Pyramid Head is fine as he is... Just get used to facing him

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Can we PLEASE have a decent new killer for once...? Stop wanting him nerfed...

I'm not talking out of nowhere, I can handle him as a rank 1 surv and he's REALLY fun to use as a rank 1 killer.

Now, yes, he messes with hook mechanics, and I'm glad, I prefer to be sent to the cage far from him more than faced camped on a hook right next to him... It's like a "far away hook" when he sends you there.

Maybe people are mad cause BT and DS are practically wasted perk slots against him? LMAO, come on...

About the "anti loop far away hit", yes, learn to play aginst him, you can fake a pallet drop and keep looping until he understands you're not dropping the pallet until he stops using the ranged attack.

About the speed, he's fine, both fun to play as and a fun challenge to play against.

Nurse is anti pallet and anti loops, Plague is anti healing, and YES, Pyramid Head is somehow an "anti hooks" killer, it gives the game variety, and have in mind we're gonna see him this often cause HE'S THE NEW KILLER, it'll pass. I don't remember the last time I faced a Freddy or a Spirit...

Feel free to debate, I wanna hear opinions.


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Yep, the problem is the complaints without objective thoughts or with biased opinions. They tend to give trouble instead of solutions, and if they do give them they are pretty unpolite whyle telling them.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I think he's a pretty cool killer, really satisfying to outplay but doesn't feel like bs luck if he outplays me.

    Besides the trail of torment being a little janky, he is quite fun to play, although the cages are a little underwhelming.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    People are complaing about him?

    Imo hes one of the most balanced killers but hes really op on maps like dead dog saloon since he can easily walk to the cage and camp

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I'm seeing more people wanting buffs tbh.

    Dead Dawg Saloon is ass, have you seen how bad the pallets are? Any killer could do well if they can get past the genrush which is literally the survivors' only chance on that map. Dead Dawg Saloon is as equally crappy in terms of gameplay as the School is.

  • Axsith
    Axsith Member Posts: 1

    It's not that I have a problem with him being "anti-hook" I agree and think that his cage mechanic and trails are cool concepts, it's his other things I'm not onboard with. Firstly, his has the best basic attack range out of any killer, which obviously makes sense because his weapon is so big, but he doesn't suffer any penalty for that. Pyramid head is the only killer I've gone up against that can hit me while I'm on a higher vertical plane than him. He also doesn't suffer a penalty after using his ranged attack, or more accurately the penalty is near non-existent. He can whiff his ranged attack and still be right on top of you. To make matters worse a lot of his add ons make it so that the range is increased. He's also deceptively fast, his speed is the same as all the other killers, but because of his walking animation, it makes it seem like he's super fast. It feels like the only safe thing to do is hide in a locker and hope he doesn't find you all match, which only works about 10% of the time because it also feels like he always knows where you are, no matter what hiding spot you're in. I don't want to complain, but it feels like the only counter play for him is to hope that he makes a mistake, which in my opinion isn't fun to go against. I do want to see a debate in favor of him though which is why I came here, but all I've seen is people saying that he's fair and not going much further than that. Granted it is hard to defend something when you don't know what people are saying about it which is why I wrote this.

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    I found that if you avoid doing things that lock you into an animation your safe, usually.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    DS should work. It's far too easy to tunnel someone as PH.

    Exhaustion should go away when sent to a cage.

    Boldness points shouldn't be rewarded for cage rescues, but rather altruism points.

    Torment should go away over time.

    Final Judgement should only be usable if a survivor was sent to a cage twice.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Exactly! Fake pallet drops are the best thing against him (run in a way he'll think you're gonna drop the pallet, then don't and keep looping, he always tries to hit the ranged attack in this situations and it's easy to dodge).

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Couple things here:

    Basic attack range is standard across all killers. This is why Freddy is sometimes considered cheating from people who don't understand this as his weapon is so short he needs to visually move forward more to get the full effect, even though he's no better/worse than the others.

