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The Tome Challenges are Boring & Grindy, and They are Just Getting Worse

I believe I've mentioned this in other discussion threads, but I have a problem with the challenges. I felt like they were getting too grindy and repetitive for too few fragments. Between the first and second tome I felt like the number of challenges that took too long to complete had grown.

But now they are so. Much. Worse.

Cleanse 8 totems. Repair 12 generators. Safely unhook 15 different survivors. Start a chase with 20 DIFFERENT survivors. Hook the obsession 15 times.

Each of these challenges takes hours to complete. Each one earns...3. Rift fragments.

Even playing perfect games, 20 different survivors means 5 games minimum, with the average match time being 15-20 minutes. And more often than not, you don't get 5 perfect games in a row. So you're probably looking at at least close to 3 hours of playtime. For 1/3 of a rift level.

And bhvr just opened the 4th level for this tome for us to find gems like this one: Destroy generators or pallets 50 times."

For, you guessed it, 3 rift fragments.

Oof. Good f*ing god.

I've gotten locked into a single challenge for days because I can't complete them. Things like needing to unhook, but the killer either camps or the surv's swf saves them instantly, or they kill themselves on the first hook, etc. With the wrong circumstances, it simply takes too long to complete these things.

I want to do the challenges. It should be fun to work toward rewards, especially now that all other events are gone. But it feels futile, because it takes so long just to grind through a single level; I hardly unlock anything before the rift closes.

Some of the more unique ones that are more skill/situational based can be fun, like staying near the killer without being spotted, or making each survivor scream at least once, or hitting 3 great checks in a match. But there's so few challenges like this, and half of them are locked behind dlc characters many people (myself included) don't own. And what's worse is when these ones are preceded by "Repair a total of 10 generators."

Would love to see the grind on the challenges drop, or the fragment rewards go up, or both. They have become a fun suck when I really want to earn a new cosmetic and I keep trying to complete an objective that takes 12 games.

I'm tired. Would love to hear whether others agree with me or not on this one. Starting to feel like I'm going crazy with some of these challenges.


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  • Member Posts: 974

    For me it's the complete "X task" within a single match that I worry the most over depending what it is but thankfully only tome 1 had the worst of that kind. This tome isn't to bad.

    And really kick 50 gens/pallets? That's basically a freebie a little time consuming maybe, but it isn't that hard at all. I got it done in like 3 or 4 games since I was just kicking everything with overcharge and pop.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Hook the Obsession X Times.

    So boring.

  • Member Posts: 681

    I agree about feeling underwhelmed by some of these. I just got to book 3 and the first survivor challenge is "safely unhook 12 different people" ugh.

    Kick a gen 50 times? Eh just kinda comes off as uncreative.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I hate the blinding challenges. Killers just put on Franklin's and/or Lightborn, possibly even a mori, the moment they see a survivor with a flashlight. Survivors in the match just become useless because they're trying (and many times failing) to blind the killer. As killer it's just annoying having survivors constantly trying to blind you. Atleast with cleansing totems and repairing gens those are basic things you do during a match without going out of your way and the killer can't 100% prevent with a perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Shall I link my summary threads from the last 2 levels? I was not locked in a challenge for days, maybe ask for help or talk in chat to explain your plans. I have like 1 or 2 challenges per level that take long, but currently I just had one single challenge that took me 11 attempts in total to get 20 gold emblems because I had the worst streak in DBD of my life. Got another 2 with 9 attempts, the rest 7 attempts at most and like 90% of the master challenges are done within 1 attempt. On average I am fine to finish all challenges within 2 hours / 6 games per day.

    Many challenges are easy to get, get done just by time and once in a while or are actually a "challenge". Not sure what you guys call a boring challenge. Is it just fun for you to finish 1 challenge per game? What exactly do you expect from a challenge? Please design a good one as example.

    If you try to get builds to get the challenges done quicker, it can be entertaining. Like kick 50 gens/pallets? Do Wraith with speed kick addons while cloaked. There are even builds to combine that with the auto uncloak after kicking. You are instantly in a chase after kicking the pallet with super speed. And you rampage through the pallets. Bring a Saloon offering and rush through the breakable doors. Scare crows? Bring swamp offering and rush to the main building.

