Some ideas for NOED rework

Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

I've lately been thinking about possible NOED reworks that would make it less "abuseable" and a bit more skill based while still keeping it's effects strong for an endgame perk without feeling too "unfair or opressive".

-Hex: no one escapes death

Once the exit gates are powered if there is any dull totem remaining exit gate switches are blocked for 60s and a random dull totem becomes a Hex totem with these effects:

  1.  Survivors interacting with exit gate switches are exposed for 30s and their aura is revealed while they interact with exit gate switches and 5s after. 
  2. Opening exit gates takes additional 10s and any unfinished progress on exit gate switches regresses at 100%.

-No one escapes death 

Hooking a survivor grants a token. Once the exit gates are powered you gain following effects for each token:

  1. Exit gate switches are blocked for 15s per token. 
  2. Pallet breaking and vaulting speed is increased by 3% per token. 

-Hex: No one escapes death 

Once exit gates are powered a dull totem becomes a Hex totem with following effects:

  1. Single exit gate’s switch is blocked until the hex is broken.
  2. Survivors that were hooked once suffer from oblivious and blindness status effects and they take additional 20s to open exit gates (affected survivors are notified instantly when the Hex activates) 
  3. Survivors that were hooked twice suffer the same effects and are exposed and and can be moried.

I think these would promote skilled gameplay a bit more and make NOED mash better with other endgame perks. Just brainstorimg for possibilities.


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't dislike NOED per say, I just think that pure MM speed bonus + exposed on everyone is pretty boring. I'd love to see some new unique effects for it.

    Also if it helps with the issue of for example LF facemaping survivor and the finishing another 1 or more with NOED (which I can understand why survivor consider cheap and want it reworked) is a bonus that would improve DBD's health.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Sure when survivors perks require any skill at all instead of rewarding you for failing.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    And they should be reworked as well, at least the most opressive of them.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    If I had to pick from these I would pick the 3rd one but make both exits blocked.

    But NoED is fine where it stands, there are much more pressing things that need attention such as second chance perks and map balance/gen balance and on the killer side things like Spirit and such. Not to mention the many many bugs that need addressing. I'm all for making the perk stronger but not so annoying, but it is not high priority.

    On a second note, NoED can't be abused afaik. Its a very hit or miss perk that survivors kinda have to play into for it to get much value, not to mention the counters it has. You give up a perk all game for the possibility of a very short strong effect at the end. Don't really see the abuse potential here.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Third option is also my fav but bloking both gates would create holding the game scenario - hex activates and killer camps it = no one can end the match unless killer decides to stop camping the totem.

    I know, other issues are far bigger but I recently though about possible NOED reworks so I shared a piece of my mind, maybe inspiring anyone who reads for the future.

    Abuse is unfortunately for survivors there. You never had a match where LF facecamps first caught survivor to death and then does the same for the second one and so on ? Survivors have to rush gens and if they waste any time checking what's actually happeing or anyrhing besides gens they are getting closer to beiing facecamped themselfs. Once killer kills even 1 survivor, dowing the rest with NOED + bitter murmur becomes very reaslistic option or he just gets another free facecamp. There isn't really time to cleanse 5 totems when killer does this tactic unless you're in 4 man SWF. I've done it a few times and it's really nasty way to play.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Put the block on a timer then. You don't need to cleanse all 5, you can cleanse the 1 after it activates. And yeah that might be true some games, but those are more the exception than the rule. I'm not saying we should make camping stronger, but not doing a change better for everyone because a few bad apples will mess it up is not the stance to take. People will always abuse the game, that's just how it goes.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    That's why I don't suggest these reworks to fix that specific issue, as I said, fixing all that is a bonus of it. I find NOED pretty plain so I though if some fun new interactions to have longer and more fun endgame.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Yeah I can see that angle. its just requiring hooks is tough because one of the uses for NoED is to help against gen rush, which means you're not going to get many hooks.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You can still do totems to counter NOED even in 2 of my ideas. Also reading before posting is a good advice I heard.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    True but that still makes NOED bandaid fix to balance of gens. Hopefully introduction of new early game in upcoming DBD year will help with the gen speeds or any other blance issues.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    If NOED should get a change I think a very small change that would help a lot with how people feel about it would be to simply have the exposed status activate on everyone the moment the last gen gets done.

    Just instantly inform people that, Yes gj you did the gens very fast...unfortunately you forgot to deal with the totems at all so now you have 2 choices, spend a long time looking for the right totem spawn or get the hell out of the game.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569
  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Hmmm... I like the first idea. I was thinking of something similar.

