What makes you tunnel?

Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

Is there anything specific? Someone running Object Of Obsession, that one P3 Claudette flashlight clicking at you, someone wearing the Lisa skin (that's a thing now apparently) or someone with "toxic" in there name? Anything that makes you go to any lengths to make sure they die no matter what.



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616


    I'm not gonna play in a way that i don't like.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2020

    Nothing, especially not the annoying aggro atention seeking players, those are bait distracting me from gen-jockeys. If several injured survivors are running towards the exit and I can only down one I might chose based on what they did on the trial, I tend to pick the one I believe was the most self centered one during the trial, but I dont think that counts as tunneling.

    I cant remember the last time I got DSs without it being intentional (picking someone in the ground knowing I will get DSd to get the perk out of the way just in case, I only do that if Im doing very well, several hooks no gens done or a lot of hooks with only 2 gens done).

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If theyre really bad in chase and were down to 1 or 2 gens.


    If theyre being super annoying like constantly clicking and jumping in the way for no reason

    If i played with them previously and they decided to send nasty messages.


    Thats about it

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2020

    Sometimes it's better to finish off the one guy with 1 hook left instead of hooking everyone else 2 more times to make it more

    "fun" and "fair", and then hooking him.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Couple of days ago i was in a "meh" mood. Didnt really care if i won or lost. I was chasing claudette who was injured, and for no real discernable reason jake came out of no where and got between us. This was still at the beginning of the match so its not like she was on death hook or anything. So, i slapoed him and chased imhim to a long loop and decided to see how long it would take to catch him if i didnt break the pallet. We spent 5 gens going around tge same circle. When tge gates opened he made a run for it but i quickly downed him, put a rbt on him (for giggles) hooked him then just waited. Claud unhooked him, i downed him and slapoed her, she left. He and i waited out the ds timer together then i hooked him. Both our points sucked, bad, im sure he depipped i know i did.

    Moral of the story, dont be annoying for no reason and also, just break the pallet 😂

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Object of obsession because it will become the Object of my gameplay to Obsess over you

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Toxic behavior displayed over the course of the match, OOO if I'm running a stealth build, any Survivor with keys if I don't have Franklin's.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    If their teammate is stupid enough to unhook in front of me and then ditch them instead of taking a protection hit, if they are stupid enough to get unhooked when I'm across the map and then I go back to scope out the area and they're sitting right under the hook healing or if they just suck at hiding(or are unlucky enough to be playing with Immersives that are essentially using them as meat shields) or if they go out of their way to try trolling me repeatedly.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I tunnel when I am desperate, usually when I ######### up massively at the start of the game and gens start going too fast so I have to keep pressure somehow

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    i don’t tunnel. If you straight up tunnel you’re gimping yourself and likely won’t win the game as a whole.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm not gonna actively tunnel anyone, but if you got unhooked most recently and you happen to be the next person I run into, sorry about that.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    A key or need will make me tunnel. If I am down to 2 gens with no one dead, I will tunnel you out to have a chance.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I try not to, but still get accused of it. Often if I run into you straight away after first hook you're slugged while I find a hook target.

    If I can't find one and you are still slugged well then hook it is.

    You also have to press advantage if the good looper just ran into a dead area with no pallets then an easy down on a powerful player is just good pressure.

    Tunneling for obnoxious play well that's a sticky one if I've hooked you and you come back to flashlight click, butt dance and bait you may get hooked again. Not for revenge or to prove a point but you're there asking for it so why not... Nothing personal just business.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2020

    If they're the only survivor I can find or if they're one of the survivors I can find and are easier to reach. It's not my fault they're bad at stealth and/or that their teammates don't care enough to actually take the heat for them.

  • vdzz
    vdzz Member Posts: 21

    People who sandbag their teammates.

    people who insist on forcing me to hit them while they have BT.

    People who do the DS locker bs.

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    When you run object or you are just being an annoying Pos in general

  • KillerSurvivor47
    KillerSurvivor47 Member Posts: 23

    I dont tunnel but i 'Hardcore' punish survivors that dont Respect me.

    1. Dont heal right next to me.

    2.You see me? U better run in the opposite direction because if you dont' , i will take that as a challenge. And I will make an example out of you.

    3.If you're in my TR and you START opening a chest. GOODBYE. To hell with tunneling, ill face camp that mofo right there.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,064
    edited June 2020

    Hook rush: Seriously, if a healthy survivor rescues you off of the hook and I'm less than 20 meters away, what the hell do you expect me to do? Hit the healthy guy and go on a big chase, or down the injured person to punish the rescuer for being an impatient idiot? Now don't get me wrong, I don't always immediately pick the rescued survivor up again to put them on the hook. Not just because DS exists, but because, tactically, after downing the injured one, I can typically pursue and down the Healthy rescuer which will mean I have 2 down, and at least 1 of the other team mates has to come to help 1 of them recover instead of doing a gen. Really though, If I hook someone and look around only to see scratch marks, another survivor, or I walk only a few steps away and they get rescued... I'ma commin back with my ass whoopin boots on to teach you children a lil lesson.

