Killer queues are not okay

Ever since the cross platform thingy to find a game as a killer I need to wait 7-10 minutes at least. It was never an issue in the past because, of course, nobody wants to play as killer and I waited few seconds to find a game. Now playing as a killer not only frustrating but also take forever to find a match. And I am rank 7 right now. Imagine how long does it take for lower ranks?
What are you playing on? I'm a rank 2 on the Switch and it takes forever. Usually, it only takes 2 minutes at most.
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A lot of people want to play Pyramidhead because he is new. After some time, people will get tired of playing him and there'll be less killers in the queue so we'll find matches faster. At least thats what I think will happen.
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I think it varies on time of day more than anything. For me, Killer matches on PS4 seem to take about 5 mins waiting during the day, but later in the day, they're pretty instant. Survivor remains the same most times with 5-10 mins waiting.
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I don't think it's Pyramidhead related cuz when he got released it was not an issue and I managed to play him a lot. But since like 2 days ago it all changed.
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I'm telling you this was never a problem before. I played so much as a killer I know ETA for match search depending what time and day it is. But it's not that. I can feel tremendous difference in queue time.
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Still getting instant matches on killer ps4 all times of day.
Vs rainbow ranks..
My survior que is 15- 20 minutes never less then 10 on a good night
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I've noticed a massive difference with que times depending what time of the day it is. (PC) Mornings to mid day, survivors maybe 1-3 min while killer can take 3-6 min. Evenings survivors can take 1-5min and killers just seconds. Since a new killer just been released it'll mess up que times a bit since they'll be a LOT more than normal killers up in que.
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Yeah I'm on PS4 and there are far more people playing in the evenings then there are during the day. The downside though is that you're more likely to be matched against survivors and killers more experienced than you in the evenings. I'm a rank 13 killer and I'm constantly being matched against purple and red survivors. The new MMR that measures skill can't come soon enough!
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10 seconds, killer rank1
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Killer queues on PC, IME, have always been longer than survivor (maybe because I play solo, so its easier to find a spot for one than many). Probably because this game is utter trash as a survivor rn and ppl are busy playing fun games. 😉
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On PS4 if I play in morning/afternoon survivor queues are fast while Killer can be up to 10 minutes, at night it switches. When new killer/rework killer comes out though killer tends to be consistently long for probably first week while everyone tries them out/learns their power. Survivor being basically a skin you just try out the new perks couple times and move on.
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Come to PS4. 24/7/365 you'll have killer queues ranging from instant to 30 seconds (you'll just be dealing with a lot of rainbow ranks and SWF, hence why the queues are quick). Survivor will really vary depending on time and when new content comes out. Fastest I've seen is 2 minutes. Longest is around 30 minutes if it's a really weird hour of the day. You can probably bank on 5-15 minutes though
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I don’t mind waiting, what I mind is waiting AND STILL getting all red ranks as a rank 14 killer. One or the other I could take but not both