    Got that done in 3 games. MYC, Furtive Chase, Nemesis on Wraith with cloaked movement speed addon. Was pretty fun to be honest, I never tried that build before.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Furtive chase and nemesis wanna have a word with you.

  • Member Posts: 890

    My first attempt at the 15 hatchets in one game left me at 9/15, not bad but I have to try again. Sucks since I can't really communicate with survivors and I climbed out of low ranks so I'm up against mostly high ranked survs with a few middles thrown in. Can't really message them since Steam takes its sweet time opening their profile and if I do it in game they either won't notice or care.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Agreed, this tome in particular has had alot of bland challenges which are gained over a large number of matches. Having said that, tome 2 did as well (almost all openers were get 5 emblems in certain categories iirc) so it's nothing new.

    Level 3 this time had loads of annoying killer challenges and level 4 is kinda the same. Not a fan of scaling up challenges between levels like the co-op action challenge, it gets boring. The 'in one trial' challenges tend to be my favourite, and in this regard I would say this tome has not been too bad. Compared to tome 1's dark sense challenge and basement challenge, which I got really lucky for, these ones have been quite good. I actually enjoyed the Huntress one and I appreciate the change from 'get a 4k with the featured killers', to using their perks and getting a 3k + utilise their power. My main issues this level 4 are the legion 5 frenzy hits (There wasn't even a challenge for 4, which would still be difficult but easier) and also the Dwight challenge. Especially since Dwight's animations are bugged atm, playing him while ducking and dodging nearby combined with escape was not great.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I'll admit, I think the high number just caught me off guard when I was writing this. It's certainly not the worst challenge. I just feel like I flip between having pretty good games and really terrible ones, especially as killer since I'm not super good at killer. So then I get caught in a losing streak when I'm trying to sacrifice 12 different survivors and I'm averaging around 1, maybe 2 per game.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I'm slogging through that one in survivor games right now. Again, most games average 1-2 saves tops due to other survs gunning for saves, or the killer just not hooking that many people. Feels like it takes forever to move on to something else.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Damn, don't have the dlc for either of those, and haven't seen them in the shrine.

  • Member Posts: 145

    I did that challenge first try XD, might just be me being a huntress main though.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Adding to original post: I think part of my issue is that I enjoy switching through the different challenges to change my playstyle from game to game. Helps keep you from falling into the same routine when you are prioritizing certain tasks. It just becomes a chore when you are stuck on a single challenge for a long time.

    It may not be as annoying also if there were more branching paths, thereby giving you more options to choose which challenge to go for, and switch off if one isn't working out. But the nature of most tome levels is 2 main paths where you have to fully complete the previous challenge before you can try a different one, if that makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I like the challenges that push me to use characters/perks I normally don't, but the one in Tomb 4 -- Escape while using Bond, Leader, and Prove Thyself -- is just "Get Adept Dwight". It's a dumb challenge.

    What I don't like are challenges that are really grindy or basically impossible. Finish 4 gens while using Dark Sense? That means I have to be there at the end of all but one generator. Unless nobody else is doing anything that's extremely unlikely.

    Hook the Obsession 15 times? That's gonna take forever, and it's not really a challenge because it's not like I normally forego chances to hook a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    My least favorite one so far has been the last Legion challenge, where you have to cause 5 deep wounds in succession. Unless all four survivors decide to dance around me, and they haven't in two days, it's not happening. Tips would be appreciated.

    Dwight the Brave took me about 5 games. It was just a lot of me crouching around and being useless as I followed the killer. However, Kate's where she had to be hooked twice and then escape took me much longer. It's like I either don't get hooked at all or die apparently.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Ugh, I HATED the "5 whatever emblems" ones. They are some of the most grindy, b/c as soon as you have a mediocre game you don't progress at all.

    I agree, I like more of the master trials which have to be done in one game, so you either pass or you fail (aside from a couple that just feel ridiculously hard). I don't have the legion dlc, so I've been ignoring those challenges since I can't do them.

