Campers and tunnelers on blast.



  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    My dick levels are reactionary to how the survivors are playing. I've been getting matches here lately where the survivors are woefully outmatched, and I play extremely nice. Free unhooks, no tunneling, giving the last guy hatch, even farming a little before starting the massacre again.

    Now if I'm getting gen rushed, or they're splitting up well, or if i get the sluntest whiff of toxicity, I will do whatever it takes to win, including tunneling and camping.

  • Misann0830
    Misann0830 Member Posts: 24

    I love your name. But I don't think that survivors have the upper hand. I understand the SWF #########, it's happened to me while playing as a killer. I however, don't play like a dick when I'm a survivor either. I know I can't speak for everyone, I know survivors can be dicks too. But someone on here said that everyone should just playing like dicks and I agree. If we all stop being ######### and stop taking out what the devs do on each other in frustration, the whole game would be better.

  • Misann0830
    Misann0830 Member Posts: 24

    I do the same. The rank matching system is beyond fkd. That's generally what lands a team's loss when the camping and tunneling isn't happening.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Thanks. I'm a huge supernatural fan and would love to see a chapter in dbd.

    Even the elite killers like umbra, otz, and tru3 agree that survivors have the upper hand when played on equal skill to the killer. I think matchmaking is the biggest dick factor right now, killers are getting frustrated and doing whatever it takes. Had a guy one hook mori camping as deathslinger earlier, that about as toxic as it gets.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This is complete horse #########. LOL the vast majority of Killer matches I play these days and actually kill people, I 4k. I never camp/tunnel anyone. All too often I have teams on death hook 2-3 gens in. And unless I am doing it for a daily, I usually don't kill anyone and challenge myself to pip by meeting every other emblem objective...and I don't have issues pipping this way either. The only time I even get challenged or have to really work for it is if I get a coordinated SWF group - and those are the least frequent type of group you get. This game has literally never been less survivor sided, and never been easier for Killers in its history than it is right now.

  • Kall
    Kall Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2020

    I adapt, like mentioned by others, if a survivor is flashlight stunning me like 3 times (why on earth doesn't this have diminishing returns?) and infinite looping me I will focus down that tw*t and camp him dead, the others can finish the game any way they want, I won't care about them.

    If a killer is camping/tunneling, assuming I'm not the one being tunneled first then I stealth and gen the whole game, loop him if he finds me.

    There are d*cks on both sides of the argument, but I guess the point is you don't HAVE to start each game as a d*ck, but you can adapt to one by becoming one and no one can judge you for it.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited June 2020

    Remember, doing gens is now akin to cheating, by your logic. For shame.

    Plus, 'putting on blast,' or naming/shaming, is against forum rules. Not to mention we have to go by 'your' definition of camping/tunneling, while being unable to see the other side.

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    4k isn't enough for a pip though? pretty sure if I score under 20k I depip

    not 100% but seems if I get 6k each category I get ruthless and that's one pip, over 7k each category gets me merciless for double pip, 5k each category gets me brutal killer maybe. but 16k total score is 4k each category and that's entity displeased.

    be nice if someone can confirm exactly, I am playing at rank 7 currently and it seems the points required to pip has increased compared to first 10 ranks

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    ok, not sure exactly how that works, I thought the bp were attributed to the 4 categories which in turn give points toward pips

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    is there a recent link that explains the system of ranking up?

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Not too long ago the game was so one sided that lots of killers only were able to get a single kill by this. Do you wanna tell me that this is no longer the case? I doubt it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's how it worked in the beginning, but now it's different. The wiki article (and its related articles) should tell you everything you need to know. In short, pips have to do with your actions during the trial and not the BP you get from them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, it's the wiki article I posted and its related articles.

  • DeadByFreddy
    DeadByFreddy Member Posts: 39

    sorry to be a pain, is that the wiki on gamepedia? I am having trouble locating one here

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, and I posted the link in my first comment to you. The article is called "Rank".

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    No. Its not cheating. The devs have said so. Thats ######### you just made up

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I'm going to go ahead and pretty much agree. Camping has been a lot more frequent in my personal experience on PS4 red/purple ranks. Usually it's almost non-existent in this rank, but over half of my games have been with super-campy killers. Now, I know "camping is a strategy" and it's not against the rules or cheating, but it is frustrating. I've been trying to complete the "save a survivor who saved you earlier" goal and between campers and people suiciding on hook, it hasn't been easy. Hoping for less frustration with this today.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I play video games for my enjoyment. Never have I ever and never will I ever load up a video game to make other people happy. I don't rely on the killer to let me have fun as survivor and I don't rely on the survivors to let me have fun as killer. I make my own by doing whatever I want within the rules of the game. I can guarantee that I speak for absolutely everyone when I say nobody cares if you call out their play style and nobody cares about what you call cheating.