    Unintentional happenstance: Scenario - I'm a decent distance away from the hook, Survivor is rescued, so naturally I start heading back in that direction to see if I can catch the rescuer retreating from the area, but instead the recently rescued and still injured survivor runs right in front of me while the rescuer is seen in the distance running the opposite way... Am I to just let the closest survivor go scott free? No! I down them, and if I suspect they don't have DS, I pick them up and put them back on a hook. It's unfortunate, but I've seriously had moments like this, and even some where I actually chase the Healthy rescuer right into the recently rescued survivor, and I'm not passing up the chance for an easy down.

    Hook Healing: Similar to the previous 2 scenarios, I come back to the hook and what do I find? The rescuer healing the rescued survivor right under the hook... Again, what am I supposed to do in that situation? Second verse, same as the first.

    P.I.T.A. : You know the type, they're either really good at chases, really toxic, or a combination of both, either way they are a Pain In The Ass to deal with, and the game will go much smoother if they're out of the picture. I have a high tolerance for survivor shenanigans, and don't like to treat anyone any differently from the others, but if I'm against this kind of player and I do catch them, I have no qualms with taking them down while they're easy pickins. If they're the really good player, they should take this as a compliment, if they're just a toxic douche though, they should already know they had this commin.

    No Second Chances: Congrats, you and your buddies brought in the full meta builds such as DS, BT, Unbreakable, etc. and you are confidently using them to gain every advantage you can. I can't begrudge you for doing so, they are legal mechanics in the game after all, so I know you don't mind it when I decide to respect you by commin down hard on your asses. If you're not holding back, I'm not gonna either. I'll down your ass fresh off the hook, pick you up, let DS do its thing, and then take advantage of the fact you no longer have it for the rest of the game. It's the law of the jungle in DbD, and second chances are a finite resource... as in they run out.

    Under Pressure: First chase finished, and 2-3 gens pop... Now ya gone and dun it. I'm at the end of my rope, and tryin my best to salvage this mess, and if your team is stupid enough to put me in that situation, and do any of the previous things that get me in a hardcore tunnelin mood, your ass is mine. I'm likely gonna lose, but spite is a ######### ain't it?

    Implements of Pain: I came to have fun, and pit my wits against yourn fer some healthy competition, but your whole team queued up with full flashlights, keys, or toolboxes filled with intent to win and only to win. Naturally, I'll be a bit hesitant at first and see how you use em, but when the going gets tough, and if you're usin em to cause me no end of pain... I know y'all came prepared not expectin no mercy from me, so I'm obliged to give you none.

    SWF: You know who you are, you know what you do, and I ain't puttin up with your BS or over-altruistic clownin around. SWF commits all of the previously mentioned sins on the regular, and worse because they also have a communications advantage that brings them up from normal difficulty, skips hard, and goes straight for sweatin-my-balls-off-Insane! They use every Filthy tactic in the book, so if they're gonna play dirty, It's inevitable I'm gonna get some on my hands too. "Anything Goes" is the new rule of conduct, and SWF were the ones that made it. I know you're used to winnin against killers who don't know that rule, so don't ######### about it when someone like me serves up a healthy dose of good 'ol fashioned humility.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This makes your ego seem super fragile. LOL

    Someone has the audacity to try and look for a medkit near you, so you'll face camp them?

    Ok buddy. I hope DBD camping makes you feel more 'respected'. 😂

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Tunneling can allow killers to win matches just by removing a pair of hands off the generators with it becoming a 3v1.

    SWFs will berate and throw everything at a killer to prevent losing this advantage.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Survivors unhooking hooked survivors unsafely.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I tunnel in a few situations, mainly when there is a clear “weaker link” to the team and I’m just not able to catch the others.

    If I see an OoO player I’ll tunnel them to get rid of them ASAP in case of SWF. Taking away the eyes of the team.

  • KillerSurvivor47
    KillerSurvivor47 Member Posts: 23

    I see that you read only what you want to read, and respond to only the parts that offended you , typical internet dweeb . LOL THE CONVERSATION WAS TALKING ABOUT TUNNELING and i said 'I DONT TUNNEL but i do face camp people trying to disrespect the killer'. Respected in the sense that the survivors better play the game noramlly and not try to be a toxic, teabagging clicky turd.

    Thanks for trying to call me out buddy, but how bout you contribute to the actual discussion here and not cherry-pick arguements with people huh?

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Only if I need to or if the injured survivor bumps into me again.