    The penalty after his ranged attack is extremely long, only Legion exiting frenzy has a more punishing cooldown. Nurse fatiguing isn't as long of a cooldown as his ranged attack cooldown, and he's unable to move backwards at all while he does the animation (intended of not I don't know). If he whiffs (or hits!) his ranged attack your best bet is to run straight away from him as far as you can, you'll extend the chase by at least a couple tiles before you're looping again. If you're sticking in the loop then you're objectively playing wrong against him. Scorpionz' video on him mentions that it feels like if you whiff 2-3 ranged attacks that alone can lose you the game because of how much longer that makes chases.

    I've played as and against him quite a bit, and he's got a LOT more counterplay than someone like reality he's fairly similar to Demogorgon, albeit instead of moving himself forward quickly he's got the shockwave. Demo isn't top tier, and he definitely has counterplay. So too does PHead.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    the only thing I don't like about PH is the increased sensitivity when using Rites, definitely a "me" problem though

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Survivors always wants game to be super easy, so all killers are OP is what they say to get killers nerfed. I think mostly they just don't want another killer in the game.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "Maybe people are mad cause BT and DS are practically wasted perk slots against him? LMAO, come on..."

    Now survivors have a taste of what killer goes through when you spawn next to ruin. Oh boy hoo :P

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Honestly he's by far the most balanced killer and he forces survivors to adapt quickly to the situation at hand.

    Honestly I welcome the change on both sides of it. I play both sides pretty equally and he's a menace to go against and fun to play as.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    To be clear, I don't care if cages support perks or not, it doesn't really matter to me either way. Now that is clear, I would like to point out a major difference here. As killer you choose to run a hex perk knowing it can be cleansed. As Triangle head, you can choose not to run hook related perks because you know you are playing Triangle head. Survivors do not know that info before the match starts, so yes their perks can be rendered useless without them knowing it. Its not the same as ruin, where it can be rendered useless but you enter the match with that knowledge. The closest we had to this before him was Plague, because she basically counters healing perks, however the game had a built in way to counter this that also powered up the killer. With Triangle Head, he just disables perks, there is no method to make those perks useful again.

    Once again, I am merely pointing out a very important clarification and could care less either way.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    The thing is, you can go a whole round without EVER being caged. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been caged since he's realized.

    One time. That's in who knows how many matches as a survivor. I know this may not be the norm but it's laughably easy to pull off.

    The cage is a nice feature to the game. It makes certain things more risky for survivors and helps add a level of tension

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I am not quite sure what you are trying to reply to.

    Though I would like to ask, how many of those killers ran perks like Pop? Because in my experience as playing him, I've had no problems getting people into torment/cages. And playing against him, I found most killers only really tried to use the cage mechanic if they were tunneling. Other than that they never really used the torment ability.

    PS: To get someone tormented is crazy easy, you literally just put his crap on the other side of a window in a loop or under the pallet. The survivor than has to leave the loop which would generally give you time to BL and catch up or they get tormented and can be caged.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    My build: Pop, Surge, Whispers, Infectious Fright

    If someone gets Tormented by my dragging, I don't send em to the cage right away. I save it for end game when it's much more critical (when someone is on deathhook and it's more or less endgame)

    I spend more time hooking people for my Pop to go into use.

    Pyramid Head is fine where he's at. He has shaken up the meta for survivors and their upset about it. That doesn't change the fact that he's very easy to counter. You can and will go games without being afflicted by torment if you know how to loop. Sure you may go on a hook but that's the nature of the game.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    His power is fine. Most people don't like him because of how scummy people are playing him.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    People hated Deathslinger too when he first came out for the same reasons. Give it time for the dust settle.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Maybe. But at this point everytime I see a PH I want to DC. I don't I just rush through the game as fast as possible. He's easily my most hated killer at this point.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Which kinda prove's my point. Those who are running pop are not taking advantage of his torment power and are the ones who find it never really does anything.

     You can and will go games without being afflicted by torment if you know how to loop.

    This is where we completely disagree, I find it stupid easy to get people into torment. I've yet to have a problem caging people, but I am going to assume you and I play the game completely differently. As I don't rely on slow down perks, so getting hooks isn't really required for myself. Technically I haven't spent 1 BP on him since release and have been playing him in red ranks all week without issue.

