
Toolboxes don't work and they haven't since I've been playing, they don't decrease repair speed why don't you fix this and why don't you even know this issue exists in the first place, unbelievable.and why doesn't the perk prove thyself work either it does not decrease time to repair generator why not,fix issue , do your job dead by daylight creators
Umm last time i checked prove thyself and toolboxes have been working as intended
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the reason why the bar is still red:
100 * 0,85 (15% penalty) * 1,15 (15% bonus) = 97,75
It's working, but not the way like old prove thyself did (it was actually 99% but rounded up to 100)
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you say they work (toolbox and prove thyself) but they don't. have you ever saved your game on console and replayed the video you will see that your not decreasing the time it takes to repair gen neither for toolbox or the perk prove thyself. do me a favor and do that and then tell me if you think they still work, ive even watched other players game play and still doesn't do anything meaning it also shows that the toolbox and prove thyself don't decrease the time to repair I know I can't believe it myself until i saved the video and played it back and to my shock and awe I was right. check it out and let me know it takes 1 survivor 80 secs to repair 1 gen so 2 survivors it should be 40 secs but when you use prove thyself with 2 survivors it should be less than 40 secs at least and its not, it shows that the perk is activated when a survivor is working with you on gen but gives you no credit for having the perk, but keep one thing in mind when you check this out for yourself you have to start on gen at same time when working on gen so time it out so you and another survivor start at the same time when you start repairing gen. and for the toolboxes just do the same thing save video and see how long it takes you, you will be sadly disappointed unfortunately.
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No they don't save video and see for yourself
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please stop saying things that aren't true save video and see for yourself
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They do. But the charges are so small now they are basically useless.
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I had a match from tuesday saved where I had a toolbox with clean rag and it took me a 22 seconds to do 50 % of a generator solo. So toolboxes do work, at least on PS4.
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So you surely have enough video proof to show us that they dont work, right?
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Yep, I do have proof but I can't seem to load video's on this site so how long does it take you to do one gen 80 sec right but when I use a toolbox even when it says tremendously increases repair speed it takes me 80 sec I even noticed when I'm repairing with someone else with a toolbox whether I have it or the player does it still takes 41 or 42 sec plus or minus a sec or two, so that's half the load with two people that means 20 or so secs a piece it should be at least less tha 40 secs with toolbox with two people oh! and make sure you start working on gen at the same time so let me ask you how long does it take you to repair a gen wth toolbox by yourself
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There's a progress penalty for more than 2 survs on a gen. That isn't how it works. Learn action speeds buddy.
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That's not how gen speed works.
I play console, I've been using prove thyself a good bit lately and there is absolutely a difference. Same with toolboxes but I don't think they're worth it for gens anymore anyway tbh
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They nerf the time it take to do a gen if you are 2 player on it just dont forget about that when you do a gen with someone. If you want good stat you need to do the experiment 4 time and you never land great skill check after all that check if you see a difference
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Ok buddy, how do does it work then I see you didn't explain how it works it pretty clear on how they say it should work and do you even know that the item add on instructions doesn't work either where it says it eliminates skill checks while repairing with toolbox or does that mean something else too,buddy.
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Are you sure you're not pressing R1 instead of R2?
Even with a toolbox in your hand, if you press R1 it won't use it
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Heavily nerfed because apparently gen rushing is a thing even tho it's on the killer to provide a need to do anything else and don't want to take a perk to help find survivors. IMO anyway. Joined to kill and queues made me survivor more often.
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You may just be affected by perks like Thanataphobia and Dying Light, which decrease repair speed. The toolbox will then make you repair at your normal speed rather than faster.
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Omg how funny would it be if he was pressing the wrong button 😂
And with prove thyself i think it doesnt increase your speed it increases the speed of other survivors right?
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Wow, your right I feel like moron I thought if you had the toolbox in hand then it should decrease repair speed on gen when I first started playing this game for some reason I thought when it said toolbox repair (R2) I thought it meant repair the toolbox itself, well it does say repair and toolbox repair you could read that two different ways I thought it meant you could get more charges from you pressing R2. Hope my game improves slightly thanks man.
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If you're talking to me, it takes 47 seconds for two. It adds 7 seconds for each person. I didn't say anything about instructions.
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They increase repair speed idiot. Prove thyself works just fine dumbass.
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Sorry man,I was wrong, all this time playing this game I thought it meant repair the toolbox itself I know what was I thinking I still don't know how prove thyself works every time I use it, it doesn't decrease repair speed or am I misreading this too, thoughts anybody.
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The double debuff got worse so pt doesn't really do anything. But it does work.
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If it makes you feel any better the first 6 months playing this game I was kicking generators wrong. Id walk up to it and when he kicked the gen once id let go of the button. I never noticed the progress bar, just watched his foot. I used survellance one day and realized i wasnt getting the effect from it and even though i couldnt see it i always had a feeling pgtw wasnt actually working. One day i got irritated that it wasnt working so i kicked a gen 8 times in a row and saw the "damaged generator" bps pop up on the left. Eventually i noticed the stupid progress bar and felt like a serious jackass. It was a challange that got me looking closer because i wasnt getting progress on it. 🤦♂️
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Lol! Yeah I guess it makes me feel little better, some things on this game they don't explain very well, i guess they want you to try to figure things out yourself, live and learn take care man.
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WOW! face palm lol
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Don't worey about it, the game changes so much that it's hard to keep track of everything so i think everyone makes these mistakes now and again :-)
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Yeah! that's true, your right this game is always changing something
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Yeah! I was totally wrong on this one but you said something the perk prove thyself, I'm not sure on what you meant by it increases repair speed for the other survivor but isn't the net benefit the same meaning both survivors would repair the gen in less time no matter to whom it applies to ,right. Please explain on what you mean.
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Prove thyself works. 80 seconds for one person to do a gen. There is a speed penalty for each extra survivor on a generator so it isnt as simple as 2 survivors make it 40 seconds. I believe 2 survivors takes 47 seconds to do a gen together. Prove thyself increases by 15 percent I believe. So 2 people working on a gen with prove thyself effect will take them something like 40.5 seconds instead of 47.
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So if you and another person are on a gen that other person gets a 15% boost to their repair speed. There are people out there that can break tge numbers down for you but 15% isnt much of a difference. 45% would be but i dont think its as much as it initially sounds
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Yeah I hear what your saying but if you do the math 1 survivor on gen=80 secs and 2 survivor on gen without prove thyself should=40 sec now add the perk and it should be less than 40 secs in theory that is you feel me so what is the point using it if no benefit I'm confused on that one.
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Oh! and has anybody else notice there not giving all or none at all of the bps on the cake, piece of cake offerings with 100 and 104 percent. Always issues with this game
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I'm talking about the 4th anniversary celebration offerings