  • dangitben
    dangitben Member Posts: 58

    Dude i play with as a duo or up to a 4 man with friends and i tell them to complete gens if im facecamped. Maybe you should blame your teammates for unhooking for points and allowing the killer to down you back to back. Its a part of the game and you have to just take the L and move on.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited June 2020

    Lets call tunneling what it is... hook rushing, it is the killer equivalent of gen rushing.

    I've had two gens pop in the first chase on many occasions. Now that doesn't mean I've lost but we now have a disparity in pressure which is about to snowball in survivor favour. (Yes I could have got the down quicker etc etc sometimes fate isn't in your favour and I'm not saying gen time needs a change that's a different discussion)

    Saying that the killer tunneling is bad play and shouldn't do it, is like the killer asking survivors to stop working on gens when they get ahead and let them get a couple of hooks to catch up. You can't accuse people of purposefully trying to ruin your fun when strategy now dictates quick downs or removal of a player in order to re-balance the game.

    Ok scenario 2, killer has good pressure, gens aren't flying off and multiple downs. Then yeah tunneling is not necessary and a bit of a jerk play. So some scenarios call for tunneling as a viable tool some scenarios don't. Some players can't make this distinction and continue to tunnel, maliciousness or inexperience its hard to tell and often the former given the competitive nature of the game, but not always the case. I'm afraid when this happens you just have to roll with the punches.

    Camping including proxy camping... I don't want to keep re-hooking the same person, pressure is applied better by multiple hooks and perks work better (BBQ) with multiple hooks, camping a hook nets fewer blood points and can be overcome with a coordinated effort by survivors. Most killers know this and often say it on the forums.

    Pay off is minimal and usually not worth it outside of getting one kill in the egc for the hell of it, unless survivors do something stupid and feed themselves to the camper then big payoff so people still do it, scummy yeah but not always a bad idea in some circumstances especially with one or no gens left and very few killer hooks so far. You can also build around perks to punish this altruistic behaviour so it is a viable play. Altruistic behaviour is and should be risky. Standing in someone's face on a hook is obnoxious and should be called out but its just the most obnoxious version of a potential strategy.

    Proxy camping... I have a hooked survivor, I know other survivors will come to get them. I'm not going to run to the other side of the map and ignore that fact. Patrol gens > find no one > return to check hook. Good strategy, the lion stays near the zebras. Hook trades apply good pressure by ensuring there is always someone on a hook, its creating a 3 survivor game without having to tunnel kill someone off. Good strategy to apply pressure or re-apply lost pressure and the goal for the killer.

    Survivors often do stupid things around hooks, go straight back to nearby almost complete gen you just chased them off, heal right there etc etc. Making hooks good hunting real estate. Easy behaviors to punish and may result in hooking/slugging the recently unhooked person as they are more vulnerable. That is punishing bad play. No different to survivors chain looping a poor looper or capitalizing on killer mistake to extend chase/escape, frustrating for killer but another good play punishing bad play.

    To say all instances of tunneling and camping are scummy/cheating is to completely ignore game mechanics as they apply to differences in survivor and killer pressure in the moment. I know this is an epic post and I'm often verbose I'm sorry and thanks for reading, but these are the elements of game play and are often lost in a one line reply.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    It's not cheating and I understand why a killer would when half the survivors constantly tea bag and spam flashlights. Just wait for the game to end and move on. Next you'll be saying 360's are cheating

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    A game I had earlier demonstrated one reason killers camp/tunnel. I was survivor (solo) and I think the others were also solo. Starting on different gens, we had 3 gens pop almost at the same time when the first guy went down. I was watching from the other side of the map with kindred so I could see pretty well what was going on. One survivor went to save and realised the killer was camping him, so started crouching nearby. Soon the other survivor turned up as well, and the pair of them soon started circling the hook trying to lure the killer away, unsuccessfully. Eventually the bad attempts at saving started.

    In the meantime I did the other gens, 99ed a door and waited to see if the other survivor came to his senses, in case I needed to take a protection hit or something. Survivor #1, the first one hooked, was dead. #2 was getting the same treatment, and #3 was circling this hook as well. He went down and I left, instead of rewarding him further.

    None of this works if you don't let it work. If hooking a survivor and then standing next to them causes the whole team to freak out, abandon all gens and start lining up to die, why would killers not do that?

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    I'll be honesty, I used to try and go out of my way to be nice to people in this game,

    But much like the Fire Nation, then the Howling Grounds happened and i learned the unfortunate truth that being nice in this game as Killer won't get you anywhere.

    Now in regards to camping and tunneling, it depends if you're meaning TRUE camping or tunneling, or just perceived.