  • Member Posts: 95

    I actually enjoy some of the harder ones it gives me something new to try or to do that I wouldn't usually do but that's just me like I don't have boil over or kate so. But if I did I would do the challenges for them and if I had the money I would buy it but that's just me its making me use a perk that I may or may not like and its only one perk taken so its not that bad and playing a new character is so so because you dont have all your perks but I feel this gives you incentive to play them but these are just my opinions

  • Member Posts: 158

    15 red emblems for 3 need 10 of those for 1 tier. There are 70 tiers.

    I really like the idea of the rift but i can't buy it anymore because of how bad the grind is! It sucks that they're being this greedy

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    *sad oink noises that there'll never be a Pig Rift Challenge*

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    I'm farming the challenges as killer, can't be arsed to do it the normal way. So many challenges are stupid.

  • Member Posts: 907

    i feel you right there. god i'd love to have challenges for the Pig

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I'm repeating myself but not everyone reads the whole thread: Got that 15 obsession hooks done in 3 games. MYC, Furtive Chase, Nemesis on Wraith with cloaked movement speed addon. Was pretty fun to be honest, I never tried that build before.

    Also, why is "get Dwight adept" a dumb challenge?

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    And half of the challenges are designed to be done in one game. What about those? You get half of the rift progress by playtime, half by challenge rewards. If all challenges are done within one game, you don't have enough playtime yet by just finishing challenges. So what's the problem in making challenges that take more attempts? You have 3 weeks to get them done, that is one challenge per day.

    Had that often enough on the forums, an average of 6 games per day, meaning roughly 2 hours per day, is sufficient to get to tier 70. You just need one tier per day

  • Member Posts: 295

    I entirely agree with you on this one. The last Legion mission is to get FIVE hits in one frenzy. FIVE. Even though I have played Legion so long, it is mighty rare to even hit 4 with how large the maps are currently, especially Midwich.

  • Member Posts: 158

    "You wouldn't have enough play time to complete the pass if all the challenges could be done in one game."

    I mean that's true but you also don't have enough anyway? And 1 tier takes 10 fragments, 1 fragment takes between 2 and 3 games....that's a lot more than 2 hours a day. The pass takes between 200 and 250 hours to complete, how are you ok with this?

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    The one that's got me pulling my non-existent hair out is Blood Pact, Unhook a Survivor who previously unhooked you in the trial 3 times. 8 games and I've only gotten two of the three and the second one I had to throw the game to get. Half of the killer ones I've had to farm because they're 100% dependant on the actions of the survivors instead of your skill or dedicated servers are messing them up *cough* grab challenges *cough* I've hit level 70 so I'm not as concerned with completing level 4 but the bonus BP and lore would be great to not have to grind and grind and grind to infinity for.

  • Member Posts: 974

    I didn't get that one legit, but I just stood there afk until all 4 of them started dancing around me then tagged 5 of them and treated it like a farm match. Got it first try no rules how to get it but still got it. Also the two add-ons that increase frenzy duration helps a lot.

  • Member Posts: 72

    3 games for the 50 pallets 1 game for the 15 hatches (yea I mean 1. Try) 5 games for the 20 survs. First try on the 3k challenges got 4ks tho. Tbh I don't see the problem

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Yeeeeeah I decided to throw on some bloody party streamers and corral some farmers, lol. That way they got something out of it and I did too.

  • Member Posts: 507

    They really need to let people have more than one active challenge. Like they say they want to make the game less grindy...except for the Rift I guess.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2020

    The challenges are getting tedious now. Hook/chase 20 different Survivors, unhook 12 different Survivors, etc aren't fun to do and seem like their main purpose is to just make the Rift grindier and buying tiers look more appealing. Challenges like that shouldn't have the different Survivors condition. The unhook different Survivors one could easily take hours because of Survivors competing for unhooks.

    Challenges like grab Survivors, escape on death hook as Kate, and hiding for 60 seconds within 10 meters of the Killer as Dwight are BS. The first relies on a broken mechanic. The second basically requires you to let the Killer hook you twice and then hope they don't tunnel you off hook or get too focused on you. The third turns you into a useless teammate for a minute.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    The Legion mission which requires you to hit 5 targets during Feral Frenzy is virtually impossible. I've even tried farming with survivors to get them to cooperate but there's always SOMEONE who flatout won't stop running away. How on earth is anyone supposed to do this? I seriously request a rework/fix on this mission.