    The killer is notified when a survivor starts work on an exit gate. Survivors' auras are shown to the killer while they are opening a gate. Gate switches get blocked off if let go before fully filling the bar. Causing them to regress all the way down to zero. But I think the switch should be blocked off for 20 seconds, regardless of progress. That way, the killer has more time to get to the exit gate and down that survivor, reducing their chances at starting up the gate again. In the meantime, after letting go, the survivor's aura is revealed for 5 seconds and are exposed until the hex is eliminated.

    The hex will punish survivors who 99% gates. And will actually make the killer chase after survivors on gates. It will make pre-end game more interesting.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    I want to let any killer mains who's reasoning for thinking NOED is fine in its current state is because of gen rushing and swf's, you're wrong. Other hexes reward the killers for doing well, like devour hope, third seal... or for tricking survivors like haunted grounds, retribution... NOED is a cheap perk that rewards you for losing. And I know DS and other second chance survivor perks are wack. But NOED is the lowest of the low.

    It punishes survivors for doing their objective... don't blame the survivors for doing their job. Blame Behaviour for not adding other requirements for survivors to escape!

    I feel you. I feel you 100%. I get genrushed all the time. Even WITH thana, or dying light, or ruin. Hopefully, with this alleged trial warm-up the devs are working on. Genrushing will be reduced. And matchmaking will pair you with survivors in your skill level.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Bs Your kind always want to cripple killers but dont you dare touch your perks

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I know many think it’s overpowered and I can see how you think that. However, there are always opportunities to do totems through the duration of the trial (even if they’re hard to find). If you choose to gen rush a NOED killer then don’t whine when they use NOED on you them. GL

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    i wish there was a way killers could find an object to completely remove a survivors perk. O i found this thing goodbye ds

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Again, the reason you are fine with NOED is because you are constantly being gen rushed. And I GET IT. I TRULY DO! But what happens when you ARE actually able to apply pressure and have the survivors running around being altruistic, doing gens, and getting in chases? When you have a nice game, keeping the survivors on their toes, and when they finally pop the last gen you come in and you STILL got NOED. Your "just do bones" argument doesn't stand!

    Also, with the new maps, totem spawns have been fairly hidden. Especially on hawkins, Dead dawg, and Midwich. So it's even more of a waste of time for survivors to go out of their way to search for every single totem for no reason other than to prevent NOED. When they should be finishing gens.

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2020

    Look regardless of what you think of Noed as is, If it were to change I would love to see any one of these ideas they are well balanced and both less punishing to survivors while more rewarding to the killers. In particular the best idea by far is the first one, although if i may personally tweak it..

    Once the last generator is powered the switches are blocked for 15/30/45s

    Once the exit gates are powered, if there is any dull totem remaining, a random dull totem becomes a Hex totem with these effects:

    1.  Survivors interacting with exit gate switches are exposed for 20/25/30s and their aura is revealed while they interact with exit gate switches.

    Okay so they key change here is that it requires all generators to be completed to block the switches... So we dont break the hatch game. This also means exit gates will ALWAYS be blocked on 5th gen, regardless of there being an available totem. As a perk that doesn't activate until the end of the game there should never be a situation in which it holds no effect (Okay technically there IS one situation). This also proves more significant to "trap" type killers such as hag or trapper who can use this time to prepare to protect the gates. For other killers it generally grants more time to finish a chase before proceeding to the switch game. Noed will also help confirm a hatch game in which the hatch is closed, something killers still struggle with against well played survivors. Lastly granting both aura sight AFTER and exposed is just a bit too much even for a hex, especially when combined with the powered switches being blocked temporarily. (Imagine Noed, Remember me, and Blood Warden)

    As a sidenote at this point its virtually two different perks. So as a tangent on my own tangent...

    Remember Me:

    Once the exit gates are powered for each token, block the switches for 5/10/15 seconds. Can gain up to 4 tokens. (Hit the obsession as is)


    Once the exit gates are powered, if there is any dull totem remaining, a random dull totem becomes a Hex totem with these effects:

    1.  Survivors interacting with exit gate switches are exposed for 20/25/30s and their aura is revealed while they interact with exit gate switches and for 5 seconds after.

    This is slightly better balanced than my above idea although it does mean you can now bring Remember Me to completely deny any form of escape if you manage to close the hatch first. Insert Killers doing this just to be toxic and BM Survivors who literally cant escape.