to be heavily reduced for the simple reason that a lot of the killers can't work around it. Their powers have a really hard time dealing with it (verse good survivors).

    Good survivors don't fall for a lot of the mind games and are able to drag the chase out a long time.

    Personally, I would largely replace looping with juke mechanics. That way chases are more skillful.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    I suggested making killer hitboxrs smaller. Too bad everyone was like “oh but 360’s will be easier” and “oh no! Then I can’t block everyone for SIXTY minutes in the basement!”

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited September 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Imagine pretending every survivor tbags so you can feel good about ######### posting.

    Also, killers objective on that page is to catch survivors, do you want survivors to get on the hook for you as well?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @S0ckenSchuss said:

    @Orion said:
    I've never said anything of what you said, but like the other guy, I thank you for saving us all some time and showing that discussions with you are pointless.

    you did as well and you know it. here some examples:

    _Orion Member Posts: 2,592 September 11
    @Unit said:
    I mean what else are they supposed do

    Killers? I dunno, maybe kill Survivors instead of letting them go?_

    or here:

    September 11
    Yes, I have an idea - stop trying to dictate that Killers should not be allowed to kill Survivors and should instead play to farm points. Playing your role is not toxic and is not a problem. Killers are there to kill, period.

    maybe i look for some more examples, but its enough at this time. As I said, cant take you serious anymore.

    Where do I say that Killers should 4k every time, which is what you said I said? Stop lying.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)
    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

  • Member Posts: 110

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    And dont forget the MOST important feature:

    °Disconnect without punishment if you dont like what you see (a killer, a perk of the killer, a killer that downs
    you when you just were in front of him to tebag him and there was no down of yourself intended)

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @Socks said:
    The pallet looping is mind boggling. I'm fairly new to the game and wanted to know how long the looping has been like this. It provides for the most boring gameplay and I couldn't see any developer thinking that it was acceptable. Could you imagine watching a horror movie where the survivor ran in a circle over and over?

    The higher the rank, the worse its gotten. In addition, what kind of chase is expected to last almost a minute?

    In almost every horror film a character or two spend time running in circles, the only difference is we get to see a nice kill at the end.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @S0ckenSchuss said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    And dont forget the MOST important feature:

    °Disconnect without punishment if you dont like what you see (a killer, a perk of the killer, a killer that downs
    you when you just were in front of him to tebag him and there was no down of yourself intended)

    Killers never disconnect by the way.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @S0ckenSchuss said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    And dont forget the MOST important feature:

    °Disconnect without punishment if you dont like what you see (a killer, a perk of the killer, a killer that downs
    you when you just were in front of him to tebag him and there was no down of yourself intended)

    Killers never disconnect by the way.

    When you have no counter, tu quoque your way to avoid answering the question.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Orion said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @S0ckenSchuss said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    And dont forget the MOST important feature:

    °Disconnect without punishment if you dont like what you see (a killer, a perk of the killer, a killer that downs
    you when you just were in front of him to tebag him and there was no down of yourself intended)

    Killers never disconnect by the way.

    When you have no counter, tu quoque your way to avoid answering the question.

    there was no question asked, but of course you don't read posts and just constantly yabber on about nothing anyway.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Vietfox said:
    Socks said:

    The pallet looping is mind boggling. I'm fairly new to the game and wanted to know how long the looping has been like this. It provides for the most boring gameplay and I couldn't see any developer thinking that it was acceptable. Could you imagine watching a horror movie where the survivor ran in a circle over and over?

    The higher the rank, the worse its gotten. In addition, what kind of chase is expected to last almost a minute?

    Map has been redesigned for that purpose. That being said, loops are sometimes mandatory so you can buy more time for your teammates to complete the gens.
    As a survivor you can either play stealthy or not, each survivor has a different personality and that's the way it should be. So if you gotta face a looper learn how to counter that, especially now that maps have been fixed towards killers.
    As you said you are fairly new to the game, so keep playing, get better and maybe you'll see it's not as bad as you think now.
    Btw, I would never complain about a game which i'm new at (unless it's server issues, fps, etc)

    and even stealth wont work sometimes because of certain perks and addons so remember that even if you're the stealthiest player alive, there's a plethora of perks that will counter stealth.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    How about you and I agree that he's wrong?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say it's the only way to survive at all - but complaining about something that is in the game and literally cannot be removed is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    How about you and I agree that he's wrong?

    Obviously the rank 17 killer needs all the help he can get.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say it's the only way to survive at all - but complaining about something that is in the game and literally cannot be removed is ridiculous.

    You mean like you complained about camping?
    And it sure as hell can be removed.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    How about you and I agree that he's wrong?

    At this point i´m honestly asking myself if i shouldn´t spend my time doing something more interesting like sort my socks by color.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Tsulan said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    How about you and I agree that he's wrong?

    At this point i´m honestly asking myself if i shouldn´t spend my time doing something more interesting like sort my socks by color.

    Watching paint dry, "playing" one of those free games where you just sit still and have resources automatically come to you to be used...

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say it's the only way to survive at all - but complaining about something that is in the game and literally cannot be removed is ridiculous.

    You mean like you complained about camping?
    And it sure as hell can be removed.

    I would love for you to quote me complaining about camping and requesting it to be removed.

    And it sure as hell can be removed.

    Oh god - please, give me all the feedback you have on this, I would love to hear your unbiased way of getting rid of looping that doesn't harm survivors drastically, please, I need to hear this balanced nerf of yours.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Looping is necessary, and the people complaining about how it's been in the game forever but still playing the game? I'd have moved on if something so game breaking had stayed so long.

    OMG you are right! i just opened the game description and there it is under survivor features:

    • run in circles until the killer grows tired of doing so
    • teabag at the exit gates

    Oh look - someone who thinks survivors should run in straight lines so he can get easy wins.

    Please stop putting words into my mouth. I never said that. (sounds familiar?)

    "Looping isn't in the game description" implying it shouldn't be done, camping isn't in the game description either, so killers shouldn't be doing it, obviously.

    There are more things to lose the killer than running in circles.

    Please, tell me the many mechanics to losing the killer, I'm sure you're great at it.

    Devs mentioned camping in the pre release streams.
    They never said anything about running in circles tho.

    Oh, they never mentioned anything about survivors surviving? Are you implying survivors are supposed to do EVERYTHING but run around loops to survive?

    Looping =/= Surviving

    Look, we can go back and forth for hours.
    You claiming that survivors con only survive by looping and i claiming that there are more things like juking, stealth, mindgames, etc.
    You ignoring those things and insisting on looping being the only way, and so on...

    How about we agree to disagree?

    How about you and I agree that he's wrong?

    At this point i´m honestly asking myself if i shouldn´t spend my time doing something more interesting like sort my socks by color.

    Watching paint dry, "playing" one of those free games where you just sit still and have resources automatically come to you to be used...

    Kind of like how you want survivors to automatically be given to you with out effort, rank 17 btw.

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