  • Member Posts: 940

    I swear the challenges are only in the game to make people play killer more

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    Most of them, including the one you posted a picture of, can be earned just by playing the game. They are designed to get people to play games and if you find it too grindy to just play the game I dunno what to tell you.

  • Member Posts: 308

    The worst ones for me are things like "earn X emblems" or "kick a gen or destroy a pallet 50 times" etc. ye they don't require u to do anything for it cuz its just gameplay but grinding them is so boring and tedious, especially the "unhook X survivors" its just not fun same for the 4 hooks in end game collapse literally requires u to play in a scumbag way to get it

  • Member Posts: 99

    Yeah, 200 hours is a lot for any game, especially for only two months. And it's impossible for people who can't play every single day.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    You dont have enough anyway? It is designed for the average playtime of the community, which is 2 hours per day. And you can finish the challenges within that time, for level 1-3 I was even done faster.

    Not sure how you get to 200-250 hours, I can search for the thread where we calculated that through multiple times and it should be 140 hours. And within that 140 hours you should be able to finish all 4 levels. If you are done earlier, you simply need to play more until you hit the 2 hour average for the remaining days, if you can't finish the challenges you have maybe a bit of a problem to play more than average to compensate the missing fragment rewards.

    I can also link 2 threads I posted with summaries of level 2 and 3. I needed 64 games for level 2 and 72 games for level 3. You are supposed to have 84 games for level 2 or 126 games for level 3 to finish it. So yeah, Im ok with this.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Personally, the "hook x survivors during the endgame collapse" is just a middle finger to us. You either have to sweat to find the hatch if you kill everyone to get only 1 kill to the challenge, or you have to patiently wait until survivors complete 5 gens so you can use noed and blood warden and even then it's not entirely possible. Also, 15 hatchets in one game. #########.

  • Member Posts: 583

    You need the iri button and the green add-on for frenzy time. The button makes your tr the whole map so you can run right up to them.

  • Member Posts: 158

    200 comes from what i have heard others say, my personal experience with the first rift which i didn't time but involved going afk as doc before the rework all night the last night just to barley make it, and everyone's favorite fog whisper Paulie Esther.

    200 is absurd but what worries me is the fact that you think that 140, which is low balling it, is anywhere near ok either. I did one of fortnites battlepass and it took around 70 hours despite being longer. Of course you could also have multiple challenges selected at once and they didn't make you play 16 games (800xp per fragment X 10 / 500xp(average about of xp per game) just to get one tier....had a lot more content too.

    You play this game A LOT that's cool, do what you want with your time but i think you should still understand how ridiculous the grind they ask for is. It requires playing multiple hours every single day with completing challenges ranging from mind numbing (scare 50 crows) to frustrating (hit 15 hatchet)

    BUT with all this talk about the free event cosmetics lately i have a feeling that maybe you're ok with the ridiculous grind because it makes the cosmetics more rare? Just a reminder, they're all going into the shop anyway

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Since i wanted that final Charm (it's now my favorite), you can bet your ass i went for the lower Killer path first. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ

  • Member Posts: 628

    รŒ am trying to do 360 seconds of co-op actions and I am averaging 5-10 seconds per game because nobody doubles on gens. I have been on it the entire day about 8 hours. I'm just tired.

  • Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2020
    Post edited by SeannyD115 on
  • Member Posts: 421

    You're not alone there. I got 11 seconds in the first game. I'm currently doing this challenge and play match after match after match ... now finally at 220 seconds. Worst thing about it, I use Bond to find people to coop with, and I learn why every game is a 4k for the killer: my teammates are just aimlessly running around the map, crouching in corners, watching others getting chased ... no opportunity for coop. Can't wait to get Bond off again so I don't have to watch the misery.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    The alternative is having to grind 30+ tiers without a challenge you're doing in the meantime.

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