    You have to learn when to cage someone. For example, I use the cage when I know it will force the survivors to have to go to the other side of the map. For example, when there is only 1-2 gens. and you know catching will send to a blank space in the map its perfect. I also use the cages to avoid stun saves and flashlight saves.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Phead is not a hard killer to face. I don't know why people are saying he is.

    I actually think one of his perks needs a buff. Trail of Torment gives too much info to survivors, the highlighted generator should glow a short time after he kicks it, not immediately. You could totally throw people off doing that. Or make it so that if anyone goes back on that generator the killer knows they're working on it.

    But even then I don't know if it's just a poor perk or if killers don't know how to use it yet. But the times I've gone against a killer with that perk, it's been a piece of cake.

    But core Phead is not difficult to go against. Actually he's super easy, barely an inconvenience.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    Faking a pallet drop at the very many unsafe pallets they're implementing into the game now does not matter in the slightest.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'm a solo survivor - who runs Lithe, Spine Chill, Kindred, and Inner Strength - and I never have any issues because I don't rely on full 4 meta crutch builds to play.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    You're one of a kind, like me, hehehe. I don't run perks that make me a dumb survivor, no hits mean no camping, no tunneling, people need to learn to loop and run the killer. Actually, every perk I use is against my Nemesis, Myers... I don't need BT cause I know how to unhook people being camped with a flashlight, I don't run DS cause I can loop killers, wanna tunnel me, that's fine, It'll take you the whole 5 gens to get me killed, and only if my teammates are dumb, if they are goor survs, I'm looping the killer for 5 gens and escaping.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Caging is something that should be used at an optimal time. Let's say you hit 3 survivors with torment. Send one to a cage and one survivor goes for the save. That tormented did little to no pressure because now you lose two stacks of it. You could argue that it's one less person on gens since someone is going for the save buf you are still losing, arguably, the most important part of your power.

    I find it way more effective to hook someone and save the torment for endgame/ quick Mori. Especially because by time you even cross the map, whomever you have caged is 9/10 times saved and on the move. I'd rather hook/ slug and keep the turning the screws without worrying about being down two torments.

    In my opinion, just not worth it.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    I'm a survivor main and I don't understand the hate around his anti-hook mechanics or his ranged attack. It's nice to see new killers getting unique powers, and I think it's fair that killers are getting another method to deal with toxic loopers.

    However, what I hate about him is that his play style encourages camping and easy tunneling. I have had way too many games where Pyramid Head hooks someone, then he spends FOREVER just walking in circles around the hook to create pools of blood, and as soon as someone goes for the unhook, he's back to use his AoE projectile.

    I know this is a player behavior, but it's a fact that killer mechanics have a large impact on whether or not this playstyle is profitable, and sadly the developers keep failing to give penalties to the killer for this behavior. When it comes to Pyramid Head, I've seen several Rank 1 players play in this way, and getting tons of bloodpoints doing it.

    I mean, if it's an easy way to both get blood points and win the game, the only thing that keeps a player from camping is their compassion for other people, and wanting other players to actually have fun.

    On a side note, I loved the gunslinger when he came out (and still do). He's fun and balanced to play against imo.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Especially because by time you even cross the map, whomever you have caged is 9/10 times saved and on the move.

    Why even go to the cage? I never go for the cage, I just down someone else and send them to a cage.

    That statement alone just tells me you and I play this game completely differently.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Never said I do🤔I was speaking in general.

    And yes we do. Both in red ranks so must be doing something right 🤷‍♂️

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    I think he's cool, just unfortunate how easy it is to tunnel with him and that's what most people (in my experience) do.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162

    In my opinion, he's a very powerful killer that's really balanced simultaneously.

  • Snitz
    Snitz Member Posts: 97

    I mean, he's "The Executioner" kind of makes sense he can kill people quicker.

    Plus, it's the only thing that makes up for his lack of map mobility.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Yeah, though I hear a typical 'Git gud' coming, it gets pretty stale being flatout tunneled by him 10 games in a row. Not all matches have been that way, but most people just pick the brainless tunnel route instead of exploring build combos and finding ways to fully wield his power.