    At the point where you sprint out in front of me like forty times after you've been hooked and I've not been actively looking for you, it's not my fault you're trying to prove Darwin a liar.

    Likewise, if I see someone near a hooked person, and don't leave or if I patrol generators and come back, that's not camping. That's either you being bad at stealth or being so good that I think the only way I can find the next Survivor is if I head back to the hook.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    "Anyone trying to defend these tactics is just as guilty"

    Yeah guilty of supporting the rules of the game. You just don't like losing that is all. When you lose play another game. Same for killer when survivors flashlight saves or gen rushes, it's just a game and you win some you lose some.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Cry me a river. Camping and tunneling are built into the game and aren't considered cheating. Just because you have a survivors rulebook doesn't mean we have to abide by our rules. Camping might be a bit scummy, and tunneling for no reason is something I consider a bit scummy as well, but I would never consider it cheating. If you don't want killers to tunnel, than you should take a hit maybe :). I don't give a flying Frank Zappa if you consider me "guilty" for defending tactics, that yes, might be boring but are naturally built into the game.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Why did you post this, if you are going to gatekeep your opinion. What is "horse" play is subjective, and you think that your opinion is facts from how you are saying this. Move along now.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Ah yes, there's always that one guy who destroys red rank swf with basekit clown, 3 hooking everyone and pressuring all gens at the same time.

    I will tell you what I tell everyone else like you. Vpn to the Sao Paulo servers and play at 1am cst, please provide video evidence of your destruction.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Sorry to be this guy but I don't exactly know where you plan on putting it on blast.

    Both the forum and Reddit prohibit you from showing usernames to incite a witch hunt.

    Whether you like it or not camping and tunneling are not against the rules so you don't have much leeway there. Especially when you falsely call it cheating

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    This would be a really good argument if the 5 player team aspect made sense. The game isn’t just a bp grinder. It’s 100% an us against them game. The medals don’t really mean much because even the devs know their ranking system is terrible for the game they made. The killer wants as few gens done as possible while getting a good amount of hooks. Survivors are directly opposed to that. They want to waste your time and avoid getting hooked while gens go in the background.

    Obviously I’m against camping and tunneling. It’s a terrible strat that will just lose you games anyway and new killers should learn that quick. I wouldn’t try to convince them with the “it’s actually a 5 person team game to get bp” because it’s not. Bp is your reward for how well you did in the dev’s eyes in their asymmetrical pvp resource management game. Most people don’t even view pips as the win. Some think it’s just getting that 3k or 4k or escaping.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Calling A strategy cheating kinda makes you look like a sore loser/bad player.

    Scummy or inefficient is one thing. Cheating is another...

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    There's no such thing as "fair" in an asymmetrical game. It's also not cheating because you say it is, as your cries will fall on deaf ears from the devs. Have fun with that though.

  • DapperPickle
    DapperPickle Member Posts: 13

    waaaa pls nerf him cote it's not fairrr it's not faaaaair!!!

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    The game is designed in a way to promote tunneling and camping. We shouldn't be shaming or punishing players for playing the game in a way that is the most efficient. The game needs to be changed on a fundamental level for tunneling and camping to be less of an issue. Its not as easy as fixing gen rush by increasing times (even though they wont do that).

    Think of it like kill rushing, that's the killers objective so they're trying to do it quickly. With the way the game is designed that means camping and tunneling in some situations unfortunately.

    Asking for killers not to do it is asking for them to lose on purpose. Which they might consider if the players were not so toxic. It also holds up a massive double standard of "Survivors can gen rush and pull out DS,BT, ect. but killers can;t do their equivalent because I don't like it."

    If you want the killers to play nicer you need the survivors to play nicer.

  • Uindangergurl
    Uindangergurl Member Posts: 9

    ti our a little more information out there. How are the survivors to know if the killer is a camper? Just do gens? It’s a team game and quite frankly a 5 man team game. First survivor goes down, chili which they all run will let him go to a survivor at gen. That survivors off...maybe even gets a hit. Then goes back to hook, another survivor off gen and possibly hit maybe he chases this one. Fourth survivor unhooks...killers aborts chase immediately and goes to unhooked survivor downs them. Chili goes off again....rinse repeat. 60 percent of my matches goes as such. Players are suggesting just leave them on they hook the first time? That’s how you beat a tunneler/camper? Most are suggesting to assume tunneling/camping are a given. I’m sorry but just how it is not fun to face amp as a’s just as not fun to gen rush and watch your teammates die. You do realize it’s a game? The OP and me having something in common....the world would be a much happier place if everyone behaved as we did.

    also I quoted this post because we are on a thread about tunnneling and camping....and you suggest someone should stop looping, and let you hook them. regards to the same logic that you are complaining about survivors discussing camping you state to just stop looping cause it’s wasting your time. What the actual? Where are the killers telling this poster that if you waste five min chasing one see I or you deserve to get gen rushed?

    when I play killer I have two goals. BP and having fun, and Both are increased with not tunneling or camping.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Killer’s aura should always be revealed when within 16m of hook, regardless of Kindred. Also when the killer has been within radius of the hooked survivor for a period of time a tooltip should pop up to all survivors telling them that if it’s unsafe to unhook then they should do gens ASAP.

