
can we remove/nerf the speed boost from noed that speed boost can be really clutch for the killer.
No, just do the totems, it ain't hard lol.
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So your argument is that the perk's effects might benefit the killer, therefore they should be nerfed or removed? Yeah, no. Cleanse the totems.
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Can we please add a totem counter instead to make solo totem hunting not literal hell (particularly on some maps) and not buff swf in any meaningful way?
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Slap it on Small Game. It's just the buff that perk needs.
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I'll take that lol- I'd rather it be base so it's not another case of solos needing to use perks to get swf info but I'll take it.
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they need to add that not on small game after all totems are cleanse the perks is useless unless you play against hag freddy or trapper
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i know that alot of people say that and it is true but going around the map for every totem and not even being sure if every totem is cleanse is just boring gameplay not only that but cleansing totems for one killer perk (noed) and another for survivor (inner strength) is stupid maybe add an totem counter and that dull totems give passive effects like 5% more fov ect passive buffs that the killer can select for example wraith can chose between 3 passive buffs from dull totems and only give this to the weaker killers so its basically like a 5th perk slot but the effects are minor.
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That is actually a really good idea.
Thrill of the Hunt for survivors basically. And it's a good perk for newer players to learn totem spots. This will make it more valuable, to more than just newer players.
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How many Crutch perks do survivors have...
Also NoEd is in a perfectly balanced state, just do totems and remember that Detective’s Hunch is a perk
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Something odd happened last night.. and I'm not saying this sarcastically. I brought detective's hunch, cleansed 2 totems and.. forgot about it.
At the end of the match, we saw the hag brought noed. No noed proc't. I had actually been involved in a solo game where all 5 totems were cleansed. It was amazing. Hunch also helps finding gens on the new map.. just sayin.