    Honestly I’m so sick of games of solo survivor where I lose to a camper because everyone else waits around the hook....

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    BHVR keeps making popular DLC from other sources to cash grab kids and general public who normally wouldn't care about DBD, just completely stupid the games out of wack as it is and they make more killers with subpar features and perks that are SH1t useless

  • joshuashep22
    joshuashep22 Member Posts: 236

    the amount of triggered killer mains ion this post is both disappointing and amusing, camping and tunnelling is a legitimate strategy sure but why should killers be rewarded for such a scummy strategy that sucks almost all fun from the game, if you camp and tunnel then don't complain when survivors use bt, ds, keys, deliverance, unbreakable and adrenaline

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I feel like this is a chicken and the egg type argument. Survivors bring DS/BT/Unbreakable because the camp/tunnel/slug is so outrageously rampant. I think all survivors would rather run perks that are more varied, interesting and fun but are backed into a corner because they are tunneled out of every match. And if tunneling was not working well it would not be an every/every other match situation. I also see people in here screaming about hook suicides now that DC is not on the table. Well, I suicided out of a Wraith match today because he had tunneled every hook and I was not gonna bother with that. Bad killer behavior is what begates toxic survivor responses, you want better, play better.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I don’t tunnel off hook or camp. There are situations where it’s your best choice though. If you have two hooks in basement I think you can camp. In most cases against good survivors it’ll lose you the game though. Especially if they run the meta perks.

    I wish the game was balanced in a way where you didn’t need the meta perks but it just isn’t. If a killer doesn’t run any slow down he’s going to be covered in sweat by the time the game finishes. Same with BT, DS, and Unbreakable countering toxic play styles.

    BHVR will prolly take another 4 years to fix that though.

    Also, don’t get me wrong. Before those perks there were killers who could just tunnel the first then second then third. I don’t know how they’d introduce a counter to it without perk. Especially since they themselves call them a strategy. Also, I don’t mind the meta perks survivors have to bring. I rarely eat a DS and BT is countered by just going for the unhooker. Unbreakable can be very good but it usually doesn’t help much if the killer doesn’t slug.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346
  • Unicorn_scarecrow
    Unicorn_scarecrow Member Posts: 63

    I am a survivor main too. When I play killer for my Rift, I do not play toxic as a killer and I want the same in return. If it isn't given I'll return the toxicity. If someone wants to be disrespectful with the mega boom booms of the pallet vault, I will tunnel them facecamp.

    I let anyone playing nice have the match after the jerk(s) is/are dead.

    Starting out as a killer main through my first two devotions really jaded me when it comes to toxicity. My 4 devotions as a survivor main and I still refuse to be that survivor.

  • Papayarng
    Papayarng Member Posts: 73

    If you find playing a game stressful, you probably shouldnt play it.

    Also, you say that it's fun but thats just you. It's "stressful" trying to get a hook resque against camping killers, it's "stressful" trying to end a chase with a tunnelling killer. It is "stressfull" when self-absorbed, entitled killer mains like you don't actually think about what the expierience is like for the other half of the game. If people like you continue to play like this all the time then there isnt going to be an opposition to facecamp. I understand that survivors can be toxic and I don't mind if you facecamp and tunnel those kinds of survivors because I know what it's like to get angry at them and they are excpecting that when they decide that thats how they wanna play but when you do it to everyone is when it gets a bit dicey.

    I still can't believe when killers complain about toxicity in the survivor community when people like you are playing.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    most of players agree that currently playing killer is stressful, specially with SWF that go several steps ahead due to voice comms

  • Papayarng
    Papayarng Member Posts: 73

    I'm not saying that it isnt, i'm saying that if you are finding it stressfull you should either A)Change the way you play (de-rank or take it less seriously?) or B)Go play something else because its clear you arent finding this fun.

  • Calisto_667
    Calisto_667 Member Posts: 137

    how is camping efficient ? lol. Most killers fail doing it

  • Calisto_667
    Calisto_667 Member Posts: 137

    haahha how salty. With or without DS killers will camp and tunnel. Why do you think DS exists in the first place? Because if it were for killers you would get tunneled and eliminated in 2 minutes without a chance of playing